DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/02/27
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Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164663
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1. US views on adrninistra.tion of Trieste�The State Department
has informed the US delegation negotiating the Italian Peace
Treaty in London that it prefers administration of the Free
Port of Trieste by a national authority, supervised by an
international body composed only of. representatives .of those
countries "immediately interested": Italy, Yugoslavia, Austria,
Czechoslovakia and Hungary., The International Commission
should be under supervision of the Economic and Social Coun-
cil of the UNO, through which the US can exercise its influence.
24 Soviet views on Italian treaty�In a general discussion With
Dunn regarding the US position on: revision of the Italian Armis-
tice and the progress towards drafting an Italian peace treaty,
the Italian Ambassador to London. on 25 February confirmed
that Vyshinsky had told him that (a) the USSR still desires a
trusteeship over Tripolitania, "although under other conditions
other solutions might be c8nsiclered;" (b) Tito would not receive
everything he asked for in the Trieste area; (c) Vyshinsky did'
not favor the cession of South Tyrol to Austria.
The Ambassador interpreted Vyshinsky's remarks on
Tripolitania as an indication that the Soviets' regard the ques-
tionsof the Straits and the Dodecanese as relevant to the mandate .
for Tripolitania.
According to Winant, a Soviet counselor in London
recently told a member of the French Foreign Office that if
France desires territorial concessions from Italy, it should
approve Soviet policy relating to the Italo-Yugoslav frontier.
Allied forces trained in Britain retur�Embassy
London reports that the training in British military centers
of air force and army detachments from Norway, Denmark,
Netherlands and Belgium is nearing completion and that the .
units will be returning soon to their home countries where they
are to form the nuclei of new national armies. This develop-
orent is regarded as both politically and militarily significant
in London, where it is hoped that the new armies in Western.,
Document No.
NO CHANGE in Class. 0
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
Auth: DD RGoil
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Europe will be organized and equipped on the British model
and that a largo number of the key personnel therein will be
acquainted with British military thought.
4. Future use of 0 .surplus_aimsts to be negotiated--The Air
Coordinating Committee (representing the State, War, Navy
and Commerce -)epartments and the Civil Aeronautics Board)
has decided that the State Department should try to obtain
assurances froia foreign governments that US civil aircraft
will be permitted to use, on a non-discriminatory basis, US
surplus airportii when they are returned to the foreign coun-
tries in which they are located.
In view cf the imminent departure of US forces from
India, Embassy New Delhi has been instructed to obtain such
assurances witl respect to US airports in India.
5. USS MISSOURI mIssion EleagstErri.--The Navy reports that
the battleship IVIIMOURI accompanied by the destroyer POWER
will arrive at Istanbul on 5 April. After leaving Turkey, the�
warships will visit Alexandria, Piraeus, Naples, Gibraltar and
Tangier. Embassy Ankara reports that the Turkish Government
deeply appreciates the US proposal to send horhe the remains of
its late Ambassador aboard such an important unit of the US
fleet. It considers that this action reflects "the friendship of
the US Government for 'Turkey."
6. ITALY: US reaction to So.y.LetttpLostagerjatahas_togy--
The State Department in reply to recent comments by Dunn that
the Soviets are misrepresenting to the Italians their attitude on
the Italian peace treaty, states that it agrees with Dunn that the
Soviet motive, in part, is to influence the Italian elections. The
Department points out, however, that: (a) the Italian Government
is accurately informed regarding the Soviet attitude on repara-
tions, Venezia Giulia and colonial questions; (b) the US is con-
sidering measures to correct any misapprehension on the part
of the Italian people; (c) the Soviets can make a good case for
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Approved f lae
or Rees: 2018/03/26-603164663rch 2018
their support of Italy in opposing French and Austrian claims
as well as proposed military and economic clauses; and (d)
the UK and US attitudes on some provisions of the treaty will
not be popular with the Italian people.
7, POLAND: Soviet control of air force and airline�MA Warsaw
reports that the chief of the Polish Air Force is Soviet General
Polynin. All key personnel in the Polish Air. Force are from
the USSR and exercise complete control over all training and
operational units. No Polish pilot is allowed to fly without a
Soviet pilot aboard. Similarly, aircraft of .the now nationalized
Polish airline are manned by Polish crews but carry a Soviet
control officer., Polish Marshal Zylieski has explained 'these
conditions as necessitated by a complete lack of trained Polish
personnel, but the US Military Attache points out that many
experienced former air force officers are now civilians.
because of their' affiliations with the former government,,
8. POLAND: Opposition to Lane
makes the following observations and recommendations regard-
ing the forthcoming elections in Poland:
(a) lvlikolajczyk is opposed to joining the electoral bloc
for fear of losing his reputation for political integrity., Lane.
believes that he will not join it, but that pending a final decision
he is bargaining for terms with the Government.
(b) The Government and the Soviets would not oppose
Mikolajczyk's campaigning on a separate list because it would
enable them to brand him as representing "Fascist interests"
and as being more interested in the US and the UK than in
(c) The Soviets have declared that a starving people
cannot vote intelligently and that therefore the UNRRA decision
to reduce wheat shipments will further delay the elections.
Furthermore, the Government and the USSR will not hesitate
to use the UNRRA decision to discredit both the US and
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(d) Although a firm stand by the US in favor of a free
and representative election would ease the now strained US-
USSR relations in Poland, Lane believes that any public state-
ment should wait until Mikolajczyk has made a definite decision
as to whether to join the electoral bloc.
9. RUMANIA: Reported Soviet t troop movements�Concurrently
with the official announcement of Marshal 'fabukhin's presence
in Bulgaria, General Schuyler reports that he has been informed
by a "reliable" source of extensive Soviet troop movements
through Constanza, Rumania, apparently en route to Bulgaria.
10. HUNGARY: USSR forbids currency issue�Finance Minister
Gordon has told Schoenfeld that Voroshilov had denied Gordon's
request for authority to issue million Deno notes. Without
these notes the Hungarian Treasury will be unable to meet pay-
roll reguirements at factories working for reparations account.
When warned of possible workers' unrest or, revolt, Voroshilov
replied: "So long as I sit here there will be no revolution."
11. CZECHOSLOVAKIA: "Document" incident emboldens Commu-
nists�President Benes has told Ambassador Steinhardt that the
"document" incident has emboldened the Communist members
of the Cabinet and is a handicap to moderate elements struggling
to release the country from eastern domination. Steinhardt has
arranged for the immediate release of the three Americans cap-
tured during the raid.
12. TRANS-JORDAN: Proposed treaty of independence--The Chief
of the Eastern Department of the UK Foreign Office has told
Winant that the proposed treaty granting independence to Trans-
Jordan would: (a) be similar to that with Iraq and non-discrimi-
natory in character; (b) constitute a treaty of alliance; (c)
provide for the right to maintain British troops in the country;
and (d) possibly necessitate British financial assistance.
13. CHINA: � Chinese shipping control agency proposed�Admiral
Cooke suggests establishing an agency to meet the immediate
need for taking over, manning and operating ships for UNRRA
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purposes. He anticipates that this shipping task will be
passed to the US Navy and believes that the Chinese Govern-
ment should set up the controlling agency with an American
nucleus and head.
14. INDOCHINA: French request for ammunition refused--On
State Department advice, the War Department has notified
MacArthur that the US cannot supply General LeClerc with
ammunition to replace the quantity previously obtained by the
French and lost at sea.
Coalition cabinet planned�The State Department repre-
sentative in Hanoi quotes frPresidentu Ho Chi Minh as stating
that the pressure exerted by the .Annamese Kuomintang will
result in the formation of a coalition cabinet when the Annamese
Assembly convenes on 3 March. The Vice President will be
drawn from the Annamese Kuomintang and the President from
the Viet Minh Party, of which Ho Chi Minh is the leader. Each
of the two groups will hold four of the ten ministries.
USSR demands Chinese withdraw--The Chinese have
informed the State Department's representative in Hanoi that
the USSR is demanding that they withdraw their forces from
Indochina and Formosa before the Soviet forces are withdrawn
from Manchuria. The Chinese view this demand as an effort
to cultivate the leftist French element and to establish in Indo-
china a new sphere of Soviet influence in the Far East.
Projected withdrawal of Chinese�CG China Theater
reports that the Chinese Board of Military Operations has asked
the US Chungking Liaison Group for its comments on a proposed
withdrawal between 1 and 16 March of the Chinese forces in
northern Indochina and the transfer of their duties to the French..
16. CHINA: Resumption of internal hostilities anticipated�General
Wedemeyer reports that several reliable' sources have indi-
cated that 600 Nationalist generals are meeting in Nanking and
have discussed Sino-Soviet relations in Manchuria and the
possible resumption of internal warfare. The Kuomintang non-
compromise faction headed by General Ho Ying-chin is attempt-
ing to sabotage the decisions of the Political Consultative Council
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and; later; take decisive action against the Chinese Communist
16. USSR: Malinovskvis command�MA Moscow reports several
indications that Marshal Malinovsky still is Commander in Chief
of Soviet Far Eastern Forcesa,
17. FRENCH GUIANA: Riot quelled�CG Antilles Department re-
ports that the emergency created on 26 February by a riot of
160 Senegalese troops in Cayenne ended the same day. The
rioters have been loaded aboard a French ship, and the incident
is considered closed.
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164663
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