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.411 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 / / / / / CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 16 December 1956 L.Opy NO. 1/0` � DOCUMENT NO, NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 7PIC DFCLASSIRED CLASS. CHANZ':E0 TO: TS 3 to 1 NEXT REVIEW OM E- 411 AUTH: HR 70- DATE * 1REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. TOP SECRET W/711/7/7/17A Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 �Sif CONTENTS 1. SOVIET MIG-17 AIRCRAFT ARRIVE IN SYRIA (page 3). 2. NEHRU URGES EGYPT TO MODERATE TACTICS AND CO- OPERATE WITH US (page 4). 3. CONTINUING ARAB HARASSMENT OF MIDDLE EAST OIL FACILITIES (page 5). 4. ARRIVAL OF CZECH ARMS EXPERTS IN YEMEN (page 7). 5. .NASR PROPOSES ARMS PURCHASE FOR ALGERIAN REBELS (page 9). 6. INTENTION TO ASSASSINATE IRAQI PRIME MINISTER RE- PORTED (page 10). 7. POPULAR DISSATISFACTION IN SOVIET UNION CONTINUING (page ii). 8. THE SITUATION IN POLAND (page 12). 9. STRENGTH OF HUNGARIAN REGIME MAY BE GROWING (page 13). 10. MILA.ffY AGREEMENT WITH BRAZIL FACES NEW THREAT (page 14). 16 Dec 56 �Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 � ..."8,-,v�-�� VI-, i 1. SOVIET MIG-17 AIRCRAFT ARRIVE IN SYRIA Comment on: The first shipment of Soviet military equipment to Syria under the new arms agreement signed in November arrived in the port of Latakia on 13 December on the Soviet freighter Voroshilov. observation of the vessel in- dicates that at least ten crated aircraft were on board. The November contract provided for Soviet delivery of an un- specified number of MIG-17 aircraft to Syria twelve MIG-17's were expected to arrive in Syria on about 12 December. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Nur' No0 2. NEHRU URGES EGYPT TO MODERATE TACTICS AND CO-OPERATE WITH US Nehru called in the Egyptian ambassador in New Delhi and told him that Cairo should tone down its anti-West- ern propaganda and rely on patience, care- ful strategy, and co-operation with the United States to obtain a solution to the situation in Egypt and the Middle East, The Egyptian ambassador asked Nehru to urge President Eisenhower to "consolidate" an American policy divorced from the "colonial" policy of Britain and France. Nehru hinted that a settlement with Israel would largely defeat the purpose of "the colonial powers' inter- vention in the Middle East:' and expressed his concern about the Syrian situation on the grounds that tranquillity in the area was necessary if the United States were to continue to support Egypt. According to the ambassador, Nehru agreed that the Baghdad pact was one of the main causes of trouble in the Middle East and that the present Iraqi government was ex- tremely shaky. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Tnp .cFrPFT Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 - 1 40100 3. CONTINUING ARAB HARASSMENT OF MIDDLE EAST OIL FACILITIES Comment on: There is increasing evidence that Nasr and other Arab leaders will continue to make trouble for Western oil interests in the belief that Western dependence on Arab oil must force the West to meet Arab terms. Egyptian foreign minister Fawzi recently stated Ohat he had "little hope" /stases methods would be changed. the prevail- ing attitude in the Egyptian government had been expressed by an Egyptian officer in Washington who was convinced the West could do nothing in the Middle East without Arab co-operation and that Washington must go along with the Arabs. Following the recent sabotage in Kuwait, 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 T. TT Irl FT1 Approved for fa Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 %.11 iJ L..i I %L.9 I efforts were being made to make the Kuwaitis believe the sabotage was actually a British plot to make an excuse for occupying Kuwait. According to US naval reports, the sabo- tage in Kuwait has increased Saudi Arabian apprehension that the American-owned Trans-Arabian Pipeline may be the next target, and Saudi guards at pumping stations have been doubled. ARAMCO is reported to have taken precautions at the pumping stations, but is not confident that a determined sabo- tage effort can be stopped, Iraqi prime minister Nun i has told the British manager of the Iraq Petroleum Company that he con- siders IPC "out of date!' Nun i said the company should oper- ate and market its products on the same basis as the con- sortium in Iran, although perhaps nationalization was the an- swer. Nun i is also reported to have suggested that the British interest in IPC's pipelines to the Mediterranean be turned over to the Americans and that the French interest in IPC be nation- alized. IPC ownership is shared equally among British, French, Dutch and American interests. Syrian minister of economy Kailas has declared, meanwhile, that his government would not permit repair of the sabotaged IPC pipelines to the Mediterra- nean until the last British, French and Israeli soldiers had left Egyptian territory. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 dik 1 Ur 3t.UKL I 41410 4. ARRIVAL OF CZECH ARMS EXPERTS IN YEMEN Three Czech arms experts and an in- terpreter will arrive in Yemen by air via Saudi Arabia The ex- penis are reportedly bringing instructions concerning "the antitank guns," and are prepared "to discuss the best means of obtaining the remainder of the goods:' Comment A cargo of bloc arms was delivered to Yemen by a Soviet shin 9n 12 October. the Czechs ad- vised YemenTs representative in Cairo that additional shipments UNCLASSIFIED 16 DECEMBER 1956 � PAECCA .(KAMARAN , ISLAND 16 Dec 56 SAUDI ARABIA �cv-7�7. YEMEN *SAID Flocleida ADEN ADEN COLONY (UK) AN 93 0 A.SA SIAN SEA Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 *if had been postponed "until settlement of the Suez situation:' The imam of Yemen has, meanwhile, requested air delivery of bazookas with "extreme speed." The arrival of Soviet-bloc arms in Yemen has been accompanied by greatly increased Yemeni-inspired dissident activity in the northwest area of Aden Protectorate. the situation has become more serious in view of increasing Yemeni contacts among tribes in the Aden hinterland. Increased introduction of arms from Yemen has been reported in both the western and eastern parts of Aden Protectorate. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TrIn cry,r3E-7, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 5. NASR PROPOSES ARMS PURCHASE FOR ALGERIAN REBELS Egyptian president Nasr has proposed that arms for the Algerian rebels be purchased in Europe with Saudi Arabian funds, Comment Nasr con- tinues active support ox tne Algerian rebellion. When France seized five rebel leaders on 22 October, a Saudi Arabian subscription drive to aid the Algerians was sponsored by King Saud, who personally con- tributed about $250,000. By 28 October this fund allegedly was more than $1,400,000. Algerian nationalists have com- plained that earlier Saudi contributions routed through Egypt were appropriated by the Nasr regime. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 ,-rinn r /ND "T Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 1 lir JG L... A VIL, 1 /*WI 6. INTENTION TO ASSASSINATE IRAQI PRIME MINISTER REPORTED three fedayeen had been sent to Baghdad "a week ago" to assassi- ,r1 iV111.11br Nun i Said. claimed the till assassination was planned by the Jordanian chief of staff, an aide to the King of Jordan, and the head of Syrian intelli- gence, Colonel Sarraj. Comment There have been no reports or indications of any attempts against the Iraqi prime minister. However, Arab hostility toward Nuri is high inside and outside of Iraq, and his apparent decision to stay in office despite strong internal and external pressures for him to step down may lead his enemies to think in terms of assassination. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 ToP .crrizrr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Ask �CONFIDENTIAL " 7.. POPULAR DISSATISFACTION IN SOVIET UNION CONTINUING Comment on: Displays of "negative attitudes," par- ticularly among Soviet students and in- tellectuals, continue, and there is increas- ing evidence in the Soviet press of the re- gime's dissatisfaction with the political orientation of the people. The American embassy in Moscow re- ports that a Communist youth unit in Moscow University recently adopted a three point program calling for more equal distribution of income, "broader in- formation" in the Soviet press, and publication of statistics on living standards in all countries. Probably as a result of this and other critical student meetings, the Moscow Univer- sity newspaper noted that 200 students have already been ex- pelled and it threatened a further crackdown against those who "display a petty-bourgeois ideological lack of discipliner Soviet press reports on 13 December indicate that dissatis- faction has also been voiced recently by students in Leningrad. At a public meeting in Moscow on 11 De- cember, the subject of wage disparity was raised again. The entire audience hooted when the speaker expressed doubts that such disparity exists and several people made disparaging re- marks aimed obliquely at Khrushchev, hinting that he and others, and not Stalin alone, were responsible for the past failures in agriculture. As a result of this reaction and perhaps presaging a tougher line on ideology at the forthcoming central committee plenum, the Soviet central press as well as papers in Leningrad and in the Lithuanian and Belorussian republics have stepped up their propaganda attack against ideological deviation. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 .ef.rvit-nr/rin, w-lx-rrvir A Approved for for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release:. 2019/10/23 C03178386 %we 8.. THE SITUATION IN POLAND Comment on: mbassador Jacobs in Warsaw believes hat the uneasy state of public order in oland will continue. The population, specially the youth, is predisposed to uch activity by the years of Communist isrule followed by the sudden easing f controls. The ambassador cautions, owever, against accepting all of the eports in the Western press of disor- ers. he regime is attributing these outbreaks to "hooligans" in order to play down their anti-Soviet character. The government is particularly con- cerned about the possibility of attempts to sabotage rail lines used by Soviet troops lest the USSR seize on such acts as a pretext for intervention. These unsettled conditions reportedly are being further aggravated by the sharp reductions the regime is making in the size of the Communist party bureacracy. Several thousand dismissed party officials and workers are reported making common cause with the pro-Soviet ele- ments in the party who oppose the new leaders. While Gomulka probably can override this opposition as long as he retains strong popular support, he believes that he has only a four- to six-month -period of grace in which to nroduce economic improvements There is a growing feeling in official Warsaw circles that the USSR, in order to create an opportunity for reimposing Soviet controls, will not give Poland needed economic assistance. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 �GOLINFMENThffr 9. STRENGTH OF HUNGARIAN REGIME MAY BE GROWING Comment on: The Hungarian regime has made some progress in weathering the storm aroused by its inauguration on 9 December of a program of severe repression and may have improved its prospects for imposing political and economic order. Although still faced with major obstacles, the re- gime apparently has recently been able to reduce passive resistance and out- bursts of violence. Because of sit-down strikes and growing shortages of fuel and power, productive work has in many cases not been resumed, but most workers now appear to have returned to their factories. Mass demonstrations in the cities and armed conflicts in the countryside appear to have passed their peak, in large part because of measures taken by the regime. The situation resembles, in many respects, the period which preceded the 9 December decrees-- partial strikes, passive hostility and economic disorganiza- tion. It differs significantly to the extent that the workers now find themselves without leaders who can negotiate with the re- gime. The individual factory workers' councils have not been able to assume the political role formerly exercised by the re- cently outlawed district workers' councils. Unity of action by divers groups of workers and other forces appears to have been hamstrung by the regime's oppressive tactics, 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 �eln 11171-17-1-*. T1 IS TA-WIT A 11" Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386 1.-.1 A �1110? NOW* 10, MILITARY AGREEMENT WITH BRAZIL FACES NEW THREAT Comment on: President Kubitschek�while promis- ing action "within a few days" on one aspect of Washington's request for a missile-tracking base and other mili- tary facilities in Brazil--has also spoken of the probability of "inter- minable" delays should his cabinet decide the matter must go before the Brazilian congress. Early in the al- ready protracted negotiations, Foreign ry o icials cautioned that nationalist concern over the 'sovereignty" issue would prevent congressional approval. Public demand for congressional hear- ing a mounted during the past ten days following a series of press leaks on the supposedly secret negotiations, Kubit- schek now appears extremely fearful of proceeding with an executive agreement in the face of continued nationalist at- tack unless he has the unqualified support of his cabinet and his congressional leaders. He told the American ambassa- dor on 13 December that his National Security Council and various legal advisers have questioned the constitutionality of an executive agreement. The Foreign Ministry this week started press briefings in an attempt to portray the talks as a poten- tial diplomatic success for Brazil. SuccessfuLeonclusion of an agreement, however, will still severely tax President Kubitschek's personal courage and political leadership. 16 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 .cr.r.nrr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178386