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re, TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 I. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO 14( iNO CHANGE IN CLASS art 1:1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S !NEXT REVIEW DATE. AVTH: HR 70-2 !DATE: I 75.1% gb REVIEWER: 8 March 1956 2.00 C;Opy NO. 103 .011. OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY -TO-P-S-ECR-E-P Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 As Aot Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 _ _ wed CONTENTS 1. JORDAN SIT7ION DISPLAYS SIGNS OF CONTINUED INSTABILITY (page 3). 2. COMMUNISTS MAY BACK MOLLET GOVERNMENT ON ALGERIA (page 4). 3. AMBASSADOR BOHLEN'S OBSERVATIONS ON SOVIET PARTY CONGRESS (page 5). 4. SEATO AND BAGHDAD PACT MEMBERS MAY INCREASE STRESS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (page 7). 5. WEST GERMAN FREE DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER TENDING TOWARD NEUTRALIST SOLUTION OF UNIFI- CATION (page 8). 6. IMPENDING AMERICAN NUCLEAR TESTS AROUSING FUROR IN JAPAN 7. 8. WET MINH WEAKNESS IN CENTRAL VIETNAM DESCRIBED (page 12). 9. USSR REPORTEDLY HAS OFFERED "FREE GIFT" OF AID TO LIBYA (page 13). 8 Mar 56 �THE ARAB-ISRAEL SITUATION (page 14) * * * * THE TAIWAN STRAIT (page 16) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 ink / LFz LI,1%1_. tflik 1. JORDAN SITUATION DISPLAYS SIGNS OF CONTINUED INSTABILITY King Hussain's dismissal of General Glubb has intensified the instability in Jordan. Jordanian prime minister Rifai virtually admitted to US ambassa- dor Mallory his government's fear of prompt British counteraction, such as withdrawal of all British officers in the Arab Legion and termination of the Brit- ish subsidy. Both of these moves are under discussion in London, The impres- sion left by the Foreign Office on Ambas- sador Aldrich is that Britain considers its position in Jordan irretrievably lost. Reports from Amman and elsewhere strongly suggest that King Hussain is under the domination of a group of young Jordanian officers of the Arab Legion called the Free Officers Movement, which seems to be sim- ilar to the Revolutionary Command in Egypt. The British believe disintegration of the Arab Legion is likely, and the young officer group might then resort to drastic moves, in- cluding even removal of the king, to retain its position. Further unrest and political agitation are likely to develop in Palestinian West Jordan where Communist elements are active. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 rrt-In etrevnrwrri Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 --wvirti-JuLaviseuw 2. COMMUNISTS MAY BACK MOLLET GOVERNMENT ON ALGERIA The French Communist Party (PC F) is seriously considering supporting Premier Mollet in the National Assem- bly vote on special powers for Algeria, according to a member of President Coty's staff. The act- ing secretary general of the Socialist Party believes that the Communists may at least abstain. � He comments that the current PCF line stressing "ties between France and Algeria" is an amazing change probably linked with the re- cent return of Communist leaders from Moscow. The US embassy. believes Mollet's chances are very favorable for winning the vote, which is expected by 13 March. Comment Communist support of Mollet for a strong policy in Algeria would indi- cate the party's determination to use every device to achieve a popular front. In an effort to get widespread support on this issue, Mollet has been consulting with party lead- ers from the Communists to the Poujadists. None of the major nongovernment parties has committed itself. How- ever, it is believed that the right-center would be unwilling to bring down the government now, particularly since the government's Algerian policy is much more to its liking than seemed possible when Mollet assumed office. In the event of Communist support,� the right-center can also be expected to back the government in an effort to avoid the appearance of a popular front. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 oEA.,riE, Pik 416. 3. AMBASSADOR BOHLEN'S OBSERVATIONS ON SOVIET PARTY CONGRESS Ambassador Bohlen stresses that the Soviet 20th Party Congress did not in- augurate a new phase in Soviet develop- ment but merely confirmed and "legal- ize e main lines of policies which have been developing since Stalin's death. The ambassador believes that the ideolog- ical readjustments set forth by the congress were necessary because Stalinist ideology based on "the cult of personality" could not serve as a foundation for the more flexible and real- istic policies which collective leadership has permitted, Ideo- logical adjustments were also necessary in order to take cog- nizance of the changed relationships between the Soviet Union and other members of the Communist bloc, as well as to bol- ster up new relationships with Yugoslavia. These adjustments may also reflect diminished Soviet need for Communist par- ties in non-Soviet countries, a logical corollary of increased Soviet confidence in the strength and international position of the USSR. The new ideological developments also confirm the view that ideology is the servant of the Soviet state and not, except in broadest outline, its master. Bohlen notes that by laying down formida- ble political and psychological barriers to the resumption of one-man rule, the congress has made it more difficult for Khrushchev or any other leader to become a second Stalin. He adds that collective leadership implies the continuing possi- bility of discord among its members, which might lead to its breakdown. He believes, however, that such a develop- ment would be unlikely except during an emergency or crisis, signs of which are not visible, or from an unbridgeable dif- ference of opinion on current policy. Agriculture remains 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin r"../-11-1 'TT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Page 5 Approved for Release:_2019/10/21 C03185109 the most likely source of dispute, particularly in the event of failure this year of IChrushchev's new-lands and corn projects. Bohlen concludes that the changes since Stalin's death have not resulted in any improvement of the Soviet moral position. The cynicism of the regime is well � illustrated by the spectacle of the leaders at the congress, every one a creature of Stalin and involved up to the hilt in all his actions, now turning on him without a, single dissent- ing voice. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 I WI r-71-4%...11.1-1 4. SEATO AND BAGHDAD PACT MEMBERS MAY INCREASE STRESS ON ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Comment on: Between the present SEATO meetings n Karachi and the Baghdad pact session n Tehran on 16 April, most Asian and European members of the SEATO and Baghdad pact organizations may press increasingly for greater emphasis on economic aspects of the pacts and less on military ones. Proposals made by British, French, New Zealand, Philippine, and Thai dele- gates in connection with the SEATO meet- ing clearly indicate their preoccupation with economic matters. the Pakistani ambassa- dors to Near Eastern nations, who met in Karachi in mid -February, agreed to "put aside" for the mo- ment the military and political aspects of the Baghdad pact in order to concentrate on its economic aspects. the Iranian ambassador in Karachi has said his government feels the need to stress economic as- pects of the pact in order to strengthen Iran's stand against the USSR's efforts to woo Tehran away from it. The secretary general of the Turkish For- eign Ministry also fears that Soviet propaganda criticizing the Baghdad pact may become more effective if the United States does not join it and if Western economic aid to member nations is not channeled through the pact organization. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Tnr) erfr,nr�r1 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 *ga, " VIO 5, WEST GERMAN FREE DEMOCRATIC PARTY LEADER TENDING TOWARD NEUTRALIST SOLUTION OF UNIFI- CATION Comment on: Now that it is in opposition, the Free Democratic Party (FDP) is flirting with a policy of neutrality for West Germany, which it probably regards as the only line that can gain it new support in the 1957 election. Though party chairman Dehler has said that he considers West Germany's alliance with the West "solid and indissoluble," he has admitted that he differs with Chancellor Adenauer on the unification issue, and he has called for a determined effort to learn the Soviet price for unification. Probably as a feeler in this direction, FDP floor leader Erich Mende recently issued a unifica- tion plan which Adenauer's party considers neutralist. It calls initially for West Germany's resignation from NATO and thewithdrawal of foreign troops from the area between the Rhine and the Oder-Neisse as preliminaries to free elec- tions and a political settlement. A leading Social Democrat has endorsed MendeY8 plan "in principle." The 4 March Baden-Wuerttemberg state election, from which the FDP emerged with only small losses, is likely to encourage the party to be sharply crit- ical of Adenauer's policies. A combination of the FDP and the Social Democratic and Refugee parties could now squeeze Adenauer's party out of the state government, with a corre- sponding change in the state's delegation to the national Bundesrato 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 CONIIIVNTIA I. Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 3CA-1CL 6. IMPENDING AMERICAN NUCLEAR TESTS AROUSING FUROR IN JAPAN The announcement on 2 March of the danger zone for the forthcoming Amer- ican nuclear tests in the Pacific has provoked sharp press and popular crit- icism in Japan, Ambassador Allison reports. Allison notes that the Japanese govern- ment recognizes that the tests cannot be suspended, and MARIANAS IS. MILES � 7 MARCH 1956 s/1/ � � % � � � � � � � � � 5O,,0 � � 'WAKE IS. NORMAL,. MARSHAL IS ..11 A P A 1.�e�E SE 4. FISHIN-G AREA GlpERT �������� 60307 that safety measures are adequate. Tokyo's principal aim is to secure compensation for the fish usually caught in the 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 (71r1.06-1rik io Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release:.2019/10/21 C03185109 danger zone, for the cost of detouring around the zone, and for the expenses incurred in checking the radioac- tivity of the fish subsequently caught in the affected area. Comment A recent Japanese public opinion sur- vey stated that 60 percent of the people interviewed believed atomic energy is more of a curse than a boon and would favor a ban on nuclear armaments, even had superiority in conventional weapons. rt"le�USS(Concurred in by OSI) 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 SECRPT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 AllA V./.IL L.,,t�..,1%.1_4 1 7� 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 1111D C 11 'T. Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 1.02.."-olVLA ,V14 8. WET MINH WEAKNESS IN CENTRAL VIETNAM DESCRIBED Viet Minh influence in Central Vietnam (Annam) has declined greatly in recent months, in the informed opinion of gov- ernment officials and French and Chinese residents there. President Diem's strongly nationalist stand has deprived the Viet Minh of its basic point of appeal--oppo- sition to the French--and his anti-Viet Minh propaganda pro- gram has given aidditional momentum to the significant pro- Diem swing. The Viet Minh elements in Central Viet- nam have no aggressive potential except for isolated acts of terrorism, only a full-scale invasion could re-establish Viet Minh strength and influence there. Comment The regrouping of military forces in ac- cordance with the Geneva truce gave most of Central Vietnam its first freedom from Viet Minh rule in eight years. Although the Wet Minh left behind a well-developed apparatus, basic popular hostility to the Viet Minh has oper- ated strongly in Diem's favor. Diem's appeal in Central Viet- nam is also enhanced by his family's close ties there. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 ovnnym Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 LJI-A...1%.L4 I 9. USSR REPORTEDLY HAS OFFERED "FREE GIFT" OF AID TO LIBYA Libyan prime minister Ben Halim told Ambassador Lodge during his visit to Tripoli in late February that the Soviet Union had offered Libya a "free gift" of economic aid as a token of soviet good will. The offer reportedly in- cludes a large quantity of wheat as well as bitumen and cement for road building, heavy agricultural machinery from Czechoslovakia, equipment for hospitals and schools, and medical supplies. Ben Halim stated that the offer was made with "no strings attached" except for a request that a TASS correspondent be admitted to Libya. Comment This is the most specific information yet received on a Soviet gift offer to Libya. Ben Halim has previously used Soviet offers to exert pressure for additional American assistance. The size of the offer, if correctly reported, underlines Soviet determination to outbid the West for Libyan favor. (Concurred in by ORR) 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 _ !Alie THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 7 March) An Israeli military spokesman reported an exchange of shooting between Egyptian and Israeli forces In the Gaza area. Israel claims an Egyptian military position in the Gaza strip opened fire on an Israeli outpost. Egypt has protested to the Mixed Armistice Commission over five flights made by Israeli planes on 6 March over the northern part of the Gaza strip. (Press) The American military attache in Tel Aviv reports that the 11th Armored Infantry Brigade is currently at full strength, "beautifully equipped," in first-class condition, and on stand-by at Camp Sarafand at Tel Aviv. The brigade could "roll" on a moment's notice The Israeli press is pointing up the in- creased danger of war as a result of General Glubbis dismissal from the Arab Legion. The semiofficial newspaper writes that the "threat to Israel, with Glubb's departure, has increased ominously." Israel is planning to make its most extensive civil defense test early next week in Haifa. Civilians as well as mili- tary units will participate in the test. (Press) The American military attach�n Jordan anticipates an increase in border incidents along the Israeli- Jordanian border as a result of Glubb's dismissal. He believes that lack of restraint and mature judgment under Jordanian lead- ership along the border could precipitate war. The attach�ased his belief on a report that Arab Legion troops under a Jordanian commander had fired on Israeli boats as they withdrew from Syrian fire. The American military attache in Damascus reports that the chief German adviser to the Syrian army fears 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 CPYWFT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 ow. .../.1.44-1 xi., 1 41_. the danger of hostilities because of the absence of the Syrian chief of staff in Cairo and the chance that it gives "young offi- cers" to make a "mistake." The Soviet freighter General Chernakowsky, which had declared Albania as its destination when it passed Istanbul coming out of the Black Sea on 29 February, arrived at Alexandria on 3 March. Its deck cargo, covered by tarpau- lins, reportedly included 16 "light tanks" (probably T-34 medium tanks). Its arrival brings to 16 the number of arms cargoes transported by Soviet freighters from Black Sea ports to Egypt since deliveries began in late October. The Karaganda, the last Soviet freighter to arrive at Alexandria prior to the Chernakowskv. reportedly delivered artillery as well as ammunition. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 rtirv�orvIrt Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 _Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 _ � kfl IJEA...1A.E. BIWEEKLY SUMMARY 24 February-7 March 1956 THE TAIWAN STRAIT area. Report of the for the Taiwan Strait Problem 1. There have been no significant clashes in the 2. Possibly the first appearance in the Taiwan Strait area of one of the Chinese Communists' larger naval vessels has been suggested An unidentified vessel of the "Major Surface Force" at Shanghai moved from there to the Shacheng area, 75 miles north of Matsu, on 5 March. Another vessel, possibly an auxiliary type, may also be involved in this move, which could presage increased naval activity in the area. The larger-type vessel, however, may merely be escorting the auxiliary on a run to Foochow. 3. Nationalist apprehensions regarding possible Communist air strikes and the accelerated delivery of Amer- ican antiaircraft artillery (AA) to the Nationalists have led to an AA build-up on Quemoy and Matsu. The build-up is ex- pected to continue. 4. The Nationalist program for rotation of island units to Taiwan for up-to-date MAAG training is scheduled to resume. A division now on Quemoy is to be replaced by a division from Taiwan between 11 and 21 March. Troop rotations in the Tachens early last year and in the Quemoys early this year met with intensified Com- munist harassment during the moves. 5. Communist China's propaganda on Taiwan during the past two weeks continued to emphasize Peiping's calls for Nationalist defections. 6. On 4 March, Communist China's Ministry of For- eign Affairs issued its second official statement protesting 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 16 ThP.qvcrIPT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 I tit- 411 against US "dragging out" of the Geneva ambassadorial talks. In contrast to its earlier statement of 18 January which made no mention of the offshore islands, the 4 March statement made several seemingly studied references to "liberation of Taiwan and the coastal islands." 7. The establishment on 28 February in Tokyo of a "Provisional Government of the Republic of Taiwan" by Liao Wen-i (Thomas Liao), leader of a non-Communist, anti- Nationalist Taiwan independence movement, occasioned furth- er Chinese Communist propaganda blasts and charges that the Liao movement was being supported by the US. Peiping's vio- lent reaction to the presently insignificant Liao movement ap- pears to be designed to put Peiping again on record as oppos- ing autonomy, trusteeship, and other "compromise" solutions to the Taiwan problem. 8 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 17 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 _ , TAIWAN STRAIT SITUATION - .MARCH 1956 CHINESE COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND: PRIMARY AIRFIELD DESIGNATIONS CONSIDERED MOST IMPORTANT IN AREA WITH PREPARED RUNWAY GENERALLY 5000 FEET OR LONGER. ACTIVE BASE MILITARY & CIVILIAN AIR� CRAFT. SOME BASES USED BY PISTON TYPES MAY BE USABLE BY JE1S INAC FIVE BASES CAPABIL Oh USE BY AIRCRAFT !IRRENT CLAWS UNDE f ERMINED � � SECONDARY AIRFIELD AUXILIARY OR EMERGENCY BASES OR FIELDS OF LESSER IMPORTANCE. RUNWAYS GENERALLY LESS THAN 5000 FEET. OPERATIONAL A SERVICEABLE UNKNOWN CHUHSIEN �.1 SHANGJAO I ingtan Z WENCHOw �Jul n � /TO A Q CHIENOU* NG �1;161anping 53,000 .-Ningte FOOCHOW MATSUS Yungan NANTAI � 20,000 f '0A 111 CHANGTING* LIEN6HENG LUNGTIEN Lo CHIU 610,00 NGYANG TROOPS A + I ? mic; fU-2, mic; 11.10 LAB/fl 6 11-1 11-2 II 18 , EEC. * ILL I+ ,IOT CONSIDERED CAPABLE fl �FRYING SUSTAINED OPLR - A IONS AT PREc ENT ICHIAHSING e ' IF HANGCHOW f -- KA6CHI, IHUIAN .1*--..'" s- \- 'LUNGCHIO N- ''' �' CHINGYANG MACHIANG* \ ATvlOY QUEMOY ) 89,000 ) 1.- 'WA NC FUNG \ CHENGHA1110 \ CANTON SWATOW 94 1,4 100 SHUIKOU 1.00 /10 41,s 150 i - RAILROAD PROPOSED RAILROAD HSINCHU AICFIUNG AINAN I' Ill GTUNG 0 *NATIONALIST AIRFIELD HANGHAI C1101./S N IS. LUCHIAO fa TACHE - 4,NGSHAN TAIPEI * ILAN !, PRIMARY ROADS SECONDARY ROADS "1-1-117.T Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03185109 60103-2E