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October 5, 1960
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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 �1 %or 4aum%,im& ( 3.3(h)(2 41r) 5 October 1960 Copy No. C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLER\ TOP SECRET Zip pZr oZv for Release: Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 Ammtk, TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 I -1J1-01.4ri taa 1 5 �OCTOBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Three classes of nuclear submarines in series production in the USSR; several probably to be transferred to Pacific fit- ting-out base this year. East Germany--Ulbricht in 4 October speech does not spell out countermeas- ures to Bonn's cancellation of trade agree- ment. II. ASIA-AFRICA Tribal fighting along Afghan-Pakistani border slackens, but Afghanistan and Pakistan continue their military concen- trations in the area. Congo--Lumumba's domestic political sup- port slipping, but support from his Afri- p7, can allies continues. Laos--Pathet Lao rebuff Vientiane's ef- fort to arrange for restoration of its au- thority in Sam Neua Province. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 � AA pproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 ; � � 1 (Jr Jt-',1,11E., 1 '�IIII -illi . CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN z, ie 5 October 1960 , DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-- Nuclear-Powered Submarines: There is now additional strong evidence that five Soviet submarines representing three new classes, under construction at Komsomolsk in the Far East, are nuclear powered. a relationship between the USSR's nuclear reactor program and the construction of these submarines. In addition, two of the three classes of submarines-- Projects 658 and 659--are in series production at Komsomolsk. Other evidence on construction of another submarine of the third class Project 675�at Severdovinsk on the White Sea indicates that this class is also in series production. At least two of the Komsomolsk submarines will probably be transferred to the Vladivostok fitting-out base this year. (Page 1) *East Germany - Berlin: Ulbricht's statement before the East German Volkska,mmer on 4 October strongly emphasized East Germany's claims to "sovereignty" over East Berlin and its demand for the establishment of a "free city" of West Berlin. He gave no indication of what countermeasures the East German regime intends to take to offset Bonn's announcement of its can- cellation of the.East�West German interzonal trade agreement. He did, however, ,propose holding trade talks with West Germany but under such unacceptable preconditions as the repudiation by Bonn of its Hallstein Doctrine--the West German policy of break- ing relations with any nonbloc country which accords diplomatic recognition to East Germany, 'Ulbricht may believe that West- ern businessmen and neutralists will tend to undermine future moves by Bonn to limit trade. Ulbricht's cautious attitude may indicate that specific countermoves must wait while Khrushchev is preoccupied with the General Assembly meeting. cre 1. TOP SECRET �/ , ,,tkpproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179217/ , z / d , //, /V/ 'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C0317927 fIOU IA,1(L *Id II. ASIA -AFRICA Afghanistan-Pakistan: Fighting among the Pushtoon tribes living along the Afghan-Pakistani border north of the Khyber Pass now appears to be slackening. Despite the continuing exchange of recriminations, Kabul, as well as Rawalpindi, now seems to want to keep the disturbance localized. Afghan Prime Minister Daud, however, orig- inally concentrated forces along the border to exploit unrest on the Pakistani side, and he will lose prestige among the Pushtoon tribes if he demobilizes and withdraws with no ap- parent achievement. Accordingly, Pakistan continues to strengthen its forces near the scene of the fighting in the nt f hanistan decides to increase its intervention. (Page 2) e e_ < *Republic of the Congo: The governmental crisis in 1,2tz," Leopoldville continues stalemated. There is evidence, how- "c..4_2 ever, that Lumumba's attacks against the United Nations, and the exposure by Colonel Mobutu of Lumumba's appeal for Chi- .1.,-t- nese Communist aid, have cost him heavily in terms of parlia-of mentary support. I the deposed premier now is opposed by 29 out of 44 legislators from his erstwhi.e political strong- hold, Eastern Province. Eroding domestic support for Lumumba will make it more difficult for his African allies =the UAR, Ghana, and Guinea�to restore him in place of the Mobutu interim govern- ment had advised Lumumba of "information" that Kasavubu planned to dismiss Mobutu, and that he had urged Lumumba to "exploit" amr_opportunitv_o* t create a rift between Mobutu and Kasavubu. Guinean troops which he estimated to be a two-day drive outside the city--had readied truck transport in prepara- tion for possible intervention on Lumumba's behalf. 5 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF 11 TOP SECRET Release 3/1 3 C031/79287/ , / / - V 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 T-OP-SEGRETT-- *Laos: The Communist Pathet Lao seem intent on re- taining control of Sam Neua Province as a bargaining counter in the impending negotiations with the Laotian Government. A two-man delegation sent by Premier Sou- vanna to negotiate with the Pathet Lao for restoration of the government's authority in the province returned to Vientiane empty-handed on 3 October, The Pathet Lao radio is reported to have announced that the government would not be permitted to send administrators to the prov- ince until negotiations have been held. (Page 3).:j 5 Oct 60 DAILY BRIEF iii SECRETTOP 1 AA/oved for Release: 2020/03/13 C031C03179287Wr 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 Soviet Nuclear= Powered Submarines There is additional strong evidence that five Soviet submarines representing three classes, under construc- tion at Komsomolsk in the Far East, are nuclear powered. organization known to be involved both in the USSR's nuclear reactor program and the construction of these submarines. In addition, all three classes--known as Projects 658, 659, and 675-- are in series production. two hulls each of Projects 658 and 659 are being built at Komsomolsk and that the first unit of each class built in the Far East will probably be trans- ferred to the Vladivostok fitting-out base in 1960. One of these may be the new submarine which arrived in Vladivostok on 1 October. onstruction of at least one submarine of the 675 class had begun at Severod- vinsk on the White Sea prior to the start of the program at Komsomolsk. Inasmuch as the Komsomolsk shipyard has never been the first to build submarines of a new class, it is very likely that units of all three new classes have been under con- struction in the western USSR for some time. Numerous re- ports have provided strong evidence that nuclear-7owered sub- marines are under construction at Severodvinsk. TOP SECRET Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Pagel Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 ..31CLICC. 1 NaG Fighting on Afghan-Pakistani Border Slackens Fighting among the Pushtoon tribes living along the Af- ghan-Pakistani border north of the Khyber Pass appears to be slackening. Despite a continuing exchange of recrimina- tions, Kabul as well as Rawalpindi now seems to want to keep the disturbance localized. Reliable reports indicate that the Afghan Government has begun to disband some of the tribal irregulars it recruited in early September when the fighting began. Afghan Prime Minister Daud apparently was surprised that more Pushtoon tribes on the Pakistani side of the border did not join with the Afghan tribal irregulars who had crossed into Pakistan to help defeat the progovernment Khan of /Ow but that, on the contrary, the local tribes repulsed the Afghan irregulars. As a result, he is probably reassessing the value of his Pushtoonistan propaganda campaign and his capability to stir up trouble among the Pakistani tribes. In view of the fact that Daud originally took the initiative by sending the irregulars across the border, by calling up re- serves, and by concentrating regular army forces at the border to exploit unrest on the Pakistani side, he would lose prestige among the powerful Pushtoon tribes if he demobilized and with- drew with no apparent gain. Accordingly, Pakistan continues to strengthen its forces near the scene of the fighting to be ready to respond should Afghanistan decide to increase its intervention. Meanwhile, partly as a result of the frontier disturbance, Daud faces new problems at home; reservists are reportedly continuing to desert; food prices in Kabul have risen sharply following government purchases to feed the reserves; and an outbreak of cholera is further disrupting the life of the city. Afghan police have conducted a systematic search for arms through the Kabul bazaars. SECRET 5 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 CONY/DEM -1AL The Situation *Laos �itftoo the two cabinet ministers sent by Premier Souvanna Phouma to Sam Neua Province were unable to negotiate with the Pathet Lao on the restoration of the government's authority in the province. the local Pathet Lao commanders refused to talk to them on the I ground that they had received no instructions from the high com= mand.c The Pathet Lao radio, meanwhile, is quoted by press . sources to the effect that no government administrators would be permitted to enter Sam Neua until negotiations for an over- all settlement had been undertaken, thus strengthening the im= pression that the Pathet Lao will retain control of the province as a bargaining counter. Captain Kong Le, at a 4 October rally in Vientiane organized by the leftist Youth party, reiterated his boast that he could take General Phoumi's base at Savannakhet. While there has been no independent confirmation of Phoumi's claim that Kong Le's forces resumed their offensive against Phoumi's troops southeast of Paksane, Kong Le clearly is anxious to press on against Phoumi. The reported demand of the participants at the rally for action against the Phoumi group may be all the encouragement Kong Le needs to resume his offensive, if indeed he has not already done so. Souvanna, in addressing the same rally, announced that he expected to contact an advance Pathet Lao delegation in a day or two and that he would open peace talks with Prince Souphannouvong soon afterward. The premier may have exaggerated the imminence of these talks in order to appease and gain control of the rally; how- ever, the possibility cannot be excluded that Souvanna intends to move as rapidly as possible in implementingAlisoprogratil,..thusgne- senting the King and any compromise government which might suc- ceed him the fait accompli of a negotiated settlement with the Pathet Lao. Three hundred infantry troops from the Luang Prabang area have reportedly arrived in Vientiane, increasing the number of troops available to Ouane who are not responsive to Kong Le's di- rection. Their commander claims that he could cause some of Kong Le's troops to defect and believes he could defeat Kong Le in any fight. It remains questionable, however, whether Ouane has Le. either the willingness or the temerity to seek a showdown with Kong 5 Oct 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 It L.. L.41 Alt a ISO� *NINO THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03179287 ,t77/17.0#0/ /7../r=c!�