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LL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 /A TOP 20 March 1956 DOCUMENT NO. 651 NO CHANGE IN CLASS C1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: >4)10 AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: lit W.I. k REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 aft, Afts, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 20-19/10/23 C03161856 of* CONTENTS 1. WEST GER REARMAMENT SEEN STRETCHING OUT TO POSSIBLY FIVE YEARS (page 3). 2. PEIPING'S MINISTER OF FOREIGN TRADE IN CAIRO (page 4). 3. CHOU EN-LA! REPORTED TO HAVE ACCEPTED INVITA- TION TO VISIT CAMBODIA (page 5)0 4. EAST BERLIN CLAIMS POLICE AND JUDICIAL AUTHORITY � IN ALL OF BERLIN (page 6). 5. BOLIVIA CLOSES BORDER WITH ARGENTINA (page 7). 6. USSR REPORTED TO HAVE INDEFINITELY POSTPONED MOSCOW DISARMAMENT MEETING (page 8). * * * * 20 Mar 56 THE A -ISRAELI SITUATION (page 9) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 C rul Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 St; ' 1. WEST GERMAN REARMAMENT SEEN STRETCHING OUT TO POSSIBLY FIVE YEARS The American embassy in Bonn estimates that the West German military build-up may now be extended to five years instead of the originally planned three. Influen- tial elements in West Germany oppose the sacrifices demanded by a rapid build-up and doubt the wisdom of conventional mil- itary forces in an atomic age. The embassy believes that the first conscripts will not be called until' well after the 1957 elections, long after the date presently scheduled. Chancellor Adenauer has insisted to Am- bassador Conant that to win the next elections his government must spend more money on social benefits than on defense. Comment The economic difficulties referred to by Adenauer are probably a less important factor in retarding the army build-up than recent changes in the international scene and various domestic political de- velopments. The Defense Ministry has been deliberate in dealing with organizational problems, and Finance Minis- ter Schaeffer has taken a very strong stand against appro- priating any funds over the earlier estimate of 9 billion marks annually. 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 ISO *WI 2. PEIPING'S MINISTER OF FOREIGN TRADE IN CAIRO Comment on: A Chinese Communist trade delega- tion to Egypt, headed by Peiping's minister of foreign trade, was re- ceived by Premier Nasr on 17 March. The delegation is scheduled to remain in Egypt for three weeks to discuss Sib-Egyptian trade. The dispatch of the "cabinet-level" mission supports Communist China's effort to gain diplomatic recognition from Egypt, The Chinese Communists gained their first foothold in the Middle East in August 1955, when they signed a three-year trade agreement with Egypt providing for the exchange of permanent commercial representatives. The recent visit to Cairo of a 71-man Chinese "cultural" mission, arrangements to open Communist China's com- modity exhibition there in April, and Peiping's recent en- ergetic propaganda support of Egypt's position in the Arab- Israeli dispute are further indications of the extent of the Chinese effort. This Chinese Communist delegation will probably accept the recent invitation from the Sudan's for- , eign minister to visit Khartoum to discuss economic relations. (Prepared jointly with ORR) 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIi 1TIAL Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 3. CHOU EN-LAI REPORTED TO HAVE ACCEPTED INVITATION TO VISIT CAMBODIA Chou En-lai is reported to have ac- cepted Prince Sihanouk's invitation to visit Cambodia and may go there in May. Since Sihanouk's return from his recent trip to Peiping, he has in- dicated an awareness of the Commu- nist threat to Cambodian independence. He believes, however, that the best defense lies in being a "good friend" of Chou. A Cambodian official said the invitation was extended because of Sihanouk's personal affection for Chou, and that Sihanouk hoped to "hook" the Chinese pre- mier on a statement promising noninterference in Cambo- dian affairs. On Sihanouk's recent visit to Peiping, he and Chou affirmed their adherence to the "five principles" of peaceful coexistence. Chou's visit will enhance pro-Peiping sentiment among Cambodia's Chinese population and tend to solidify neutralist sentiment in Cambodia. It will probably also serve to facilitate economic relations between the two countries. In this connection, Sihanouk has stated that a Chinese offer of economic aid has been accepted "in prin- ciple" and that details would be negotiated in Peiping 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 as�i ArNritriLei le-rnere Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 my 4. EAST BERLIN CLAIMS POLICE AND JUDICIAL AUTHORITY IN ALL OF BERLIN East Berlin has claimed police and judi- cial authority over all Berlin in the case of crimes committed in East or West Ber- lin, according to an East Berlin radio broadcast on 15 March. The radio re- ported that this claim was made by the prosecutor at the trial of a West Berlin resident accused of arson in West Ber- lin who was subsequently arrested, tried, and convicted in East Berlin. The East Berlin prosecutor stated that "the people's police and the democratic judiciary" consider them- selves responsible for maintaining law and order throughout the entire city. Comment This is the first time the East Berlin government has asserted the right to try persons accused of committing crimes in West Berlin. Here- tofore, the police of the two parts of the city have exchanged criminals, who were then tried in the jurisdiction where the alleged crime was committed. This claim of jurisdiction is a further assertion of East Germany's claim of sovereignty over all of Berlin. This claim may also have been made in justifica- tion of possible forays into West Berlin for the purpose of "arresting" West Berliners. (CONFIDENTIAL) 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 rn iVTIA I Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 WJjJ.JI. IAL 5. BOLIVIA CLOSES BORDER WITH ARGENTINA The Bolivian government is "unusually" apprehensive that Argentina may be arming Bolivian exiles for an invasion of Bolivia, to be co-ordinated with up- risings in La Paz and other major cities. A general alert of civilian and military personnel has been ordered; the Bolivian-Argentine border has been closed; and mail serv- ice between the two countries has been suspended, President Paz asserts that the Commu- nist Party of Bolivia has formed an alliance with the ex- treme rightist Bolivian Socialist Falange to foment disor- ders and support the conspiracy. Comment The Bolivian exiles in Argentina, re- portedly led by ex-president Enrique Hertzog, would appear to have little chance of success if they attempted such an invasion. The Bolivian government's concern could be a pretext to postpone elections and delay the re- lease of political prisoners whose freedom has been prom- ised before elections are held, While President Paz and other high government officials have insisted that presiden- tial and congressional elections will be held, presumably in May or June, no date has been set. 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Y � 1, Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 itW1 '1W11� 6. USSR REPORTED TO HAVE INDEFINITELY POSTPONED MOSCOW DISARMAMENT MEETING The unofficial meeting on disarmament that was reportedly scheduled to begin in Moscow on 29 March has been indefi- nitely postponed, according to press re- ports from Japan and Britain. The Japanese news agency Kyodo reported that a Japanese professor who had agreed to attend the meet- ing had been notified by cable from Moscow that the meeting had been suspended. British members of parliament who had accepted invitations received similar notification, Comment the USSR had apparently failed to attract any important leaders of non-Communist parties. The Soviet leaders may have decided that a meet- ing in Moscow without the participation of such responsible leaders would merely duplicate the World Peace Council con- ference on disarmament to be held in Stockholm from 5 to 9 April. 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 C EV's Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 Approved for Release: 2019/10/23 C03161856 oft SEC PA' Aft THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 19 March) A clash between Israeli and Jordan Arab Legion patrols was reported by Israel on 19 March. Egypt claims Israeli forces have again fired on an Egyp- tian position in the Gaza strip. (Press) The Egyptian army command has fixed 1 July 1956 as the date when Egypt will reach "maximum" preparedness for war, After this date any provocation or border incident by Israel will lead to retaliation in force. The Israeli defense force reportedly has estimated Egypt would attack Israel about August 1956. Both the reported Egyptian and Israeli estimates apparently assume that by 1 July, the Egyptian army would be pre- pared only to the minimum extent required to launch an of- fensive. 20 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Relea-se: 2019/10/23 C03161856