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fo.r.392Loc0939zA,./7"774,:///z4 V/# R E T "77/74 7/7 - r J' A 'ENT LLI LL TI 25 July 1957 Copy No. DOCUMENT ;�.17) I ...... CH::%-.:C - ET:7) TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DTE� AUTH� HaR 7 DATE. r 11EVIEWER OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to an un- authorized person, as well as its use in any manner prejudicial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detri- ment of the United States. Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 CONTENTS /4_10 SELWYN LLOYD OUT TISH POLICY TOWARD MUSCAT REBELLION (page 3). 42. HIGH IRAQI OFFICERS REPORTED READY TO ORGANIZE PRO-EGYPTIAN CONSPIRACY page 4)0 SHAH APPARENTLY OBLIVIOUS TO THREATS TO IRA- MAN STABILITY (page 5). A. ISRAEL-JORDAN BORDER CLASH FEARED (nage 6) REPORTED SOVIET INTEREST IN ZHUKUV VISIT TO UNITED STATES (page 7). 46. PERVUKHIN NAMED CHAIRMAN OF SOVIET STAmp rartir_ MITTEE ON FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS (page 8). ,w 7. SOUTH CHINA CROP FAILURE CAUSING REFUGEE PRES- SURE ON HONG KONG (page 9). BULGANIN LETTER TO MACMILLAN 25 July 57 (page 10). Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 1. SELWYN LLOYD OUTLINES BRITISH POLICY TOWARD MUSCAT REBELLION Reference: British Foreign Secretary Selwyn Lloyd minimized the scale of Britain's military action in Oman to Ambassador Whitney on 23 July and indicated his government still hopes to arrange talks between Saudi-Arabia and Muscat on border problems. Lloyd sug- gested that King Saud be informed that Lon- don does not plan to magnify this affair, what- ever the provocation, but concluded, "If we don't beat this down, we will have trouble with other areas around the coast of Arabia." Lloyd said it might be necessary "to do a bit of bombing, perhaps a fort or two," but that because of the heat, no British troops are being moved into Muscat at this time. A War Office source said on 22 July, however, that a rifle com- pany and a support company armed with mortars and heavy ma- chine guns are being airlifted to neighboring Sharja. Although the rifle company will probably be moved to Buraimi, the War Office plans no further troop movements now. Lloyd stated that the local Trucial Oman Scouts, numbering about 800 plus 21 Brit- ish officers will receive additional arms and may be used to seal off the rebels. Although most concern has centered on pos- sible repercussions in the oil states of the Persian Gulf, the British also consider that unrest may spread to the frontier be- tween the Eastern Aden Protectorate and Muscat. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 vaai 2. HIGH IRAQI OFFICERS REPORTED READY TO ORGANIZE PRO-EGYPTIAN CONSPIRACY Comment General Rubai is in the United States with an Iraqi military mission and is to remain here through mid-August. His strong following in one of the principal tribes in the Middle Tigris area gives him political influence. His command is based at Baquba, within ready striking distance of Baghdad. Rubai, a graduate of Sandhurst and the Staff College at Quetta, India, is believed to be strongly anti-British. He has been described as intelligent and one of the best officers in the Iraqi army. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 S ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 3 h I A 3. SHAH APPARENTLY OBLIVIOUS TO THREATS TO IRANIAN STABILITY The Shah seems completely unaware of growing popular dissatisfaction and frustration which might threaten the stability of his regime and indicates every intention of maintaining personal control of the gov- ernment, according to Ambassador Chapin, who had an audience with the Shah on 23 July. According to one Ira- nian official, the Shah returned from Europe "confident to the point of cockiness" and has made it clear to the cabinet and other officials that he intends to rule Iran. Comment The attitude of the Shah since his return from Europe will only aggravate the grow- ing feeling among middle-class Iranians that Iran would be better off under a different form of government. If he persists, resentment of his personal rule could culminate in an ultima- tum from political and military leaders demanding that he with- draw from government affairs or relinquish the throne. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 4. ISRAEL-JORDAN BORDER CLASH FEARED Reference: Foreign Minister Rifai of Jordan and United Nations observers fear a border incident may result from tree-planting activity by Israel in the neutral zone of Jerusalem. Ftifai,in an interview with the American ambassador in Amman, charged the Israelis are trying to estab- lish a de facto demarcation line and as- serted that the Israeli labor force is sup- ported by three companies of troops. Israel claims that a de facto partition line has existed for years and that Jordan has made no complaints over previous non- military activity. An Israeli broadcast from Jerusalem that Jordanian "infiltrators" fired on a group of Israeli farmers and kidnaped one of them on 23 July adds to the tension along the Israeli-Jordanian border, which had been relatively quiet in recent months. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CO AL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 1.1-r 5, REPORTED SOVIET INTEREST IN ZHUKOV VISIT TO UNITED STATES The Moscow correspondent of the Italian Communist paper L' Unita reported on 23 July that "circles worthy of trust close to the Soviet government" considered President Eisenhower's remarks on 17 July about a visit by Marshal Zhukov to the United States a "logical and sensible idea and hence worthy of being received and examined with max- imum attention." He claimed that "other groups" in Wash- ington acted to block the proposal and as a result "the Amer- ican government backed out," although the original idea was a good one. Comment L'Unita's correspondent, who recently gave a plausible "inside" report on the presidium shake-up, probably is speaking authoritatively about Soviet views. A Soviet journalist, talking with an Am- erican colleague last month, suggested a resumption of pri- vate correspondence between Zhukov and President Eisen- hower. The Soviet press and radio have reported but not commented on the President's press conference remarks. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved"Or-Reie-;;J:-2-6-1-9./12/10 Z03169395 6. PERVUKHIN NAMED CHAIRMAN OF SOVIET STATE COMMITTEE ON FOREIGN ECONOMIC RELATIONS I F Foreign Economic Relations, according to a TASS announce- ment. His successor as minister of medium machine build- ing is Yefim P. Slaysky, former chief of the atomic energy hoard under the USSR Council of Ministers. Mikhail G. Pervukhin has been relieved as head of the Ministry of Medium Machine Building, the chief nuclear energy organi- zation in the USSR, and appointed head of the newly organized State Committee for Comment Pervukhin was relieved as head of the State Committee for Current Planning and ap- pointed minister of medium machine building on 30 April 1957; he was demoted from full to candidate member of the party pre- sidium in the June purge. The Chief Directorate for Economic Rela- tions (GUES), according to a report of 12 July,was to be raised to the status of a state committee under the Council of Ministers. The functions of GUES, especially with respect to directing the Soviet program of economic aid to underdeveloped areas, have been steadily expanding since it was formed in mid-1955. Since the new committee will presumably supervise economic rela- tions with all foreign countries, Pervukhin's new appointment puts him in a position to exert considerable influence on a broad area of Soviet foreign affairs. Slaysky, who has been associated with the Soviet atomic energy program for the past ten years, was ap- pointed head of the Chief Directorate for Utilization of Atomic Energy when that body was formed in April 1956 and is a logical candidate to head the Medium Machine Building Ministry. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 a-J LLL� d 7. SOUTH CHINA CROP FAILURE CAUSING REFUGEE PRESSURE ON HONG KONG A rice crop failure in South China has greatly increased the flow of refugees into Hong Kong I Pressure on the colony's borders is said to be greater than at any time since the bombing of Canton in 1938. Comment Floods in late May and a severe typhoon in mid-July caused extensive damage in Kwangtung Province adjoining Hong Kong. Widespread discontent in Kwangtung is re- flected in official admissions that since last winter more than 100,000 peasant households have withdrawn from cooperatives. Unemployment, labor strikes, and food shortages in Kwang- tung have also been officially acknowledged this year. 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 %Jr J. 'I A' _LILL 'V 1 8. BULGANIN LETTER TO MACMILLAN Comment on: Soviet Premier Bulganin's letter of 20 July in answer to British Prime Minister Macmillan's letter of 16 June reveals no softening of Soviet policy on the outstanding East-West issues and in- dicates that the recent shake-up in the Soviet leaderstiip has resulted in no change in Moscow's position on disarmament. The 24 July Moscow broadcast summary of the letter focuses primarily on the disarmament negotia- tions, with special emphasis on the absolute necessity of an agreement to suspend nuclear weapons tests without linking this to other disarmament measures. The letter suggests, like Zorin's 8 July statement to the disarmament subcommit- tee, that Moscow is unsympathetic to any Western proposals which involve more or less than the Soviet test suspension proposal of 14 June. The letter makes no new disarmament proposals and does not suggest a recess in the talks. It sharply questions Western, particularly British, sincerity in the negotiations. In addition to repeating past Soviet pro- posals for European security, Bulganin suggests a pledge by the United States and the European countries not to give any economic or military aid to an aggressor in Europe, regard- less of treaty obligations. He warns again of the dangers of introducing atomic weapons into Europe and proposes again a British-Soviet-American agreement to keep them out of Germany. He repeats the standard formula that German unification is "the concern of the two existing German states and it is they who should negotiate between themselves about it." Bulganin offers no detailed proposals for the Middle East, but simply urges a great-power pledge not to use force to settle disputes in the area. In the field of Anglo-Soviet 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 CON 3 TIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395 � 14(11 11A_L relations, he calls for an end to restrictions on trade and for talks on cultural exchanges, adding that the question of BBC broadcasts to the USSR could be discussed if their pur- pose is to improve understanding between the two countries, The Soviet Union has been trying in bilateral approaches at the London disarmament talks to cause Western disunity. This letter may well be followed by separate ones to France and the United States, Although urging "personal con- tacts between the statesmen of our two countries," Bulganin gives no evidence that the USSR is offering to settle significant issues in bilateral or multilateral talks, 25 July 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 CO ENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03169395