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Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 TOP ISILUIC111" CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 2 December 1956 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO. :IL NO CHANGEo IN CLASS. `kr DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTI-I: 70- 112 DATE: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TO!' SECRET 4./ 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) EVIEWER: . /./"; /(; Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 NINO� Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Pr% D ry n rrt Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 IRO CONTENTS 1.. SYRIA BELIEVED RECEIVING SOVIET JET FUEL (page 3). 2. THE SITUATION IN SYRIA (page 4) . 3. ISRAELI DEMOBILIZATION BELIEVED LEVELING OFF (page 5). 4. RENEWAL OF TENSION IN HUNGARY (page 6). 5. NEHRU'S VIEWS ON HUNGARY AND SOUTHEAST ASIA (page 7). 6. EXTREME RIGHT IN FRANCE SEEN STRENGTHENED (page 8). 7. UNREST DT NORTH VIETNAM ( page 9). 8. REVOLUTION IN CUBA REPORTED SET FOR 4 DECEMBER (page 10). 9. SATELLITES INSTITUTE ECONOMIC MEASURES TO PLACATE DISCONTENTED POPULATIONS (page 11). 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligenre Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Approved for Rele�a-Se-: 2019/10/23 C03169433 'ow 10 SYRIA BELIEVED RECEIVING SOVIET JET FUEL The Soviet tanker Leningrad, believed to be carrying the first cargo of So- viet jet fuel to Syria, will arrive in Latakia on 3 or 4 December, The delivery of jet fuel at this time would indicate that Soviet MIG's and technicians will soon arrive. Syria entered into recent negotiations for Soviet fuel soon after it had asked the Socony Vacuum Oil Company in Beirut for fuel of the type used in So- viet jet aircraft. Syria has requested two squadrons of MIG-171s�about 30 to 40 aircraft�from the 'USSR. Present indications are that at least one squadron of MIG-17's may be supplied. At least 52 of the 160 training personnel the Soviet Union intends to send to Syria will be engaged in training Syrian air force personnel. This number includes eight aircraft instructors, four of them specifically for MIG-17 aircraft. 20 MIG-15's Syria was to have obtained from Czechoslovakia via Egypt were destroyed in the British- French air attacks on Egyptian airfields. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Appr7v-e`d�ior�R7Q3e7F519/10/23 C013169433 THE SITUATION IN SYRIA The leftist-nationalist group in Syria is making good use of the threat of foreign intervention to consolidate its position, but it is at the same time seriously con- cerned that Syria may be attacked. � ������� 1 � 1 Syrian leftists continue to press for a reshuffle of the cabinet or the formation of a new one with greater leftist representation. the army intended to arrest all the leaders and deputies "who give cause for anxiety," and that if any state of emergency or warfare should come about in Syria the army officers intend to set up a strong government which will back them and which they will dominate. Meanwhile Iraq, in the face of the violent press and radio campaign against it from Syria, continues to be preoccupied with internal disturbances. The Nun i Said government, in addition to establishing martial law to control popular unrest, has arrested a group of opposition nationalists and suspended the Iraqi parliament for a month. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Approved for -141e3s�e:26719/10/23 C03169433 'or mime 3. ISRAELI DEMOBILIZATION BELIEVED LEVELING OFF The American embassy in Tel Aviv believes that Israeli military strength-- reported on 27 November at about 100,000, including 25,000 paramilitary personnel who man the border settle- ments--will be maintained at its present level for the time being. The Israeli defense force appears to be resting its best troops and using older soldiers and reservists for occupation duties in Sinai and Gaza. United Nations truce supervisory teams which inspected a "defensive area" six miles in depth along the Syrian-Jordanian lines on 22-23 November found no evidence of Israeli military concentrations. The American army attache in Tel Aviv reported on 29 November that liberal leave was being granted to Israeli soldiers. He also said that three French freighters were loading personnel carriets and'othr " military trucks at Haifa, apparently for return to France. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 4.00 CONFIDENTIAL 4. RENEWAL OF TENSION IN HUNGARY A regime rebuff of worker demands and a defiant call for a five- to ten-day renewal of the general labor strike and armed up- rising--reportedly issued by the Budapest workers' councils--are responsible for the renewal of tension throughout Buda- pest. Renewed fighting has been reported in Budapest and the provinces. Although this appears to be limited to guerrilla activity in the provinces, both the popula- tion and the regime appear to fear that fighting will again become widespread. Various worker groups which talked directly with Kadar have been rebuffed in their demands for a "national council" of workers and an independent press, but subsequently appeared to gain a victory over the regime- dominated national trade union council when they "forced" the resignation of its Communist leader Sandor Gaspar. Sensing an increase in the strength of their position, workers took part in two public demonstrations on 2 December, burn- ing issues of the Communist Party paper and then marching several hundred strong in protest against the kidnapping of a man in broad daylight in downtown Budapest by Soviet soldiers. The regime has attempted to play down the open defiance of the workers. Nevertheless, it is apparently unable even to exercise influence over the Com- munist Party. Large numbers of Communists, who must apply for admission in the reconstituted party--the Hungarian Socialist Workers Party--are not doing so, despite admonitions by the current leadership. Although six of the Soviet leaders at- tended the Yugoslav reception in Moscow on 29 November, presidium members Malenkov and Suslov were absent. The Yugoslav ambassador told Ambassador Bohlen that his in- formation was that Malenkov and Suslov were still in Budapest. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 cv 1'd' Ts Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Nee 5, NEHRU'9 VIEWS ON HUNGARY AND SOUTHEAST ASIA Comment Nehru's fear of Western domination of Southeast Asia appears to have been superseded by distrust of Communist intentions in the area. This may lead to increased Indian diplomati.c activity there to counter any expanding Communist influence. While Nehru is probably genuinely disturbed over events in Hungary and the possibility of a resurgence of Stalinism in Moscow, he is probably not ready to abandon his belief that the USSR and China are seeking to reduce world tensions. 2 Dec 56 Current� Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 n Ae�r r-� Fr+ Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 %Nor ME RIGHT IN FRANCE SEEN STRENGTHENED The sudden deterioration in France's internal political situation as a result of the Middle East crisis has strengthened the possibility that rightist groups might form a strong enough coalition to assume power either in the National Assembly or through extralegal means, ac- cording to the American embassy in Paris. Such a move- ment would be likely to rally around General DeGaulle, ex-Gaullist leader Jacques Soustelle, or some younger general. The embassy believes support for such a movement would come from followers of Poujade, French residents in Algeria, and anti-republican deputies on the right, but that army co-operation and support would also be essential. Comment Rumors of a rightist coup usually ac- company French political crises. The growing belief that France has been increasingly isolated in the present situation has strengthened the appeal of those who maintain that France could carry out its national policies from a neutralist position. There is apparently considerable pres- sure now for France to withdraw from the UN. Premier Mollet has assured the embassy that he will not take such a step, but he believes that if France is defeated in the General Assembly debate on Algeria, he will be replaced by a government which would cut UN ties. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Noe 7. VIETNAM UNREST IN NORTH There is widespread dissatisfaction among the North Vietnamese masses but the regular army appears to be completely loyal to the Viet Minh, Failure to attain political ana economic goals nas reportedly put the Viet Minh leaders "at their wits' end." South Vietnam would win any free elections held in the near future, and are urging it to fulfill the provision of tlif Geneva, ac- cords providing for the unification elections. Comment The apparent quick suc- cess of the army in crushing the rebellion near Vinh supports the view that regular troops remain loyal to the Viet Minh regime. South Vietnam's favorable chances in free unification elections reflect growing recognition of the viability of the Diem government. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 Now* f�nd 8. REVOLUTION IN CUBA REPORTED SET FOR ECEMBER The revolutionary outbreak in Cuba centering in Santiago de Cuba is only harassing effort, the main effort of Fidel Castro's movement is set for 4 December. A simultaneous effort reportedly will be made in all provinces except Havana, perhaps in an effort to draw troops out of the capital in preparation for action there several days later, that all local chiefs of the movement have "firm" orders. Further rebel attacks and disturbances seem likely. Castro reportedly has announced that he has returned to Cuba for a "fight to the death." According to a press report of 2 December, however, a government spokes- man said that Castro was killed when the Cuban military halted an invading force on the eastern coast. President Batista, whose government has alleged that former Cuban president Prio and Dominican dictator Truiillo are linked with Castro in plotting, has strongly believing that a force is under training in the uommican Republic for an attack on Cuba. Should the Cuban situation further deteriorate, Batista may refer his case to the Organization of American States, claiming Dominican involvement. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03169433 --fiztpploveV for Rq.lpase: 2019/10/23 C03169433 IkW %agoe 9. SATELLITES INSTITUTE ECONOMIC MEASURES TO PLACATE DISCONTENTED POPULATIONS A series of economic concessions to consumers and wage earners has been instituted in the past month by all Satellite regimes which have maintained a hard political line since the Soviet 20th Party Congress. �The introduction of such measures at this time suggests that recent events in Poland and Hurgary have not affected the basic post-Stalin policies of the Satel- lite regimes to attempt to gain greater popular support. Price reductions were announced by the Czech regime on 29 November for the second time in 1956 on an extensive range of foods and some industrial consumertgoods, ,and on 25 Novemb-er Albania made a similar announcement--also for the second time this year. Since 30 October general wage increases have been granted in Albania and Rumania. Family allowances for children have been scheduled in Bulgaria and Rumania, and Pensions have been raised in East Germany and Albaria and Bulgaria. 2 Dec 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page .11 �Rp�pr�oveclror�RVIWas'e7. 261.97115/25-6651-6-9433