DAILY SUMMARY - 1946/03/02
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Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
L Delivery ofYugoslavia se .--Embassy
Belgrade reports that a high UNRRA official has learned
that three 0-47's with US crews and mechanics are expected
to arrive soon at Belgrade to assist in the training of Yugo-
slays. The Embassy is opposed to the delivery of these planes
to the Yugoslav Government in view of the latter's refusal to
discuss civil aviation proposals and its efforts to force ATC
out of Yugoslavia by refusal to clear ATC replacements; Both
� the Embassy and ATC officials urge that the 0-47's be stopped
en route to Belgrade pending final decision by the State Depart-
2. Aid for Sovi.eislimin_Alaskan area to cease--The Commandant
of the 17th Naval District Al�r- ".i.Wirrar-inTOFriied the Navy Depart-
ment that unless otherwise directed he will terminate the issue
of fuel, supplies and services to Soviet merchant ships in his
area doinmencing 2 March.
Venezia Giulia commission reolymiti tri.�.._)=0,--Dunn reports
from London that the deputies of the Council of Foreign Minis-
ters have agreed on instructions to the investigatory commission
for Venezia Giulia. In addition to specifying the areas to be
visited, the instructions call for the commission's economic
experts to visit Fiume, a point on which the Soviet deputy, Gusev,
finally agreed although he still considered the Fiume visit
Unnecessary. Except for the Soviet member, who is going
to Trieste via Moscow, the commissioners will proceed to
Paris, leaving there for Trieste on 6 March.
Meanwhile, Kirk in Rome has expressed himself as dis-
turbed that the US is agreeing to limit areas to be visited in
Venezia Giulia and adds that unless the commission has suffi-
cient authority to visit any part of the province necessary to
arrive at a fair decision, the entire effort will be "a farce the
like of which was not tolerated in 1919."
Document No. 0 17
FO.CHANGE in Class. 0
1 - nass. c.:Lrfcrp TO: TS
DDA Memo, 4 Apr 77
ET Auth: D9A E7G. 77/11
riff 1970
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
4. FRANCE: Ministerial disagreements over policy in Germariy--
In analyzing French opposition to centralization of administra-
tion in Germany, Caffery comments that it is now clear that
Foreign Minister Bidault rather than DeGaulle was the prin-
cipal framer of the policy. The Foreign Minister still insists
that if a unified Reich is established before settlement of the
Ruhr, Rhineland and Saar questions, there will be no chance
for French views on these matters to prevail.
Caffery believes that the French Socialist leadership--
while favoring political separation of the Ruhr, Rhineland and
Saar--is sincerely opposing the Foreign Ministry's policy of
blocking centralization of the rest of Germany. In taking their
present position Blum and his associates are, in fact, running
the risk of severe criticism from other groups during this
critical pre-election period. Gouin has insisted to Bidault
that the US is so important to France that some compromise
solution must be reached and has rejected Bidault's first set
of compromise proposals as not sufficiently modified to satis-
fy US wishes.
Bidault is now threatening to resign over 'the issue, while
Gouin and Blum are pressing for acceptance of a plan whereby
national ministries would be established in Germany to deal
with purely administrative and technical matters but would
have no direct governmental functions. Such functions would
be exercised by an inter-Allied commission..
5. BULGARIA: Soviet Marshal Tolbulthin left Sofia for an unre-
vealed destination the night of 27 February, according to an
official announcement reported by Barnes. The Marshal's
present headquarters are at Constanza, Rumania, but he is
believed to have advance headquarters in the vicinity of
Plovdiv, Bulgaria. Barnes states that most observers in
Sofia believe Tolbukhin, who had secretly been in Bulgaria
since early February, settled all details concerning Bulgaria's
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
part in any future USSR dealings with Turkey, before leaving
the capital.
6. KOREA: US support of progressives suggested--The War
Department has suggested to CG US Forces in. Korea a course
of action to counter the application in Korea of current Soviet
tactics in Eastern Europe. Included in the plan is the sugges-
tion that General Hodge publicly clarify the measures which
the US is taking to facilitate the establishment of a free and
independent Korea. The War Department suggests that every
effort should be made to find in the US zone a group, neither
associated with the Kim Koo group nor the Soviet-dominated.
groups, which will develop, in line with US aims, a progressive
platform to win over those Koreans now drawn to the Communist
7, JAPAN: War study�General MacArthur reports that the Japa-
nese Government has named Premier Shidehara chairman of a
Japanese War Investigation Commission which is to be charged
with studying "the causes and results" of the war.
8. ECUADOR: President considarkg,ctatQN.UP.--Both Embassy
and ALUSNA, Quito, report reliable information that President
Velasco is considering a resort to dictatorship with the aid of
the Army. According to the Embassy, he is exasperated by the
activities of the Tribunal of Guarantees and the Permanent
Legislative Committee and feels that he cannot continue to
govern without abolishing them.
The Embassy is also reliably informed that Augustin
Aguirre, Acting President of the Permanent Legislative
Committee, has said that if such an attempt were made he
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
APPROVED FOR RELEASE - Historical Programs Staff DATE: 15-Mar-2018
wotild convoke Congress to unseat the President. Aguirre
would be Velasco's constitutional successor.
' It has been previously reported (Summary No. 13, item
16) that General Enriquez, head of the Army opposition group,
might initiate revolutionary activity within thirty days.
Navy states that the USS LITTLE ROCK is scheduled to
arrive at Guayaquil on 7 March.
Approved for Release: 2018/03/26 C03164640
Daily Summary Collection Type: