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March 17, 1956
/17 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN TOP SECRET DOCUMENT NO. CO3F1 17 March 1956 Copy No. NO CHANGE IN CLASS Pai 0 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S NEXT REVIEW DATE. AUTH: HR 70-2 DATE: N a go REVIEWER: C2-0,0 03 OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY oftj�9 V3/71/317/71a4; Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 CO3161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Aft, 41011% Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 111" J.GLACIL I *so CONTENTS 1. PUBLIC DISORDERS PROTESTING DEBUNKING OF STALIN REPORTED IN SOVIET GEORGIA (page 3). 2. ALGERIAN ECONOMY REPORTED IN STATE OF NEAR- COLLAPSE (page 4). 3. LUXEMBOURG FOREIGN MINISTER FEARS FRENCH APPROACHES TO USSR (page 5). 4. TURKEY MAY RELAX POLICY ON CULTURAL EXCHANGES WITH USSR (page 6). 5. MIKOYAN TO HEAD DELEGATION TO PAKISTAN (page 7). 6, NEW INDONESIAN CABINO (page 8). 7. PEIPING MOVES TO CONCILIATE BURMESE ON TRADE page 9). 8. YUGOSLAV PARTY DELEGATION ATTENDS POLISH LEADER'S FUNERAL (page 10). 17 Mar 56 THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (page 11) Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Cv e-Crik Tv rr, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 mo, -tictrt1"-MLINTTAM 1. PUBLIC DISORDERS PROTESTING DEBUNKING OF STALIN REPORTED IN SOVIET GEORGIA Ambassador Bohlen reports that pub- lic disorders recently broke out in Stalin's native Georgia in protest against the attacks on his reputation. The disorders were not, in Bohlen's opinion, directed against the Soviet system as such or against policy de- cisions of the 20th Party Congress, but exclusively against the present official attitude toward Stalin. The ambassador has been informed by Swedish diplomats who recently returned from Tbilisi, capital of the Georgian Republic, that on 7 March demon- strations took place in front of the main government build- ing. On 8 March, the demonstrations got out of hand, and troops fired into the crowds with machine guns, killing several people. Members of the Western community in Moscow who recently applied for tickets to Tbilisi were informed that no transportation to the Caucasus would be available for ten days. Bohlen notes that the commemoration of Stalin's death, an event ignored elsewhere in the USSR, was permitted in Georgia on 9 March, four days after the actual anniversary date. He believes that this was a con- cession to Georgian feeling and a response unique in Soviet history to any form of opposition to the party line. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 rvnIirrrinr. Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 111-11_. 'SOO *IWO 2. ALGERIAN ECONOMY REPORTED IN STATE OF NEAR-COLLAPSE The American consul general in Algiers reports that the Algerian economy is in a state of near- collapse over large areas as a result of Algerian rebel attacks. Recurring derailments and armed assaults have seriously damaged rolling stock and limited the use of many roads and railroads to daytime. Movement of ore from the Ouenza Iron Mine, Algeria's most important single enterprise, has been seriously cur- tailed. Rebels are cutting telephone and tele- graph communication lines almost at will in some regions. Areas affected by rebel operations are spreading rapidly, and provisioning is becoming a serious problem in some places. According to the French president of the Algerian federation of mayors, hundreds of farms have been de- stroyed and additional hundreds abandoned. Comment This report supports other informa- tion received as to the serious crisis confronting the Algerian economy. This situation in- creases the urgency for France of an all-out military ef- fort, as threatened by the Mollet government, within the next few weeks, and makes its success less likely in the event of further delay. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENT! A I Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 4111k. LH IAL delk. 3. LUXEMBOURG FOREIGN MINISTER FEARS FRENCH APPROACHES TO USSR Foreign Minister Bech of Luxembourg feels that French premier Mollet's ac- ceptance of the invitation to visit the USSR was hasty and may pave the way for a Russian offer of aid. Bech told American ambassador Buchanan that if the French seriously "flirt" with Russia for assistance in North Africa or in other fields, the West Germans will then try "to get to Mos- cow first," in an effort to win unification--even agreeing to become a neutral state in exchange. Comment Bech, who has been foreign minister of Luxembourg since 1926, is one of the most astute and respected "elder statesmen" of Europe. His remarks indicate the seriousness with which Luxem- bourg and other Benelux nations view recent developments in France, which suggest to them waning support of NATO and a decline in France's ability to play its part in the West- ern alliance. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Noe 4. TURKEY MAY RELAX POLICY ON CULTURAL EXCHANGES WITH USSR Turkey is considering the advis- ability of a policy of "cautious, controlled elasticity" toward the �Soviet Union on such matters as cultural excnanges, according to Secretary General Birgi of the Foreign Ministry. Birgi told the American charg�n Ankara that Turkey, like other countries, has been the target of repeated Soviet overtures and is beginning to feel isolated in its policy of resistance because many of its allies are responding favorably to such overtures. Birgi emphasized that Turkey will always oppose Soviet aggression, but that a policy of opposition does not pro- vide sufficient latitude for peacetime relations. Comment Continued relaxation of East-West tensions will probably result in some exchange of Turkish and Soviet delegations. In view of Turkey's seriously weakened economy, Ankara would probably find it increasingly difficult to ignore Soviet offers of economic aid and credit. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Qiclaiazirg3- Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Alow ILICIN I 1P 1L 5. MIKOYAN TO HEAD DELEGATION TO PAKISTAN Anastas 1. Mikoyan, number-three man in the Soviet regime, will head a delegation attending the celebra- tions in Karachi on 23 March mark- ing the proclamation of Pakistan as a republic. Mikoyan, as the USSR's foreign trade overlord, undoubtedly will use this occasion to make di- rect offers of Soviet assistance and lend new force to Soviet efforts to fortify neutralist sentiment in Pakistan. While Karachi's dissatisfaction with its Western ties may have been moderated by SEATO support on Pushtoonistan and Kashmir, Mikoyan's visit will give Pakistan an oppor- tunity to play East and West against each other. Moscow began its attempt to win Pakistan away from the Baghdad pact and SEATO on 6 February when, in answer to questions asked by a Pakistani editor, Premier Bulganin outlined ways to improve Soviet-Pakistani relations, implying an offer of a trade pact and Soviet assistance for developing atomic energy for peaceful uses. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 r�iNAIrITIL"Nrivir / Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Now 6. NEW INDONESIAN CABINET Comment on: The new Indonesian cabinet headed by former premier Ali Sastroamidjojo, in which the three major non-Communist parties are equally represented, will nave overwneimmg parliamentary support; its stability will depend on the continued co-operation of its three major com- ponents, the National Party (PM), the Nandlatul Ulama (NU), and the Masjumi. The PM, by taking the premiership and foreign affairs and defense posts, clearly demonstrated its superior bargaining position, resulting both from President Sukarno's support and from the differences between the two major Moslem parties, the Masjumi and the NU. Ali, who temporarily assumed the defense post himself, is highly un- popular with the army, which played a large role in the down- fall of his previous government. He is reported to have agreed that the ministry would be operated by a triumvirate comprising himself and the first and second deputy premiers, members respectively of the Masjumi and the NU. The new foreign minister, Ruslan Abdul- gani, as secretary general of the Information Ministry in Ali's earlier government, showed an awareness of the dan- gers inherent in his party's co-operation with the Commu- nists. Since the new cabinet is not dependent on Communist support, as was the case with the earlier Ali gov- ernment, it should not have as strong a leftist tinge. The highly nationalistic PM is in a strong position to dictate its policies, however, since it can threaten to seek Communist support in the event of Masjumi defection. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Cl T7 !V Th inrwl Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 603161848 ft, I ur JEA-Xt.., 7. PEIPING MOVES TO CONCILIATE BURMESE ON TRADE The Burmese ambassador in Peiping has recommended to Rangoon that it accept Communist China's counterpro- posal on the form of payment for its purchases of Burmese rice. Peiping now proposes to pay for 10 percent of the rice in foreign exchange, instead of making the whole payment in goods as provided in the contract. The Burmese had been asking for 20 percent cash, According to the ambassador, the 1956 Sino-Burmese trade contract signed on 30 December 1955 had provided that Peiping would absorb all foreign exchange costs for the shipment of goods between the two countries. Comment The Burmese complained that Peiping was not living up to its promise to provide goods that could be re-exported to earn foreign exchange. The speed with which the Chinese have moved to conciliate the Burmese indicates that Peiping is anxious to avoid jeopardizing its favorable relations with Burma. The latest Chinese proposal makes the terms of the 1956 contract at least as favorable for Burma as those of last year's pact. While China paid 20 percent in cash for rice purchased in 1955, Burma spent more than half of this on freight costs for the delivery of Chinese goods. (Prepared by ORR) 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 ./^1.n l'� .01 11-� 11-1, Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 3/A4/i 1. ',wad 8. YUGOSLAV PARTY DELEGATION ATTENDS POLISH LEADER'S FUNERAL The Yugoslav Communist Party sent two high party men to the funeral of Polish Communist leader Boleslaw Bierut. Vukmanovic-Tempo, a mem- ber of the Executive Committee (polit- buro) of the Yugoslav party, delivered an oration at the funeral on 16 March in which he mourned the fact that Bierut had died "when prospects for co-operation between socialist movements on the Leninist principles of equality had been created." The American embassy in Belgrade notes that this is the first overt contact between the Yugo- slav party and a Soviet bloc party since the "normalization" of relations began. Comment Yugoslav vice president Kardelj stated on 29, February that the Yugoslays were ready for party contacts. Since Yugoslavia's relations with Poland have appeared to improve more than its relations with other Eastern European countries, this was a natural opportunity for the initiation of party contacts. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 _O__14"11-11 TNT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 LtI El' THE ARAB-ISRAELI SITUATION (Information as of 1700, 16 March) New instances of sniping and minor patrol clashes have been reported from Israel's Egyptian and Jordanian borders. Jordanian prime minister Rifai stated that the Arab Legion would behave exactly as it has behaved in the past unless the Israelis break the armistice agreement. He noted that the British and Israelis may be fos- tering the idea that the Legion under Arab command is less able to maintain a peaceful frontier. It seems doubtful that Rifai has much if any control over Legion actions; the recent increase in the number of incidents along the Israeli-Jordanian border seems to belie his statement. Israel has asked the USSR for arms and ammunition, the USSR had agreed to supply Israel with arms but had attached conditions "that the Israelis could not accept," such as that Israel must not permit the es- tablishment of NATO bases on its territory. Israeli ambassa- dor Avidar left Tel Aviv to return to Moscow on 13 March. Some small-scale requisitioning of civilian motor vehicles was noted on 15 March recent intense air training activity, including a large number of low flights over populated areas, is a series of exercises related to air raid drills and is designed to condition the Israeli public to acceler- ated defense plans. In early December the Israeli minister to Brazil was seeking to recruit 900 soldiers and officers of the 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848 %J." JL.4 L 1.1-4 1 *411111111 Vitae Brazilian reserves as volunteers to serve in Israel A Saudi ship from the Red Sea port of Jidda was expected to arrive at the village of Haqal on the Gulf of Aqaba no later than 15 March, carrying an unspecified number of troops and 200 tons of equipmen( The ship was to have been met by an advance party under two officers which had come overland with 18 vehicles. This move places a Saudi force within 20 miles of the Jordan border and the port of Aqaba, and continues the steady increase in Saudi-Egyptian forces in the Gulf of Aqaba area. 17 Mar 56 Current Intelligence. Bulletin Page 12 TnP RFCAFT Approved for Release: 2019/10/21 C03161848