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,Approved for Release 2�121121�4069r/ 'Y/CUENT 0 T LLI L L T 30 May 1957 uopy NO. DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE !N S DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANC.EA) TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE: _ AUTH� H 70-j PAT REVIEWER OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ,7077 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 719/12/04 C03169424 CONTENTS . JAPANESE VIEW OF TAIPEI RIOTS (page 3). n\l-N v 2. SUPPORT GROWING IN FRANCE FOR RECOGNITION OF EIPING (page 4). . POLITICAL RIOT IN BEIRUT (page 5). 4. SHOWDOWN LIKELY BETWEEN JORDAN'S KING AND CABINET STRONGMAN (page 6). EAST INDONESIA DEFIES DJAKARTA AI. LAOTIAN CABINET RESIGNS page 7). (page 8). 7. PATHETS ADVOCATE SWITCH TO CONCILIATORY TAC- TICS IN NEGOTIATIONS (page 9). EARLY CRISIS IN THAILAND FEARED GOMULKA VISIT TO MOSCOW (page 11). (page 10). 10. AFGHAN KING ACCEPTS INVITATION TO VISIT MOSCOW (page 12). t\i) . SOVIET SUBMARINE OFFICERS REPORTEDLY ASSIGNED TO MERCHANT SHIPS (page 13). riOANNEX- -Conclusions of the Watch Reoort of the Intelligence Advisory C,omml.ttee ( (page 14). 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 ....7Lak.IILL. 1. JAPANESE VIEW OF TAIPEI RIOTS Japanese Foreign Ministry analysts have tentatively concluded that the Chiang Ching-kuo clique was the prin- cipal Kuomintang group involved in the riots which they describe as "Obviously prearranged by important elements in the government of the Republic of China." The ministry, has received a number of reports that National Youth Corps members were identified as among the princi- pal leaders. few native Taiwanese were involvect anct that most par were Chinese mainlanders who sought refuge on Taiwan with the Chiang regime. The Japanese Foreign Ministry believes that sentiment aroused by the Reynolds case was exploited by some elements of the Kuomintang in order to break into Amer- ican files and ascertain the attitude of the United States toward Nationalist China. Comment reported evidence of prior planning and some have stated that the Kuomintang and Youth Corps participated in the rioting. American officials in Taipei report that looting of the embassy files appears to have occurred without system and that the riots were probably not staged for that purpose. he riots "were carried on in a somewnat organized manner" with the participation of young men in student uniforms. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 2, SUPPORT GROWING IN FRANCE FOR RECOGNITION OF PEIPING Sentiment favoring recognition of Com- munist China by France is reportedly gaining ground in center and rightist parties, I mong the new advocates of recog- n ion ar t of the parliamentary group of Rene Pleven's small center party and Emile Roche, a prominent Radical Socialist he resident of the advisory Economic Council. Comment According to the American embassy in Paris, a Social Republican (ex-Gaullist) member of the National Assembly's foreign affairs committee Is sponsoring a bill calling for recognition. There are also press reports from Hong Kong and Peiping that former pre- mier Edgar Faure, who is now on a month-long visit to Communist China, has voiced his unqualified support for recognition. Premier Mollet has continually had to restrain left-wing leaders of his own party--particularly Daniel Mayer, chairman of the assembly foreign affairs committee, from pressing for such a move. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 None 3. POLITICAL RIOT IN BEIRUT Comment on: Rioting which followed government attempts to suppress a political dem- onstration by opposition groups in Beirut on 30 May resulted in the death of at least six persons and the serious wounding of 23. Pro-Egyptian opposi- tion leader, ex-prime minister Saib Salam, received a head wound and is under ar- rest in a hospital. Most of the casualties were Palestinian refugees and Syrians. Warrants are reported to have been issued for the arrest of all opposition leaders. Beirut and Tripoli are being patrolled by tanks and armored cars of the army and gendarmerie. The riots grew out of a 48-hour opposi- tion ultimatum threatening a general strike if the government of pro-American prime minister Sami Solh did not resign in favor of a caretaker government which would supervise the parliamentary elections beginning on 9 June. Agitation for a coup d'etat against President Chamoun added to the tension. the opposition planned a march on and occupation ot the parliament building. Egyptian to spend in an mart to defeat the government. It is probable that some of this money was used to hire the agitators who participated in the demon- strations. The severe measures taken by the govern- ment in suppressing the demonstration may strengthen the opposition by providing it with martyrs. More rioting may occur at a planned mass funeral for those killed. The riot is reported to have had the effect of consolidating Christian opin- ion on the side of the government and Moslem opinlon on the side of the opposition. The increased tension along religious lines may lead to incidents throughout the country. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 New' 4. SHOWDOWN LIKELY BETWEEN JORDAN'S KING AND CABINET STRONGMAN A showdown between King Hussain and the cabinet strongman, Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister Samir Rifai, is re- ported developing over Rifai's reluctance to request withdrawal from Jordan of the Egyptian military attache and the Egyptian consul general in Jerusalem. Rifaits defeat on this question would foreshadow his departure from the cabinet. This would weaken the king's position. � Comment Samir Rifai, although strongly pro-West, is sensitive to majority sentiment in Jordan which remains strongly nationalist and anti-West. Therefore, he has been attempting to prevent further widening of the breach with Egypt. The two Egyptian officials in question have been deeply involved in intrigue with antimonarchical left-wing polit- ical groups in Jordan. Hussain, in his efforts to strengthen his personal position as quickly as possible, runs the risk of alienating elements whose support he needs. he has also createa resentment among Palestinian Arab officers in the army by his policy of increasing the proportion of Bedouin troops and showing favorit- ism to Bedouin officers. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Noe 5, EAST INDONESIA DEFIES DJAKARTA Comment on: In a 29 May broadcast, the military governor in northern Celebes strongly denounced the Indonesian government's recent orders relieving Lt. Col. Samual of his command in East Indonesia and split- ting the area into four military regions. He accused Djakarta of attempting to "divide and rule" in the manner of the Dutch colonialists, and stated that the people's hope for a policy based on national peace was "merely a dream!' East Indone- sians were also warned to be on guard against "stooges" of the central government, as the "people's fight must be di - rected against the enemies from without and for the elimina- tion of the enemies from withinr Since the governor owes his appointment to Samual, his statements almost certainly reflect his chief's viewpoint. While it does not quite constitute a declaration of independence, this speech underlines the determination of East Indonesians to win their demands for greater political and economic autonomy. Samual recently withdrew $9,000,000 from a Celebes branch of the Bank of Indonesia for "local eco- nomic development!' Recent developments concerning East Indo- nesia indicate that President Sukarno is still opposed to grant- ing any significant concessions to the provinces, despite the conciliatory position recently taken by Prime Minister Djuanda in the parliament. In his struggle with the central government, Samual probably can count on the support of other dissident leaders in Borneo and Sumatra 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 %Me 6. LAOTIAN CABINET RESIGNS Comment on: Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma's cabinet submitted its resignation on 30 May after the government suffered a defeat in the National Assembly on its handling of the Pathet Lao negotia- tions. If Souvanna's resignation is ac- cepted, as seems likely, Deputy Pre- mier Katay and his former political rival, Phoui Sananikone, leader of the Independent Party, appear to have the best prospects of forming a new government. They are planning to imple- ment an agreement they concluded recently under which Katay would become premier and Phoui his deputy. To succeed, however, they would need to win support from several other factions. In the event the major leaders are un- able to agree on a candidate, Prince Petsarath may be the strongest alternative. He recently returned from a visit to Pathet-held territory, allegedly convinced that the Pathets are not Cornmunisth and are no longer controlled by the Viet Minh, 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 7. PATHETS ADVOCATE SWITCH TO CONCILIATORY TACTICS IN NEGOTIATIONS The Pathet Lao advised Hanoi that Prime Minister Souvanna Priouma, pressed by America, Britain and France, was being forced to adopt stiffer tactics and recommended a switch to more conciliatory tactics, during negotiations "we have only been discussing questions raised by us... and have done our best to dodge any questions brought up by them... These long-standing tough tactics and per- verseness of ours are bringing the present talks to a stand- still.... We feel that the time has come to broach the ques- tion of the two provinces and the armed forces," Comment On 27 May, Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma read before the National Assem- bly a letter from Pathet chief Souphannouvong in which the latter promised to surrender control of the two northern prov- inces and Pathet armed forces immediately after the formation of a coalition government. This proposal undoubtedly was de- signed to strengthen Souvanna's position, by permitting him to point to the development of Pathet "reasonableness" as a posi- tive achievement of his policy of accommodation. In the event Souvanna's reported resigna- tion is accepted, the Pathets may well make some dramatic gesture during the cabinet crisis in the interest of promoting his return to office or the appointment of Petsarath. In any event, they will probably follow through with their plan to neu- tralize Deputy Premier Katay by "breaking" him politically. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 3E u/t.r.,/ � 8. EARLY CRISIS IN THAILAND FEARED expect trouble to break out in Thailand "be- fore long." I reported that the ruling triumvirate of Premier Phibun, Interior Minister Phao and Defense Minister Sarit is likely to break up in the near future, with Phibun siding with Phao against Sarit, who is supported by elements in the court and by con- servative opposition leader Khuang. Comment Phibun admitted to the American ambas- sador on 23 May that the internal situation in Thailand was "very serious," complaining that even though his regime was under strong opposition attack, Phao and Sarit were "fighting" each other and that Sarit was "even attacking me." The recent decisions of both Phao and Sarit to cancel projected visits to the US provide, a measure of the tensions presently underlying the political situation in Bangkok. There is a good possibility, however, that Phibun will be able, as he has so 0fte12 in the past, to maintain at least an uneasy truce between his two chief sub- ordinates. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Pp,ge 10 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Noe 9 Comment on: GOMULKA VISIT TO MOSCOW Polish first party secretary Gomulka and Premier Cyrankiewicz apparently went to Moscow for a brief visit over the week end of 26 May. the two leaders were accompanied by Agriculture Minister Ochab. .01.409 � 9 arePr9. The visit is reported to have been arranged by the Kremlin prior to the recent Polish party central cornmittee meeting for the purpose of discussing the results of the meeting and other political matters. The Poles may also have gone to Moscow to press the Russians for further economic aid, possibly an increase in grain and meat deliveries and other consumer goods. - during the period appeared normal. 30 May 57 Soviet military activity in Poland Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approve-d-lo7-R�el-e�ase710-7/72/0-4' C03169424 `REF 10, AFGHAN KING ACCEPTS INVITATION TO VISIT MOSCOW Comment on: King Zahir Shah of Afghanistan has ac- cepted an invitation to visit Moscow extended by Kliment Voroshilov, pres- ident of the Presidium of the USSR Supreme Soviet, according to a Soviet radio broadcast of 28 May. No date was mentioned in the announcement. Moscow presumably waited until King Zahir had indicated his acceptance before it made this an- nouncement. The king's other engagements make it unlikely that he plans to visit the USSR before next fall, however, and he may prefer to wait until next year. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 LJLIL4J. LX 11 SOVIET SUBMARINE OFFICERS REPORTEDLY ASSIGNED TO MERCHANT SHIPS the USSR has issigned submarine officers to Soviet 1(lerchant ships in accordance with a directive of the Council of Ministers, USSR. These offi- cers, who are either submarine commanders or senior assistants to submarine commanders, reportedly were as- signed for a period of one year for the primary purpose of gaining first-hand experience with navigation in foreign waters. In addition, each officer allegedly was issued photographic equipment and given a specific intelligence assignment. Comment Since 1952, the number of contacts made by Western navies with unidentified sub- marines throughout the world has increased steadily and the majority of these contacts have been judged to be Soviet. The successful completion of these patrols attests to the mechanical reliability of the Soviet long-range submarines and the operating skill of their crew members and commanding officers. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin e 13 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 ss"V ANNEX Watch Report 356, 29 May 1957 of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intelligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostili- ties against the continental US or its possessions in the immediate future. B. No Sino -Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostili- ties against US forces abroad, US allies or areas periph- eral to the Orbit in the immediate future. C. Early deliberate initiation of hostilities by Israel or the Arab states is not probable. Although tensions continue between the Arab states and Israel and among certain Arab states themselves, these are not likely to lead to serious conflict in the immediate future. 30 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03169424 Page 14