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February 10, 1957
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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 INTELLIGENCE LL TI DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. I . DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: IS NEXT REVIEW DATE- AUTH: HR 70 1619.,j7/53fli 1957 / 07/ 10 February Copy No. 31 DATE REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET .7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Amk, Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2079/12/04 C03161993 CONTENTS 1. AT NASR'S "REQUEST" SYRIA REFUSES PERMISSION FOR PIPELINE REPAIRS (page 3). 2. UN SECRETARY GENERAL COMPLAINS TO NASR OF DELAYS IN SUEZ CLEARANCE ',page 4), 3. SYRIAN REPORTS OF ISRAELI MILITARY ACTIVITIES PROB- ABLY OVERDRAWN (page 5). 4. BRITAIN DELAYING NEGOTIATIONS ON JORDAN TREATY TERMINATION (page. � 5. AFGHANISTAN MAY HALT AGITATION ON PUSHTOOMSTAN ISSUE (page 7). 6. FRENCH COMMUNISTS CALL STRIKE RALLY (page 8). 7. NAGY TRIAL MAY BE IN PROSPECT IN HUNGARY (page 9). HATTA CH INDONESI 10 Feb 57 S SUKARNO TO TAKE CONTROL IN (page 10), Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 c fir I. V .E.L.FILLii .1.2-1..Li 1. AT NASR'S "REQUEST" SY REFUSES PERMISSION FOR PIPELINE REPAIRS Syrian prime minister Asali told Ambas- sador Moose on 7 February that Syria's refusal to permit the Iraq Petroleum Company to repair its oil pipelines across Syria resulted from a request by Nasr to take no action because Egypt was considering suspension of clearance operations of the Suez Canal. IPC officials informed Moose on 6 Feb- ruary that Asali "regretfully" refused permission to begin repairs until the Israelis withdraw from Sinai and Gaza and until UN forces leave Sinai. Comment Reports from Damascus have indicated an increasing desire among Syrian offi- cials to get oil flowing again across Syria, particularly fol- lowing recent IPC payments of $14,420,000 in oil transit royalties to Syria. Egyptian influence in Syria is such, how- ever, that the decisions will continue to be made in Cairo. Asali's statement is the first suggestion that the departure of UN forces might be made a condition to the resumption of the flow of oil across Syria. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved fiSr-Rjle-a-S-e7"-Zid`riTci4 653161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 0 2, UN SECRETARY GENERAL COMPLAINS TO NASR OF DELAYS IN SUEZ CLEARANCE UN secretary general Hammarskj old complained to Nasr on 30 January, that reports from UN clearance chief General Wheeler showed a "continuing unsatisfactory posi- tion" and that Egyptian authorities were delaying clearance operations "to a point which will not only affect the deadline for completion of stage one (limited transit) but also preju- dice the target date for stage two" (unlimited transit). Ham- marskj old told Nasr that Wheeler reported that the delays were "political:' Comment Nasr reportedly ordered a slowdown of clearance operations on 22 January and has also threatened to halt canal clearance operations if Israel continues to refuse to 'withdraw its forces from Gaza and the Gulf of Aqaba. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 TOP srckrr Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 1-4 41 'ILL I I 3. SYRIAN REPORTS OF ISRAELI MILITARY ACTIVITIES PROBABLY OVERDRAWN Syrian military intelligence has received reports from "a number of sources" that Israel is concentrating its forces in the northern and central areas of Israel, Comment Israel is not known to be mobilizing its forces and is unlikely deliberately to pro- voke a major military action at this time. In view of the crit- ical political situation in Jordan, Israel is probably maintain- ing a state of alert. Israel may also be anticipating a resump- tion of Egyptian-sponsored fedayeen activity as a result of its refusal to withdraw from Gaza and the Gull of Aqaba. On the Syrian border, Israel has been com- pleting its takeover of the demilitarized zone between the two countries, an action which it quietly began during the hostili- ties in Sinai. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2016/12/04 C03161993 I 4, BRITAIN DELAYING NEGOTIATIONS ON JORDAN TREATY TERMINATION Comment on: The British are evidently trying to de- lay the negotiations on termination of the Anglo-Jordanian treaty on the ground that Jordan has appropriated a large quantity of British military stores., can embassy in London, the 'oreign Office is not inclined to agree to Jordan's proposal for a 1 March joint statement an- nouncing termination of the treaty because British officers in Jordan have now reported stores worth more than $8,000,000 missing from British facilities at Yerqua. Jordan's removal of this materiel, including artillery, vehicles, automatic weap- ons, small arms, and ammunition, was revealed Britain's efforts to delay termination of the treaty may spring from fear that termination would signal the beginning of a series of developments leading to the col- lapse of the regime in Jordan, with corresponding unsettling effects on the Middle East situation generally. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Tor sr.rprT Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 hJ L..ett--11 LA 1 5, AFGHANISTAN MAY HALT AGITATION ON PUSHTOONISTAN ISSUE Afghan prime minister Daud told Pakistani charge Khattak in Kabul on 5 February he was now convinced that the Pushtu leader Abdul Ghaffer Khan desires to remain a Pakistani and that the Pushtu tribes wish to remain a part of Pakistan. If Ghaffer Khan or his son were to accept an ap- pointment from Pakistan, Daud said he would point out to those who have supported him on Pushtoonistan that such a campaign no longer had any meaning. Ambassador Mills agrees with Khattak that Daud now wants close and friendly relations with Pakistan as a counterweight to the USSR, and is seeking a face-saving for- mula that will enable him to drop the Pushtoonistan issue. Comment There have been several recent indications that Kabul may be undertaking a shift in its foreign policy as the result of its renewed apprehension of the USSR following the Soviet intervention in Hungary. Afghan leaders have expressed approval of the US government's pro- posals for the Middle East Afghanistan will support Pakistan in the UN on the Kashmir question, despite the support it has received from India on Pushtoonistan in the past. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approverc'irfOriRrurA�;:r110-1"9/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 0 6. FRENCH COMMUNISTS CALL STRIKE RALLY Comment on: The Communist-dominated French General Labor Confederation's call for a "show of strength" labor rally on 11 February is probably an attempt to exploit an economic issue in order to recoup the prestige lost as a result of the party's stand on Hungary and Suez. If Communist leaders gauge their labor support as adequate, they may then take ad- vantage of the current discontent over wage ceilings and high prices to bring off a crippling national strike. There have been sporadic strikes and slow- downs over the wage question among civil servants, public utility workers, and air line employees in the past few weeks. While some of these strikes were a joint effort by Communist and non-Communist unions, chances are slim that the Com- munists will be able to snowball them into a mass effort. The General Labor Confederation can be expected to step up its own strike activity following the rally, however, and it may rPCPi VP iRnlated cm-Tort from non-Communist labor unions. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 - Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 ,f_fIN IT 111E21 I' 1 1AL.La 7. NAGY TRIAL MAY BE IN PROSPECT IN HUNGARY The authoritative statement on 9 February made by Karoly Kiss, a leading member of the executive committee of the Hungarian Socialist Workers (Communist) Party, that "more and more ordinary people believe that Imre Nagy ought to be tried by a court" strongly suggests that such a trial is now being prepared by the Hungarian re- gime. Such a trial would be intended as a warning to liberal Communist elements throughout the Satellites. Party leader Janos Kadar charged on 2 February that Nagy and three leading intellectuals who collab- orated with him had "fomented an armed attack against the Hungarian Peoples Republic" and "protected the cause of coun- terrevolution!' Kadar's statement suggests that charges being prepared against Nagy may also implicate Cardinal Mindszenty. This in turn would probably involve the United States legation in Budapest, where Mindszenty took refuge on 4 November. Nagy is reportedly regarded as a national hero by the great majority of the Hungarian people. Any move to stage a public trial would confront the regime with a serious problem of maintaining public order. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993 Nwo 8� HATTA CHALLENGES SUKA:RNO TO TAKE CONTROL IN INDONESIA Comment on: dential cabinet. Former vice president Hatta stated in a recent press interview that the only solu- tion to Indonesia's deteriorating economic and political situation is for President Sukarno to take personal charge of the country's affairs as the head of a presi- He called on parliament to give Sukarno the necessary power to form such a regime. Hatta, however, went on to attack Indonesia's "bureaucratic-centralistic" form of government, which he accused of neglecting the peoples' interests, and stated that the situation could be rectified only by granting immediately regional demands for autonomy. In challenging Sukarno to "put up or shut up" by assuming full executive responsibility for the govern- ment, Hatta probably hopes Sukarno will demonstrate he is either unwilling or unable to deal effectively with Indonesia's problems. In this event, Hatta would be available for the pre- miership and may well calculate that Sukarno will continue to avoid entan1emnt n the day-to-day operations of the govern- ment. 10 Feb 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03161993