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Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 z TOP SECRET CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 25 May 1956 Copy No. 03 DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE �N CLAS'S. iI DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S f NEXT REVIEW DAT,=� ite IKEViEWES: AUTH' B OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY if z To-P-sz-,:cRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 APti Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 I yr JEL-FLi.:, 1104 CONTENTS 1., MARSHAL ZHUKOV CIT7 CHANGES IN SOVIET ARMED FORCES (page 3). 2. EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER PREDICTS "NEW PHASE" OF POLICY (page 4). 3. CHINESE COMMUNISTS SEEK DEFECTram NTATT7NALIST DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL IN CAIRO (page 5). 4. NUWAR BECOMES HEAD OF JORDAN'S ARAB LEGION (page 6)0 5. USSR REPORTED PROMISING ARAB STATES "VOLUNTEERS" IF ISRAEL ATTACKS (page 7). 6. JAPAN NEARING DECISION TO EXCHANGE TRADE MISSIONS WITH PEIPING (page 8)0 7. OPPOSING LAOTIAN LEADERS MAY POSTPONE MEETING TO MID-JUNE (page 9). 8. HONDURAN GOVERNMENT TAKING STEPS TO PREVENT VIOLENCE IN CAPITAL (page 10). 25 May 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 11) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 71719--S-E�RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 ask 7.-51111-Ia- 10 MARSHAL ZHUKOV CITES CHANGES IN SOVIET ARMED FORCES In a recent speecn to political cancers of the Soviet army, Marshal Zhukov said, that a basic transformation in the soviet armed torces had resulted from new scientific achiev- ments in the field of armaments and military equipment. He made the point that while the numerical strength of the Soviet forces has been reduced, qualitative strength has been raised. He said that relations among branches of the armed forces have changed substantially, and that the importance of aviation, tank and mechanized forces has in- creased significantly. The navy is being rearmed with rocket equipment and "in the near future" will be powered with atomic energy. Comment Zhukoves statement reflects the impact of modern scientific and technical de- velopments--especially the development of nuclear weapons-- on the organization of the Soviet armed forces. At the 20th Party Congress, Zhukov, while reaffirming the traditional Soviet concept of combined arms, stressed the importance of air power in future wars and said that the USSR was giving "special attention" to developing the Soviet air forces. For three years the ground forces have been undergoing a reorganization which has emphasized in- creased firepower and mobility. Khrushchev recently stated that the most suitable naval weapon was the guided-missile submarine and that this weapon would be emphasized in the future develop- ment of the Soviet navy. Zhukov's speech, however, is the first statement by a high-ranking official that the Soviet navy will utilize atomic propulsion. (Concurred in by OSI) 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 RAI', II Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 CV/ .4111 2. EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER PREDICTS "NEW PHASE" OF POLICY Egypt's Foreign Minister Fawzi told Ambassador Byroade on 23 May that the United States would see in the next few weeks evidence of a new phase of Egyptian foreigii policy which would please the United States. Fawzi said he would not be more specific, since it was premature to inform other governments about these plans. He made these statements in the context of remarks about Egypt's at- titude toward the Baghdad pact. Fawzi stated that the Aswan High Dam project remained of paramount importance and that Egypt wanted to accomplish it in exclusive co-operation with the International Bank, the United States and Britain. Comment Fawzi is usually more optimistic on the prospects for improving Egypt's rela- tions with the West than are more influential members of the Nasr regime. However, it is possible that Nasr is consider- ing what he conceives to be pro-American gestures to offset the bad effects he may feel were created by Egypt's recogni- tion of Communist China. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 IT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 SECRET 3. CHINESE COMMUNISTS SEEK DEFECTION OF NATIONALIST DIPLOMATIC PERSONNEL IN CAIRO Nationalist China's former ambassador to Egypt, Ho Feng-Shang, has informed an American embassy official that the Chinese Communists are making "very active" ef- forts/to induce him and members of his staff to defect and take the embassy files with them. He stated that the Communists were offering large sums of money and important positions in the new Chinese Communist embassy and that he himself had been offered the position of Peiping's ambassador to Egypt. Comment Peiping would count on publicity concern- ing the defection of embassy personnel in Cairo to depress morale on Taiwan and among Nationalist diplomatic personnel in other posts. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 %;Ect '12 VI' Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 111110 '40 4. NUWAR BECOMES HEAD OF JORDAN'S ARAB LEGION King Hussain% promotion of his young ultranationalist adviser, Lieutenant Colonel Nuwar, to major general and chief of staff of the Arab Legion indi- cates that Nuwar and his associates in the "Free Officers' Movement" are now in a position to assert their power and influence openly. Nuwar's promotion follows the installation of a new Jordani- n cabinet in which key appointments were reportedly in- fluenced by Nuwar's group of Legion officers. Significant mong the appointments is that of former major general Ajluni, reportedly the choice of Nuwar's group, as minister of defense and interior. Nuwar is expected to bring Jordan closer to Egypt in military and probably political matters 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 TOP SECRET A 5. USSR REPORTED PROMISING ARAB STATES "VOLUNTEERS" IF ISRAEL ATTACKS Lebanese president Chamoun told Am- bassador Heath in Beirut on 23 May that he was "authentically informed" that Soviet ambassador Kisilev had promised remier Nasr ttiat the USSR would support the Arab states with unlimited armaments and "Moslem Soviet volunteer specialists" in the event of an Israeli attack on any Arab state. Kisilev reportedly stated during a discussion with Nasr regarding the Anglo-Soviet talks in London that the Soviet volunteers would service and employ the modern arm- aments which the USSR would send. Kisilev also indicated that the USSR would approve of all Moslem countries making a common "holy war" against Israel if Israel attacked. Comment The reported Kiselev conversation with Nasr took place at a time when Egypt was concerned over the Soviet statement of impartiality in the Middle East situation. Rumors that Soviet "Moslem" volunteers would participate in an Arab-Israeli war have been wide- spread. The Lebanese have a definite interest in relaying or exaggerating such reports in the hope that the West will prevent Israel from precipitating war. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 - 1 V AI Irar, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 6. JAPAN NEARING DECISION TO EXCHANGE TRADE MISSIONS WITH PEIPLNG � The Japanese government is moving rapidly toward the exchange of unoffi- cial trade representatives with Commu- nist China. A high Japanese official contirmea to me American embassy on 23 May that Foreign Minister Shigemitsu and Minister of International Trade and Industry Ishibashi had agreed in principle to the exchange. No cabinet decision has yet been reached, but the restraining influence of the Foreign Ministry has been weakened by Shigemitsu's recent change in attitude on rela- tions with the Communist bloc, and early government approval is likely. According to the Foreign Ministry, Shigemitsu's new approach is influenced by his fear of isolation within the gov- ernment party and his desire to be identified with a more pop- ular foreign policy for the forthcoming upper house elections. The Chinese Communists have been insist- ing on official status for their mission, but in the face of con- tinued Japanese resistance may decide to abandon this demand for the time being. In any event Peiping would probably count on the activities of its mission to bring additional pressure on Tokyo for restoration of Sino-Japanese diplomatic relations and the abolition of strategic trade controls. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 4, FOP 9QRFJT TA 7. OPPOSING LAOTIAN LEADERS MAY POSTPONE MEETING TO MID-J'UNE Comment the Indians were actively participating in secret arrange- ments to bring about a meeting between Souvanna Phouma and Souphannouvong on 22 May. Souvanna Phouma is anxious to settle the Pathet Lao prob- lem through private negotiations with Souphannouvong and his other half-brother, Prince Petsarath, a Pathet sym- pathizer now exiled in Thailand. The Laotian premier is believed inclined to accept Communist proposals which would include return of the two northern provinces to government control in exchange for adoption of a neutral policy by the Laotian government. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TnP F.Cf2FT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 k4S ,_E-771; NI/g :410 8. HONDURAN GOVERNMENT TAKING STEPS TO PREVENT VIOLENCE IN CAPITAL The Honduran government expects vio- lence during the convention, beginning on 25 May, of the Communist-influenced faction of the Liberal Party� led by Ramon illeda Morales. Police have been ordered to set up road- blocks outside the capital and permit only bona fide delegates to pass. They will also patrol the capital and disband any un- authorized gatherings. They have been issued tear gas gre- nades. About 500 Villedistas are expected. Chief of State Lozano has announced that elections for a constituent assembly will be held in October. The assembly is expected to elect a president and re-establish constitutional government. Lozano wants to head the new ad- ministration, but is being strongly challenged by the Villedis- tas. The Communists, who apparently support Villeda, are reportedly planning a general strike in the im- portant north coast area during the election. While � the Communists are probably capable of instigating localized strikes, they probably could not promote a general walkout. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 k Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117 .NI4 ET THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 24 May) beeretary uenercu i tretzi (J1 LIM yrIcui Foreign Ministry has informed Ambassador Moose of the Arab position on UN secretary general Hammarskjold's report formu- lated at the recent four-power Arab meeting in Damascus. If the Security Council merely notes Hammarskjold's report and thanks Hammarskjold, no Arab action is contemplated L If, how- ever, the Security Council approves or adopts the report, the Arabs will have to "clarify their position" since Hammarskjold's report is "liable to misinterpretation!' If the Security Council suggests further moves, such as a new Hammarskjold mission with expanded terms of reference, the Arabs will oppose them on the grounds that Hammarskjold has done all that can be ac- complished now. 25 May 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 11)P . .CRF.T Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185117