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Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 pi"' e4j; CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET 10 March 1956 Copy No. 103 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS a DECLASSIFIED CLASS, CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 1010 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) �T-19P�SEeftET" f Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 / Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 4111.! Alak Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 20191/10/21 CO3185110 CONTENTS 1. AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL IN TUNIS ATTACKED BY MOB (page 3). 2. BRITAIN DEPORTS ARCHBISHOP MAKAR1OS (page 4). 3. ISRAEL EXPECTS EGYPTIAN ATTACK BY AUGUST (page 5). 4. SOVIET LEADERS DISCUSS INTERNAL QUESTIONS (page 6). 5. YEMEN TO ASK WHETHER USSR WILL EXPLORE FOR OIL IN KAMARANS page 8). 6. TUNISIANS OPPOSE DELAY OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH FRANCE (page 9). 70 BRITISH SEE FULL-SCALE ATTACK AGAINST OFFSHORE ISLANDS AS "HIGHLY IMPROBABLE" (page 10). 8. INDIA ACCEPTS.SOVIET STEEL MILL (page 11). 9. LEBANON MAY BE NEXT TARGET OF EGYPTIAN AN/3 SAUDI ARABIAN SUBVERSION (page 12). 10 Mar 56 * * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 13) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 WIN1 AA-el-4A ILA 1 Aka 1. AMERICAN CONSULATE GENERAL IN TUNIS ATTACKED BY MOB The reported attack on the American consulate general and information center in Tunis by French mobs on 9 March is evidence of the strong anti-American sentiment dominating French settler thinking. It reflects a general French sentiment against American information activity, which has been favorably received by the Arab population. This attack is the second on an American installation within the past nine months. The information center was bombed on 28 June, at which time an unexploded bomb was found at the residence of an American vice consul. The French high commissioner in Tunis, who was also attacked by the mob, recently in- formed the American embassy in Paris that the French population in Tunisia had not yet accepted the fact of full Tunisian independence. The French settlers believe that the United States has encouraged the nationalists in their demands for full independence and intends to usurp France's position and drive them out of Tunisia. They have been en- couraged in this belief by recent statements made by French foreign minister Pineau and Prime Minister Mollet, who have claimed that France's policies are not fully sup- ported by its allies. In view of the distrust of American motives prevailing in France and French North Africa, similar attacks on American installations in Algeria and Morocco are possible. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 k.7124l..4ALL'i 2. BRITAIN DEPORTS ARCHBISHOP MAKARIOS Britain's deportation of Cypriot archbishop Makarios, in line with its new tough policy, invites a new wave of terrorism in Cyprus and makes impossible any further nego- tiations for a settlement. The an- nouncement of Britain's move inter- rupted Greek preparations for Makarios' arrival for talks with Greek government of- ficials and was followed by large-scale demonstrations against the British in Athens and Salonik4. The Greek foteign /master feared Greek reaction to an "all-out British clean-up" on Cyprus. his government would not allow itself to be divorced from Greek public opinion and would therefore take a firm position on all issues involving Cyprus. Athens, under a new government which is trying to develop popular support, may seek to identify itself with public opinion by some dramatic counter-move such as a rupture of rela- tions with Britain. The Greeks will give new encouragement and support to violent resistance to the British on Cyprus, and may also permit popular demonstrations against Britain, Turkey and the United States. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 I 7AIDU D. Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 M_AL/EL 0 3. ISRAEL EXPECTS EGYPTIAN ATTACK BY AUGUST Comment The estimate is consistent with state- ments made by Israeli officials in recent months that Egypt would be ready for general hos- tilities sometime between June and August. Israeli of- ficials have also said that Egypt might launch an air at- tack at any time before then. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 -0_71":,J't 714 Lirr Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 4. SOVIET LEADERS DISCUSS INTERNAL QUESTIONS At a reception on 6 March, the top Soviet leaders emphasized to Ambas- sador Bohlen that under present con- ditions in the Soviet Union collective eactership is the only form of rule possible. Khrushchev claimed that it was "absolute nonsense" that he was on the way to becoming another "great leader," and Mikoyan later made a statement along this same line. Khrushchev admitted that certain ad- justments in economic policy had been necessary, partly because the Soviet leadership came to realize that dis- armament was not an immediate prospect. Both Khrushchev and Malenkov vigorously denied, however, that there had been any "quarrel" between them on economic policy, and Malenkciv reiterated that lack of experience was the reason for his resignation as chairman of the Council of Ministers. Bohlen comments that although candor marked these dis- cussions, he felt the statements on Malenkov were not en- tirely frank. Mikoyan described Stalin's later days as "difficult times" and said that Stalin frequently made de- cisions on his own without consultation "with any of us." He said that by this procedure Stalin had abolished the princi- ple of voting in party organs and in effect had destroyed their usefulness. Khrushchev stated that decisions in the 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 �SECRET party presidium are now usually reached without vote, but in the event of disagreement which cannot be ironed out in discussion, a vote is "obligatory." Mikoyan intimated that the process of rewriting Soviet history might be quite far-reaching and said that in all probability Lenin's testament--his last statement on the succession problem--would be made public. Comment These remarks provide the best evidence to date on how collective leadership ac- tually operates within the top echelons of the Soviet hierarchy. Trotsky claimed that Lenin's testament called for Stalin's removal as general secretary of the party. Publication of the testament could be used as a device to dis- credit Stalin completely. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 CUPTIVT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 A IV 5. YEMEN TO ASK WHETHER USSR WILL EXPLORE FOR OIL IN KAMARANS the king of Yemen ex- pressed an interest in asking the Soviet ambassador _ Whether it would be possible for the USSR to explore for oil in the Kamaran Islands. 10 MARCH 1966 60309 10 Mar 56 Comment Both Yemen and Britain claim jurisdiction over the Kama- rans. An offer of exploration rights to the USSR would likely be an attempt to gain Soviet sup- port for Yemen's claims through a government-to-government arrangement. It is likely that Moscow would consider such a request favorably in view of its recent efforts to in- crease Soviet influence in Yemen and its offer last November to help Yemen "in everything." The USSR recently renewed its 1928 treaty of friendship with Yemen. In February, - a Soviet economic team went to Yemen to negotiate a trade agreement which was signed on 8 March in Cairo. (Prepared by ORR) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SFCRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 alb LIU. 1 0 6. TUNISIANS OPPOSE DELAY OF NEGOTIATIONS WITH FRANCE The French government has requested a recess of the current negotiations with Tunisia during the National Assem- bly debate on Algeria, according to Tunisian deputy premier Bahi Ladgham. He told the Amer- ican embassy in Paris that France was trying to tie Tunisia's hands in defense matters, although he admitted that the two governments were virtually agreed on the conduct of Tuni- sian foreign affairs. Ladgham fears that more than a week's suspension would lead to an upsurge of Tunisian nationalism, with many extremists joining the Algerian rebels. He said that if an agreement were not reached before the Tunisian elections are held on 25 March, the assembly then elected would unilaterally declare the country's independence and would abrogate the existing treaties with France. Comment Although an agreement in principle was reached prior to the commencement of these negotiations on 29 February, the deliberations ap- parently have not gone smoothly. The French high com- missioner in Tunis, who was in Paris at the time, informed the American embassy on 7 March that Minister of State Savary disapproved an American plan to send food and cloth- ing into Tunisia because France's position would be greatly weakened if the Tunisians gained the impression that they could get material or financial support elsewhere. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 A-11LIT1-41. ILL I. 7. BRITISH SEE FULL-SCALE ATTACK AGAINST OFFSHORE ISLANDS AS "HIGHLY IMPROBABLE" As long as the Atherican 7th mains in the Taiwan area, it is "highly improbable" that the Chinese Commu- nists will launch a full-scale attack or institute a blockade against the offshore islands the main deterrent to military action is the unpredictability of American reaction, which could lead to an extension of the area of hostilities--a result which the Chinese Communists would wish to avoid at this time. the Chinese Communists are convinced that "time is on their side." They expect Chinese Nationalist morale to deteriorate, and consid- er it pointless to fight for areas which they hope to acquire in due course through subversion and propaganda. Comment The prevailing British thinking for some months has emphasized that aggression is not now in the Communist interest, and that the principal threat arises from increasing Chinese Communist economic penetration of neighboring areas. Over the past year, Communist attempts to capture Nationalist-held offshore islands have apparently been deferred pending the outcome of Peiping's efforts to reach a diplomatic settlement on the area. Although there are no signs of an imminent attack against the islands, the Commu- nists might at any time step up their harassing activity to sup- port their diplomatic pressure against the United States in the Sino-American negotiations at Geneva. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Crf'D Evr Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 8. INDIA ACCEPTS SOVIET STEEL MILL The announcement on 8 March that India has accepted the offer of a Soviet steel mill indicates that New Delhi is satisfied with Soviet terms and equipment but that it has ac- cepted only the original offer of a mill capable of pro- ducing 1,000,000 tons of steel ingots annually. It ap- parently has not yet accepted a recent Soviet offer to increase the capacity of the mill by 300,000 ingot tons,, though at least one news release suggests it may do so later. Completion of negotiations and com- mencement of construction may lead to some loss of public interest in the Soviet mill, which heretofore has had a strong propaganda impact. The USSR may there- fore search for another project of equal publicity value, whose offer to India would keep public attention focused on the USSR. Soviet interest in India's basic heavy indus- tries suggests that any dramatic new Soviet offer might � deal with petroleum or mineral development. (Concurred in by ORR) 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2619/10/21 603185110 TT!ITTW11 imw 1 V Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 9. LEBANON MAY BE NEXT TARGET OF EGYPTIAN AND SAUDI ARABIAN SUBVERSION the Saudi Arabians and Egyptians are "carrying �lit a campaign in Lebanon aimed at taking over the country through a puppet government. Lebanon was steadily losing ground in its effort to oppose these moves. informed groups in Lebanon are rapidly coming to believe their country is the next target of the Egyptians and Saudi Arabians, there is an increasing inclination even among staunchly pro-West Christians to think in terms of compromise or partial accommodation. This might prove to be the first step toward eventual capitulation. Comment The Saudis have been exerting economic pressure and subverting the Lebanese press, while Egypt's ally Syria has sought to draw Lebanon into a bilateral military pact. Lebanon, half-Christian, half-Moslem, has traditionally tried to steer a neutral course in Arab state politics and will probably try to continue to do so. Lebanese alarm, particularly among the Christians who fear being "swallowed up" by the Arabs, has been increased sharply by the growing influence of Egypt in Arab affairs, and particularly by recent events in Jordan. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110 atAAliET THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 9 March) The American embassy in Tel Aviv believes that Prime Minister Ben-Gurion's remarks in the Israeli par- liament on 6 March, when he affirmed his government's inten- tion to avoid a "preventive war," indicates Israeli leaders are now concerned with restoring the public morale depressed by earlier alarmist statements about growing Arab strength. The embassy also believes Ben-Gurion's renewed rejection of pre- ventive war, in the face of strong opposition criticism and against the background of current border troubles, gives some ground for believing that Israel may avoid "adventurous reac- tions" for the time being. An Israeli newspaper reported on 29 Febru- ary that the first volunteer members of an international Jewish force are expected to arrive in Israel in March. An appeal was made early last November to Jewish communities abroad to send 100,000 immigrant youth to help dej.e0 Isry,elgorders. (Press) Two factions have devtloped within the / Jordan Arab Legion, according to the American military attach� in Amman. On the night of 6-7 March one faction attempted to kidnap a leader of the other group. The basic cause of the fac- tionalism is the question of officer assignments to replace de- parting British personnel. The attach�omments that King Hussain is probably caught in the middle of this struggle, and that a coup by one of the factions is possible if a compromise is not worked out. These developments, he believes, bode ill for the future of the jegion as a military force. 10 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 7-1 4"1 7-1 Irl/P1 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185110