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October 5, 1956
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ed fryti","1 z));1ov for 11eLeAse;1,M1.013.2 0/41 /17/07/0774 /71/; TOP sreitrr CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) /// 5 October 1956 . e e.I 44 e 4/4 woo:3/ /724 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE IN CLASS. 1:3 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: H 70 DATE OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 '*.wd Norsi amt Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 CONTENTS 1. AMBASSADOR OHLEN COMMENTS ON TITO-KHRUSHCHEV TALKS (page 3). HUNGARIAN NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS TITO POSITION (page 4). 3. NATO ATTACKED IN FRENLNATI9NAL ASSEMBLY FOR- EIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTE (page 5). * * * * 5 Oct 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 6) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 r^e-r-v .rr rkIlr11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 Noy' 1. AMBASSADOR BOHLEN COMMENTS ON TITO- KHRUSHCHEV TALKS Ambassador Bohlen speculates that the Tito-IChrushchev conversations relate to policies which the Soviet leadership is considering with ref- erence to the Satellites and for which it is most anxious to obtain Yugoslav approval and participation. He feels that the Soviet leaders in the interest of "bloc solidarity" may be telling Tito that his retention of ties with the West is unrealistic and is causing great harm to the Communist cause as a whole, and that he must make his choice. The ambassador thinks they fear that con- tinued close Yugoslav economic ties with the West will encourage some Satellites to try to follow this example. He recognizes the likelihood of growing dissension be- tween the USSR and Yugoslavia regarding the interpreta- tion of the "many roads to socialism" concept. He doubts, however, that the Soviet Union is attempting to re-establish Moscow discipline over the Yugoslav party. The ambassador is of the opinion that the length of the discussions, besides indicating the im- portance of underlying differences, suggests that a most serious effort is being made to reach agreement. He be- lieves that some form of compromise, the exact nature of which cannot be foreseen, is likely to result. He finds no evidence in Moscow to support the thesis that differ- ences with Tito have produced a major crisis in Soviet leadership. 5 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 Nre 2. HUNGARIAN NEWSPAPER SUPPORTS TITO POSITION In the first substantive comment on the Soviet-Yugoslav talks in the Crimea yet to appear in a Satellite, a Hungarian trade union daily on 2 October claimed that these talks will strengthen both Hungarian-Yugoslav friendship and the post-Rakosi liberal- ization trend in Hungary. This article apparently reflects the thinking of the increasingly powerful moderate ele- ments of the Hungarian Communist Party and is tantamount to a public declaration of their alignment on the Yugoslav side of the current dispute. The Crimean talks, the article asserted, represent "the weightiest corroboration" of the Hungarian party's post-Rakosi July resolution--viewed by party mod- erates as their "emancipation proclamation." They "make it clear once and for all for everybody that our country's progress is unimaginable without the consistent implemen- tation of the July resolution and the defeat of all opposition to it." The article said that the "straightforward" attitude of the Soviet party and government had "started the progress of healing and clarification" with Yugoslavia ,1 but complained that this process has been "slow and protracted and advanced only in the face of difficulties and obstacles." Although the USSR reportedly warned the Satellites on 3 Sep- tember that Yugoslavia's ties to the West were too close, the article strongly implies that such ties are acceptable. 5 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 :se 3. NATO ATTACKED IN FRENCH NATIONAL ASSEMBLY FOREIGN AFFAIRS COMMITTEE �A Radical-Socialist spokesman for Mendes-France attacked the NATO alliance in the French National Assem- bly foreign affairs committee in mid- September and advocated that France find a workable sub- stitute, according to Maurice Schumann, a Popular Republican leader and former under secretary for foreign affairs. Schu- mann told Ambassador Dillon on 3 October that no one except himself was willing to defend NATO at the meeting which was held just after the second London conference. Schumann believes that NATO has lost a great deal of its popularity in France and warned that the UN Security Council debate on Suez was of exceptional importance because France would view it as a test of American intentions. Comment Irritation over what the French consider �to be inadequate American support on the Suez issue has risen to an unprecedented peak in the last week. There are indications that the Mollet government may exploit the current wave of anti-Americanism to encourage West European integration as a counterbalance to American influence in the Atlantic alliance. 5 Oct 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 �Sratff_. Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 er Iry Ar^v Ink WWI Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376 ve0 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 4 October) An Israeli passenger train traveling from Haifa to Jerusalem on the night of 3-4 October received rifle and machine gun fire from Jordan as it passed near the border, according to an Israeli announcement. The train's engineer was reported wounded in the incident, which is the first involving casualties since the Israeli raid near Husan south of Jerusalem on 25 September. (Press) The American consul general in Jerusalem reports that there is no evidence to support the Israeli claim of demoralization and disintegration in West Jordan. On 2 October he reported that there was no sign of panic and no evidence of ex- odus of Jordanian civilians from the border areas involved in the 25 September raid. The consul general also stated that there was no drastic lowering of morale in the Jordanian National Guard following recent raids, and that civilian morale had been bolstered by the government's claim that the Husan incident was a victory for Jordan. Te t Jordan is re orte to ave decreased in recent days. Israe prime mwL s er "additional views" on the Iraqi-Jordanian situation through the chief of the American Division of the Israeli Foreign Ministry on 2 October. Ben-Gurion wished to make clear that his previous � comment that Israel would take no action against the entry of token Iraqi forces into East Jordan applied only if such entry were to as- sist King Hussain to maintain internal stability. Ben-Gurion sought assurances that an Iraqi tokin force in Jordan would be of a tempo- rary character--lasting only until after the lower house elections at the end of October, or until the end of the year. Any Iraqi force should be limited in size and without heavy armor. He also re- quested information on the size and location of any Iraqi force in Jordan. Ben-Gurion emphasized that under no circumstances orce come near the Israeli frontier. 5 Oct 56 44, Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178376