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February 26, 1955
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161 7/0/7)07-d off, .A_piroved for Release: 201A/g/i17 co3W/ffif 26 February 1955 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) -04 (/# / Copy No, CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS)( LI DECLASSIFIED CLASS CHANGED TO: IS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: 2-0 I AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: 5 OSP,. & 0REWVER: 88 ear- D THIS DOCUMENT CONTAINS CODE WORD MATERIAL Office of Current Intelligence CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP ET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 rti D CE4016T Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 Nue SUMMARY SOVIET UNION 10 Soviet military attache's in most Satellites recalled (page 3). FAR EAST 2. Comment on North Korean offer to negotiate with Japan (page 4). SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. Premier Diem favors republican form of government for Vietnam (page 4). 4. Vietnamese officer describes Viet Minh activity in south (page 5). SOUTH ASIA 5. Afghanistan reported preparing to decide on Soviet aid (page 6) . EASTERN EUROPE 6. Yugoslays reportedly fear USSR may return to Stalinism (page 6) WESTERN EUROPE 7. British agree on need for early action on West German sovereignty (page 7) * * * * 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 TO CRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 TOP FtSPitrf Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 itere SOVIET UNION I. Soviet military attaches in most Satellites recalled: The Soviet military attaches assigned to Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Rumania, Hungary, and possibly Albania have been recalled in the past two months, Ac- cording to British and American military attaches in Eastern Europe, their Soviet counterparts paid routine farewell calls announcing their return to Moscow, No replacements are yet reported to have arrived in the Satellite capitals. In Hungary, a Soviet colonel has been designated acting military attache, Comment: All but one of these Soviet attaches, who are highly qualified field commanders with distinguished combat records, arrived at their posts within e p s year an a I. Their recall at this time probablyfin- dicates an impending major change in Soviet-Satellite military re- lations. These attaches may now participate in Soviet-Satellite military planning,: possibly leading to the creation of some form of joint East European command. Such planning activities, already sug- gested by the reported movements of Satellite leaders early this year, would constitute implementation of the Soviet= Satellite an- nouncement in early December that the rearmament of West Germany would require "joint measures with regard to the organization of (East European) armed forces and command." This was made more specific by Foreign Minister Molotov at the Supreme Soviet on 8 February, when he referred to the necessity of creating a "unified military command" of the USSR and its East European Satellites. The recall of the attaches at this time may, In addition, be part of a Soviet attempt to convince the West that such measures are imminent. 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 TOPSECth Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 TOP�SgeRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 \NW FAR EAST Z Comment on North Korean offer to negotiate with Japan: North Korea's offer on 25 February to negotiate a trade and cultural pact with Japan represents a further Communist effort to woo Japan and to take advantage of the favorable atmos- phere created by Prime Minister Hatoyama's campaign theme of promoting Japan-Orbit friendship. Despite Korean anti-Japanese feelings, North Korea is apparently being forced to fit into the bloc strategy toward Japan. The political nature of this move is further borne out by the fact that North Korea has little export potential. In reply, the Japanese government has spoken with two voices. Prime Minister Hatoyama has eagerly embraced the offer while the Foreign Ministry has officially rejected it. The latter's view will probably prevail since re- sponsible Japanese officials hope to avoid antagonizing South Korea, with which Japan enjoyed a total trade of $76,00Q000 in 1954. SOUTHEAST ASIA 3. Premier Diem favors republican form of government for Vietnam: Premier Diem and his supporters, in- cluding most intellectuals, will probably favor a republican form of government for Vietnam, General Collins reports. Diem is determined not to have Bao Dai or any member of his family return in any official capacity. Diem told Collins that the formation of a constituent assembly could not be delayed much longer than six months, but he appears to be quite naive as to the problems involved in the establishment of a democracy. 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Pre% n Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 TOP SEeirrt Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 Nue Nome He said that his government intended to participate in the pre-election discussions with the Vietminh commencing in July. It appeared to General Collins, however, that Diem and his advisers had given little or no thought to the conducting of these negotiations. Comment: Although Diem is known to be cool toward Bao_Dai's return to Vietnam, he has not previously committed himself on the republic-versus-monarchy question. This issue has remained in abeyance ever since Bao Dars ai3sump- don of the role of chief of state in July 1949. 4. Vietnamese officer describes Viet Minh activity in south: A Vietnamese army staff officer, after making a survey of five provinces immediately south of Saigon, reports that in two provinces 60 and 70 percent of the population are pro-Viet Minh. In the other three, only 5 to 10 percent of the population are pro-Viet Minh, but the great ma- jority of the remainder are either terrorized into supporting the Communists or are maintaining a neutral attitude. The source also reports that the Viet Minh is conducting clandestine activity throughout the area and is maintaining an extensive courier service. Anti-Viet Minh sentiment is largely confined to;intellocitual WI merchant classes. The source said, however, that although government control is being successfully extended in some areas, the future remains uncertain in others. Comment: Despite the Diem govern- ment's gradually increasing stature, the fact that the five provinces referred to--of a total of 19 in South Vietnam--were not con- sidered Viet Minh-controlled prior to the cease-fire indicates the magnitude of the pacification problems with which the government is only beginning to cope. 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 TOPSE 1C47" Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 krfrop cranirrir Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 003179133 Nier, SOUTH ASIA 5. Afghanistan reported preparing to decide on Soviet aid: About 21 March the king of Afghanistan will convene a Loe Jirga--a special assembly�to determine whether the country should continue to accept Soviet aid. Comment: A Loe Jirga is an assembly of the royal family, government officials, provincial governors, tribal chiefs and religious leaders-whin:1s called only rarely in moments of national emergency or extreme importance. Its decision to reject Soviet aid, which seems likely, would be In- terpreted as a vote of no-confidence in the prime minister. Should Daud resign, his brother, Foreign Minister Nairn, who is relatively friendly both toward the West and toward Pakistan, would be most likely to succeed him. EASTERN EUROPE 6. Yugoslays reportedly fear USSR may return to Stalinism: The Yugoslav government is greatly concerned over Molotov's reference to Yugoslav transgressions and deviations In his 8 February speech, which con- trasts markedly with Soviet deputy premier Saburov's concili- atory statements in November The Yugoslays are waiting to see whether this signifies a return to Stalinist policies which might result in a repudiation of the Soviet-Yugoslav trade agreements. Comment: Termed an "indisputably negative development" by one Yugoslav official, the Moscow shake-up is apparently seen in Belgrade as possibly presaging 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 6 TO CRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 003179133 1.0t_SERKET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 Sue an end to the conciliatory Soviet policy toward Yugoslavia. Belgrade has felt that this policy improved Yugoslavia's economic and political bargaining power with both West and East. Molotov in his speech also blamed Soviet-Yugoslav differences on Belgrade's "drifting" from the policies it had followed prior to the break in 1948. The Yugoslays have categorically rejected responsibility for the dispute and have said that "normalization" required changes in lilloscow rather than in Belgrade. WESTERN EUROPE 7.. British agree on need for early action on West German sover- eignty: situation Foreign Secretary Eden agrees that in view of France's continuing inability to take decisive action, the United States and Britain should act independently to restore German sovereignty before 8 May, the tenth anniversary of the armistice in Europe. Chancellor Adenauer has recently warned that the in Germany might be out of his control by that date. The Foreign Office proposes that an "interim commission" of the Western European Union powers be established to deal with Bonn on defense matters, pending rati- fication of the Paris accords. A top British military official notes that West Germany would still lack a tonstitutional basis to start rearming. Comment: French premier Faure is pledged to press for early action on the Paris accords by the French Council of the Republic. Unless the council acts before the Easter recesg,the accords will probably be amended and returned to the National delay ratification until after the June senatorial elections. 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 TO CRET Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 TOP _s et Er Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133 Sloe' In such an event, the West Germans will expect the United States and Britain to act to "restbre"-West German sovereignty and make new arrangements for German participation in Western defense. 26 Feb 55 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 "MP PRPT Approved for Release: 2019/09/17 C03179133