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September 1, 1956
Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 :Fr -4;00779 ./e/ ,0077#01 kJ/ ablavu..1. cfditt CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 1 September 1956 Copy No. 105 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CL-IANr.:;ED TO: TS _yertd, NEXT REVIEW "DNI'E: AuTh:j.9-2 DATE: REVIEWER. OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 r-r,es eN ArN r% rrt Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 CONTENTS 1. FRANCE SEEN FORCING MAJOR CRISIS IN SUEZ BY MID- SEPTEMBER (page 3), 2. TWO SOVIET SUBMARINES TO BE DELIVER,ED TO EGYPT IN SEPTEMBER (page 4). 3. SWISS BANKS MOVE TO CURTAIL EGYPTIAN FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS (page 5). 4. WEST GERMANS MritY_BA_7( DOWN ON 18-MONTH CON- SCRIPTION TERM (page 6). 5. TASS ANNOUNCES SOVIET NUCLEAR TESTS (page 7). 6. COMMUNIST CHINA OFFERS TO WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM DISPUTED SINO-BURMESE BORDER AREA (Top (page 8). 7. NEGOTIATIONS FOR SOVIET AID TO INDONESIA SUSPENDED (page 10). 8. SOVIET JOURNALIST DISCUSSES GERMAN UNIFICATION AND EUROPEAN SECURITY (page 11). 1 Sept 56 * * * THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 12) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 " I-4 7-1 1-�rr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 viper 1. FRANCE SEEN FORCING MAJOR CRISIS IN SUEZ BY MID-SEPTEMBER France's determination to press the Suez issue to a climax raises the strong possibility of a very serious crisis about mid-September, in the view of the Amer- ic n embassy in Paris. In its present mood, France will not be satisfied with a partial and camouflaged Egyptian re- treat and fears prolonged negotiations will permit Nasr to get away with his coup. The embassy believes that unless Nasr yields far more than seems probable in his reply to Secre- tary Dulles' plan, Paris will insist that the work of the five- nation committee in Cairo is finished and will bring strong pressure for immediate and drastic sanctions. Ambassador Dillon believes that the French attitude may be based on the general view that� the USSR would not respond forcibly to an Anglo-French attack on Egypt. Comment Since the London conference, the French government has taken military and economic steps to im- prove its ability to exert pressure on Nasr, and Premier Mallet apparently has almost unanimous non-Communist backing for this policy. Implementation of extreme meas- ures probably will depend on the extent of active British support. Thus far the two countries appear to have closely co-ordinated their military and economic pressure tactics against Egypt. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 0-�, 1-1 1-1 #11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Nue 2. TWO SOVIET SUBMARINES TO BE DELIVERED TO EGYPT IN SEPTEMBER Comment on: Two Soviet submarines are scheduled to leave the Baltic Sea for delivery to Egypt lithe schedule is followed, the submarines should arrive in Egypt by the last week in September. The boats will be manned by Soviet crews not in Soviet uniform on the voyage to Egypt. Egypt may want to retain at least some members of the Soviet crews to supervise tactical operations after the boats ar- rive in Egyptian waters. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 �-� Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 ('1'i1JIjdV I 121.L4 Vise .row' 3. SWISS BANKS MOVE TO CURTAIL EGYPTIAN FINANCIAL TRANSACTIONS Leading Swiss commercial banks and the Swiss national bank have tentatively decided to short-circuit Egypt's scheme to make its international payments from epos].ts to be established in Switzerland by Communist China. They will do this by declining substantial deposits (presumably in Egyptian accounts) from any country in any currency other than Swiss francs. the Egyptians have been informed of this proposed action. Swiss bankers will take the position that large receipts of foreign currency might eventually inflate the Swiss franc and are therefore averse to Switzerland's becoming the turntable for pro-Communist countries' inter- national payments. The final decision by the Swiss govern- ment is expected within a few days. Comment The 20,000,000 Swiss francs reported deposited by Communist China for Egyp- tian clearing accounts in Switzerland is a relatively small capital movement. Larger movements of capital in and out of Switzerland have occurred in recent years without ad- verse effects on the Swiss economy. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 r7,104 n /7" Pr Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 74101 NOW 4. WEST GERMANS MAY BACK DOWN ON 18-MONTH CONSCRIPTION TERM A leading member of Chancellor Adenauer's Christian Democratic Party (CDU) says his party will have to drop its support of an 18-month conscription term for its armed forces or lose the 1957 election to the opposition. The American embassy in Bonn comments that, although the government still favors 18 months, the CDU is now likely to try to take credit for advocating a shorter term. Meanwhile, the chairman of the Bundestag Defense Committee, a CDU member, has supported a compromise plan whereby basic troops, such as the infantry, would serve 12 months and specialists, 18 months. The CDU spokesman said there is no longer any possibility of preventing the law setting the term for conscription from being presented to the Bundesrat, and that there is insurmountable resistance in the Bundesrat to the 18-month term. Comment The conscription bill was pushed through both houses in July without any specifica- tion as to length of service, with the idea that the Bundesrat could probably be bypassed and a law setting a term of 18 months pushed through the Bundestag after it reconvenes in September, by the CDU's own majority. Since July, the West German public has been confused by speculation over the status of conventional armed forces, and Adenauer's position on the need for conscription has been undercut. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for Release: 10719715723 C03178361 5., TABS ANNOUNCES SOVIET NUCLEAR TESTS The official Soviet news agency, TASS has announced that two nuclear weapons tests occurred on 25 and 30 August and that other tests will be held for the purpose of improving existing nuclear weapons and develop- ing new types of weapons. TASS claimed that the fall-out of radio- active material was reduced by the Soviet practice of detonating the weapon "at a considerable height" and by using "the smallest poSsible quantity of active material." The statement reiterated previous Soviet proposals for a ban on nuclear weapons and tests and cited recent US and British tests as a justification for the current ..J Soviet series. Comment The first in the current series of Soviet nuclear tests occurred on 24 August at Semj.palatinsk and produced a yield of approximately 100 kilotons. The estimated yield of the most recent test probably falls in the range of 500 to 1,000 kilotons. Three previous tests during February and March of this year all produced yields of less than 30 kilotons. Announcement of these tests follows closely President Eisenhower's recent criticism of Soviet secrecy. The danger from fall-out to neighboring countries implied in the President's statement probably induced the Soviet announcement's emphasis on safety measures. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 _�7" 11 t-4 rf rt r� rri Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 \me' 6, COMMUNIST CHINA OFFERS TO WITHDRAW TROOPS FROM DISPUTED SINO-BURMESE BORDER AREA Premier Chou En-lai has declare to Prime Minister Ba Swe o Burma that Chinese Communist troops "are prepared to withdraw" from the disputed territory in the Wa States. Chou stated that Com- munist China finds it difficult to accept the present bound- ary line but, in the interests of a peace- ful settlement, is willing to accept the Burmese suggestion that Chinese troops be withdrawn. Chou, however, called attention to the presence of Burmese troops near the "um- determined boundary" in the Kachin State area. He requested that these troops be withdrawn, and ex- pressed the hope that Burmese troops would also "cease to advance" toward the disputed area in the Wa States in order to avoid a situation prej- udicial to a smooth settlement of the boundary question by a joint commission. r� K ACHIN ? STATE Myltkyina � weje Lashio � � Mandalay WA STATES Rangoon BURMA SO AUGUST IPSO vga undemarcated boundary indefinite boundary UNCLASSIFIED 0 100 200 miles 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin CHINA ( YUNNAN PROVINCE LAOS Bangkok 6082 8 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Comment Peiping had previously indicated it would not withdraw its troops from the disputed area but would "preserve the status quo" pending a negotiated settlement. Its reversal of position follow from Ba Swe which warned of "lasting enmity" between the two countries and which threatened to give further publicity to the issue by bringing it before the Bur- mese parliament. however, by no means re- solves the Sino-Burmese border dispute as Rangoon will almost certainly reject Chou's contention that any of its troops in the Kachin State are in Chinese territory. The Burmese have for some time been preparing a case con- cerning this portion of the boundary; although no specific representations have been made to Peiping. Ba Swe would meet any continuing dead- lock by renewing his effort to win the support of other neu- tralist nations. Yugoslavia, India and Indonesia have al- ready expressed their sympathy for the Burmese position. .1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 7. NEGOTIATIONS FOR SOVIET AID TO INDONESIA SUSPENDED Ivan Semichastnov, the leader of the Soviet delegation conducting negotia- tions in Djakarta for Soviet economic and technical assistance to Indonesia, eorTedI1yTffleave for Moscow on 3 September. Semi- chastnoves return to Moscow will give Bulganin and Khru- shchev the opportunity to be briefed during the Indonesian president's visit there, and the USSR may hope to include a reference to Soviet aid in a joint statement at the end of Sukarno's visit. Meanwhile, negotiations have been sus- pended. the Indo- nesians had refused to be stampeded into signing an aid agreement with the USSR, and were holding out for re- strictions which would severely circumscribe Soviet ac- tivities. Recently, the deputy chief of the Indonesian nego- tiating team stated that the talks had been moving at a slow pace because of a lack of understanding of each other's prob- lems. Prime Minister Ali, moreover, told the American ambassador that neither party has yet made any specific proposals, confirming other information that each side has been waiting for the other to take the initiative. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for Relea�se-7. -0971723 C03178361 Nor 8. SOVIET JOURNALIST DISCUSSES GERMAN UNIFICATION AND EUROPEAN SECURITY the USSR did not insist that a united Germany be Communist, it was impossible for the USSR to abandon East Germany at the present time, just as the West could not abandon West Germany. He said "some- thing might be worked out" in the future if there were true security guarantees and the question of Western bases were settled, and if the West stopped demanding a Western-oriented Eastern Europe. Pointing out that Molotov was no longer the foreign minister, he urged that these questions be explored further "without communiqu�and declarations:' He urged a rapprochement between the United States and the USSR and hinted that correspondence between President Eisenhower and Marshal Zhukov on dis- armament would be more productive than has the correspond- ence with Premier Bulganin. Comment Although the remarks on the present prospects for German unification reflect the flatly negative position taken by Khrushchev over the past year, the suggestion of secret, informal negotiations is new. Soviet journalists in past conversations have stressed the value of developing contacts between President Eisenhower and Marshal Zhukov. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 -I I "Nire *we THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 31 August) Egypt has protested to the UN Truce Super- vision Organization that Israelis killed 13 Egyptian soldiers and wounded two others in three attacks on 30 August. An Israeli spokesman said he could neither confirm nor deny the Egyptian complaints. Two of the attacks occurred in the Gaza strip and the third near the El Auja demilitarized zone. The Israeli ac- tion is probably in retaliation for the incident of early 30 August in which two Israeli soldiers were killed and two others wounded by the explosion of land mines near El Auja. The Israeli re- sponse to Arab actions over the past few weeks indicates that sharp Israeli reprisals can be expected to follow almost immediately after future Arab incursions. An Israeli broadcast from Jerusalem stated on 31 August that Egypt has added the 500-ton Israeli merchant ship Bat Galim to the Egyptian navy. The Bat Galim was seized in the Suez CanalonSeptember 1954 as it was en route to Haifa with meat and hides from Eritrea. Although the 10 Israeli crew members were released in January, the Bat Galim has remained in Egyptian hands. Egypt had previously announced that it was going to put the ship up for auction. The second of the two former British de- stroyers purchased by Egypt is reported to have left the United Kingdom. The first departed British waters last week and stopped at Sicily on 29 August. Previous reports indicated that both destroyers would have to sail without ammunition. Egypt may find it difficult to find the particular type of ammunition required. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 re, An, r9 "%Tr 1"1 Ft, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361 ovi in New Delhi informed Cairo on 17 August that he had suc- ceeded in obtaining 5,000 rifles, 20,000 grenades and 2,500 three-inch high-explosive mortar shells. a new. Egyptian query on the return of tanks previously requested. The Egyptian request probably referred to the 20 Soviet T-34 tanks reliably reported to have been delivered by Egypt to Syria in early March. the 20 tanks were on loan to Syria pending Czech deliveries of the Syrian-ordered .T-34's. 1 Sept 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 Tor SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03178361