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November 11, 1957
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/. A 2019/12/10 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN �G 9 ;Pr, e 11 November 1957 copy No. 13S 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) /' NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DOCUMENT NO. f DECLASSIFIED CLASS.EV EC111EAZATEDT:O: N t DATEN4 MEVIEWER: AUTH: HR 70-2 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP RET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 FL a 8.416oll vs..� ?to CONTENTS 10 KHRUSHCHEV SAYS USSR WILL LAUNCH "MUCH HEAVIER SPUTNIK" (page 3)0 2. SOVIET DIPLOMAT DISCUSSES IMPLICATIONSOF_RECENT_ RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENTS (page 4). 3, INTENSIFIED EAST-WEST BERLIN TRANSIT CONTROLS PLANNED FOR MID-NOVEMBER (page 5). 4. BRITAIN MAY REDUCE ITS NUCLEAR ROLE IN WESTERN DEFENSE (page 6). 5. TUNISIAN PRESIDENT MAY PUBLICIZE WESTERN ARMS SHIPMENT (page 7). 6. SHAH N MAY BE FORCED TO ACCEPT SOVIET LOAN page 8). 7. INDIA AND USSR SIGN $125.000,000 CREDIT AGREEMENT FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION (page 9). At; 8. BRITISH ACQUIESCING IN PATHET LAO SETTLEMENT (page 10). 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECREi Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 graid KHRUSHCHEV SAYS USSR WILL LAUNCH "MUCH HEAVIER SPUTNIK" Comment on: Khrushchev told that the USSR was going to launch "a much heavier Sputnik" He gave no specific indication on timing, but � - .1_1- � .-. The Tyura Tam launching site has been ex- ecuting four-hour practice countdowns daily since 4 November, possibly indicating preparation for launching an earth satellite or ICBM soon. a a man would be launched soonh 11 Nov 57 lr ear satern Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for- Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Nome` 20 IMPLICATIONS OF RECENT RUSSIAN TECHNOLOGICAL ACHIEVEMENTS Comment on: A member of the Soviet UN delegation has recently stressed the political and military implications of the USSR's technological achievements in an appar- ent effort to induce France to revise its disarmament posi- tion. the USSR's possession of missiles capable of reaching the United States marks a turning-point in postwar history and signals the end of the imbalance between the United States and the USSR which was due to Soviet inability to strike the American conti- nent from Soviet territory, radical changes in military strategy and the disarmament problem brought about by the Soviet ICBM, the only feasible solution is to restore confidence by agreeing to prohibit the use of nu- clear weapons. public statements by Soviet leaders regarding the impossi- bility of conducting a limited war, and asserted that if any country aligned with the United States should launch an armed attack at any point on the globe, the USSR would strike the United States immediately. 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -TOP-SEeliET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 %.L., Napo? 3. INTENSIFIED EAST-WEST BERLIN TRANSIT CONTROLS PLANNED FOR MID-NOVEMBER Comment on: Plans are under way in East Berlin to intensify controls at the sector border with West Berlin by mid-November The purpose apparently will be to halt the flow of new East marks to the West, which is steadily undermin- ing the new currency, as well as to reduce the flight of skilled East German workers, Measures under consideration are: a special tax on all border crossers, reduction iri the number of crossing points, and a regulation requiring all crossers to re-enter at the same point they leave. Between 1,000 and 2,000 police and customs guards are being trained in in- spection techniques at a special school in the Potsdam area. None of these measures would directly apply to the three Western occupying powers, but all Berliners would be affected. East Germans are already doing their Christmas shopping in West Berlin in anticipation of tighter controls, 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Nape Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 '*410.1 4. BRITAIN MAY REDUCE ITS NUCLEAR ROLE IN WESTERN DEFENSE Comment on: The British government is consider- ing reducing its reliance on the nuclear deterrent in favor of greater concentra- tion on mobile conventional forces. The change in British views was re- flected in Defense Minister Sandyst statement to Parliament on 7 Novem- ber. He stressed that only about 15 percent of Britain's total defense effort now goes to the nuclear deterrent and generally placed less emphasis than previously on nuclear weapons. The rethinking of British defense plans announced in the defense white paper of last April was stim- ulated by the rebellion in Oman which brought an increased appreciation of the importance of efficient mobile conven- tional forces. Also, recent evidence of Soviet technical advances and the revival of Anglo-American cooperation have lessened British leaders' emphasis on an independent role in international affairs. A high defense ministry official has told the American embassy that some specific steps in allocating , defense production among NATO allies might help the Brit- ish government save face in readjusting its nuclear armament plans. 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release:�2019/12/10 C03178399 'Imre 'word 5. TUNISIAN PRESIDENT MAY PUBLICIZE WESTERN ARMS SHIPMENT Comment on: Tunisian President Bourguiba may feel impelled to publicize the purchase and arrival of American and British arms - with sufficient fanfare to offset antici- pated Egyptian propaganda when an Egyp- tian ship bearing a "token gift" of 2,000 Egyptian-made rifles arrives in Tunis. Publicity for the Western arms shipments would revive the strong French antagonism toward the United States manifested in the National Assembly during debate of the Algerian reform statute last September. French Premier Gaillard, who expects to obtain cabinet approval on 12 Novem- ber for France to supply arms for one battalion of the Tunisian army, told Ambassador Houghton on 9 November that France would consider American and British delivery of weapons to Bourguiba, prior to announcement of the French decision, an "unfriendly act." He expressed astonishment that the United States and Britain might deliver arms even if France supplied the Tunisians and urged that in this event the action should be co-ordinated. Bourguiba is said to feel that American and British shipments--consisting of 500 American M-1 rifles and ammunition and approximately an equal number of British auto- matic weapons and ammunition�are "very token compared to the Egyptian gift." The Egyptian arms were offered to Bourguiba in August and were accepted in September as a means of inducing Western sources to meet Tunisian arms needs. The date of arrival is still unknown. 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 ions/ 6. SHAH SAYS IRAN MAY BE FORCED TO ACCEPT SOVIET LOAN Comment on: The Shah of Iran has made an "impas- sioned" plea for a loan from the United States to offset anticipated budget def- icits during the next two fiscal years, according to the American ambassador in Tehran. The Iranian ruler warned that unless funds were obtained to meet both the general budget and development projects of the Iranian Plan Organization, it might be impossible to reject a Soviet loan on attractive terms. Both the Shah and Prime Minister Eqbal have recently intensified their requests for additional Amer- ican aid. The Shah believes that Iran will have a budget def- icit during the next fiscal year of $50-55,000,000. The Amer- ican embassy estimates the deficit at $30-35,000,000. Until oil revenues coVer all government expenditures, the Iranian government can be expected period- ically to seek help from the United States. 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 L /I V A' .1.1.."1241� _I 1.111.4 a NM." 7. INDIA AND USSR SIGN $125,000,000 CREDIT AGREEMENT FOR INDUSTRIALIZATION Comment on: The industrial aid agreement signed in New Delhi by Indian and Soviet negotia- tors on 9 November gives effect to the $125,000,000 loan offered by Moscow to the Indian government in November 1956. It will enable New Delhi to carry out several high priority projects to speed industrialization under its Second Five-Year Plan without further drains on its declining foreign exchange reserves, and will also expand substantially Soviet participa- tion in India's development program. The credit will be utilized to establish with Russian equipment a heavy machine-building plant, an optical glass works, a thermal power station and various en- terprises connected with the coal industry. The loan will be repayable in twelve yearly installments at an interest rate of 2.5 percent beginning one year after delivery of the machinery. Training facilities will be provided in the USSR for Indian per- sonnel required for the projects, and Russian technicians will supervise construction in India. The original Soviet loan offer contained a provision that the funds could not be utilized until 1959� The Indian government's press statement on 9 November that the agreement would help to conserve foreign exchange "in the im- mediate future" suggests, however, that New Delhi was suc- cessful in persuading Moscow to withdraw this restriction. 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 -gt4N-7'-M7AT�T4-A 1. Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399 Nur/ NNW 8. BRITISH ACQUIESCING IN PATHET LAO SETTLEMENT Comment on: A letter from Prime Minister Macmillan to Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma indi- cates that the British are no longer oppos- ing the Laotian settlement with the Pathet Lao. For some months London has con- sidered that time is working against the free world in Laos, and evidently fears that continued' opposition to the coalition policy might hurt Western interests in the long run, Macmillan's letter, which was delivered to Souvanna by Lord Reading, former minister of state in the Foreign Office, expressed support for Souvanna's efforts to bring about a "united and prosperous Laos." Souvannav accord- ing to his French adviser, interpreted the letter as approving his solution. 11 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03178399