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rrW Release 2019/ 12/10 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN / 30 November 1957 Copy No. 3 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS, NCI FILD CLASS. CHANGED TO: Ilbto NEXT REVIEV:, DATE: REVIEWER: 4 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP ET 3.5(c) w,ff.dr,r/A, Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 41/11 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 � � Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 - CONTENTS CONTENTS Nme 1. USSR WILLING TO SUPPLY "LATEST WEAPONS" TO CHINA (page 3). 2. PEIPING TO PERMIT AERIAL SURVEY OF SINO-BURMESE BORDER ARE. (page 4). . 3. OUTLOOK FOR FRANCE'S ALGERIAN POLICY (page 5). 4. THE SITUATION IN IFNI 5. YUGOSLAV SUPPORT OF YEMEN (page 6). (page 7 6. RENEWED ANTI-AMERICAN TERRORISM IN SOUTH WET- NAM ANTICIPATED (page 8). 7. LAOTIAN GOVERNMENT ACTS TO CHECK SUBVERSION (page 9). 8. DEMAND DEVELOPING FOR NEW INDONESIAN CABINET (page 10). 6L-42_ 9. INDONESIA MAY DISCUSS ARMS PURCHASES WITH CZECHOSLOVAKIA page 11). 10. KISHI VISIT TO INDONESIA ACHIEVES REPARATIONS AGREEMENT page 12). 11. MALAYAN FEDERATION GOVERNMENT SUFFERS SIGNIF- ICANT DEFEAT IN BY-ELECTION (page 13). 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 411.0 %we 1. USSR WILLING TO SUPPLY "LATEST WEAPONS" TO CHINA Indications that the USSR has agreed to supply the Chinese with some of its "latest weapons" are contained in So- viet Defense Minister Malinovsky' speech on 27 November to the Chinese military mission now concluding its three-week stay in the USSR. He spoke of "our armies. . . armed with modern -f-j-r--Q-f--r--17s weapons," and proclaimed rwiningness to "transmit oul experience in the building up of armed forces to our Chinese friends." On 29 November, Malinovsky told re- porters that the Chinese "can make all the weapons they want themselves!' While it is unclear what kinds of weapons might be involved, supplying advanced weapons whether nu- clear or not would require the presence in China of consid- erable numbers of Soviet advisers and technicians. Chinese Defense Minister Peng Te-huai's reply to Malinovsky, how- ever, suggests that Peiping does not want to depend for an indefinite period on Soviet advisers and may insist on its right to ultimate control of the new weapons. Peng declared that the Soviet military "example" will be applied "in accord- ance with the concrete conditions of the Chinese army." :Peng has invited Malinovsky to make a visit to Communist China. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 2. PEIPING TO PERMIT AERIAL SURVEY OF SINO-BURMESE BORDER AREA Comment on: Communist China has agreed to per- mit aircraft operated by British and Indian personnel to overfly Chinese territOry up to a depth of ten miles between 20 November and 27 Decem- ber while making an aerial survey for the Burmese gov- ernment along the Sino-Burma frontier, While this is a reversal of Peiping's earlier stand, it does not indicate that the Chinese now are agreeable to an early settlement of the long-standing Sino-Burmese border delineation prob- lem. Last summer Peiping Foreign Ministry officials had declared they could not permit aerial surveys along Chinese territory if they were made by foreign air- craft and personnel. To minimize the offense to Peiping, the Burmese refused the low bid made by an American firm to conduct the survey, but accepted the tender made jointly by a British firm and its Indian affiliate, China's strategy is based on the view that continued stalling on a final settlement of the border issue would be advantageous, but Peiping seems to be will- ing to adopt a conciliatory pose when the stakes are small in order to keep Rangoon in the neutralist camp. The Chi- nese have no important facilities along the border, the secu- rity of which might be jeopardized by overflights. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019712/10 C03177766 `tieti 3. OUTLOOK FOR FRANCE'S ALGERIAN POLICY Comment on: he French National Assembly's ap- royal of the basic statute for the dministration of Algeria gives remier Gaillard a breathing spell, ut is unlikely to resolve any of the undamental issues of the conflict. he basic law itself has been delayed nd watered down at the expense of the advantageous effect it might have had on the French public as well as the Algerian Moslems, The French public has recently become convinced that the military situation in Algeria has defi- nitely developed in France's favor. Once the UN debate on Algeria is over, the government will probably be under re- newed pressure to stiffen its position and to step up the drive for a complete military victory. If French military control of the situa- tion becomes clearly evident, France will be obliged to be- gin implementing the basic statute by holding elections, which subsequently would raise the question of discussions with "elected representatives" of the Algerians. In any case the existence of the basic statute may serve to move Paris to take ,some steps toward negotiations with the Algerian na- tionalists in the next few months. If hopes for a complete military victory lead Paris to postpone application of the basic statute, however, the government will be increasingly vulnerable to attack by the growing minority, symbolized by Mendes-France, which favors a more liberal solution. A prolonged military stalemate would strengthen proponents of negotiations with the rebels. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 � Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 v e .a.cauLa %se 4. THE SITUATION IN IFNI Comment on: Fighting between Moroccan Army of Liberation irregulars and reinforced Spanish forces apparently continues in the area of Ifni, Spain's 741-square- mile enclave along Morocco's Atlantic coast. Reports from Madrid and Rabat present widely varying accounts of developments in the region, but Spanish troops appear to be generally in control within the enclave. Some vio- lations of Moroccan territory by Spanish aircraft operat- ing in support of ground units have been reported out of Rabat. This suggests the possibility of future clashes with Moroccan regulars who have been instructed to oppose any Spanish incursions. Moroccan officials deny the Spanish ver- sion which attributes the trouble to Army of Liberation ele- ments beyond Rabat's control and insist that the events in Ifni represent a local popular uprising precipitated by Span- ish "provocations." 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 �r-4447-rignri-X2P- Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 ---- Approved' fOr�Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 %age 5. YUGOSLAV SUPPORT OF YEMEN Comment on: Five Yugoslav aircraft pilots were ex- pected to arrive in Cairo this week en route for service in Yemen, Arrival of the pilots, three of whom are Moslem, stems trom an effort undertaken by the Imam early in 1957 to obtain the services of Yugoslav Moslem pilots�probably to operate or instruct in military aircraft from the Soviet bloc, Yemen is believed to have received 38 bloc aircraft, including 30 I1-10 piston ground attack aircraft, 6 trainers, and two helicopters. Five Yemeni nationals who received flight training in Italy may by now have returned to Yemen. Among Soviet bloc military personnel in Yemen is a group of 10-12 Soviet air personnel engaged primarily in operating the helicopters, assisting Swedish contract pilots of Yemeni Airlines, and test-flying assembled aircraft. No training program is known to be under way as yet in Yemen. A persistent search by the Imam for foreign personnel to op- erate or instruct in the use of bloc equipment Yugoslavia has sought to develop good relations with Yemen Belgrade was fully prepared to support Yemen both in and out of the UN in its boundary disputes with the British. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 6. RENEWED ANTI-AMERICAN TERRORISM IN SOUTH VIETNAM ANTICIPATED The Viet Minh underground in South Vietnam has been directed by Hanoi to prepare for additional attacks on American personnel This information is rated "prob- ably true" by both the Vietnamese and by the US MAAG mission. Comment These called for the launching of a terrorist campaign in the South and emphasized the assassination of Americans, particularly MAAG personnel. Communist-attributed assassinations of Vietnamese provincial officials have increased in recent months. Major Viet Minh objectives are to fos- ter the impression that anti-American sentiment is wide- spread in South Vietnam and to disrupt MAAG training of the Vietnamese armed forces. Following the Communist bombings on 22 October in Saigon which injured 13 Amer- ican servicemen, Radio Hanoi claimed this was a clear manifestation of "discontent" in the South toward the "in- solent behavior" of American military personnel. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Niro . LAOTIAN GOVERNMENT ACTS TO CHECK SUBVERSION Comment on: The Laotian government is taking some steps to meet the threat of increased Pathet subversion and to check on Pathet efforts to evade fulfillment of commit- ments made under the recent settlement accords. Prime Minister Souvanna. Phouma has ordered an anti-Communist propaganda campaign throughout Laos and the infiltra- tion of 200 police into each of the two northern provinces to man frontier access posts and other key spots. However, there are indications that the Pathet representatives in the Laotian cabinet, Prince Souphan- nouvong and Phoumi Vongvichit, are already wielding influence approximating a veto over some government decisions relat- ing to the implementation of the settlement accords. At a cabinet meeting on 25 November, they succeeded in blocking the appointment of two apparently well-qualified leaders as governor of Sam Neua Province, finally agreeing to the selec- tion of a nonpolitical technician who is allegedly related to Phonmi and may therefore be susceotib e to Pathet influence. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 4E-ERE-Ts Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 t-41111N _a Nvar %me 8. DEMAND DEVELOPING FOR NEW INDONESIAN CABINET Comment on: ressure for a new Indonesian cabinet ppears to be building up in the National econstruction Conference now meeting n Djakarta. Non-Javanese elements are upporting a resolution, presented by the est Borneo delegation, for the formation f a new cabinet either jointly led by Pres- dent Sukarno and former Vice President atta or by Hatta alone. Important civil nd military elements in West Java appar- ntly also favor such a step. Hatta, who s cochairman of the conference, has ruled hat the resolution will be discussed after the current general debates are concluded. Although regional leaders have been disap- pointed in Hatta in recent months, they still believe that as a top government leader he would represent regional interests and obstruct Communist influence in the government. Most Javanese army elements, while they do not share the dissident leaders' enthusiasm, would support Hatta as a cabinet leader. Javanese army commanders seem to want a new cabinet in or- der to prevent the implementation of a bill which would limit the army's emergency powers. Premier Djuanda has indicated that he is prepared to resign at any time in the interest of promoting na- tional unity, and Sukarno's acceptance of Hatta as head of a non-Communist cabinet would constitute his first significant concession to the disaffected provincial leaders. The pre- ponderance of recent reporting, however, indicates that Sukarno and Hatta are still far apart on such matters as Communist par- ticipation in the government. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -r-iaXtri-narlarrr Ar Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 T JL .1 .E..L %ad %.41�1 9. INDONESIA MAY DISCUSS ARMS PURCHASES WITH CZECHOSLOVAKIA Comment on: The Indonesian army is eager to pur- chase new arms and equipment and apparently is sounding out all sources as to prices and availability. Negotiations with the United States for arms have the approval of Pres- ident Sukarno, but he is alleged to have stated recently that "the Americans are just playing with us; we will get nothing." Moderate Indonesian officials insist that if Indonesia loses its Netherlands New Guinea claim at the UN, Sukarno will be so outraged that he is likely to take the advice of his left- ist advisers and accept arms from bloc sources. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 �LCONFMENThfr= Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 %lupe' %we 10. KISHI VISIT TO INDONESIA ACHIEVES REPARATIONS AGREEMENT Comment on: Japanese Prime Minister Kishi and Indonesian Premier Djuanda an- nounced upon Kishi's departure for Australia that they had reached basic agreement for settling the long-pending reparations prob- lem. Such an agreement was the major objective of Kishi's current Asian tour and is an important element in Japan's drive to establish closer economic relations with Asian countries. The final agreement, which Djuanda said would probably be announced after two or three meet- ings, is expected to cancel Indonesia's $170,000,000 trade debt to Japan and commit Tokyo to reparations grants of $230,000,000. The Japanese also would extend long-term loans. All provisions are subject to approval by the respec- tive parliaments. Kishi and Djuanda impressed each other favorably during their discussions, and Ambassador Allison believes that normal diplomatic relations between Tokyo and Djakarta can be expected as a result. The two heads of gov- ernment apparently did not discuss the possibilities of an Asian development fund. Japan already has reached reparations settlements with Burma and the Philippines and requires only an agreement with South Vietnam to end its major reparations problems. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766 11. MALAYAN FEDERATION GOVERNMENT SUFFERS SIGNIFICANT DEFEAT IN BY-ELECTION Comment on: The ruling Alliance party in Malaya was decisively defeated by the left- wing People's Progressive Party candidate on 23 November in a federal legislative council by-election in the tin-mining center of Ipoh. The results probably forecast the development of an increasingly effective left-wing opposition in Malaya and represent a serious threat to the carefully developed Malay- Chinese political cooperation on which the Alliance is built and political stability in Malaya depends. The victorious candidate, D. R. Seenivas- agam, secretary general of the People's Progressive Party, is a London-educated lawyer of Ceylonese extraction who ex- ploited Chinese fears of Malay domination and interpreted gov- ernment efforts to control subversion in Chinese schools as an attack upon Chinese culture. The weak showing of the gov- ernment candidate, a Chinese, in a predominantly Chinese district demonstrates the appeal of this type of attack and in- dicates increasing distrust of the government on the part of the Chinese population. Continuing Chinese student demonstra- tions against the government suggest that further and possibly more serious interracial friction can be expected. Chinese suspicion of government actions will greatly complicate the federation's efforts to control subversion among Malaya's large Chinese minority. 30 Nov 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 SEC�RFT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03177766