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Z/ZIZZ 4r, I 7/1//7 ...eApproved for Release 2020/02/21 C03106;WI' SLKLi ecoci) V 3.5(c) 3.3(h)(2) 30 April 1959 Copy No, C GEN TRAL I NTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 4/ NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DECLAS5IFI'ED CLASS. CHANGFD TO: NEXT REVIEW DATE: Aur � lit DAT ty! _REVIEWER ApprovedTo-rRelase: 2020/02/21 CO3163330 .. e pproved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 .... 41Bar INIBle\W II 18 NM NI Npar�oh.�0"91' Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 -Approved for Rele -a S-e7- 2-5E/02/21 C03163330 /30 APRIL 1959 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR opens new phase in campaign tO undermine Shah of Iran, stressing tribal opposition to regime. Poland - Regime has launched offen- sive using economic pressures, which poses serious threat to church's finan- cial position. II. ASIA-AFRICA Pakistani leaders say Tibetan events show India and Pakistan should coop- erate militarily against any outside threat; actual cooperation probably a long time off. Sarraj wants to use feelavpen against Jordan, King Husayn due back in Amman shortly where po- litical intriguing has intensified, UAR taking more steps to support Crown Prince Badr in Yemen. Major opposition parties in the Philip- pines agree to cooperate against ruling Nacionalista party in forthcoming elec- tions. 0 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 0 Dutch taking some steps to strengthen defenses in West New Guinea; Indo- nesians will react strongly. III. THE WEST 0 De Gaulle likely to insist that his pro- posal for joint East-West aid to under- developed countries be on summit agenda. First French nuclear weapons test now set for early 1960. W` Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 ' 1 0 1 0 1 1 r CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 30 April 1959 DAILY BRIEF L THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR-Iran: The USSR has begun a new phase in its prop- aganda campaign to undermine the Shah's regime by initiat- ing broadcasts aimed at fomenting unrest among tribal ele- ments. On 27 April, Radio Moscow's first specific references to the anti-Shah Qashqai tribes and to Iranian Kurds appeared in its Persian-language broadcasts. A clandestine station�the "National Voice of Iran"--which is probably Soviet inspired if not actually in the USSR, attacket.the Shah's tribal policy in its first broadcasts about 27 April. ('he principal Qashqai chief, currently in Switzerland, claims he recently received renewed Soviet offers of support, including arms) (Page 1) Poland: A well-planned offensive recently initiated by the Gomu 1-Talzegime against the Catholic Church is potentially a serious threat to the church's financial position. New tax regu- ii lations have been enacted and old ones revived which, if rig- 01- orously enforced, would deprive the church of the funds needed to continue most of its social, educational, and charitable ac- tivities and force the closing of some religious orders and con- vents. (Page 2) Watch Committee conclusion�Berlin: No significant changes bearing on the possibility of hostilities. II. ASIA-AFRICA Pakistan-India: Tct Pakistani leaders have recently stated publicly that events in Tibet indicate that India fr" nd Pakistan should cooperate militarily in meeting any threat OA 4, 0 i TOP SECRET z,f-iTaz;-- 0/02/21 C 0316TgWZ/rfftgZre/A ii \\\\\\\\X\\\\,\\I *IW." A WM/ 13/ 7/7 AIX" r/WilAir,./e/Z0/73/7/7/4 A,/ .4%//7/7/igi7/ Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 610 from the outside. The expression of this view, at a time when India is concerned about the security of its Tibetan border, is probably designed to reduce India's opposition to SEATO and the Baghdad Pact, to fayilitate a settlement of the canal waters and Kashmir disputes, (and to strengthen The Indian army chie Pakistan's position in re- questing a continued flow of US arms aidof staff recently told an American official that now is the time to consider a rapprochement with Pakistan to facilitate joint de- fense. Considerable progress in resolving outstanding disputes would be necessary, however, before the two countries are ready to engage in joint planning. (Page 3) Jordan-UAR: Syrian Interior Minister Sarraj wants to use edayeen terror ist&aainstJorthnItforaborder in- ident on 23 April. the decision on reprisal has been referred to Nasir a' King Husayn will find an atmosphere of i ense political in- trigue in Amman when he returns on 2 May. Efforts by Bedouin 7.)-61,rmy officers to discredit and oust Jordan's army chief of staff niay also be aimed at Premier Rifai. Two leading candidates for eveithe premiership are seeking popular favor b proclaiming their 5 AA intention to seek better relations with Nasir A (Page 4) Yemen-UAR: The arrival of .a 32-man Egyptian economic mission in Yemen on 25 April and the impending arrival of an agricultural mission from Cairo indicate increased Egyptian sup- port for Crown Prince Badr during the Imam's absence. These moves are also probably intended to reduce Badr's dependence on viet bloc aid. (Page 5) Watch Committee conclusion_ Middle East: ituations sus- ceptible of direct exploitation by Sino-Soviet bloc action which would jeopardize US interests exist in the Middle East, particu- larly in Iraq and Iran. The situation in the area remains pre- carious, but a deliberate initiatiln of large-scale hostilities is unlikely in he immediate future. Iraq: he Communists are progressively achieving control in Iraq, although for the pres nt they may prefer not to move to take power in their own name. 30 Apr 59 DAILY BRIEF ii TOP SECRET 04 bl,Mfjjlf,ffe#ZZ,ZZZ,Z#,Z,ZpP'rg'vfrgztiZ=.S'caGSSrCZziZa76" Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 IA Fbi OL' The Philippines:(The coalition agreement between the opposition Liberal an Progressive parties should signif- icantly strengthen their prospects in the November senatorial and provincial elections. The parties may be planting an ac- tual merger, looking to the 1961 general elections, when they would challenge Nacionalista party control of the government) (Page 7) The Netherlands - Indonesia: Foreign Minister Luns, who is again seeking arms aid for West New Guinea from the United States, says that the Dutch have unobtrusively taken a number of measures to strengthen West New Guinea's defenses. The Indonesian Government, when these measures come to its knowledge is likely to regard the Dutch actions as a threat to Its security and may request more arms aid from the West, the Communist bloc, or both) (Page 8) III. THE WEST France�Summit tactics:, De Gaulle is likely to insist that his proposal to invite the iSSR to join the West in provid- ing aid to underdeveloped countries be on the agenda for any summit conference. He is particularly interested in such a 0 plan for Africa, and has told Secretary Herter that he believes rest France�Nuclear weapons: e first French nuclear weapons test is now reliably reported planned for February or March 1960, in southern Algeria. This would be from six months to a year later than most previous reports had sug- gested. Postponement of the first test may be due to techni- cal difficulties, or possibly to plans for testing several de- vices of varying size.) (Page 4) 30 Apr 59 DAILY BRIEF iii for Release: 2026/02/21 C03163330://////74 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 SECRET I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Moscow Attempts to Foster Tribal Unrest in Iran Radio Moscow on 27 April gave its first specific support to the Iranian Kurds and the traditionally antiregifne Qashqai tribes in Persian-language broadcasts to Iran. About the same date, anew clandestine station- -'"The National Voice of Iran"� which is probably Soviet inspired if not actually in the USSR, be- gan attacking the Shah's tribal policies. These broadcasts charged that "the Qashqai tribes and the Iranian Kurds are being deprived of their elementary democratic rights," and that Tehran is trying to place the Kurdish tribal areas of Iran under military control in order to transform them into base for "destructive activities" against Iraq. Moscow contrasted the "unfortunate lot" of Kurds in Iran with the example in Iraq of Arab-Kurdish cooperation under Qasim. Strong personal attacks on the Shah continue in bloc broadcasts in Persian�currently at a level of about 68 program-hours a week. The principal tribal chief, Nasr Khan, who is now in Switzer- land claimed on 20 April that he recently received renewed Soviet offers for support, including arms, He implied that although he is pro-American, he may ac- cept Soviet support. Realizing that Tehran is already concerned about the loyalties of its estimated '750,000 Kurds, Nasr Man may be attempting to obtain prompt settlement of his property claims from the Iranian Government by threatening to cause unrest among the estimated 300,000 Qashqai tribesmen in southern Iran. He says the Iranian colony in Europe is expecting "something to hap- pen in Iran this summer," and that wealthy Iranians are withdraw- ing their assets from Iran and depositing them in Switzerland) 30 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Polish Regime Institutes New Offensive Against Catholic Church The Polish regime's new offensive against the Catholic Church is potentially the most serious threat to the church since the de- tente established by the 1956 Church-State Agreement. The state has issued a stringent reinterpretation of the law exempting from taxation church funds used for religious purposes, virtually eliminating the church's social welfare activities and its construction program. The regime initially is concentrating its attack on the reli- gious orders which are not under the direct control of Cardinal Wyszynski. Many of them have less contact with the people than the regular parish clergy, and the regime apparently hopes thereby to avoid arousing extensive popular opposition. Action has already been taken against one group of Jesuits who have been accused of large-scale tax evasions and, as a result, had their property confiscated by the state. Some church authorities believe that this action signals the beginning of a general offensive against the Jesuits. Other religious orders and the regular clergy also are being subjected to less drastic financial pressures, which the regime apparently plans to extend. At the third party congress in March, Gomulka stated that "we do not want a war with the church" but stressed that the church must accept a purely passive role in Polish society. He has long had the aim of strengthening the party's hold over the population at the expense of the church, which is its principal, rival. In contrast to tactics used against the church before 1956, the regime is not tampering with matters of faith. The new of- fensive can seriously decrease church influence and force the population to become dependent upon the party for welfare serv- ices previously supplied by the church. CONFIDENTIAL 30 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 SECRET II. ASIA-AFRICA High Pakistani Officials Stress Need for Collective Defense With India Pakistani President Ayub, the foreign minister, (the ambas- sador in Washington, the director of the Pakistani intelligence services, and military officers in West Pakistan have all recent- ly stated in public that Tibetan events indicate India and Pakistan should join together in defending the subcontinent in the event of a threat from the outside. In spite of their more direct concern with the possibility of hostilities between India and Pakistan, the military leaders of both countries have long considered that joint defense of the sub- continent would be necessary in the event of outside aggression. Pakistan's military leaders now may feel that the growth of Chi- nese Communist military power along the Indo-Tibetan border and the recent deterioration in Sino-Indian relations make the question of joint defense of more immediate interest. The Pak-. istanis probably believe that emphasizing the concept of collective defense while India is involved in strengthening the security of its Tibetan border will reduce India's opposition to SEATO and the Baghdad Pact. In addition, Karachi may intend by demonstrating its reasonableness to offset the effects of the recent downing of an Indian Air Force Canberra by the Pakistani Air Force. Ayub's gov- ernment desires to create an atmosphere conducive to a settlement of the canal-waters and Kashmir disputes with India. (Karachi probably believes that by playing down its disputes with India and emphasizing its interest in regional defense, includ- ing cooperation with India, it will strengthen its position in request- ing a continued flow of US arms aid) General Thimayya, chief of staff of the Indian Army, stated that now is the time to consider a rapprochement with akistan to facilitate joint defense. Considerable progress in set- tling major disputes will be necessary, .however, before the two countries will be ready to engage in joint defense planning. SECRET 30 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Page 3 Approved forl�R-e�le�ae7.-2020/02/21 C03163330 Nave Jordan-Syrian Border Incident Adds to Problems Awaiting Husayn Syrian Interior Minister Sarraj has urged that the UAR Gov- ernment use fedayeen terrorists against Jordan in reprisal for a border incident on 23 April, The final decision on reprisal has been referred to Nasir. Each side has blamed the other for the incident, which may have arisen from poor definition of the frontier. Efforts to undertake a joint investigation of the clash failed because each side insisted that the inquiry be held in its territory. In addition to tension with the UAR, King Husayn will find an atmosphere of intensified political intrigue in Amman when he returns on 2 May from his world tour. He will probably be compelled to resolve a serious factional dispute in the army, and may be forced to choose a new prime minister. (originally Pre- mier Samir Rifai had planned to resign shortly er the King% return in order to form a new cabinet. Maneuvering by a power- ful clique of Bedouin officers in the army, however, aimed at discrediting and removing Army Chief of Staff Sadiq Shara, could force Rifai's resignation earlier and block his reappoint- ment, General Shara has been Rifai's protege in the army., Rifai will probably seek to transfer the leader of the Bedouin clique, Colonel Abdullah Majalli, from his present influential post as chief of operations to one of less importance.) 611ould Rifai resign, the Bedouin will seek the appointment of Hazza Majalli, who probably also has British support. Two other former Premiers, Fawzi Mulqi and Said Mufti, are also currently mentioned in Amman political circles as possible re- placements. Both have recently bid for popular support by an- flouncing their intent to seek improved relations with the UAR.) TOP SECRET 30 Apr 59 CFNTPAI INTFI I InFKICF Rill I FTIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Approved for 2020/02/21 C3163330 Yemeni Regent Receiving Increased Support From Nasir The arrival of a 32-man Egyptian economic mission in Yemen on 25 April, and the impending arrival of an agricul- tural mission from Cairo, indicate increased Egyptian sup- port for Crown Prince Badr during the absence of the Imam, who is abroad for medical treatment. The economic mission is to conduct a two-week survey in connection with an agree- ment signed by Badr in Cairo on 6 April providing for the for- mation of a UAR-Yemen trade company. At the same time Badr also signed another agreement establishing a joint "agri- cultural company" for the purpose of increasing Yemen's agri- cultural production and modernizing Yemeni agriculture. These moves are probably also intended to reduce }lades dependence on aid from the Soviet bloc. the UAR has also loaned Badr two 1L-14 transport aircraft which are being used to facilitate the movement of &Ides representatives and security officials. F7the UAR planned to activate a clandestine radio transmitter in Yemen about 25 April. It was to be linked with Jidda and Cairo5, and the Egyptian relay station in Jidda was asked to mon- itor the frequency of the new station, which was to be considered "Top Secret." The UAR may be setting up this secret communi- cations link with its missions in Yemen in preparation for imple- mentation of &Ides recent order that most foreign diplomatic missions stop sending enciphered telegrams. Cairo might also wish to have the emergency radio channel to ensure rapid as- sistance to Badr if rebellion were to break out against him. Badr is also continuing to 17n1r tn thp Sinn-Soviet Vane mis- sions in Yemen for assistance. Badr send "the remaining Soviet experts," including the expert on armored vehicles, to Sana. This suggests that units of Badr's bodyguard deployed in the northern capital to up- hold his authority are being advised by Soviet personnel. (Meanwhile, doubt that an SECRET mmediate move) 30 Apr 59 CFKITRAI INITFI I inpkirp RI III FTIKI Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Page 5 ,r. tif-coN Iry nre I Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 New, Nirge (would be made to close foreign diplomatic missions in Yemen. Nasir and I3adr had agreed to such action, and that Yemen's foreign relations would be conducted in Cairo through the machinery of the United Arab States., the federation of the UAR and Yemen) 30 Apr 59 CFKITRAI INTEI LIC4ENCE BULLETIN Page 6 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 ri.f-t. cppr Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Principal Philippine op position Parties Agree on Coalition The coalition agreement between the Philippine Liberal and Prog essive parties poses a significant long-range threat to President Garcia's incumbent Nacionalista party. The text of the parties' communiquo, signed by Vice President Macapagal for the Liberals and Manuel Manahan for the Progressives, provides for a common ticket in the November elections, in which one third of the senate's 24 seats and various provincial governorships and other offices will be contested} this coalition is to be fizillowed by a merger of the two parties by June of 1960 at the latest, This merger 'would have as its goal the upsetting of Nacionalista control of the gov- ernment in 1961. Such a party would have considerable assets in the persons of Macapagal, who polled more votes in the 1957 elections than any other candidate, and Manahan, who made an impressive showing in 1957 as the Progressive candidate for president in his first campaign for elective office. The new party would combine the superior organization and financial back- ing of the Liberals and the Progressives' identification with the goals fof ex-President Magsaysay, *hose supporters formed the party) Against these asset; however, must be placed the power- ful, Well-entrenched political machine of the Nacionalistas and the possibility that discipline within the new grouping may be dif- ficult to maintain. Negotiations for a coalition or merger began as early as 1957 and encountered many stumpling blocks, par- ticularly from the Liberal party's old guard. 30 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 7 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 *re' Noe: Netherlands Reports West New Guinea Defenses Strengthened (Dutch Foreign Minister Luns, in again seeking arms aid for West New Guinea, told United States Ambassador Young in The Hague that the Dutch have unobtrusively taken a number of measures designed to strengthen West New Guinea defenses. He mentioned shipment of new radar equipment, 400 additional marines, increased ground personnel, more ammunition, and "the like.) 6e Dutch, unhappy about US arms aid to Indonesia and the subsequent "chain reaction" of sales by other NATO countries, recently threatened to divert NATO-committed military equip- ment to West New Guinea if US arms aid is not forthcoming. The Dutch cabinet, impatient with US delay in responding to a "shbp- ping list" of military items submitted to the United States last December, decided in March to improve the Biak airfield for use by jet fighters and to station 100 fully .equipped marines at Hollandia. Dutch forces in New Guinea, as of the end of 1958, included 250 to 400 army troops, 1,00 marines, 751 naval personnel, and 175 naval air personnel. The Indonesian Government, on learning of the reinforce- men s, is likely to seek some means of retaliating, and may also advance the Dutch action as justification for making new requests for arms. Any government failure to react to a Dutch build-up would be exploited by the Indonesian Qommunist party, caLparty in Indonesia. 30 Apr CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 8 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Naive I I I. THE WEST French Nuclear Weapons Test Now Reported Planned For Early 1960 the first French nuclear weapons test now is planned for February or March 1960 in southern Algeria. The first test will probably involve a nominal-yield (20-40 kiloton) de- vice. .esting of a series of smaller devices possibly including an underground test, is expected to follow the initial explosion. The testing will take place in the general area of Reggane Oasis, pr viously re- ported as the probable French nuclear test site Previous reports had suggested that the initial French test miglitoccur as early as the first quarter of 1959, and France is estimated to have accumulated enough plutonium as of 1 Jan- uary 1959 to explode at least one nuclear device at any time. The reported delay is probably due partially to the French de- sire to test devices of varying sizes in series. Other factors affecting the timing may include the need to complete procure- ment and installation of range instrumentation and possibly difficulties in solving problems of weapons design and fabrica- tion. In recent weeks the French press has repeated the govern- men earlier warnings that Paris will not be bound by any agreement on test cessation which might be reached by the US USSR, and UK at the Geneva talks now under way) TOP SECRET 30 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 Page 9 Approved for -14ele'5-s-e-..-Z&/02/21-003163330 'Rime vie THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director United States Information Agency The Director CONFIDENTI A I. Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330 "4#917/117///71/71Aroproved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03163330/11/1771711/297/700 / , 0 0 0 I I 1 I I I 0 I el i#1111 1 I I I ET 1 �7�:�0�Zy Z 00 77 7,7,/, fZi FrZy rd A p p r o v e d for Release: 2020/02/21 CO3163330_ 7Wrrni fAIZZ/Z 00 '',/,/-