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February 20, 1957
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F07)0#7,0ff, f�rAt!FasaL3IM1394 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY c cik6;;P:17.17./AM 3.3(h)(2) ;,,, 3.5(c) 07 20 February 1957 / / Lopy No. 1131 / / / / DOCUMENT NO. e ._ / / NEXT FIEV1F_V DATE: -IR AUTH: 7 CNLOACSS".AC"FG1AENICNECDLAT'SOS: .71-!-:24- -.�_, I I DECLASSIFiED e / 211 DATE. REVIEWER: / / / 1// / / / /4 ./ /4 / / / / / / / e// /4 / (4 /7 ,./ TCRET CoW"://071-4, Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 ,ask Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 viro' ler CONTENTS 1. BEN-GURION ASKS FOR UN COMMITTEE TO SETTLE GAZA AND SHARM AL-SHAIKH QUESTIONS (page 3). �'2 PATHETS MAKE ACCEPTANCE OF CHINESE COMMUNIST AID CONDITION FOR SETTLEMENT (page 4). 3. SUKARNO REPORTED READY TO NAME COUNCIL, NEW PREMIER (page 5). 4. MOROCCANS PRESS FOR BEGINNING OF AMERICAN BASE NEGOTIATIONS (page 6). \95. ALBANIAN CHIEF RENEWS 1948 CHARGES AGAINST TITO (page 7). 6. JAPANESE EXPANDING ECONOMIC INFLUENCE IN SOUTH- EAST ASIA (page 8). 20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 DEA TIAL 1. BEN-GURION ASKS FOR UN COMMITTEE TO SETTLE GAZA AND SHARM AL-SHAIKH QUESTIONS Prime Minister Ben-Gurion of Israel has requested a postponement of UN discussions and the formation of a committee of a "few impartial states" to go to Israel and, "if necessary," also to Egypt in order to try to reach a settlement on Sharm al-Shaikh and the Gaza strip. Ben-Gurion said "withdrawal under present circumstances would spell disaster for us!' He said sanctions by the UN, supported by the US, to compel withdrawal would be an historic injustice and "what may be a fatal blow" would have been struck at the moral founda- tions of the UN. Comment Ben-Gurion is probably attempting to promote delays in the belief that the longer a vote on sanctions against Israel is postponed, the fewer sup- porters such a move is likely to find. The Israeli prime min- ister's "eleventh hour" appeal contains no indications of will- ingness to compromise on any significant point. 20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 T1-17-Ifla -1778lTrfitli A g Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 2, PATHETS MAKE ACCEPTANCE OF CHINESE COMMUNIST AID CONDITION FOR SETTLEMENT Pathet Lao chief Souphannouvong told Prime Minister Souvanna Phouma that the Pathets will agree to any guaran- tees the Laotian government demands if Laos will request aid totaling $74,000,000 mmui1iist China, The proposed aidprogram would include a hospital and cement factory as well as financial support for the Laotian army and those Pathets integrated into the army and adminis- tration. The American ambassador in Vientiane comments that proposals for such aid would represent a bold Chinese Communist move to eliminate rather than supplement American aid, thereby ending Laos' tie with the United States and reducing it to a political vassal of China. Comment Souvanna Phouma, whose policy has been settlement at almost any price, will prob- ably argue that aid can be received safely from both East and West, citing Cambodia as an example. The cabinet and crown prince, however, will probably reject such a proposition, fear- ing the loss of Western support and consequent Laotian depend- ence on Communist China. Army leaders would oppose accept- ance of Chinese Communist support for the army as imperil- ing their freedom of action. Souvanna may find himself isolated and forced to resign. 20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 ....IL:A...A-viz, I Amok APP. 3. SUKARNO REPORTED READY TO NAME COUNCIL, NEW PREMIER Indonesian president Sukarno will prob- ably establish his "advisory council" and form a new cabinet under a new prime minister in the next few days, according Secretary General Subandrio of the Indonesian Foreign Ministry. Sukarno has been persuaded not to in- clude Communists in the next cabinet, but will include them in the council. Subandrio says Sukarno has invited former vice president Hatta to be vice chairman of the council, and that Hatta reportedly is disposed to accept. Sukarno himself will be chairman, but will not attend every session. Comment Although Sukarno's plan for an "advisory council" and a "guided democracy" ini- tially ran into considerable opposition from political parties, this report indicates that he has won sufficient support to per- mit him to implement his essential ideas. If Hatta, who is strongly anti-Communist, agrees to participate, the plan will probably be acceptable to disaffected Sumatran provincial gov- ernments which have demanded the resignation of the Ali cab- inet. 20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 V' Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 4miery' "%110 4 MOROCCANS PRESS FOR BEGINNING OF AMERICAN BASE NEGOTIATIONS Moroccan foreign minister Balafrej em- phasized to Ambassador Cannon on 16 Feb- ruary that it was now time to "regularize" the status of American bases in Morocco. e amDassactor comments that the favorable Moroccan atti- tude toward American interests will change rapidly if Morocco does not obtain a definite response. Comment In Balafrers discussion of the subject in Washington last November he made clear that the Moroccans wanted bipartite negotiations. France, which has legal title to the American bases, wants tripartite negotiations. The opening of base negotiations would probably bring nationalist demands for an exorbitant rental. Last spring French officials thought Morocco might seek $200,000,000, iimhirc enough to cover its expected annual fiscal deficit. 20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 t.411. _LIL.P.112J_L N _111.1.4 .001m. 5. ALBANIAN CHIEF RENEWS 1948 CHARGES AGAINST TITO Comment on: The report of Albanian party chief Hoxha to a plenary session of the cen- tral committee on 13 February renews virtually all of the accusations leveled against Yugoslavia in 1948 and indicates Moscow may now have removed any re- straints it had put on Satellite anti-Tito moves. Hoxha explicitly stated that the 1948 charges were valid. He accused Belgrade of working against Albania with all the means at its disposal during the 1948-1953 period, and also accused the Tito regime of mistreating the Albanian minority in the Yugoslav Kosovo region. He equated Yugoslav ideological views with practically all the Communist heresies of the past. This is the most violent official state- ment against Yugoslavia by a Soviet bloc state since Khru- shchev's visit to Belgrade in 1955. 20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 4'V A-1111T11-7TIr�hlrVAT/7117r A T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997 6. JAPANESE EXPANDING ECONOMIC INFLUENCE IN SOUTHEAST ASIA a firm Japanese offer to Indonesia of $200,000,000 in repara- tions, $500,000,000 in private loans and investments for economic development, and cancellation of $100,000,000 of Indonesia's trade debt. Japan insists, however, on "assuming the whole re- sponsibility for management for a cer- tain length of time" of many of the eco- nomic development projects. The Japanese government reportedly decided on 18 February to conclude economic aid pacts with Laos and Cambodia featuring technical assistance in agricultural and fisheries development and immigration of Japanese to those countries. Comment One of Japan's primary foreign policy goals is improved diplomatic and eco- nomic relations with Southeast Asia. Reparations agree- ments have already been concluded with Burma and the Philippines and preliminary talks are under way with South Vietnam. Japanese investments and aid offer com- petition to Communist economic programs in the area. :20 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Tnp grCRPT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161997