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July 9, 1960
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/Z. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 9 July 1960 Copy No. C CE 3 INTE LIGENCE BU LLETIN 1:100UMFIT NO. ---_�_----- 00 MARGE IN CLASS. LhGLASSIFIE0 CLASS. C;1010E0 TOt :rsitstsl_ UM' R,..VW OM; mini; 1L�2 9 JUN 1990 LATEs _ --REVIEWER; ApiWyjdloi7lielea-se7 2020103113C031851 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 �TrtOp--4CCRFT Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 9 JIILY 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Khrushchev probably attempting to ma- neuver Bonn into foregoing West Berlin Bundestag session this fall under threat of new crisis. Soviet support for East German efforts to assert control over Allied missions suggested by stiff reply to British pro- test. II. ASIA-AFRICA Yemen--Bloc personnel attempting to gain favor with Imam while undermining his regime; Imam's prestige lowered by internal difficulties. LAIE ITEM Disturbances in Republic of Congo. n r.r Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 9 July 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC \ � Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 7111V CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN '\1� USSR: Khrushchev's warning that the USSR might use 11 a meeting of the West German Bundestag in West Berlin this fall as a pretext for signing a separate peace treaty with East Germany was probably intended to force Bonn either to forego this meeting, which has been held annually in recent years, or assume responsibility for provoking a new and C \ dangerous Berlin crisis. Khrushchev's move probably is .. -�, also intended to serve notice to the West that his conditional t\ , ,) \'' commitment to maintain the status quo in Berlin until another ( summit meeting can be held in six to eight months does not N ../ imply any retreat from the USSR's objective of achieving a change in the city's status. A Although Chancellor Adenauer and other top leaders of his Christian Democratic party were in agreement in late June �� 1 \ \ k- that they were not inclined to risk Soviet retaliation, they may '\ k. \ view Khrushchev's warning as a formal challenge requiring a , reappraisal. (Page 1) C_East Germany: A stiff Soviet note handed on 4 July to the British commander in chief in West Germany, together with three new incidents on 4 and 5 July involving harassment of British mission personnel by East German police, suggests Moscow is supporting the Ulbricht regime's efforts to assert control over the Allied missions. In the note--a formal reply to a British protest concerning an earlier East German assault on mission members�the Soviet commander in chief accused the British of provoking incidents and stated that he could pre- vent further trouble only if the mission "strictly observes the laws and regulations of the German Democratic Republic." This contrasted with the apparently conciliatory tone of his earlier verbal answer. As a result of the continued harassment, the British commander in chief has temporarily suspended all travel by the mission. F)age 2) "Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136' Now IL ASIA-AFRICA (Yemen: Although the Imam has recently suppressed a tribal rebellion in Yemen, the internal situation remains disturbed. Fi- nancial difficulties and general unrest among the populace have lowered the Imam's prestige at a time when he is working espe- cially hard to ensure the succession of his son, Crown Prince Badr. Communist bloc personnel are endeavoring to expand their eco- nomic and cultural activities in order to gain favor with the Imam. At the same time, they are undermining the medieval regime by implanting new ideas� Pro-Western Yemeni officials are urging that a "swift and adequate" aid program by the United States be in- stituted to halt the expansion of Communist prestige. (Page 3) LATE ITEM *Congo: The total breakdown of authority in Leopoldville Prov- ince from 6 to 8 July could foreshadow the disintegration of the newly-independent Congo. The American consulate in Elisabethville has characterized separatist elements there as awaiting only the pro- pitious moment to secede from the Congo. The anti-European dis- orders of 8 July, led by mutineers from the Force Publique, contin- ued unchecked for most of the day, and at one time held the American embassy under siege. Two companies of infantry are being flown from Brussels to reinforce Belgian Army troops at bases in the Con- go. A degree of order appears to have been restored by the evening of 8 July, but further disorders are possible and the Lumumba gov- ernment amears fearful of a COW) d'etat. 9 July 60 DAILY BRIEF ii AZ\ lApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 \ Pr, Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 vow/ Khrushchev Warns West German Action May Create New Berlin Crisis Khrushchev used his final press conference in Vienna on 8 July to threaten unilateral action on a separate peace treaty with East Germany if Bonn holds its annual meeting of the Bundestag in West Berlin this fall. Using ambiguous terms as he did in earlier private talks with Austrian officials, the Soviet premier warned that "we will consider whether it would be possible to sign .a peace treaty with the German Democratic Republic at the same time as the Bundestag holds its sessions." Khrushchev's primary aim probably is to force Bonn either to back down from the established practice of meeting once a year in Berlin or to accept responsibility for pro- voking a new and dangerous Berlin crisis. Moscow may have been encouraged to tie its new threat to the Bundestag action by the belief that the three Western powers and Bonn would be divided on the issue as was the case in June 1959. I Presidium member Kozlov in effect took such a view when he told the West German ambassador recently that none of the Allies would lift a finger to support Bonn should West Germany fight for Berlin. 3Khrushchev may also be using the new threat to dispel Western speculation that he is seeking a way out of his commitment to change the status of Berlin, and to make it clear that his commitment to maintain the status quo is condi- tional on Western willingness to refrain from "provocative" actions. Although Chancellor Adenauer and other top leaders of his Christian Democratic party were in agreement in late June that they were not inclined to risk Soviet retaliation, they may view Khrushchev's warning as a challenge requir- ing a reappraisal. West Berlin Mayor Willy Brandt is ex- pected to view a cancellation of the Bundestag session as an unnecessary concession harmful to the city's morale 9 July 60 I...1-k ern A I 11... err�I I 1,1".�111. II II I r.rik. I Page 1 `-Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 �?okpproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 East German lice step Up Harassment oi Br 'sh Military Liaison Missiarl Recent developments suggest that Moscow is supporting East Geimany's intensified pressure on the Allied Military Liaison Missions (MLM) accredited to Colonel General Yakubovsky, com- mander in chief of the Group of Soviet Forces in Germany. On 4 July, the British commander in chief in West Germany was handed Yakubovsky's formal answer to the British note of 24 June which had strongly protested the assault by East German secret police on Brigadier Packard and other members of the British mission. In contrast with his apparently conciliatory remarks on receiving the British note, Yakubovsky in his note accused the British of carrying out "activities which, under the present cir- cumstances, could lead to undesirable consequences,� and under- took to guarantee safety of mission personnel only "so long as the members of the mission strictly observe the laws and regulations of the German Democratic Republic.'fl Meanwhile, East German police have intensified their harass- ment of the British mission, which they appear to have selected as a special target, using "traffic violations" as a pretext. On 4 July, the East Germans attempted to force MLM members into an East German police car. On 5 July, a mission car was stopped in Pots- dam on the allegation it had exceeded the speed limit. On the same day, East German police halted a British mission officer traveling on the Helmstedt-Berlin Autobahn and threatened him with armed violence. The East Germans also have harassed the US and French missions, but to a lesser degree. Fearing that the East Germans will stage even more serious incidents in an effort to pin spying charges on mission officers, the British commander in chief in West Germany has temporarily suspended travel by the mission. London, which thought Yakubovsky's letter was highly unsatisfactory, is considering whether to take the question up on a high diplomatic level, either in Moscow or London, or to continue action through military channels. Meanwhile, the chief of the French mission, who submitted a stiff letter of protest to Yakubovsky following an assault on a mis- sion car on 8 June, has received no answer, 9 July 60 CrAppro\./ed for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 1--The Yemeni Situation The Imam's ruthless Suppression of a recent tribal rebel- lion has not eliminated unrest in Yemen. Financial difficul- ties, a hungry and embittered population, and increasing dissident activities have lowered the Imam's prestige. Sub- versive activities by the Free Yemeni Movement, based in Cairo and Aden, add to the Imam's problems. Reports are circulating in Yemen that Egypt is disappointed with Crown Prince Badr, the Imam's chosen successor, and is ready to support a Yemeni republic. ;Although the Imam apparently has little reason at the moment to fear that his regime will be overthrown, Wes succession is open to question. The 32-year-old Back is considered weaker than his father, and has less influe ce on the key tribes that would determine the succession. Communist bloc representatives in Yemen are tempt- ing the Imam with offers for oil and mineral exploitation, road building, and irrigation and industrial projects. The Imam has hoped that projects of this type would help him to assure Badr's succession. Working through pro-Soviet officials, the bloc is campaigning to undermine the position of pro-Western officials and create resentment against the US for not readily complying with the Imam's wishes. At the same time, Chinese and Soviet technicians in Yemen are stirring up popular dissatisfaction by intimating that the Imam is retarding progress. " LPro-Western officials, including Prince Abd al-Rahman, the Imam's brother, are urging American support for Badr as a tactic to regain the Imam's favor. Badr, in conversation with the American charg�ast April, expressed his concern over Communist inroads, but said Yemen must at present accept bloc assistance because it "cannot afford to stand still any longer." z 9 July 60 CEVp�p�rci\ied'fOTRelease: 2020/03/13 C03185136 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 NNW Nee THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03185136 Approved foLRilsisiggiZiaL85136 �. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3 1851