DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/02/22
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APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
1. Danish atom expert declines to visit USSR--The assistant
US Military Attache in Stockholm reports that Profethsor
Bohr, the Danish scientist and expert on atomic fission,
recently was invited-through scientific channels to visit
the Soviet Union, but has declined.
British ask information on IVIanchuria�Ambassador Winant
reports that the Foreign Office has asked for US information
ral S oviet intentions in Manchuria, since the Foreign Office
wishes to decide on a policy for that area, particularly as to
whether it may be necessary "to show our teeth."
3. USSR misrepresenting its attitude towards Italian peace treaty:-
Dunn notes that Vyshinski recently stated to an Italian represen-
tative that the USSR was trying to be helpful to Italy in connection
with the peace treaty between that country and the Allies, and
that similar intimations had been published in the Italian leftist
press. Dunn believes that this appearance of friendlinesth to
Italy is being presented for the purpose of influencing the coming
Italian elections. He observes no indication whatever of such a
Soviet attitude at the treaty discussions among the deputies of
the Council of Foreign Minister's. Dunn cites (a) Soviet denaands
for a single trusteeship of TripoMania and for reparations, (b)
the difficulties the Soviets create in connection with proposed
investigations in Istria by the Allied Boundary Commission, and
(c) the statement by Soviet Deputy Gusev that Italy must be
regarded as a defeated enemy.
4. BULGARIA: Non-fulfillment of armistice terms�The US Dele-
gation, ACC, Bulgaria, reports that the Soviets are reluctant to
enforce the armistice agreement With regard to the restitution
of property and reparations in the form of food deliveries. The
USSR continuously places the burden of proof in these matters
on the US and UK ACC delegations rather than on the Bulgarian
Government. Furthermore, the USSR exerts no pressure on the
Bulgarians in the matter of food reparations, particularly to
Greece, and at the same time pursues a. course which prevents
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Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
the UK or. US n!presentatives from so doing. The British
Foreign Office Las notified Ambassador Winant that the UK
is considering t.:.king up vigorously with the USSR the ques-
tion of Bulgarian reparations to Greece, on the grounds that
direct responsib:lity for Bulgarian fulfillment of its obliga-
tions lies with the Soviet Government,
� FRANCE: Leon BAum will leave by air for the US on 26 Feb-
ruary, according to the French Foreign Office: The remainder
of the delegation wt11 leave on 1 March and will be ready to
begin discussions ca a proposed US loan on March 4 or 5.
(3� GERMANY: gpetati . of breweries postponed--0MGUS has
postponed the opening of German breweries in the US zone
for fear of unfavorable American reaction in view of the
recent Presidential order drastically restricting the produc-
tion of grain alcohol in the US� OMGUS, however, believes
that the 'advantages of allowing the breweries to open more '
than compensate for the release of 39,000 tons of barley (the
equivalent of 10 days bread ration) needed for one year's �
production of beer..
CZECHOSLOVAKIA: Czech Air Force purchases--The MA at
Prague reports that, altl.ough the Czechs recently received 50
tactical planes from the 3oviets, the trend, in equipment and
organization of the Czech Air Force is non-Soviet. The Czechs
are now negotiating the purchase of Mosquito bombers from the
8, SWEDEN: Swedestrtelt-gt British air pact-,-The. Swedish Govern-
ment rejected a British air agreement which would divide traffic
to Great Britain on a 50..50 basis. Minister Johnson summarizes
the situation by quoting the following remark made by a UK dele-
gate to a Swedish official: "We realize you cannot accept our
terms but our lack of 'commercial planes, etc� makes it impos-
sible for us to offer better ones; we must bluff our way through
the next year or two until we are in a position to compete with
you and the Americans.''
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
9. ITALY: yamalay activitiesin Verkezia Giulia�IE;mbassy
Rome summarizes military reports of the situation in
Venezia Giulia as follows: (a) Propaganda in the local
Communist press and Radio Belgrade against reactionaries
and Polish troops in Italy 'has been maintained at a high
pitch. The alleged threat to peace may be used as an ex-
cuse for the considerable reinforcement of the Yugoslav
zone in Venezia Giulia. (b) Recently arrived Yugoslav
troops are telling the inhabitants that they have come to
seize Trieste. This may be merely propaganda to intimi-
date the population, but it is widely believed in both zones�
(c) The Yugoslays now have some ten divisions in Venezia
Giulia, concentrated toward Trieste, and could intervene
militarily west of the Morgan line with little or no warning,
10. RUMANIA: Reported 1411itaasay movements�General Schuyler
transmits the report of a reliable observer that on 12 Feb-
ruary at 8:25 P.M. "several hundred" planes flew in from the
north, passed over Constanza an d headed south down the Black
�Sea coast towards Bulgaria. Aircraft navigation lights were
on, but markings were not observable� Types were not speci-
Another reliable source reports that during the week of
4 February orders were issUed for the evacuation of all Ruma-
nian munitions now stored in 14 forts in the Bucharest area so
that Soviet munitions could be stored in these forts.
1,1. INDOCHINA; French intentions ii.egarding Topkin�Bidault
has informed Caffery that the French Government has decided
to back to the limit the conciliatory policy proposed by
D2Argenlieu with respect to Indochina, which would meet the
Anna,mese "more than half way."' The Navy, however, has very
reliable information that the French are likely to begin occupa-
tion of northern Indochina by force on 25 February, local time
The French plans are reported to include airborne and amphibi-
ous landings, as well as an overland advance and naval demon-
strations. Annamese armed resistance is expected. (See
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
Summary No. 6, item 13j
12. Dutcracapz--Consul General
Batavia reports that General Dempsey has agreed that some
time after Sjahrir's return to Batavia, a Dutch unit now
waiting in Malaya will relieve a British brigade. Van Mook
and British General Stopford are discussing whether General
Dempsey has the authority to order important troop move-
ments in N.E.I. without reference to JCS. Sjahrir is due back
on 23 February from Djocja where he went to present the
Dutch proposals for Indonesian decision.
13. INDIA: Continuing disorclug�The US Mission reports the
confinement of striking naval personnel in Bombay by troops
of the Indian Army and believes that the Royal Indian Navy
will be unable to continue functioning as an effective organi-
zation. According to CG IBT, mob demonstrations have
occurred throughout India; and the naval mutiny has spread
to Karachi, with a call for a similar strike at Calcutta.
The US Military Observer, at New Delhi ascribes the
rioting to self-seekers and "hoodlums" without political
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164643
Daily Summary Collection Type: