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NOT RELEASABLE TO FOREIGN NATIONALS Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 CO3176910 ' 3.3 h 2 4 3.5(c) 0 8 November 1956 0 0 SC No. 05743/56 / CONTINUED CONTROL Copy No, 112 ' 4 4 / ff ey o ey CURRENT rf DOCUMENTNO. ------- NO ej CHANGE IN CLA0S. ;ilk /V INTELLIGENCE 0 DECLASSIFIED ed, CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS Sitiel_ ef NEXT REVIEW DATE: el BULLETIN AUTH: I-1 70-2,1 Irf DATE. /IFIEVIEWER: �06514 Irj Of ej, ej �orj 0/ 6, This document contains classified information affecting , the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 4 ey 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission edo or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner of.,/ erj prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States ej or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. 00 .00 00 THIS DOCUMENT MUST BE KEPT IN COMMUNICATIONS if INTELLIGENCE CHANNELS AT ALL TIMES orj It is to be seen only by US personnel especially indoctrinated !Jo' eV f",,, and authorized to receive COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE "f, information; its security must be maintained in accordance ovj with COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE REGULATIONS. /j ej No action is to be taken on any COMMUNICATIONS INTELLIGENCE 0 Pj � which may be contained herein, regardless of the advantages to be rf gained, unless such action is first approved by the Director of Central Intelligence. rZ 7 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 0007,/%71 /:01/0A TOP SE CR :77/4r0 .10:14 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 pproved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 divas Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approve-d�for�Re'lease: 2019/10/24 C03176910 CONTENTS 1. THE SITUATION IN EGYPT (page 3). 2. REPERCUSSIONS OF SUEZ DISPUTE IN IRAQ (aeer� )et ITS) (page 5). 3. TURKEY NOTIFIED THAT FIVE SOVIET WARSHIPS SEEK DARDANELLES TRANSIT (S.P...avet-ticiftrfri) (page 6). 4. FACTORS IN BRITISH AND FRENCH CEASE-FIRE DE CISION gs_crat-- (page 7). 5. THE HUNGARIAN SITUATIOb (page 8). 6. WESTERN EUROPE TO FEEL OIL SHORTAGE SOON icunticlent-ia-1101751-7'n (page 9). 7. NEW WAVE OF FRENCH ANTI-COMMUNISM (Cianikle (page 10). 8. YUGOSLAV OFFICIALS COMMENT ON SOVIET TROOPS IN HUNGARY (Seefet)-(page 11). 9. POLAND RELEASES ALL DEFENDANTS IN POZNAN TRIALS (-Genfittent arin5age 12). I/0. PLOT TO KILL SOUTH KOREAN VICE PRESIDENT REPORTED (page 13)0 ANNEX: Conclusions of the IAC Watch Committee op-Seeaset-Naturfrj (page 14). 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 T-44P-4EC-RET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 I (Jr 3-cc rrit-t I. THE SITUATION IN EGYPT (information as of 2200, 7 November) Sniping reportedly continued in Port Said on 7 November despite the an- nouncement of Anglo-French accept- ance of a cease-fire. There is still no confirmation that the allied forces are occupying Ismailia, midway on the canal, and the over-all extent of the allied occupation has not been made clear. The Egyptian government has still not recognized formally that a cease-fire exists, although in practice fighting between organized units of the Egyp- tian army and the Anglo-French forces appears to have stopped, at least tem- porarily. The Nasr government's reluctance to announce an unequivocal acceptance of the cease-fire may stem in part from a desire to keep its record free from the taint of surrender, but it may also arise from a belief that the USSR is coming to Egypt's assistance. Nasr's chief aide, Ali Sabri, told an American official in Cairo on 6 November that reports from the Egyptian ambassador in Moscow and from Soviet ambassador Kiselev in Cairo had convinced Sabri that the USSR is prepared to "go all the way" even if it risks World War III. Kiselev told Sabri that the USSR had completed a review of its military situa- tion and was prepared for World War III over Egypt if necessary. 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 "TrOP-SE6I4gT Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 'rare Nemo Sabrits statements, made before the cease-fire was announced, may have been designed to has-- ten American action, though he may also be convinced that the USSR will intervene. 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 %roe Nowie 2. REPERCUSSIONS OF SUEZ DISPUTE IN IRAQ Antigovernment demonstrations in Baghdad touched off by the Anglo- French intervention in Egypt are re- ported under control, but anti-British sentiment could still result in the gov- ernment's fall and Iraq's withdrawal from the Baghdad pact. that there was considerable sentiment hostile to Britain and Prime Minister Nun i Said in the army, and that if the army were oraei�ed to protect Nun i and the British it might not obey. Nun, the symbol of Iraq's association with Britain and the Baghdad pact, is reported by the American embassy to be ill and disconsolate. British-French collusion with Israel is widely believed and bitterly resented. Several cabinet min- isters are reported to have told Nun i that the temper of the country would no longer permit the continuation of the Baghdad pact with British participation. the British were anging on y fingernails" in Jordan and Iraq, and there was great con- cern in London that the Nun i government might be over- thrown, with a break in diplomatic relations and the loss of Iraqi oil to the West as consequences. .4.1110,FLOPc*- 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SEER-ET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Re-le-;S-e725-1-9710/24 C03176910 Immo' Irmo� 3.. TURKEY NOTIFIED THAT FIVE SOVIET WARSHIPS SEEK DARDANELLES TRANSIT The USSR requested on 4 November that the Turkish government permit five warships to transit the Bosporus from he Black Sea, I As of 6 November Ankara had not replied. Under the Montreux Convention, Black Sea powers are required to notify the Turkish government of an intention to transit the Straits eight days prior to ac- tual transit. By this provision, the first date the Soviet ships could transit would be 11 November. There is no provision whereby Turkey may refuse transit unless it considers itself under the threat of war. In the light of British and French fleet concentrations, five ships would be only a token force, perhaps to display the USSR's flag in the area and ostensi- bly to protect Soviet merchantmen. In notes to Britain and France on 4 Novem- ber, the USSR stressed the illegality of the Anglo-French "blockade" of the eastern Mediterranean and Red Sea as be- ing in violation of the 1888 Convention. ....(140P0 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 ECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 4. FACTORS IN BRITISH AND FRENCH CEASE-FIRE DECISION A smoldering cabinet revolt may have contributed directly to London's deci- sion to abandon the military drive in Egypt. A powerful group of cabinet ministers headed by R. A. Butler, leader of the House of Commons, is reported in the London press to have demanded that Prime Minister Eden bring an end to the fighting. Accord- ing to the American embassy in London, the deep division in Britain turned on both the moral issues and, of more im- mediate consequence, on Britain's international reputation,, the Commonwealth, the Anglo-American relationship, the United Nations, and Britain's own precarious economy. A major cause of French acceptance, was Paris' concern over a report that the bombing of Israeli towns by Russian planes operat-- ine from Syrian bases was imminent. Mollet is being strongly criticized oy important elements of public opinion for ac- cepting a cease-fire prematurely, particularly while Nasr is still in power. Much of the military probably holds this view, and in the opinion of the American embassy would be tempted to reopen hostilities if provoked in any way. De- fense Minister Bourges Maunoury is reported to have held out against the cease-fire decision and to have urged that if necessary France should continue the war alone.SalFetirgi 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 r1r. IS Fl l Fl�-� Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Nitre Noose 5. THE HUNGARIAN SITUATION (information as of 1700, Fighting continues in Budapest and in a number of areas in the rovinces, resist- ance forces were still active in nine cities other than the capital, at least up to 6 November. American corre- spondents at the American legation reported on 6 November that "the heaviest continuous shelling yet" had been heard in Budapest during the early evening and that at least four pockets of resistance in the city continue to hold out, one of which is defended by Hungarian artillery. According to a 6 November report Soviet troops in Budapest nave been systematically slaughtering men, women and children continuously for the past three days. "Despite this, the resistance evidently is not yet entirely broken.'" Soviet atrocities have been confirmed a Soviet division ordered one of its subordinate units to sur- round a village and "burn it down." another Soviet unit was ordered to shoot a captured insurgent leader and to "destroy his family." The legation, commenting on the Soviet offer of food and medical supplies to Hungary, notes that whatever the motives of this offer, the Soviet action in Budapest will starve out the people, "andthe Soviets can- not help but know it:' The longer the freedom fighters hold out and the more the Soviets resortto slaughter, the more dif- ficult Premier Kadar's task will become. Effbrts to date to restore transportation facilities and to resume industrial production have met with little success. 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approve'Wrior:'Rrellrea�s�e. 5"6367072,1. -E03176910 memo, Now, 6, WESTERN EUROPE TO FEEL OIL SHORTAGE SOON Britain and France are preparing emer- gency measures to meet the interruption of petroleum supplies from the Middle East. Britain has ordered companies to "under-deliver" petroleum products by 10 percent beginning on 7 November, and the Ministry of Fuel and Power ex- pects a 25-percent cut to dealers before long. The first effects of the Suez Canal clo- sure and sabotage of pipelines will be felt in Britain within a week, after which up to three weeks will be required for tankers diverted around the Cape to reach Britain. Britain has four weeks' supply of crude oil products and six to eight weeks' supply of refined products. France has an estimated two and a half months' supply of most petroleum products, but the lack of more than a four to five weeks' supply of heavy industrial fuels led to a 7 November cabinet meeting to consider ration- ing. West Germany has a supply unofficially estimated at three weeks of crude oil and two months of gasoline. Avoidance of full-scale rationing in Britain and several other countries will depend in part on OEEC's success in spreading available supplies and in ob- taining more from the western hemisphere. ' The British Treasury has agreed to make dollars available for pur- chases, but British officials have complained that so far little western hemisphere crude oil has been offered. The OEEC oil committee will meet on 14 November, if not earlier as urged by some members, to deal with the allocation prob- lem. (NOD) 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 ttfriVIIDENTTIALL Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 7. NEW WAVE OF FRENCH ANTI-COMMUNISM The mob attack on the French Commu- nist headquarters in Paris on 7 Novem- ber points up a sudden wave of anti- Communism in France. Communist deputies' indifference to bloodshed in Hungary at the very moment they de- cried French intervention in Egypt has infuriated French public opinion and has almost completely isolated the party. An attempt to outlaw the Communist Party for its "antinational" attitude is under way in the al Assembly, and believe it would receive approval if assured of Social- 1st support. Traditional French apprehensions over the repercussions of such a move make it unlikely, however, and the government may limit itself to imposing strict con- trol over party activities. There is some pressure for the arrest of party leaders, but such action is unlikely in view of difficulties encountered in 1953 in trying to lift the par- liamentary immunity of top Communist leaders. The Communist Party has called for or- ganized demonstrations on 9 November, although the govern- ment is reported to have banned all Communist meetings in or- der to prevent possible rioting. 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 %ES %we 8. YUGOSLAV OFFICIALS COMMENT ON SOVIET TROOPS IN HUNGARY he Yugoslav ambassador in London told Ambassador Aldrich on 6 Novem- er that he was personally convinced that Soviet troops would have to leave Hungary "within a short time." He in- sisted that if they do not, relations etween the Soviet Union and Yugoslavia will become "very difficult." The previous day a Yugoslav Foreign Ministry official told an American embassy official in Belgrade that he did not think Soviet troops would remain permanently in Hungary. He said the Soviet leaders "have had a lesson and know they can't go on forever with their domination, and will have to loosen control, but the loosen- ing will have to be controlled and regulated," Comment Yugoslavia, in its limited public comment on the Soviet intervention in Hungary, has described the move as regrettable but necessary in view of the role assumed by "reactionary forces." Belgrade supports the new Kadar govern- ment and has called for the prompt establishment of rela- tions between it and the USSR on a basis of equality and non- interference so that Soviet troops can be withdrawn and Communism can be developed in Hungary through the efforts of the Hungarian people themselves. While the Yugoslays no doubt welcome the re-establishment of a Communist regime in Budapest, they cannot be indifferent to the potential threat posed by large num- bers of Soviet troops in Hungary. 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 SEC-RE-7' Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: C03176910 %woe Name 9. POLAND RELEASES ALL DEFENDANTS IN POZNAN TRIALS A 6 November announcement of the office of the Poznan prosecutor stated that all indictments have been dropped against persons awaiting trial for al- ledged offenses in the Poznan riots. The announcement explained that the riots were a result of "errors and distortions of the past era" and incorrect behavior by certain authorities. Most of the defendants who have already been tried and sentenced have been re- leased, although three youths convicted of murdering a policeman are apparently still serving prison terms. Comment The Polish radio announced earlier that at least some of the indictments for actions taken during the riots would be reviewed. In his first speech after returning to power, Gomulka blamed the Poznan riots on the party's neglect of the people rather than on the faults of the individuals involved, which indi- cated the new regime's reluctance to pursue the trials fur- ther. jclabird-IBENTIATT 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 CONFIDIP7N-T424-L Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 %aro' INNS 10. PLOT TO KILL SOUTH KOREAN VICE PRESIDENT REPORTED accused Liberal Party leader Yi Ki- pung, the home minister, and a former police chief of masterminding the plan, which allegedly calls for a "spon- taneous" attack on Chang during a demonstration in Seoul, urging revolution in North Korea. Comment Suspicions that the Rhee administration was involved in an earlier attempt on Chang's life were embarrassing to the regime. "Spon- taneous" demonstrations calling for revolution in North Korea are being staged, and the National Police have been alerted for possible internal disorders at any time after 8 November. 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910 ALI .4-4 J. N. .11LJ ANNEX The Watch Committee of the IAC met in regular session at 1030 on 7 Novem- ber. The conclusions were: A. No Sino-Soviet Bloc country intends to initiate hostili- ties against the continental US or its possessions in the immediate future. B. 1. Recent Soviet activities reflect an effort to improve the Soviet military posture and readiness to deal with the critical world situation. a. Soviet troop movements, alerts and other military activities in the Satellites and the USSR do not indicate intentions to initiate hostilities in the immediate future against non-Bloc territory in Europe, including Turkey, or US forces abroad. b. As a result of its own statements and ac- tions, the USSR is under much political pressure to come to the aid of the Arabs. There are many indications that the So- viets are preparing to provide volunteers and equipment, particularly in the form of of pilots and aircraft, to Syria and some other. Arab states in as yet unknown quan- tities. There are no known Soviet mili- tary moves which conclusively reflect a Soviet intention to intervene unilaterally in the Middle East. 2. An unprovoked North Korean attack on South Korea is unlikely at the present time. Nevertheless, President Rhee, encouraged by tensions elsewhere, has launched a propaganda campaign for the reuni- fication of Korea by subversion or force. This campaign, accompanied by subversion or force, could lead to a major incident between North and South Korea. ILDESECIZET-1405-MITIT- 8 Nov 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/24 C03176910