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� 0Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 .1 (Jr' f 0/, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 1/ 3.5(c) / 2 November 1956 0// #7/ \04 Copy No. 112 1 dV DOCOMEIAT 00. 140 041:NGE GA.ASS. 0 DECIOSIFIED CLASS. CHWGED NEXT 9.0.11ENI kAft 70-2 RENIONEW OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Wff170/7/ #1/3"A Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 TOP SECRET WiMMI-741 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Ask Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Iry rr, Approved for Release 2019/10/24 C03179161 CONTENTS 1. HOSTILITIES IN EGYPT (page 3). 2, NASR ASKS AMERICAN MILITARY SUPPORT 3. THE HUNGARIAN SITUATION (page 6). (page 7). 4. EAST GERMAN REGIME DETERMINED TO MAKE NO CON- CESSIONS NOW (page 9). 5. PEIPI STATEMNT ON SOVIET-SATELLITE RELA- TIONS (page 10). 6. FIRST NATO REACTION TO ANGLO-FRENCH INTERVEN- TION IN EGYPT (page 11). 7. BRITISH TESTING SAUDI HOLD ON DISPUTED PERSIAN GULF ISLAND (page 12)0 8. SUKARNO ADMIRES MAO TSE-TUNGPS LEADERSHIP (page 14). 2 Nov 56 * * * * THE ARAB=ISRAEL1 SITUATION (page 15) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 I 0r-3-Et-Mb/ *id 1. HOSTILITIES IN EGYPT Israel appears to have won a decisive battle for control of the Sinai Penin- sula after three days of heavy fighting. Israeli armored columns, with effec- tive air support, have advanced into western Sinai, bypassing points of Egyptian resistance. British and French air attacks on Egyptian air- fields contributed significantly to the process of neutralizing the Egyptian air force. The Gaza strip has been cut off at its base near Rafah, and in the vicinity of El Arish. Other Egyp- tian forces have been cut off or en- circled. The Israelis claim that an Israeli armored force on 1 November routed Egyptian armored reinforcements south of Bir Gifgafa, 45 miles from the canal, capturing T-34 tanks, armored cars and other weapons. Israeli mobile units may therefore have cut the main road between eastern Sinai and the Suez Canal crossing-at Firdan Bridge, west of Bir Gifgafa, seal- ing the only good escape route from Sinai. Although the Egyptians did reinforce their forces in Sinai, it is apparent that their main force, including most of their armor, has not yet been committed and is being held for defense of the delta and the canal zone against the Anglo-French landing, whichhas not yet occurred. The Egyptian commander in chief's de- cision on 30 October to attempt to broaden the scope of Arab- Israeli hostilities was abruptly reversed 2Nov 56 'Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 �Nsi Egypt has apparently launched its cam- paign against Western oil installations. An oil pipeline in the British-protected sheikdom of Qatar, and an off-shore delivery line furnishing oil to the British military in Tripoli, Libya, have been reported sabotaged. A general strike of oil wor 17 in the sheikdom of Bahrein has also been re- norted. British and French naval and amphibious forces are moving toward assault positions in Egyptian waters. A Paris spokesman announced on 1 November that Anglo-French naval forces were approaching Port Said from the north and the city of Suez from the south. A communiqu�rom the Anglo-French headquarters on Cyprus state,s that British and French air operations over Egypt are being shifted from bombing mili- tary airfields to attacks on individual aircraft and airfield in- stallations. The communiqu�laims that since 31 October British and French raids have destroyed 90 Egyptian aircraft. French foreign minister Pineau told the American embassy in Paris on 1 November that the Anglo- French move against Egypt has "long" been planned with Israel. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Cr�C�P-F-T Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 cCYPRUS (U.K.) .qt1111.iiiiiHII EGYPTIAN MOVES 1 NOV. Vied ISRAELI MOVES 1 NOV. SELECTED ROAD ,�:111-kan1 CAIRO 201 40 60 80 100 NIAUTICAL MILES 2 Nov 56 TI FbI TERRA KEAN E SUEZ CANAL BirGilgafa EGYP Suez", Haifa ISRAE Tel Aviv GAZA STRI / SINAI PENINSULA fah Nu/ NEUTRAL ZONE UL AOAS Current Intelligence Bulletin BEIRUT ripoli EBANON � Horns � DAMASCUS rianiyas �Al Qurisytirah SYRIA , .Fiq �tiablus 0 lerusa British rAilabah *AMMAN DEAD SEA JORDAN PI British �Maan SAUDI ARABIA Tanuk� Page 5 60828 B SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Rease-7.-2.079710/24 C03179161 2. NASR ASKS AMERICAN MILITARY SUPPORT the time place. President Nasr told Ambassador Hare on 31 October Egypt had decided to ask for United States support against Anglo- French aggression. Nasr explained he port in case of military aggression. At the Anglo-French air assault had not yet taken In reply to a question as to whether Egypt would turn to the USSR if this request were refused, Nasr appeared taken aback, but regained his composure and said there had been no discussion of turning to the Soviet Union. He asserted that Khrushchev in the past had suggested fur- nishing volunteers but Egypt had never replied. Nasr concluded by saying he would not surrender but neither would he run away. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 ( Noe Ns" 3. THE HUNGARIAN SITUATION (information as of 2400,1 November) Comment on: Although Soviet troops have withdrawn from Budapest, they remain in bivouac areas near the Hungarian capital. Soviet tanks reportedly have surrounded the Budapest airfield, apparently for the purpose of main- taining control of the field while wounded Soviet troops are evacuated. No military action has taken place in Budapest between Soviet and Hungarian army units, At 1800 (local time) on 1 November, Buda- pest radio announced that Premier Nagy had officially protested to Soviet ambassa- dor Andropov that he had received "author- itative information about the entry into Hungarian territory of new Soviet military formations," and had demanded that these forces be withdrawn at once. Budapest radio stated at 2300 that all airfields of the �Hungarian air force had been surrounded by Soviet armored units in order to permit the departure of Soviet wounded. There is no firm evidence to confirm these assertions by Nagy, which may have been made in an effort to hasten the Soviet departure and to shore up his present government. There are indications of a small-scale Soviet troop redeployment within Hungary and Soviet supply trans- ports have been flying into Hungary daily. Nagy, acting in a dual role as premier and foreign minister, also reportedly informed Andropov that the Hungarian government was withdrawing immediately from the Warsaw pact. At the same time he declared Hungary's neu- trality, which, he added, should be guaranteed by the UN and the four major powers. Andropov, in response to the accusa- tion that new troops were coming into Hungary, reportedly said that it was merely a regrouping of troops and not a new attempt on the part of the Soviet Union to smash the Hungarian revolution. During the afternoon of 1 November, Nagy said 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 T-OP-SEC-4?-&T Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 ( 411.9 Nary in an appeal to the United Nations that "new Soviet troop units are entering Hungary:' Secretary General Hammarskjold has reportedly added this question to the provisional agenda of the 11th General Assembly which opens on 12 November. Politically, the day was consumed in fever- ish activity by diverse groups presenting their demands and attempting to build up their popular following, but no real po- litical unity was achieved. First Secretary Janos ICadar of the Hun- garian Workers (Communist) Party announced at 2200 on 1 November that a new party would be formed which would make a complete break with the Stalinist past and serve as a rallying point for all workers. The establishment of the new party--known as the Socialist Workers Party--is an ob- vious effort to increase national support for the Communists, particularly from left-wing Social Democratic Party members. Efforts to enlist Social Democrats in the new coalition continue to be fruitless. Ana Kethely, provi- sional president of the newly re-formed Social Democratic Party, who arrived in Vienna for the Socialist International, stated that until free elections had taken place there cou1d Ino thought of "real" Social Democrats becoming mem- bers of the government. Cardinal Mindszenty in his first public state- ment since his release said that "all conditions for the continu- ation of life are lacking' He withheld his support for any po- litical group and indicated that in two days he would clarify his position. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161- Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 *Ne" Nele 4, EAST GERMAN REGIME DETERMINED TO MAKE NO CONCESSIONS NOW High East German officials say that despite widespread internal demands for changes, East German party first secretary Walter Ulbricht will not be removed from his post nor will any concessions be made until the unrest in the other Satellites calms down, Ulbricht's removal or any other reform now would be interpreted by the restive East German populace as an indication of weakness, and could lead to revolution. When it comes, Ulbricht's ouster will be explained on grounds of health and will not be accompanied by significant changes in government or party policies. East German Communists have been assured of continued Soviet support and need not fear they will be sacrificed in a reunification deal. According to the alert plan now in effect � in East Germany, the Kampfgruppen�recently reported purged of unreliable elements--are to go into action first, with the police, the secret police, the army, and Soviet troops to be called on successively if a situation threatens to get out of hand. Students at East German universities are protesting the regime's failure to give factual news coy.- erage to the upheavals in Poland and Hungary. Party func- tionaries blame student restlessness on the Western press and radio, and maintain that the developments were adequately explained by Ulbricht and Premier Grotewohl in their 27 Octo- ber radio and television broadcast. East German leaders apparently accept the Soviet policy to allow liberalization in the Satellites except East Germany. Pressures for change, however, may develop to such an extent that they will be forced to adopt a more lib- eral internal program, particularly in the event that the USSR withdraws its troops from other Satellites. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin .Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 5. PEIPING'S STATEMENT ON SOVIET- SATELLITE RELATIONS The Peiping regime has endorsed the Soviet declaration of 30 October on re- lations with the Satellites, and at the same time has rebuked the USSR for its earlier mishandling of Poland and Hungary. This first Chinese Communist statement on the question supports the view that Peiping wishes to see a relationship between the Soviet Union and Eastern Euro- pean states of approximately the kind Peiping itself enjoys. ' In terms similar to those of the Soviet declaration, the Chinese statement describes as "com- pletely proper" recent Polish and Hungarian demands for "democracy, independence, and equality' as well as for economic improvements.� The Chinese went beyond the Soviet statement in a sharp criticism of "great-nation chauvinism" as the cause of "serious damage" to inter- national Communist solidarity. At the same time, they cautioned the European Satellites against "reactionary elements who attempt to undermine the people's democratic system and unity among socialist countries." 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 ,GONFIDEN-Tbit Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 003179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Noe 6- FIRST NATO REACTION TO ANGLO-FRENCH INTERVENTION IN EGYPT trong opposition to Anglo-French intervention in Egypt was expressed t a special North Atlantic Council meeting called on 31 October to dis- cuss east situation. There was particular concern over the effect the developments might have on the NATO alliance. Council representatives deplored the fact that action had been taken without prior consultation with other NATO partners. Most of the representatives at the meeting expressed support for the position pre- sented by the United States. The Canadian representa- tive regretted the British-French move because the sub- ject was under consideration in the UN Security Council and in view of the current developments in Eastern Europe. He was supported by other members. Apparently Britain does not envisage invocation of the North Atlantic treaty. In answer to an Italian question as to the effect from the treaty standpoint of an Egyptian attack on British or French naval vessels and aircraft in the Mediterranean, the British representa- tive stated that the treaty was not intended to cover this particular case. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 �SECIRST Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 - -- -- Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 7. BRITISH TESTING SAUDI HOLD ON DISPUTED PERSIAN GULF ISLAND The British ambassador in Tehran in- formed the American ambassador on 31 October that an armed British de-, tachment was to land temporarily on ra s an m the Persian Gulf on 30 or 31 October to check on the reported occupation by Saudi Arabia and to test the determination of Saudi personnel to remain. The detachment had instructions to fire only if necessary to cover its withdrawal. Comment As recently as 12 October, British offi- cials. had indicated that Britain could probably do no more than protest the Saudi occupation. The decision to move onto Arabi may be designed both to dis- tract Saudi Arabia's attention from the Egyptian situation and to demonstrate Britain's determination to maintain all Ahvaz 2 Nov 56 IRAQ KUWAIT KlaVi84. NEUTRAL ZONE SAUDI ARABIA adh 190 MILES FARM AR 3141 Al Oatlf;,; BAHREIN , - Mennn 't'IATAR 270 18 OCTOBER 1956 24332 Ott. IRAN Oatar Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Stel '190 its Middle: Eastern interests vigorously. London supports Kuwait's sovereignty over Arabi, as well as over nearby Farsi, recently occupied by Iran. These islands are im- portapt nrineinallv for offshore oil operations in the Persian Gulf. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 L'eAt&T, Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Approvedlo-r-R-e-le-WSTioT976724'6-03179161 Nee" Nue 8. SUKARNO ADMIRES MAO TSE-T IJNG'S LEADERSHIP in The director of the Indonesian presi- dent's personal cabinet, Pringgodigdo, told the American ambassador in Djakarta that Sukarno is "in love with the system ma, is ee mg expansive and "braver" since his return to Indonesia, and wants to pattern his leadership on that of Mao Tse-tung. He said Sukarno has not thought through the ramifications of such a role, however. Pringgodigdo stated that he himself felt the Chinese people were happy and well fed, and that the Chi- nese leaders were close to the people and popular since they, had brought "victory, unity, freedom, and progress:' Comment Sukarno reportedly stated in a speech on 30 October that he had been more im- pressed by his recent tour to the Soviet Union and Commu- nist China than by his earlier visit to the United States and Western Europe because in the former areas he had seen a greater vitality in social and economic progress. Although most members of Sukarno's entourage were highly impressed with China, Pringgodigdo's opinion is the most enthusiastic yet expressed by any anti-Communist who accompanied the president. Sukarno's favorable impression of the Chi- nese system probably accounts for his suggestion on 28 Octo- ber that political parties be abolished--an idea which has been denounced by the press and all parties except the Communists. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 r Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161 Nome THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 1 November) The Egyptian-dominated Arab confedera- tion of labor has called on Arab workers to blow up Western oil installations if necessary to stop the flow of petroleum. The federation also called for destruction of foreign military bases in Arab countries which could be used for aggression, and for an immediate halt to loading and supplying of ships and planes of "aggressive nations:' (Press) An announcement from Baghdad states that a meeting of all Baghdad pact powers except Britain will be held "soon:' The Shah of Iran allegedly will chair the meet- ing, which may also be attended by the president of Pakistan (who is now visiting Tehran), and the Iraqi, Pakistani, Iranian and Turkish foreign ministers. (Press) Reports from Syria and Jordan indicate the governments of these countries, while they feel obliged to sup- port Egypt, are pessimistic over their capabilities. According to one report, the Syrian army staff was reluctant to order mo- bilization because neither the necessary materiel nor money were available. The new Jordanian prime minister told Ambas- sador Mallory on 31 October that his government was in a "terri- ble position" and that the only thing which could save Jordan Iraq, however, has proclaimed martial law and partial mobilization. The Iraqi chief of staff stated on 1 November that the Iraqi 1st Division began concentrating at pump- ing station H-3 near the Jordan border on 31 October, prepara- tory to a move into Jordan as soon as a Jordanian request was received. TIEP�ehIP-LaL icsta,ffhe ex ected the request later in the day. The Libyan government announced on 31 October that it would use all means in its power to prevent the use of British forces in Libya against Egypt. According to the press, Libya has declared martial law. British units in Libya are reported on a precautionary a1prt: 12 tanks have been moved to the vicinity of Benghazi. 2 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 -TaP-SE-C-RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03179161