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rj7/7/#/010).A.M for Release: 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 27 February 1957 Copy No. ' DATE' AU 1:4-, DAT REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 131 Tar SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 410%, Amt. Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 1r JVY CONTENTS 1. ARAB "SUMMIT' MEETING REPORTED PROCEEDING SMOOTHLY (page 3). h. EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER DEPRESSED OVER UN DEVELOPMENTS (page 4). 93. ATTEMPTED SOVIET "SABOTAGE" OF POLISH ECONOMIC MISSION TO US REPORTED (page 5). /4. PEIPING PRUNES MILITARY SPENDING (page 6). 411(5. HUNGARY INCREASES PRESSURE ON US LEGATION (page 7). O r6. ARRESTS OF INDONESIAN OPPOSITION LEADERS REPORTED SCHEDULED FOR 28 FEBRUARY (page 8). 1'7. YEMEN PLANS GUERRILLA WARFARE IN ADEN PROTECTO- RATE (page 9). jV 8. EGYPT QUERIES COMMUNIST CHINA ON MILITARY EQUIP- MENT (page 10)0 9. BONN CONSIDERING EARLIER ELECTIONS BECAUSE OF CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS' GROWING POPULARITY (page 11)0 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TO Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 SECRET 1. ARAB "SUMMIT' MEETING REPORTED PROCEEDING SMOOTHLY The meetings of the four Arab chiefs of state in Cairo on 25 February were con- cerned mainly with the question of Israeli withdrawal and the United States' reply to the memorandum requesting clarifica- tion of the American proposals on the Middle East, The talks reportedly were dominated by King Saud, who made a full presentation of the discussions he held with American officials, and by Nasr, who questioned the king closely on the American attitude toward Israel. "considerable unanimity" had been achieved, and it was hoped to Issue a concluding communiqu�n 27 February. the general tenor of the communiqu�o be moderate and "favorable to the West." King Saud himself informed Ambassador Hare earlier that the initial two-hour meeting had been "very successful," and that the outcome of the conference "looked very favorable." Nasr has said, 'We sent Saud as the Arabs` ambassador th Eisenhower; he has returned as Eisenhower's ambassador to the Arabs." 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 2. EGYPTIAN FOREIGN MINISTER DEPRESSED OVER UN DEVELOPMENTS Egyptian foreign minister Fawzi in- formed Ambassador Hussein on 25 February that he had made reserva- tions to leave the United States in the next few days "if nothing new develops." In reply to Hussein's suggestion that Nasr might not let 'him leave, Fawzi said, "What am I going to say or do? I have finished, I am tired, I am not able, I haven't vigor... one's endeavors are like writing on water:' In answer to Hussein's query over developments in the UN, Fawzi stated, "They are trying to find a legitimate way out so they do not have to under- take sanctions." He added that even if a resolution benefi- cial to Egypt were obtained, "immediately thereafter they will issue resolutions, or will try to, on Aqaba, on Gaza... they will start the squeeze one after the other." Comment Fawzi seems particularly depressed over his inability to obtain better rela- tions with the United States. His pessimistic analysis of the possible trend of developments, probably shared in Cairo, is likely to increase Nasr's opposition to any compromise. 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 VC., 1400k 3. ATTEMPTED SOVIET "SABOTAGE" OF POLISH TO US REPORTED Poland has had great difficulty circum- venting "indirect Soviet sabotage" of its efforts to obtain economic assistance from the United States. The USSR hopes that the mis- sion will fail, counting on a persistent belief in the United States that Gomulka is still an uncompromising Communist. American reaction to Titots planned visit, has reinforced this hope. Comment This is the first direct referenc to Soviet "sabotage" in connection with Western aid to Poland. Like other state- ments by regime spokesmen stressing the critical need for credits and supplies from the West, these remarks are doubtless intended to encourage a responsive attitude in the United States. 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 1-�!". T1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 'Noe vor' 4. PEIPING PRUNES MILITARY SPENDING The director of the Rear Service Depart- ment of the Chinese Communist armed forces has announced that, in accord- ance with the policy of reducing military expenditures to provide funds for eco- nomic c ns ruction, the 1957 operational fund for his depart- ment would be cut by one third. Comment This announcement does not establish an across-the-board reduction for the military forces, but may indicate that one will be made. The Rear Service Department is the central supply organ of the Chinese armed forces. A cut in military appropria- tions for the year would be in keeping with a general paring of Chinese Communist appropriations for 1957, except in industrial construction projects, where Peiping hopes to maintain last year's level of investment. Last December party units in various of the armed services launched austerity campaigns. The party committee in the navy suggested that it was both necessary and possible to reduce naval expenses, postpone some naval construction prnipotq and gavp rnnney in support of economic construction. 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTI Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 .40146 MIL 5. HUNGARY INCREASES PRESSURE ON US LEGATION Comment on: The Hungarian government's demand for the recall of American minister Edward T. Wailes unless he immediately presents his credentials to the Kadar re- gime presumably is part of an increased effort to isolate and discredit the Amer- ican legation in Budapest. The arrest of Hungarians leaving Western missions, at- tacks on Cardinal Mindszenty now in asylum in the American legation, and the continued attempt by regime newspapers to connect American officials with the Hungarian revolution sug- gest the possibility of a Stalinist-type show trial involving the United States. The request for Wailes' recall, in the form of a note presented to American officials on 22 February, termed his failure to present credentials since his arrival in early November a "delay untenable in international law," and asserted that Mr. Wailes was carrying on official activities which "in their present form" were "irreconcilable with inter- national practice!' 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 ar,1-6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Noe 6. ARRESTS OF INDONESIAN OPPOSITION LEADERS REPORTED SCHEDULED FOR 28 FEBRUARY The arrest of Indonesian leaders op- posed to Sukarno's new concept of gov- ernment is scheduled for 28 February, according to Masjumi and Socialist Party sources. Masjumi chairman Natsir is ill and, without his leadership, the party is re- ported confused and demoralized. The offices of the Mas- jumi daily Abadi have been stoned. The American ambassador in Djakarta comments that whether the arrests are made or not, a campaign to instill fear in the opposition is obviously al- ready under way. It apparently began with the recent ar- rest of rank-and-file Masjumi members by the government and has now been taken over by student and guerrilla groups under the direction of the Communist Party and other left- ist elements. The campaign is having the effect of cowing Moslem leaders, but it runs the risk of provoking retalia- tory violence. Comment Political parties opposed to Sukarno's concept appear unlikely to attempt strong resistance and Sukarno may not feel the necessity for wider- spread arrests. Should the arrests be made, however, counteraction probably would be limited to spontaneous and isolated violence by anti-Communist youth and veteran groups. Since the recent arrests and reassignments of its key anti- Communist personnel, the army is not likely to take inde- pendent action. 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SITCTZ FT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 20191/12/04 C03162001 La 1-0 a %Z., 11 40k tak 7. YEMEN PLANS GUERRILLA WARFARE IN ADEN PROTECTORATE Comment on: The Imam of Yemen recently outlined his design for in- creasing harassment of British authority in Aden Protectorate. In the opinion of the Imam, "guerrilla warfare is truly more harmful to Aden than anything else:' The Imam envisages a program of am- bushes, hit-and-run raids, and terror which the British, even with reinforcements, will be hard-pressed to combat effectively. Such a terror campaign would probably also aim at winning over restless tribesmen and intimidating protectorate rulers who have treaty relations with Britain. Against this background, Yemeni- British contacts in London over possible talks to settle the boundary dispute appear a Yemeni maneuver to gain time and mislead the British. 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 r ,a.. Fir " Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 vue 8, EGYPT QUERIES COMMUNIST CHINA ON MILITARY EQUIPMENT Comment Egypt asked for "further details" on the performance and price of 57- and 75-mm, recoilless rifles. China manufactures such artillery and probably has new and used stocks which could be furnished to Egypt. Egypt's diplomatic recognition of Peiping last May stemmed largely from Noises desire to keep an arms channel open in case of a UN arms embargo to the Middle East. Last December China affirmed its readiness to give "all possible aid and to supply Egypt with equipment except for tanks and heavy arms." 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03162001 � 9. BONN CONSIDERING EARLIER ELECTIONS BECAUSE OF CHRISTIAN DEMOCRATS' GROWING POPULARITY The election for the West German Bundestag may be held in July rather than on 15 September, according to Christian Democratic Union (CDU) floor leader Rasner. He told the American embassy in Bonn that a continuation of the rise in CDU popularity in the next public opinion poll would favor the early date. The final decision will be made by Chancellor Adenauer on his return from his vacation about 17 March. Comment The Federal Republic's constitution empowers the government to hold these elections on any Sunday or holiday between 9 July and 9 Oc- tober. The Social Democratic Party (SPD) registered gains in opinion polls and local elections last fall, but has now fallen behind the CDU. SPD leaders fear the government's social legislation and Strauss' modified re- armament program will leave the party no distinctive policy with which to appeal to the voters. 27 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for C03162001