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Approved for Release. 2020/03/13 C0311:892 / TOP 5ECRT 5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 25 April 1960 Copy No. CENTRAL 70 IYTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO, Ile' NO MANOR IN CLASS. oie o DECLESSITIED CUM CHANCED TOt i ihstort NEXT ELYIEW DATts AUTiit RR 10-2 RAW " REVIEWER* -TOP-SECRET- WyfrArdrrnyjejeZZZA pproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C 031778920 rjr/Z/WZMA/ZZA Approved for Release: C03177892 -Nur' -7-4142-C.C.&11e'r Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Approved for Release:,2020/03/13 C03177892 25 APRIL 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC I I. ASIA-AFRICA Arab labor federation plans boycott of American shipping in all Arab states over Cleopatra case. Turkish Government's harassment of po- litical opposition may lead to protest demonstrations during NATO meeting in Istanbul early next month. Closer Cambodian ties with Peiping may result from Chou En-lai's visit scheduled for 5 to 9 May. Chinese Nationalist High Command shows concern over recent movement of Commu- .4.1- im- fin4,1-A-v. im.^ 'T` wan Strait area. Rhee plan given cool reception in South Korea; new disturbances predicted unless further concessions are made. 0 III. THE WEST � Unity of Italian Christian Democratic party threatened in continuing political crisis. ()Pressure on Venezuelan President from labor confederation, which allegedly is demanding the admission of Communists into the government, may set off new power struggle. rem c r Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 \N Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 I01. I 4141111r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 25 April 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Middle East: The refusal of a US federal court to issue a restraining order against two unions picketing the Egyptian ship Cleopatra in New York appears to make a boycott of American shipping and airlines in the Middle East almost in- evitable. The federation of Arab unions has announced that a full boycott of American ships will go into effect on 29 April from Morocco to Aden ilrapss picketing of the UAR ship is stopped. (Page 1) Turkey: The Turkish Government's harassment of its political opposition may lead to larotest demonstrations dur- ing the meeting in Istanbul of the NATO Ministerial Council in early May. The opposition Republican People's party may sponsor such demonstrations to dramatize its plight and to emphasize its charge that the Menderes regime has "sold out" to the United States and is incapable of protecting Turkish in- terests. (Page 3) Cambodia: l'rince Sihanouk's anger over South Vietnam's recently renewed claims to Cambodian= administered offshore Islands may serve as the catalyst for the development of closer Cambodian ties with Peiping when Chou En-lai visits Cambodia from 5 to 9 May. The American ambassador in Phnom Penh believes that Sihanouk, who is a great admirer of Chou, may be amenable to a treaty of friendship and nonaggression with Communist China and may skChouThrthrced economic aidi (Page 4) (Map) -\\ , TOP EEEEEEE \APproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 0 V 4 k�MkM,N�\,-'k� \ \ Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 I UI-' 6t. t I law, iir *Taiwan Strait: LIome 50 Chinese Communist jet fighters were moved from other areas into bases opposite the Taiwan Strait last week. The Chinese Nationalist High Command, which believes that the Chinese Communists will start some sort of hostile action prior to the summit conference, has shown its concern by placing the off- shore island garrisons on an alert status. While it is possible that the aircraft movements on the mainland presage stepped-up Com- munist efforts to interfere with Nationalist patrols noted were rotational flightN (Page 6) (Map) believe it more likely that the moves South Korea: The cool reception given President Rhee's an- nouncement on 24 April that he will withdraw, from partisan politics and turn the reins of government over to a coalition cabinet suggests that this alone is not enough to rally popular support for the govern- ment. There is considerable evidence that the constitutional amend- ment planned by Rhee would allow him to retain control by leaving ,( him the power to appoint and dismiss cabinet members. An uneasy calm prevails over most of the country, with demonstrations con- tinuing in some localities. Students and professors of universities in Seoul predict that unless the government meets basic student de- mands for new national elections and punishment of police responsi- ble for repressive acts, new disturbances are inevitable when the army leaves the cities. (Page 7) III. THE WEST 3 'i-Pr Italy: The failure of Fanfani's effort to form a center-left goy- / ernment has aggravated the strains within the Christian Democratic arty, threatening party unity. Despite the strong opposition within � - the party's left wing to Tambroni's dependence on neo-Fascist sup- port in winning lower-house approval for his all- Christian Demo- cratic cabinet two weeks ago, President Gronchi has now called on f Tambroni to proceed with seeking Senate approval. Christian Dem- ocratic party leaders, who fear losses if new elections are held now, A, may try for a strictly, caretaker government pending a party con- ;A- et" gress to debate the question of whether to seek support from the right or the left. wet - IAA- 5 'Apr 60 DAILY BRIEF TOP SECRET C03177892k\ lApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 trio. ApprovecINfor Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 101 LI(LI � Venezuela: ahe Communist-influenced Venezuelan Workers' Confederation (CTV), which supported the government during the abortive 20-21 April military uprising, has since presented a set of recommendations to President Betancourt, allegedly including a demand that Communists be included in the present three-party government coalition. The admission of Communists into the gov- ernment is adamantly opposed by the majority of the officer corps. The combination of CTV pressure on the regime and leftist attacks on the military could lead to a break between the armed forces and the left-wing elements in the government, thereby forcing Betan- court to side with or oppose the military�in either case precipitat- ing a new power struggle. (Page 10) 25 Apr 60 DAILY BRIEF lii �TOP�SECRE-T 'NApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 �TOP -SEIZE vole "MOW I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Boycott of American Transportation in Middle East Imminent The 23 April refusal of a US federal court to restrain two unions--the Seafarers International and the International Long- shoremen's Association--from picketing the Egyptian ship Cleo- patra in New York appears to make a boycott of American ship- ping and airlines in the Middle East almost inevitable. In deny- ing the petition for an injunction against the unions, the federal judge referred to the Arab boycott of Israel and stated that it causes a "loss of jobs to US seamen" and that "Congress has prohibited federal courts from issuing injunctions in labor dis- putes." The powerful executive committee of the International Fed- eration of Arab Workers, meeting in Cairo on 23 April prior to the court decision, announced that a full boycott�refusal to load, unload, supply, or repair any American ship--will go into effect "from Agadir to Aden" on 29 April unless the picketing against the Cleopatra is lifted. Ships of other countries following the ex- ample of the American unions also will be boycotted. Such a boy- cott would impede but not officially bar American ships from trans- iting the Suez Canal. The Arab Air Transport Unions have decided to boycott all American aircraft in Arab airports, presumably also on 29 April. The American air attache in Cairo says such a move would put the US Military Air Transport Service, as well as commercial lines, "out of business" in the area. The injection of the Arab-Israeli conflict into the situation is likely to make it very difficult to keep the boycott from spreading throughout the Arabic-speaking countries. The Moroccan Govern- ment has declared its "complete support of the UAR position," and stevedores in Libya and Jordan are said to be readying themselves 25 Apr 60 cEA-p-p-rO\iedicTITei ea-sj:.16-10/63 7C-631.77892 Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 to comply with the federation's stand. The oil-producing states of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia may find it difficult to resist pres- sures from Cairo for at least token participation in the boycott, and there may be "spontaneous" work stoppages by port workers. UAR-influenced workers in the important bunkering port of Aden are preparing to follow the UAR lead. The boycott may be ex- tended to cover American goods. The assault in New York on a sailor from the Cleopatra and the renorted losR o his eye will further inflame Arab opinion, ffJAR officials have told the American Embassy in Cairo that they could not "restrain Arab workers indefinitely," and reports from Alexandria and Latakia state that workers have refused to unload several American vessels. armarentiv with official bless- ing_rj Meanwhile, the UAR Foreign Ministry has instructed its missions in Denmark, Norway, Finland, and Sweden to warn these governments of the adverse effect on their "commercial interests," should a sympa- thetic boycott of UAR ships be carried out. TOP SECRET 25 Apr 60 CEA-p-p-ro'v-ed-fc:Elk-eiese-:. O-0-3177892 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 WAIL LIJILIV 11AL _ _ 4w, %me Turkish Opposition Party May Sponsor Disturbances During NATO Meeting in Istanbul The Turkish Government's three-month ban on all political activity--a ban which began on 18 April and is aimed at restrict- ing the opposition Republican People's party (RPP)--has height- ened political tension in the country and may lead to demonstra- tions during the meeting of the NATO Ministerial Council in Istanbul from 2 to 4 May. The RPP may sponsor demonstra- tions to dramatize its plight to the large number of foreign jour - nalists and delegation members who will be present. The RPP, which resents the government's tendency to picture the United States as the protector of the Menderes regime, may use the occasion to emphasize its charge that the government has "sold out" to the US and is not capable of protecting Turkish inter= ests. The Turkish press has already given extensive coverage to unrest in South Korea. Opposition papers will probably seek to com- pare the situation in Turkey with that in South Korea. The RPP considers unconstitutional the 15-man committee set up on 18 April by the Democratic party dominated Grand National Assembly with powers to investigate "illegal" activities of the RPP. It was this committee which invoked the suspension of political ac- tivity. The RPP has declared that it will not be bound by any of the committee's decisions, and influential RPP spokesmen have pri- vately suggested to the committee that creation of a "new govern- ment" is a "revolutionary action" which may have to be dealt with "by revolutionary means." 25 Apr 60 cENTDAI IkITCI I inckurc 111111 CTIkl page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Noy' Nue r-- � THAILAND �-% V. isOphon Reap Battambang C A M Kompongn'4�- Chhnang / PHNOM LAOS Cs. 6'((i h rreng ODIA Kompong Thom 1) /110Kratie _}) , ok mpong Cham jr Pre PENH (k.,..=.,,,,.Ve2g ) Svay ; Rieng 0 Chau Doc My Tho ''Tra Vinh \-1 Soc Trang o 11 Bac Lieu, Takeo� Sihanoukvilled� Ream Kampot tFEla Tien I. du Mili8u I. a Eau Ile de Phu Quoc, I. du Pic lies des Pirates GULF OF SIAM 31087 CAN TN 0 Kontum i�Pleiku �Ban Me 2 Thuot Dalat 0 7 VIETNAM /Phan Thiet SAIGON Cap Saint-Jacques 0 MILiES 100 Nha Trang. ))\ o Phan Rang SEA BURMA \ . 4 OUTH 'I/IILTKIAM . , Area of r- Main M 1 J.., PH,IpPIP,1,1 SOUT1-1 ORTH IETNAM ALAVA 11,), NJ INOONESIA Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 MCIQI 'Novi South Vietnamese' Territorial Clams May Lead to Closer Cambodian Ties With Communist China ETensions between Phnom Penh and Saigon, resulting from South Vietnam's note of 9 March requesting that Cambodia renounce claims to a series of small offshore islands, continue unabated, and Prince Siha.nouk's anger over the issue could provide a basis for in- creased Chinese Communist influence in his country. The Cambodian press, laying the groundwork for Premier. Chou En-lai's visit from 5 to 9 May, is already billing it as a reminder "that Cambodia is not alone." In a public speech on 22 April, Sihanouk asserted that "Cam- bodia will fight to the death" if attacked and, if necessary, will call on Communist countries for hel0 South Vietnam's ill-timed diplomatic offensive appears to have halted Cambodia's recent trend toward closer association with neutrals instead of the bloc and has left Sihanouk anxious to gain revenge:3 fn .the presence of foreigners Prince Sihanouk is attempting to treat South Vietnam's claims as a joke but, according to US Am- bassador Trimble, he actually views them as a serious threat. They have put him in a highly emotional state, vulnerable to the "suave blandishments" of Chou, for whom he has an exaggerated personal regard. Ambassador Trimble believes that under current circum- stances Sihanouk might respond favorably, to possible Chinese pro- posals for a treaty of friendship and nonaggression similar to those entered into by Burma and Nepal.j --SE�RE-T-- 25 Apr 60 rpt.1113 A I IkITCI I 1/^Ckle`C I �'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 25 Apr 60 CEVP-Pn');/ed.0-6�ele";,...,;e: 270,20/03/13 CO3177892 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03177892 Ui 5.1LCI