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07A Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C*7,3181194 3.5(c) fA 0/ / 04 / / 1/7�A 19 April 1955 Copy No. 9 4 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 1/ 7-� NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 11 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED To: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE. 0/0 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE:el/Ma REVIEWER: Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 lOU . SUMMARY SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Nehru and Nu said to consider Viet Minh domination of all of Vietnam inevitable (page 3). 2. Comment on Pathet Lao-royal government talks (page 3). SOUTH ASIA 3. USSR reportedly will not intervene in Afghan-Pakistani dispute (page 4). EASTERN EUROPE 4. Comment on purge of Hungarian party leaders (page 4). WESTERN EUROPE 5. Austrian officials give further details on Austro-Soviet talks (page 5). LATE ITEM 6. Missing US RB-47 possibly intercepted by Soviet fighter off Kamchatka (page 6). THE FORMOSA STRAITS (page 8) * * * * 19 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 'rrn crrsrr Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Approved for R-ere-Zet2019/09/17 C03181194 Nire SOUTHEAST ASIA 1. Nehru and Nu said to consider Viet Minh domination of all of Vietnam inevitable: Comment: Nehru has frequently been reported to hold the view that Vitinam lies within Communist China's sphere of influence while Laos and Cambodia lie within India's. Nu's effusive praise of Ho during his visit to Hanoi late last year, his subsequent refusal to stop over in Saigon, and his friendly reception of Pharn Van Dong last week Indicate that he considers the Viet Minh the power to be reckoned with in Vietnam in future years,. Some of Nu's cabinet colleagues, however, are troubled over the prospect of Communist control of the south. 2. Comment on Pathet Lao-royal government talks: There is little indication that the royal Laotian government intends to take a more vigorous line in renewed talks with the Pathet Lao delegation which arrived in Vientiane on 12 April. No important re- sults have been reached since the talks started in early January. Nhouy Abhay, senior government nego- tiator, plans to submit to the Pathet Lao a "reasonable proposal" which he believes will be accepted if the Pathet Lao are "true Laotians." But he states that in any case there is no need to hurry 19 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 rre mr.r nirro Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 voile ',4�41 the negotiations, in view of the government's recent protest to the International Control Commission and the fact that the problem will be raised at Bandung. The government is relying heavily on its strongly worded complaint to the international commission to pro- duce some action and a solution to the problem. There is little reason to believe, however, that anything conclusive will result from this tactic, and in fact further time probably will be gained by the Communists in which to expand their organization and firm their hold in the north. Premier Katay in a talk with Ambassador Peurifoy in Bangkok on 13 April maintained that the discussions must continue until it is apparent to all Laotians that the Pathet Lao are unreasonable and Communist-dominated. SOUTH ASIA 3. USSR reportedly will not intervene in Afghan-Pakistani dispute: According to the American embassy in Kabul, the Soviet ambassador told the Pakistani first secretary on 14 April that the Soviet Union would not intervene In the Afghan-Pakistani dispute unless the Western powers did so. 4. Comment: This is the first report of an official Soviet statement of intentions regarding the Afghan-Pakistani dispute. The ambassador presumably was trying to persuade Pald- stan not to seek Western support against Afghanistan. EASTERN EUROPE Comment on purge of Hungarian party, leaders: The expulsion announced on 18 April of Premier Imre Nagy and fourth-ranking 19 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 eis ant EP, my Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 � � Approve orRelease: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Now' viof party member Mihaly Farkas from their party and government posts is probably the beginning of an extensive elimination of ."right-wing" elements by party first secre- e ouster of Farkas, who has long been closely associated with Rakosi, indicates that more than a struggle between Rakosi and Nagy is involved. It is unlikely that the expulsion of the two men will be sufficient to close the breach that developed within the party during Nagy's roremiership. A reliable source has told the American legation in Budapest that Rakosi flew to Moscow on 14 April, ap- parently immediately after the central committee's decision to oust Nagy and Farkas. If true, this suggests that Rakosi is continuing to face strong opposition within his central committee and felt it necessary to get the Kremlin's approval before publicly announcing an unpopular action against Nagy and his "right-wing" supporters. Rakosi reportedly got the support of less than 20 percent of the Hungarian central committee for his original attack on Nagy in early March. The new premier, 32-year-old Andras Hegedus, has been first deputy premier since July 1953 and acting premier in recent weeks. He, like Nagy, has been closely asso- ciated with problems of agriculture, and has co-ordinated the re- gime's agricultural policies since October 1954. WESTERN EUROPE 5. Austrian officials give further details on Austro-Soviet talks: Austrian foreign minister Figl and State Secretary Kreisky told the Western am- bassadors in Vienna on 16 April that under the terms of a memorandum signed by the Austrian delegation in Moscow, an Austrian declaration would be issued after the conclusion of a state treaty pledging Austria to behave "in a neutral manner comparable to Switzer- land." The memorandum, which did not commit the Austrian gov- ernment, also stated that the four occupation powers would be asked to take some formal recognition of such a declaration. 19 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Pr, eN, ci 1-1 "TI Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Nue Nrof The Austrian officials on 16 April had no clear idea of the next step and did not know whether the USSR would send the West a note on the Austrian question. They now tentatively plan to call for a four-power conference on 27 April. Kreisky said he considered it important that the West react promptly and in a "concrete" manner; he thought a call for a meeting of am- bassadors in Vienna would be the best procedure. Comment: The Austrian-Soviet communi- qud issued following the Moscow tans revealed that Austria was committed to a policy of "independence," but concealed the appar- ent Soviet success in getting a pledge of "neutrality." LATE ITEM 6, Missing US RB-47 possibly intercepted by Soviet fighter off Kam- chatka: 19 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 TON SECRET! tior Comment: As of noon on 18 April, a US Rl3-47, assigned to the Strategic Air Command, has been listed as missing while engaged in an offshore photo-reconnaissance flight from Alaska along the Kurils to a point 100 miles northeast of Hokkaido and return. There is no direct evidence from informa- tion now available to indicate Soviet interception and destruction of the RB-4'7 The most recent Communist attempt to intercept an American high performance aircraft occurred on 15 April, chatka and Chukotsk coasts. 19 Apr 55 off the Kam- CURRENT INT4LIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 r. �-�. "1 r, Iry ring Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 .�������������----r1:711 OLA.oilEd I Tr) rDr.r. Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 � Approved for Release: 719/09/17 C03181194 '41rof THE FORMOSA STRAITS Report of the IAC Current Intelligence Group for the Formosa Straits Problem This report is based on information received in Washington up to 1100 hours 18 April 1955. 1. No significant activity has been reported. 19 Apr 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 7079/09/17 C03181194 -- � _Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 INA -FORMOSA SITUATIM Nautical miles � Statute miles 0 510 100 510 100 10 150 Selected road Railroad �++ Proposed railroad K, � A OPERATIONAL � A � A � A SERVICEABLE LINKNOWN OTHER COMMUNIST AIRFIELD LEGEND U SEA BILITY MID-it, M1G-17, TU-4, 1L-28 TU-2, IL-ID, LA-9/ I I, L1-2, etc. unknown Fields not considered capable of supporting sustained operations at present. * NATIONALIST AIRFIELD ����� DESIGNATIONS PRIMARY: considered most important in area, with prepared runway generally 5000 feet or longer. SECONDARY: aux i I iary or emergency bases, or fields of lesser importance-runways generally less than 5000 feet. OPERATIONAL: consistently used by military & civilian aircraft. SERVICEABLE: capable of use by ai rcr4.ft. ARNOW: current status undetermined. OTHER: under construction, abandoned, or unserviceable. N.,.HON AN HU PEH HANKOW HUNAN(.\ OCHANGSHA c. HENC 7:ANC K I N G S NA C HANG , t a0o. (Port.) �-� 114 SU ICHUA Hong Kong (GB.) HU A I H �HMO IS. a A NFOU SWA TO 116 1 2 I/ II ir8, ..i71. :1 ,l, 20 KIANGS 14 P ..AA, N G H A I WU 32 0 � rw. ........,/,. , 1,---- �T' i NINGcN H W HANGC HOW \,. f)C HIAH SING .-".e.7- A CHINHUA SHANGJA 0 der) stru4i SOUTH WENC HOW NANTAI under construct i 'S !JIANG 4.2,)' UEMOY CHINA SEA CHANG- IA0 TAcHEN EAST CHINA SEA -r'MATSUS 28- 26 UNGSHAN El -LAN 24 22 118 . e EirlD 118 122 PRESENTATIONS DIVISION Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03181194 50337