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Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 7 December 1956 Copy No. 1i DOCUMENT t^.10. LP NO CHANGE IN CLASS. Crl DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHPNGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIL.-W DATE: AU : SR 70-2 REVIEWER: ip OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- i�rae_n_t_a_11 .tecf (77:0071,177 TOP SECRET ;3.3(h)(2) #3.5(c) - / W77,40111A Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 CO3169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 `�.� Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 1 1,11 No" CONTENTS L NUCLEAR TESTS LIKELY TO BECOME MAJOR ISSUE AT UN (page 3). 2. SYRIAN EFFORTS FOR COUP IN IRAQ REPORTED UN- SUCCESSFUL page 4). 3. POLAND MAKES SECOND EFFORT TO DELIVER SUB- MARINE TO EGYPT (page 5). 4. BRITISH REINFORCE BASES IN ARABIA (page 6). 5. CHIANG KAI-SHEK REJECTS RHEE PROPOSAL FOR PARALLEL MILITARY ACTION (page 7). 6. BULGARIAN OFFICIALS ACT TO COMBAT OPPOSITION (page 8). 7. BURMA'S STAND ON HUNGARY (page 9). ANNEX -- Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelli- gence Advisory Committee (page 10). 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 I Noe I. NUCLEAR TESTS LIKELY TO BECOME MAJOR ISSUE AT UN The growing apprehension among UN members about the effects of increased radiation has led to proposals by Norway and Canada for limiting nuclear tests. A Canadian UN delegate told Ambassador Lo ge n 5. DeceThr that his government's proposal for a voluntary limit on the number of tests was designed primar- ily as a "trial balloon" to forestall proposals for a complete ban on testing. He added that Ottawa was disturbed by re- ports of high concentrations of radioactivity in British Colum- bia, and has filed them with the UN radiation committee. The Norwegian foreign minister, in his 27 November policy speech before the UN, called for advanced registration with the UN of any "weapons tests expected to cause measurable, world-wide radioactive fallout!' He had previously told the American embassy that the pressure of public opinion regarding the high increase of radioactivity in September made it essential for his government to raise the issue in this session. India can be expected to raise the issue of banning the tests entirely. Prime Minister Nehru is ex- pected to discuss this issue when he comes to the United States on 16 December. The USSR has attempted to seize the initia- tive on this issue at this assembly by calling for an uncondi- tional ban on testing in its 17 November disarmament statement. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 arit-fiL, I 2. SYRIAN EFFORTS FOR COUP IN IRAQ REPORTED UNSUCCESSFUL Efforts of Syrian army officers to "stir up some of the units inside Iraq" for an Iraqi army coup against Nun i Said have so far met with no success, although some Iraqi officers stationed in Jordan "were ready to revolt," he doubted that this would be "a decisive act which would settle the issue in Iraq!' Such a move by the troops in Jordan, he said, would end in fail- ure and jeopardize any movement "which may arise in the future:, Comment The Syrians might seek to use the Iraqi force in Jordan�between 3,000 and 3,500 troops--as a nucleus for a military revolt against Nun's government when these troops are recalled to Iraq. Other reports have indicated con- siderable pro-Nasr sentiment among the Iraqi troops in Jordan. 7.Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 1../ I JL.j j .1 Noe POLAND MAKES SECOND EFFORT TO DELIVER SUBMARINE TO EGYPT Cairo agreed to contract for "five experts" and directed that they should arrive at the same time as the "small submarine!' Comment The submarine is probably one of the two which were scheduled for delivery under the first Soviet bloc-Egyptian arms agreement in 1955. A Soviet-built coastal submarine had left Poland in October and was in the Mediterranean en route to Egypt when hostilities broke out in the Suez area. The craft reversed course on 1 November and returned to Poland. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Ur 3G1-11E, I NW' 4� BRITISH REINFORCE BASES IN ARABIA The combat and security capability of British forces in the Aden-Persian Gulf area has been materially increased as a result of recent reinforcements. The 24th Infantry Brigade headquarters, with one of its three organic battalions, has recently been dispatched to the Arabian Peninsula where it will assume control over three other, and heretofore separate, infantry battalions deployed in Aden and Bahrein. In Britain the bri- gade was trained as a special mobile force. The brigade headquarters and two battalions will probably be stationed in Aden, with the other two battalions remaining at Bahrein. The strength of British units in the Aden-Persian Gulf area is now about 4,500--augmented by units of British-led in- ternal security troops. Britain's efforts to form a co-ordinated permanent defense force in South Arabia probably reflects growing concern over the delivery of Soviet bloc arms to Yemen in October, Yemen, with Egyptian and Saudi Arabian encouragement and support, has long attempted to promote unrest against British authority in Aden protectorate and colony. Britain's reinforcement of the Arabian bases is also probably intended to offset the decline in its prestige in the area, and to protect vital oil producing and refining properties. When the reinforcement becomes known to the Saudi Arabians and the Yemenis, they will probably charge Britain with new aggressive moves in the area. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Jr I *ear' 11101 5- CHIANG KAI-SHEK REJECTS RHEE PROPOSAL FOR PARALLEL MILITARY ACTION Chiang Kai-shek has rejected a South Korean proposal for parallel military action against North Korea and Communist China. Chiang allegedly tom tne bouth Korean ambassador that he regards the recent revolts within the Sino-Soviet bloc as encouraging, but that better opportunities will develop in the future. Rhee stated that unrest behind the iron curtain calls tor " consicteration" of parallel military action against North Korea and the China mainland. Rhee reportedly stated that if unrest on the main- land is sufficient to favor such a move, he is prepared to de- nounce the Korean armistice and to move militarily at the same time as the Nationalists. Chiang said he replied, how- ever, that the unrest was "too scattered and remote to be com- pared with the Hungarian situation in terms of opportunity for exploitation." Comment Chiang's attitude reflects his belief that US assistance must be obtained for any military action against the mainland. South Korea has resumed small-scale hit-and-run raids north of the 38th parallel. The government has also adopted a series of measures designed to improve combat readiness, but there are no positive indications of imminent large-scale mili- tary action. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 ocA,rt.c., I Nue 6. BULGARIAN OFFICIALS ACT TO COMBAT OPPOSITION Comment on: The Bulgarian regime has reportedly armed Communist officials, tightened security measures on the border with Yugoslavia, demoted two high-ranking military leaders, and purged 200 army officers in a series of moves reflecting its concern over popular discontent. all military officers and high-ranking party members have been instructed to carry arms, reversing an earlier order. This may have been prompted by the posting of threatening notes on the homes of medium-rank officials and party members, a new border guard detachment may nave been auLivateu at:61A 30 October along the southern portion of the Yugoslav-Bulgarian border. Bulgarian sol- diers also reportedly have begun to replace the barbed wire fencing where it had been removed along the Yugoslav frontier and are playing searchlights on the border area at night in an attempt to prevent any crossing. In addition to the reported dismissal of some 200 army officers for unreliability, Yonko Panov-- probably the leader of an opposition faction within the party central committee--and one other general have reportedly been relieved from their commands and demoted. Various "Titoists," former minority party leaders, and unreliable military officers released over the past two years reportedly have been rearrested. Travelers arriving in Vienna from � Sofia report the deportation to northeastern Bulgaria of ele- ments considered unreliable. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 1 llz LL1L 1 Ire BURMA'S STAND ON HUNGARY Comment on: Burma's revulsion over the Hungarian situation, in contrast to the vacillating attitude adopted by India and Indonesia, has been openly expressed by Prime Min- ister Ba Swe, who argued for a strong condemnation of Moscow at the recent meeting of the Colombo powers. More recently, the Burmese delegation to the United Nations was instructed to support any efforts to get the Russians out of Hungary, and was informed that Rangoon would consider supporting sanctions against the USSR if such actions were proposed in the General Assembly. The Burmese attitude on Hungary may have significant repercussions. It is likely to dampen enthusiasm for closer relations with the Sino-Soviet bloc, complicate nego- tiations for Soviet economic and technical assistance, and color the Burmese attitude toward Chou En-lai during his visit next week. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436 ILFT- 011a-1111.12s .1. �Irapi ANNEX Watch Report 331, 6 December 1956, of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intelligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet Bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against the continental US or its possessions in the imme- diate future. B. No Sino-Soviet Bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against US forces abroad, US allies or areas peripheral to the Orbit. Soviet alerts and other military activities in the Satellites and the USSR continue on a reduced scale. C There are no known Soviet military moves which reflect a Soviet intention to intervene unilaterally in the Middle East. Although tensions continue within Syria and Iraq and between Syria and its neighbors, particularly Iraq, a deliberate initiation of hostilities in the area is im- probable in the immediate future. Tensions over the Suez Canal problem have been reduced as a result of the announced intention of the British and French to withdraw their troops. 7 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169436