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CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN r Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 7 September 1956 Copy No. / 0,57 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE-. IN CLASS. CLASS. CHANGE:0 TO: -11' DECI.AS,-mF;d0 DATE REVIEWER: // 4 NEXT REVIEW DATE: / AUTH: H 70-2 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 17F Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 CONTENTS 1. EDEN RECALLS PARLIAMENT page 3). 2. FRENp,T_PIT!.LIC OPINION OPPOSED TO WAR OVER SUEZ (page 4). 3. SOVIET BLOC MILITARY LEAVES REPORTED CANCELED (page 5). 4, LEBANESE CHRISTIANS FEAR NASR SUEZ VICTORY WOULD INCITE MOSLEM FANATICISM (page 6). 5. BRITISH COMMUNIST REPORTS ON ANTI-STALIN CAMPAIGN page 7). 6. MOVE TOWARD GREATER LIBERALISM CONTINUES IN HUNGARY (page 9). 7. COMMUNIST-NENNI SOCIALIST BREAK MAY TAKE FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS page 10). THE ARAB - LI SITUATION (page 11) 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 '4.4400 1. EDEN RECALLS PARLIAMENT Prime Minister Eden has called Par- liament into special session on 12 Sep- tember to seek renewed support in the Suez crisis in view of heavy criticism of the government's handling of the situation. Labor leader Gaitskell's demand of 31 August for a special session was rejected by Eden, drawing criticism even from the London Times, which alone had been consistent in supporting the government's actions on the Suez issue. The cabinet presumably believes that Nasr will reject the London conference proposals and that the Cairo talks will be over by the time Parliament con- venes. Parliament will be in session on the eve of what is widely regarded as the critical mid-September period. British military plans for action against Evnt call for completion of the build-up by 15 September. n the 3rd Infantry Divisiom which is now in rea �S-outhampton, the division is to move to the Middle East immediately if the Menzies talks appear likely to fail. 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for for Release: 2019/10/23 CO3178364 *t00% 2. FRENCH PUBLIC OPINION OPPOSED TO WAR OVER SUEZ The French people, especially those living outside of Paris, oppose force- ful measures against Nasr, according to a poll conducted by the French interior Ministry. he French ca11neL, wnien nas unanimously supported Premier Monet's firm policy, may be in for a nasty shock when it learns this, and that hitherto fire-eating deputies who are now in their eon stituencies may also change their tune0 opposition to forceful action ain- ing ground in Paris in the past few days, and the majority of permanent government officials feel this way. the French Foreign Ministry appears to be giving priority consideration to alternatives to military action. 7,Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 slew Name 3. SOVIET BLOC MILITARY LEAVES REPORTED CANCELED Reports of Communist origin circulating in East Berlin assert that military leaves in the Soviet bloc have been canceled be- cause of the Suez crisis, according to the press. The action was said to have been taken since Britain and France started their current military build- up on Cyprus. � Comment If true, such an action would indicate an increase in Soviet concern over the Suez dispute. These reports may be designed to impress on the British and French the possibility of direct Soviet interven- tion. There are no other indications of Soviet offers to Egypt beyond "volunteers" and economic and military aid. 7,Sept 56 Current � Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 �14.r, 4. LEBANESE CHRISTIANS FEAR NASR SUEZ VICTORY WOULD INCITE MOSLEM FANATICISM Christian leaders in Lebanon have ex- pressed their concern to the American embassy in Beirut on the future of Christians in Lebanon and throughout a yptian president Nasr attains a victory in the Suez dispute and remains in power. They said that Nasres success already had stimulated dormant Moslem determination to subjugate the Christians, and expressed the hope that there would be no peaceful solution of the Suez crisis. They stated that "Moslem fanaticism, intol- erance, and ambition" toward Middle Eastern Christians and the West would subside for 30 or 40 years if Egypt were defeated militarily, but conceded that a clash might have bloody consequences for the Christian minority in Egypt. Comment The Christian population, dominant in Lebanon, has traditionally feared that Lebanon would be "swallowed up" by the surrounding Arab states. The rise of Nasr and the accompanying spurt of Arab nationalism increased these fears. On 30 August Lebanese army units were reportedly instructed to "stand by" because of government fears that the Suez Canal dis- pute might instigate local strife between Christians and Moslems. 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 �SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/1623 C03178364 74.1.1 Nog, 5. BRITISH COMMUNIST REPORTS ON ANTI- STALIN CAMPAIGN While in the Soviet Union from May to July, Secretary General Gollan of the British Communist Party was informed that the decision for Khrushchev to at- ii in a secret speech before the Soviet 20th Party Congress was not taken until after the congress had con- vened. B. N. Pono- _ marev, a leading Soviet co-ordinator of foreign Communist matters, told Gollan that the response to earlier revelations within party circles of Stalin's crimes and the inadequacy of the public statements against Stalin that had been made during the early sessions of the congress resulted in the de- cision. Gollan, who asked for and was provided with a Soviet text of the secret speech, said it was sub- stantially the same as the American version. He illustrated the determination of the Soviet party presidium to prevent a recurrence of the "cult of personality" by citing a decision that all presidium members would be provided with copies of private letters addressed to any one member. Gollan was much impressed with the pa- tient and friendly reception given by Soviet leaders to his criticisms of the Soviet party and to his blunt accounts of the difficulties facing British Communists. The Soviet lead- ers claimed that agitation over the more sensational aspects of the anti-Stalin disclosures would soon subside, empha- sized the importance of worldng-class unity, and warned the British Communist Party against the danger of succumbing to Social Democratic ideology. Upon Gollan's return home, other British Communists obliged him to amend his draft of a resolution 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2b-19/10753 C03178364 summarizing the talks on the grounds that it implied that the Soviet Union had satisfactorily answered the questions on the "cult of personality" which had arisen in the British party. Comment The British Communist Party state- ment issued on 16 July, after Gollan's return to Britain, strongly endorsed the Soviet party reso- lution of 30 June on de-Stalinization, but expressed the belief that further light would be shed on some issues "still not fully clarified' This qualification may have been the amendment to Gollan's proposed draft. 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 et Ir....-.T1 r-v Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 6. MOVE TOWARD GREATER LIBERALISM CONTINUES IN HUNGARY According to the American legation in Budapest, the present Hungarian re- gime's control of the political situation now appears to be less effective than agy s con r 53 and 1954. The legation comments hat events since Rakosi's resignation in July have moved aster and more favorably than most observers anticipated t the time. It notes, however, that conflict continues be- ween those wishing to cushion the effect of the Soviet 20th Party Congress in Hungary and those willing or wishing to permit a freer development of ideological thought and polit- ical practice. Comment Recent party statements dealing with political, cultural and economic policy indicate that the compromise decisions enunciated in the mid-July central committee resolution are being modified in order to conform more to the demands of the "moderate" party elements and intellectuals who have been pressing for more liberal internal policies. The implementation of more liberal policies would probably at least temporarily satisfy large numbers of the party moderates, but would probably in- crease dissatisfaction among the more doctrinaire Commu- nists, including newly appointed party first secretary Gero. 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 NINO" 7. COMMUNIST-NENNI SOCIALIST BREAK MAY TAKE FOUR OR FIVE MONTHS In a report to French premier Mollet on the results of the Nenni-Saragat meeting of 25 August, French Social- ist leader Pierre Comrnin predicted Italian Socialist reunification but poflWd�tThfthe time was not yet ripe and that many dif- ficulties, especially in the foreign policy field, remained. He recommended strongly against putting pressure on Nenni to break openly with Italian Communist chief Togliatti now. Commin predicted that if Nenni were "left alone" he would break with the Communists on foreign policy issues within four or five months. He also predicted Nenni would adopt policies that would make him acceptable in the Socialist International within the next six months. Although Commin had not received as- surances from Nenni, he seemed to think Nenni would shortly announce a change of position on NATO. Comment Nenni differed from the Communist position on both the Poznan riots and the Suez issue.- On 26 August Nenni told the Italian press: "We attacked the Atlantic pact during the period when it appeared to us an element of imperialist offensive. We recognize that the situation is no longer the same!' In a statement on 3 September, however, he confined his views on foreign affairs to a general expression of hope that the world not be divided into two military blocs. 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 003178364 �^11-1 rri Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 6 September) According to King Saud, King Hussain of Jordan desires to conclude a military agreement with Saudi Arabia similar to that recently concluded between Jordan and Syria. This agreement is believed to involve a joint military command and a joint operations staff under the authority of the Arab joint command in Cairo. Jordan's move toward co-opera- tion with Saudi Arabia may be part of the price of major Egyptian- Syrian-Saudi arms aid for Jordan's National Guard. King Saud has invited military representatives of Egypt, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to meet in Riyadh on 7 September to discuss measures to improve defense of the Jordan-Israel border. 7 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178364