DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/03/06
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Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164659
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff 15 March 2018
1. calm i_sj.91�Egt.erlgaZiagigta--Dutin reports that Soviet
Deputy Gusev has finally agreed to invite the Italian Govern-
xnent to submit to the Council further memoranda regarding
the peace settlement with Italy. The Deputies have also ten-
tatively agreed that representatives of Italy(a.nd other inter-
ested states) should eventually be given an opportunity to
discuss with the Deputies the main provisions. of the treaty,
when further progress has been made in drafting those
provisions. Dunn believes that Gusev's reversal of his
previous position was undoubtedly influenced by the state-
ment that the US would feel obligated to act independently
in inviting the Italian Government to submit its views.
Reaction to.Bylm�lap_egab--Preliminary State Department
reports on foreign reaction to Secretary Byrnes' 28 February
foreign policy speech include the following: (a) the speech
was ignored by the Moscow press; (b) the Rumanian censor
reportedly prohibited the publication of any part of the speech;
(c) the full text of the Secretary's speech was communicated
to the Yugoslav press on I March, but there was no mention
of it in any of the papers the following day; (d) in Bulgaria the
speech was printed in considerable detail but with slight
shifts of meaning in translation that distorted the significance
of the Secretary's comments; (e) Government reaction in
Vienna was exceptionally enthusiastic.
Br.itisk FoollAfijatateLgarskte_ to W.-Embassy London
advises that British Food Minister Ben Smith is leaving for
Washington. It is understood that, in addition to British
requirements, he will support food requests presented by
Indian representatives now in the US.
Document No. 0 a")
NO CHANGE in Class.
/Glass. CU-Z:0 Tr): TS
DDA M=o, 4 Apr 77
kith: 77/M7
Date: By: 0 0
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164659
[APPROVED FOR RELEApproved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164659
� AUSTRIA: Fciosl Mortaggajp, Vienna.--General Clark
reports that for the current week only the US met its full
food commitments for Vienna. As a result, the ration
scale again fell below the theoretical level of 1,550 calo-
ries. The situation promises to deteriorate further, since
both the Soviets and the French remove food from their-
zones and the ration scale in the UK zone after 1 April is
uncertain. Clark proposes to meet future defaults in
quadripartite food deliveries by reducing rations in the
US zone when necessary and diverting the saving to Vienna.
HUNGARY: Rojtt_tal tpasion PiSO_S --Schoenfeld reports
increasing political tension and growing apprehension by
Government officials that a crisis is imminent. Commu-
nists are increasing their press attacks on the rightists.
According to a "trustworthy" source, a high political
police official has proof that the Communist Central Com-
mittee has issued orders to commence demonstrations and
strikes. Schoenfeld believes, however, that the Soviets,
for fear of resulting adverse world publicity, will hesitate
to overthrow the existing coalition Government unless their
current objectives of economic penetration cannot otherwise
be achieved.
HUNGARY: liamertga Arauicw ra 1_,Q1ette,x2L'w--Schoenfeld
reports that there may be a real basis for widespread
reports that Americans in Budapest are indulging in black
market, racketeering and other illegal transactions. He
points out the danger to American prestige if anti-American
groups were to seize upon these activities for propaganda
7. USSR: U2g2iLeg,s .1p24��,Qf ecor_goklgrmamtl--The
State Department has requested Embassy Moscow to make
another effort to obtain from the Soviet Government the
texts of all USSR trade agreements with Rumania. Hungary
and Bulgaria.
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164659
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical IApproved for Release:. 2918/03/26 C03164659
Et IRAN: (jaapospones Moscow d art,--Embassy
Moscow reports that Prime Minister Qavam, apparently
after a conversation with Stalin, postponed his departure
from Moscow until 7 March.
The Shah is depressed by the non-withdrawal of
Soviet troops and fears future USSR action. He believes
that the Soviets will disregard Security Council disapproval
and will withdraw from the UNO if the opposition is too
vigorous. He considers that Britain no longer possesses
sufficient power to defend his country, whose only hope,
therefore, is the US.
US rigat.Q.Moscow--The State Department's note
to the USSR of 5 March regarding the retention of Soviet
troops in Iran includes the following points: (a) this Soviet
action was taken without the consent and over the protest
of the Iranian Government; (b) in answer to the US proposal
that troops be withdrawn by 31 December. 1945, the USSR
replied that the Tripartite Treaty of 1942 provided for with-
drawal six months after the cessation of hostilities; (c) this
commitment was not questioned at the recent meetings of
the Security Council; (d) the US cannot remain indifferent
to the failure of the USSR to withdraw its troops; (e) there
was general agreement in the Security Council that the
retention of troops by one of the United Nations on the
territory of another, against the latter's will, was contrary
to the principles of the United Nations; (f) the US earnestly
hopes that the USSR will immediately withdraw all its forces
from Iran, EO 13526 1.4(c)
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