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July 26, 1956
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c %45# Z. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE / BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 D TOP SECRET 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) �0:0%A �r/ ori r4rf of} fj "J. Off' off� er/ei ���-j .04/4 26 July 1956 Copy No. 1j)5 3,06-1� AUATTEth":i C.* D REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS, . Ii DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 CONTENTS 1. BONN DEFENSE CHIEFS DISTRESSED OVER ALLIED TROOP REDUCTION PLANS (page 3). 2. FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO MOSCOW SEEN DISILLUSIONED OVER SOVIET AIMS (page 4). 3, LEFTIST SENTIMENT MAY BE INCREASING AMONG SOUTH KOREAN STUDENTS (page 5). 4. VIET MINE OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER COMMENTS ON MORALE (page 6). 26 July 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 7) THE TAIWAN STRAIT (page 9) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP-SEC-RE-1* Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 OGLING Nue Nue 1. BONN DEFENSE CHIEFS DISTRESSED OVER ALLIED TROOP REDUCTION PLANS The distress exhibited by West Germany's Defense Minister Blank and General Speidel, chief of the armed forces,, over US and British plans to reduce troop strength in Europe would "be hard to exaggerate," according to Ambassador Conant in Bonn. On 23 July they emphasized to Secretary of the Army Brucker the impossibility of passing the supplementary conscription law specifying the length of service unless the NATO meeting in September clarifies Anglo-American intentions. They also declared that failure to resolve the conscription issue would prevent the return of the present coalition government in the 1957 elections. Foreign Ministry officials believe that Chancellor Adenauer has been put in an embarrassing posi- tion since he recently denied any knowledge that the United States was placing primary emphasis on nuclear weapons. The Bonn government does not consider that the weapons question is one for the military only, since in Europe it is fraught with political implications, especially for German unification. Comment The West German press has said that an Anglo-American reduction does not neces- sarily imply smaller German forces than are now planned, but asserts at the same time that Bonn's military policies should be adjusted to new world conditions. The developing impression that ground forces in Europe are no longer as im- portant as formerly will make it difficult for the government to have an 18-month conscription term approved in the fall. 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23_C03185126 COIN PIDEIN 1 rA 2. FRENCH AMBASSADOR TO MOSCOW SEEN DISILLUSIONED OVER SOVIET AIMS Ambassador Bohlen in Moscow be- lieves that his French colleague, Maurice Dejean, has been "success- fully disabused" of any illusions he Tmighf have held as to the "possibility of normal diplo- matic understandings" with the Soviet government. The Soviet vote in the UN Security Council to inscribe the Algerian issue, Pravda editorials urging Algerian inde- pendence, and the French Communist Party's open hos- tility toward the cabinet's Algerian policy have convinced Dejean that Moscow is actively working to undermine the French position in North Africa. Earlier this year Dejean, apparently reflecting Foreign Minister Pineau's policies, had made quite an effort to establish some form of personal relationship with Soviet officials. Comment The ambassador's reported new attitude will probably force the foreign minister to be less optimistic over the results which can be obtained through closer personal relationships with the Soviet lead- ers. Nevertheless, Pineau is unlikely to be deterred from his basic policy of pressing for closer contact with the bloc, particularly with the European Satellites. 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 seRE-T -* v 3. LEFTIST SENTIMENT MAY BE INCREASING AMONG SOUTH KOREAN STUDENTS Comment on: The appearance of leftist pamphlets in Kwangju, one of South Korea's principal cities, apparently reflects a postelection rise in leftist sentiment among South Korean students. Although most South Koreans re- strongly an 1-Communist, a leftist trend among students became apparent during the recent presidential campaign, and students were among the instigators of the riots on 5 May in front of President Rhee's residence in Seoul. The pamphlets called for the peaceful uni= fication of Korea, attacked "agitators" who cause "conflict among the same nationalities," and urged the army and police to "turn your sharp bayonets. . at the privileged class of people:' The fact that the leaflets were found near the high school and teachers' college in Kwangju suggests that the pamphlets originated with leftist students. It is possible, however, that they originated in North Korea, and are being used by the Communist regime to exploit South Korea's post- election unrest. The Kwangju area, a traditional center of opposition sentiment in South Korea, was the scene of blatant police intimidation during the campaign, and may now be par- ticularly receptive to attacks against the regime. 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 I %me 4. WET MINH OFFICIAL NEWSPAPER COMMENTS ON MORALE An editorial in the official Viet Minh Nhan Dan of 22 July suggests a decline in Viet Minh morale resulting from the failure to obtain unification elections this July, as originally scheduled by the 1954 Geneva con- ference. Some people, the editorial states, "have become pessimistic and disappointed" and there are a "number of compatriots who lack confidence in the future struggle for national unification:' These "compatriots" are accused of overestimating the strength of the "American-Diem gang" and of not understanding that "our. . . cause will certainly triumph:' Mildly censorious, the editorial confirms the existence of sentiment in Hanoi favoring unification by recourse to its overwhelming military superiority over South Vietnam. Reference to such militant sentiment has not been noted since the central committee conference in April. On both occasions, the mildness of the reproof suggests that militancy is not in serious disfavor and lends greater weight to the suspicion that Hanoi's emphasis on a peaceful settle- ment with South Vietnam has been largely dictated by Moscow and Peiping. Nhan Dan pointing out that the struggle in Vietnam is political in nature, warns its readers to "intensify our tasks of prop7nda and education among the people:' 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 TOP-SECRE-T THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 25 July) Tension on the Israeli-Jordanian border resulted in a serious outbreak of fighting west of Jerusalem on 25 July. Jordan accused Israel of sending a patrol into Jordan which fired on Jordan army forces, wounding eight Jordanians and a Swedish UN truce observer. An Israeli military spokes- man, however, charged Jordan with responsibility for the inci- dent, alleging that "very strong fire" was opened from Jordan against a group of, the second such incident in four days. Israel may in this instance have revived the practice of retaliation in response to armistice violations by its neighbors. (Press) 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 TOP SECRET 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 TOP SECRET vior BIWEEKLY SUMMARY (12-25 July 1956) THE TAIWAN STRAIT Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Taiwan Strait Problem 1. The only military activity of significance during the period was a series of air battles on 20 and 21 July between Nationalist F-86's and F-84's and Communist MIG's. At least one MIG was probably shot down, against no Nationalist losses. The 21 July engagement, which occurred 15 miles north of the Matsus, may have stemmed from an incident on 20 July when two Nationalist F-84's engaged two MIG's in the same general area. Although the 21 July air battle was the largest yet noted between the Nationalist and Communist air forces--20 Nationalist and 32 Communist jets were in the general combat area--there is no in- dication that these encounters resulted from other than normal Chinese Communist reaction to Nationalist 7ntishipping sorties along the coast. 2. since April, two ChineL L.ommunist� Air Division headquarters, the 11th and 15th, have moved into Fukien Province. If confirmed, aircraft of these two units can be expected in Fukien within a short time. Such a move would be in keeping with the gradual shift of the Chi- nese Communist air force from north to south that has been taking place since the armistice in Korea and, as such, is not viewed as an indication that hostiliti!s in the Taiwan area are imminent. 3. Chinese Communist propaganda relating to Taiwan dur- ing the period was confined largely to expressions of approval for Chou 7,s_2_8_June_ca,11 for the "peaceful liberation" of Taiwan. 26 July 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin POP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126 Page 9 Approved for Rereav-sc.2-076770/23 C03185126 TAIWAN STRAIT SITUATION 25 JULY 1956 CHINESE COMMUNIST AIRF ELD LEGEND: DESIGNATIONS PRIMARY AIRFIELD CONSIDERED MOST IMPORTANT IN AREA WITH PREPARED RUNWAY GENERALLY 5000 FEET OR LONGER. SECONDARY AIRFIELD AUXILIARY OR EMERGENCY BASES OR FIELDS OF LESSER IMPORTANCE. RUNWAYS GENERALLY LESS THAN 5000 FEET. ACTIVE BASE FOR MILITARY & CIVILIAN AIR� CRAFT. SOME BASES USED BY PISTON TYPES MAY BE USABLE BY JETS OPERATIONAL INACTIVE BASES CAPABLE OF USE BY AIRCRAFT SERVICEABLE CURRENT STATUS UNDETERMINED UNKNOWN USABILITY I ? MI MIG-15 MIG-17 TU-4 IL-28 TU-2, IL-10 LA-9111 11-2 ETC. U g 2 f! n 0 * FIELDS NOT CONSIDERED CAPABLE OF SUPPORTING SUSTAINED OPER- ATIONS AT PRESENT. (1) HON A N Ile WUHU tt" HUAININGo "s, 4 ...2" ,cH IUC ?��Afa � CHUHSIEN NANCHAN SHANGJAER 144 r�-� r LN. ANKOW ApA 28 CHANGSHA ingtan _ ( = WENCFIOW o ( ' . -%- _r \ ,t 'J elan 1 \ (-) r ( -, 64 ,000 HNGYANG i \ TROOPS CHIENOU A r ../ 4_ / N. anping 1 +WM. / '��-� .., 5,1000 F0OCI�414 , - mATsus 26 ,-) *Yungan l- -- 1 x '. NANTAI, �0 29,000 k r � cs. C � -)S KIANGSU )�\������ \.� icHimAsiNG- \ r � HANGCHOW A CWOUSI4 NI NG P Oro HINHUA LU C HIAO OTACH ,-, CHANGTING* LIE4HENG �. LUNGTIEN , i 3( \ 0 � WUCHIU TAOYU AN 24 KWANGTUNG \� e , ,� ,- ., CHENGHAI 0 \ \, 89,000 82,000 1 AMOY QUEMOY *A... /* ' HSINCHU MACtilANG HUIAN \ - LUNGCHI 411i'''IL�RilkAltOCCHHINI GYANG CANTON PENGHTir A *HAI'''. W SWATOW 9A OSHUIKOu AINIAN 13,000 r. 22 c 4 ...J1-1ong Kong (0.13.) 6 118 120 4.911114G NAUTICAL MILES OP 100 170 50 100 STATUTE MILES *NATIONALIST AIRFIELD Railroad Primary roads .4--t-Under construction or projected Secondary roads 2 22 122 ���^ ��1 SECRET mismIPT Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03185126