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rer,03,710Zed f4.(14F1 /�1 � /1/ /7/,'/ z �3W/17/J/7/7/ d're 23 April 1955 // / /101/711 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) Copy No. 4 42, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 45-- NO CHANGE IN CLASS, IA DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE- 20 / HR 70-2 DATE:dhinCL. REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY I Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Approved tor_Relea_s_e_:29.220_9/17 C03181197 SUMMARY GENERAL 1. Tito suggests more explicit neutralism in Yugoslav policy (page 3). 2. Balkan pact military talks leave co-ordination with NATO still undecided (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. Soviet shipments to Viet Minh may .start on Haiphong takeover (page 4). 4. Bao Dai proposes plan for new government in South Vietnam (page 5). NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Comment on murder of high Syrian army officer (page 6). 6. Jordan's prime minister may resign before end of May (page 6). 7. Turkish prime minister presses for American economic aid (page 7). THE FORMOSA STRAITS (page 9) * * * * 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 003181197 %um) vair GENERAL 1. Tito suggests more explicit neutralism in Yugoslav policy: Yugoslavia is determined to contribute to an eventual rapprochement of all European states, an plans neither to return to the Cominform as the USSR desires, nor to join NATO. He said that he welcomes the prospect of Austria's neutralization and feels that Soviet withdrawal of troops from Austria and the neighboring Satellites would compensate for any losses. He felt that Germany would inevitably be reunified, and that it could not then be expected to associate itself exclusively with either East or West. He questioned whether the West should continue to regard Germany exclusively in mili- tary terms. He suggested that consideration be given to a "cor- don sanitaire" consisting of Sweden, a reunited Germany, Austria, and Yugoslavia. He saw no reason why countries such as the Netherlands could not be included. Tito said that he had no objection to "purely technical" defense talks with the West, but that talks on strategic or tactical problems, even secret, could not fail to have an unfortunate effect at the present time. He said he knew this stand would be mistakenly attributed to a reorientation of Yugoslav foreign policy. "If I am told2 na talks no aid, I will give up aid," he stated. Comment: Tito 's statements strongly imply that Yugoslav thinking is becoming more outspokenly neu- tralist. There have been several reports that the USSR is work- ing for Yugoslavia's inclusion in a belt of neutral nations. Because of their often repeated belief that world tensions have abated in recent months, the Yugoslays feel no current pressure to accede to Western desires that they co-ordinate their military planning with NATO, either directly or through the Balkan pact. By "purely technical" defense talks, Tito probably has in mind a renewal of American-British-French talks with Yugoslavia, largely concerned with military aid, which were last held in 1953. 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 003181197 Approved for Release: 2019/091/17 C03181197 virmi Nam, 1k 44, Mi.,. 2. Balkan pact military talks leave co-ordination with NATO still undecided: the general staff conference of the Balkan affiance held in Belgrade from 5 to 17 April opened with the Turks proposing a discussion of strategic plans which would involve NATO support for Greece and Turkey. The Yugoslays refused to discuss the question, insisting that political decisions were a prerequisite. The conferees finally agreed to consider strategic military plans contingent on later political decisions. Turkey then requested Yugoslav commitments in the event of a Soviet attack from the East. The Yugoslays responded that their capabilities would be small because of the remoteness of eastern Turkey. Technical-level conversations concern- ing intelligence, logistics, and communications were labeled by both Greeks and Turks as "generally satisfactory." Comment: The reports on this meeting support other indications thaf a serious cleavage exists in the Balkan alliance as to the direction it should take in terms of over- all Western defense planning. Unless a workable compromise can be achieved, the ultimate effectiveness of the tripartite military alliance may be seriously weakened. SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. Soviet shipments to Viet Minh may start on Haiphong takeover: 23 Apr 55 All shipments were to begin after the Viet Minh takes over Haiphong in mid-May. CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Approved for Release: 2019/091/17 C03181197 knorri %id Comment: With the exception of the Sino-Viet Minh agreement on the restoration of communications in North Vietnam, this is the first known large-scale Orbit eco- nomic support made available to the Viet Minh since Geneva. It is possible that such shipments have been deferred until the mod- ern port of Haiphong becomes available. (Concurred in by ORR) 4. Bao Dal proposes plan for new government in South Vietnam: Bao Dai has proposed a master plan for a solution to the crisis in Vietnam. As outlined to the American embassy in Paris on 20 April by his chief adviser, the first step, as soon as France and the United States approve, would be to bring Phan Huy Quat to France, where he would be charged with forming a new government. Bao Dai promised that this move would be handled so as to preserve Diem's authority and "face." The government would consist of two policy-making bodies whose disputes Bao Dai would arbitrate--a cabinet of approximately 12 nonpolitical technicians and a high council of some 18 members representing political groups, the sects, the army, the peasantry, artisans, and the trade unions. The high council would serve until a national assembly could be elected by universal suffrage at some indefinite date. Bao Dai believed that the establishment of a provisional government pend- ing elections would be "madness," and that any thought of national elections in the immediate future would be totally unrealistic. Bao Dai, who sees his own role as that of an "arbitrator and catalyst," would guarantee the good behavior of the sects and the Binh Xuyen. He regards the plan as the best possible means of "replacing Diem without antagonizing the United States." Bao Dai recognized that no plan could be put into effect without prior French and American approval but asserted it was absolutely essential that the United States take "no visible role" in connection with his plan. 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 - -- --- Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 If the United States continued to back Diem, Bao Dal would no longer be responsible for events in Viet- nam, but he wished to state formally that he would yield to Ameri- can views if the United States opposed his plan and continued to support Diem. He explained that Vietnam's national interest did not permit it to oppose the United States. NEAR EAST - AFRICA 5. Comment on murder of high Syrian army officer: The assassination on 22 April of Colonel Adnan Malki, the Syrian army chief of operations and training, removes from the scene an army officer who was asso- ciated with the leftist, anti-Western clique that dominates Prime Minister Asali's coalition cabinet. This clique has been pushing for a Syrian-Egyptian-Saudi Arabian defense pact. Malki was shot by an army sergeant who reputedly was a member of the Syrian Social National Party, a small, nationalist group that believes in Iraqi-Syrian union cen- tered on Damascus, not Baghdad. The murder occurs at a time when the struggle for power within Syria has been threatening to erupt into military action. Malki's superior and friend, Chief of Staff Shawkat Shuqayr, appears currently to be courting open rebellion from Syrian army officers who oppose his policy of ridding the ranks of pro- Iraqi officers. Malki's death will probably induce the chief of staff to move swiftly in his attempts to tighten his control. 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release:. 7079/09/17 C03181197 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 a No, ko, 1,0 .1.0 � Mt 4./ %al Comment: Because no other Jordanian politician could wield the dictatorial control of Abul Huda, his resignation would probably presage a resurgence of the Communist and anti- Western extremist activity which flourished before he assumed office a year ago. 7. Turkish prime minister presses for American economic aid: Ambassador Warren reports that when he endeavored on 20 April to caution Turkish prime minister Menderes on prospects for increased American eco- nomic aid, the prime minister reacted with bitterness and "an intensity of conviction and determination." Menderes said that in the economic field the United States alone is unwilling to extend credit to Turkey, and he added that his country could get along without American economic aid. He said that he had heard only criticism and cries of inflation from Americans since he came into office. Washington does not appreciate, he warned, the importance of Turkey against the Soviet Union and the need for continued political stability "in this critical spot." Comment: The prime minister's pique reflects the degree of tension which, in the judgment of top Ameri- can officials in Turkey, has reached a stage that might affect all American activities there. In mid-March, Ankara reiterated last year's unsuccessful request for a $300,000,000 American loan for economic purposes and requested a definite reply or the cessa- tion of economic talks then under way. 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 ( Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Economic conditions in Turkey have seriously deteriorated during recent months, largely because of Ankara's unwillingness or inability to cope with large foreign commercial debts and general economic imbalance. 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 rrl in re v., Invren I Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Nirow %AO THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Formosa Straits Problem This report is based on information received in Washington up to 1100 hours 22 April 1955. 1. No significant activity has been reported. 23 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 9 ri I% PT /114 Appro""ve31l for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 CHINA -FORMOSA SITUATION 0 Nautical miles Statute miles 0 50 50 100 150 100 150 Selected road Mill Railroad + + 4. Proposed ral !road , � A OPF_RAT I ONAL � A SERVICEABLE � A UNKNOM * A OTHER COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND U SEABILITY DESIGNATIONS PRIMARY: considered most important in area, with prepared runway MIS-IS, MIG-17, TU-4, IL-28 generally 5000 feet or longer. TU-2, I L-I0, LA-9/ I I, LI-2, etc. SECONDARY: auxiliary or emergency bases, or fields of lesser � unknown importance-runways generally less than 5000 feet.. * Fields not considered capable of OPERATIONAL: consistently used by military & civilian aircraft. supporting sustained operations SERVICEABLE: capable of use by aircraft. at present. UNKNOWN: current status undetermined. , NATIONALIST AIRFIELD OTHER: under construction, abandoned, or unserviceable. H 0 N AN H U � ,j EH .HANKO UNAN 26 11, CHANGSHA d K W A N NCHAN HU A INING j FU EN ./ CHANGTIN � UNGCI- DER) RUCAI U N 0 C SWA TOW N SWA TO Hong Kong (G.B.) SOUTH 1Zo JANIC \ -SHANGHAI CHINHUA HEKIAN0 LI) C HIA NANTA NDER ONS UCT I ON CHINA SEA PRESENTATIONS DIVISION i'MATSUS HSINCHU TAICHUNG M 0 St CHIAYI TA INAN P I NGTUNG SUNGSHAN 7 El I�LAN /24 rt.loive Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181197 50420