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y pproved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 - � .L .L r 11 /74 wiz/0v -Tety-SELetE-T- iroyeiz,z4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 23,September 1956 Copy No. 105 f/Z rff 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO. CNLEAxiSSr R. ECyHtEAD EADTE7--- L-T2SZCI- 074/ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. vie 0 DECLASSIFIED � DAT REVIEWER: e#4 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN AUTH: H 70- OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 Nose CONTENTS " 1. OUTCOME OF SECOND S1TEZ CONFERENCE THREATENS MOLLET GOVERNMENT (page 3). 20 SOVIET-SPANISH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS MAY BE ESTABLISHED SOON (page 4). 3. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF NICARAGUAN PRESIDENT SOMOZA (page 5). 4. SOVIET BLOC TO SUPPORT ARMS DELIVERIES TO JORDAN (page 6). 5. BOLIVIAN GOVERNMENT DECLARES STATE OF SIEGE (page 7). * * , 23 Sept 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 8) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 -TOP-SEefiLEP Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 +11r Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 New ',Nor 1. OUTCOME OF SECOND SUEZ CONFERENCE THREATENS MOLLET GOVERNMENT The American embassy in Paris reports that the French public and government of- ficials are disillusioned and discouraged by the second London conference and now believe the only course open is referral of the Suez question to the UN. The embassy expects the National Assembly to hold a bitter and prolonged debate when it convenes on 2 October, with Suez likely to become the focal point of grow- ing exasperation and frustration on a variety of problems. The embassy emphasizes there is a worsen- ing social climate as workers, fprmers and business men be- come increasingly antagonistic over price rises and wage problems. Comment Foreign Minister Pineau won grudging cabinet support for the new Suez Canal users' association with the proviso that France maintain freedom of action to refuse co-operation in any measures it considers contrary to its essential interests. Premier Mollet had received nearly unanimous non-Communist sup- port in early August for his strong stand against Egyptian nationalization of the canal, but he has been running into in- creasing political opposition at home as France and the West have avoided recourse to force. Success for Nasr is likely to further weaken France's position in Algeria and Mollet may seek more direct American and British support in North Africa. 23 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 L_11../4. V J. AL J-JJ 4111011e 20 SOVIET-SPANISH DIPLOMATIC RELATIONS MAY BE ESTABLISHED SOON Comment Resumption of diplomatic relations be- tween Spain and the Soviet Union has been under consideration for some time. Madrid probably antici- pates increased trade opportunities and wider acceptance in international circles to result from formal relations with Moscow, but no change is expected in Spain's relations with the United States or in its anti-Communist policy. General Franco had reportedly demanded as preconditions the return of Spanish war prisoners and restitution of Spanish gold sent to the Soviet Union by the Republican government during the civil war. About 500 Span- ish civilian refugees from the civil war are scheduled to em- bark from Odessa this week, the first of an estimated 1,300 who have received exit permits from the USSR. 23 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 _.m.ctr ry Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 '41.01 Nier 3. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF NICARAGUAN PRESIDENT SOMOZA Comment on: The attempted assassination of Nicaraguan president Somoza on 22 September by a member of an opposition party will prob- ably result in serious repression of the opposition. Somoza's condition is serious but not critical. Should Somoza die, a chaotic situation would probably develop. Martial law has been declared in the en- tire country. Leaders of the opposition Conservative Party have long considered the assassination of Somoza the only way to bring about a change in government. Somoza, Nicaraguan strong man since 1934, Was planning his "re- election" to another six-year term next February. It is not known whether the assassination attempt was co-ordinated with the revolutionary plans of ex- iles outside Nicaragua. Some of these exiles, who were re- cently reported in Costa Rica and Mexico, probably include Communist sympathizers. Even if the assassination attempt were - purely of alocal political n'ature, the Nicaraguan government will probably seek to implicate Somoza's hated enemy, President Figueres of Costa Rica, and, even in the absence of conclu- sive evidence of Costa Rican complicity, might go so far as to launch an attack on Costa Rica. The Nicaraguan exiles in Costa Rica and high Costa Rican officials were involved in the April 1954 attempt to assassinate Somoza. Figueres feels impelled to lead the fight against the dictators of the Caribbean area and, is known to have given moral and financial support in a recent effort to have the presi- dent and security chief of Venezuela assassinated. 23 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 _err r's Iry ." r r4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 4. SOVIET BLOC TO SUPPORT ARMS DELIVERIES TO JORDAN Comment Syria is to act as the intermediary in this latest e4ension of bloc arms sup- ply to the Arab states by procuring about $7,000,000 worth of arms through its purchasing mission in Prague and for- warding them to Jordan. The cost of this deal is to be borne chiefly by Saudi Arabia, Egypt and Syria, with pro- visions for other Arab states to contribute to the program. Although bloc pricing policies on arms sales in the Middle East in many cases bear little relation to cost, the discount feature indicates a Soviet desire to in- fluence the uncertain alignment of Jordan. The British have warned Jordan that they would have to reconsider the Anglo- Jordan treaty if substantial numbers of non-British arms were acquired. 23 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 " La A "NW 5. BOLIVIAN GOVERNMENT DECLARES STATE OF SIEGE The Bolivian government has declared a state of siege as a result of civil dis- orders in La Paz on 22 September. Anti- government elements had organized a hunger march and a crowd set fire to the progovernment newspaper building and the government radio station. Other fires and rioting reportedly resulted in eight deaths. The antigovernment action during the day was reported led by Unzaga de la Vega, leader of the major ightist opposition party, while disorders occurring on the night of 22 September were directed by a member of a leftist splinter party. The Communists were apparently not involved. Bolivia's spiraling inflation -- in which the already high cost of living rose 17 percent between April and June of this year � has been generally recognized as the major problem facing the new government which took office on 6 August. Although the government won over 80 percent of the total vote in last June's election, its chief opposition polled about 40 percent of the vote in the inflation- plagued urban areas. A monetary stabilization council, made up of high-ranking Bolivian officials with an American adviser, was recently set up. No one of Bolivia's three armed groups-- the civilian militia, the carabineros, or the army -- appears to have defected to the opposition. Consequently, the govern- ment is believed capable of maintaining itself in power. 23 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 mr-ID t-i .s�-�� rin Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178375 THE ARAL-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1.700, 23 September) Jordanian forces were reported to have killed six persons and wounded 23 others inside Israel on 23 September, apparently for approaching prohibited mili- tary zones in the Jerusalem area. In one incident, accord- ing to an Israeli military spokesman, Jordanian machine gun fire killed three and wounded 17 members of an Israeli archeological convention who were part of a group viewing tombs within Jordan from a water tower in Israel. Apparently referring to a separate incident, a Jordanian military source announced with "deep regret" that three French tourists in Israeli territory were killed and six wounded when they ap- proached a prohibited military zone. The shootings possibly indicate a breakdown in discipline among the bitter, poorly led and poorly equipped Palestinian Arabs of the Jordan Na- tional Guard, the force which mans the border, it is y WA. Luc recultmou. liUctru -cnat is, Palestinians recruited during the last two months" � who are on guard in Jerusalem. Tension in West Jordan soared following two Israeli raids during the second week of September, bringing forth new pressure for revenge against Israel. The recently publicized decision by Egypt, Syria and Saudi Arabia to supply arms to the National Guard, and the arrival of at least token shipments in Jordan, may also have promoted cockiness in West Jordan. The incidents raise the prospect of a serious new round of Israeli retaliatory raids, and confront the Amman government with a test of its ability to maintain control in West Jordan. Jordan has requested that the Iraqi army chief of staff, General Rafiq Arif, join the current Iraqi - Jordanian military talks in Amman, Nun i stated that ne haci consented to this, and added that Iraq had already supplied Jordan with 1, 000 rifles from its limited arms sunnily hut had tin a ddi= tonal small arms in reserve. Zti oept Current Intelligence �L.-Lille-tin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 003178375 Tv AD CI;11f