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rvzzimzzzziziwz7/.////////////21////////////,////////// Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 � yid ac %,11�C I 17 March 1959 Copy No. C j3 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c)' NO CHANGE IN GLAS. CHANGED TO: TtS Ncr REVfEW DATE: t EVIEWER: TOP SECRET Zif,//prwc:7vedlo7. Release:/0504/0//2-1 E631-666507 ///7///d, Approved for-Relea7e7. 2750/7721 CO3160620 LAW �T-1210�eiwPfthOrr-T� Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 ----1U-ILAI..+11.L.4 1 *IS 17 MARCH 1959 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC nrushchev shaking up second- echelon leadership. Moscow continding its attacks on Iranian 'regime. Khrushchev's comments on UAR- Iraq dispute aimed at discouraging Nasir's attacks on Qasim II. ASIA-AFRICA USSR grants Iraq $137,000,000 loan for economic and technical. develop- ment. Sudan concludes trade agreement with USSR; negotiations under way for long-term economic.aid. India - Efforts to overthrow Commu- nists in Kerala thwarted. C D I 'T Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 VP Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 17 March 1959 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC USSR: Khrushchev apparently is in the midst of a cam- paign to clean up the second-echelon party and governmental leadership; he recently notified party and government lead- ers that such a campaign was in the offing. Stake-ups in the leadership of the Uzbek Republic and Moscow Oblast have taken place within the past two weeks, following similar ac- tion in the Turkmen Republic. (Page 1) USSR-Iran: The reported recall of Soviet Ambassador Pegov from Tehran may mark a new phase in Moscow's hos- tility toward the Shah's regime. Soviet radiobroadcasts to Iranian listeners have also renewed explicit personal attacks on the Shah. The Iranian Government cannot effectively counter the Soviet broadcasts, but has attempted to keep pace with Soviet pressure by postponing the departure of the Iranian ambassador- designate to the USSR and by alleging 81 violations of Iranian air space by Soviet aircraft in recent months. 'USSR-UAR: Khrushchey's remarks of 16 March on the UAR-Iraq dispute, while deploring the conflict and adopting a pose of noninterference and friendship for both countries, are directed at discouraging Nasir from attacks on Qasim and Bagh- dad Communists, and from renewed UAR subversion in Iraq. Khrushchev stated that relations between the USSR and the UAR "will continue as before," but his warning that Nasir's anti- Communist campaign, if continued, "will inevitably fail" im- plies Soviet retaliatory moves. In a speedy reply on 16 March Nasir charged Khrushchev with "distortionof facts" in com- menting on Arab unity, but expressed a qualified hope for con- tinuing good relations with the USSR. (Page 2) 4Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 CO3160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 6.144%0 11.8.4 A %or II. ASIA-AFRICA rt *Iraq_ USSR: The Soviet Union has granted Iraq a $137,000,000 loan g 2.5-percent interest under an economic and technical co- operation agreement concluded on 16 March in Moscow. The USSR will provide technical assistance for the construction of various light industrial projects, primarily in the machine, chem- ical, and food industries. It will also conduct various studies in the fields of irrigation, transportation, and development of min- eral resources. The agreement underscores Khruslchey's recent support for Iraq's position in the Middle East. A $16/L000000 rms agreement was signed with the USSR last fall. Sudan -USSR: The Sudanese Government and a visiting Soviet economic delegation have concluded the first trade agreement be- tween the two countries--a small one-year barter arrangement 06,244,000 each way) for the exchange of Sudanese cotton and other agricultural products for Soviet machinery, trucks, and cars. Ne- gotiations are now under way on a Soviet offer of long-term, low- interest credits for Sudanese industrial and agricultural projects, and the Sudanese negotiators apparently intend to raise the ques- tion of Soviet aid for the Roseires Dam project on the Blue Nile. ) (Page 3) (Map) *India: The 64-to-58 vote of confidence won by the Commu- nist government in Kerala State on 16 March appears to have checked for the time being efforts by conservative elements to force the Communists from office. Covert planning of influen- tial Hindu and Christian leaders and local Congress party pol- iticians aimed at subverting enough Communist assembly mem- bers to bring down the government had been in an advanced stage and apparently had the support of Indian Home Minister Pant and key police officials. These leaders are likely to persist in t:H-ir efforts, although they will have difficulty maintaining oppoE1' Pon unity and finding a new issue for a vote of confidepce. (Page 4) 17 Mar 59 DAILY BRIEF z SECRET A Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 460.110,1�A aaa IF 'goer I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Moscow Purging Ineffective and Corrupt Officials A general campaign to strengthen the second-level leader- ship in the Soviet Union by replacing some of the more ineffec- tive or corrupt party and government officials is apparently under way. Shake-ups in the leadership of the Uzbek Republic and Moscow Oblast have taken place within the past two weeks, following similar action in Turkmenistan. In addition, the party chiefs in a number of other areas, including the Checheno- Ingush Autonomous Republic, the Novosibirsk Oblast and the Jewish Autonomous Oblast, have been replaced. On 14 March both the party first secretary and the premier of Uzbekistan were ousted from their posts for "serious short- comings and mistakes" in their work. A similar move took place in Moscow Oblast on 2 March when the first secretary and the chairman of the government body were released at a meeting at- tended by some of the party's top personnel specialists, includ- ing party presidium members Aristov and Kirichenko. No details on the charges against the ousted Moscow officials have been pub- lished. The principal victims in the Turkmen affair last Decem- ber were the party first secretary and another secretary, both charged with "gross mistakes in their work," including "nepotism, malfeasance, and arrogance." The Turkmen shake-up now has extended to lower echelons in that republic's leadership, and a similar widening of the purge may follow the changes in Moscow Oblast and Uzbekistan. Khrushchev has recently stressed the availability of deserving and qualified younger men capable of providing vigorous leader- ship for his programs, and has warned party and government leaders that deficiencies in their leadership will not be tolerated. "We must not.. � hold back the replacement of leaders when it is clear they are not coping with the tasks entrusted to them," he said. CONFIDENTIAL 17 Mar 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 %.�41.."1 / t#I-al � I (IlL. Nair Khrushchev's Statement on UAR-Iraq Dispute Khrushchev on 16 March, commenting on the UAR-Iraq dis- pute, pledged noninterference and friendship for both countries, but clearly placed the USSR on the side of Iraq. His remarks are aimed at discouraging Nasir from continuing his attacks on Communists and on Qasim, as well as from renewing UAR sub- versive moves against the Baghdad regime. The Soviet premier, breaking Moscow's silence on the UAIrs role in the abortive Mosul uprising, charged Nasir with having used the "language of imperialists" in his recent speeches at Damascus. Khrushchev expressed hope that "common sense" will pre- vail and asserted that relations between the USSR and the UAR "will continue as before." He noted, however, that Moscow "is not indifferent" to the results of the dispute which has arisen be- cause of Nasir's "insistence on unifying Iraq with the UAR" against the will of the Iraqi people. This statement and Khrushchev's warn- ing that Nasir's anti-Communist campaign, if continued, "will in- evitably fail" suggest possible Soviet retaliatory moves. Pravda, possibly foreshadowing Soviet efforts to build up Qasim in the radical Arab nationalist movement as a counter- weight to Nasir, declared on 13 March that "Baghdad is more and more becoming an important center of the liberation move- ment in the Near and Middle East." Nasinin a speedy reply to Khrushchev on 16 March, declared that the Soviet premier's statement regarding Nasir's "insistence" on unity between the UAR and Iraq is a "distortion of facts." Nasir termed Khrushchev's defense of Arab Communists "a matter which the Arab people cannot accept," and in expressing hope for con- tinued friendly relations with the USSR qualified his remarks with this reservation. UAR propaganda organs have continued their full-scale anti-Qasim, anti-Communist tirades, and on 16 March Vice President Amir addressed a "massive" anti-Oasim demon- stration in Cairo in a similar vein. CONFIDENTIAL 17 Mar 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 LIBYA FR EQ AFRICA 'Pbrt Si Jy Suez Cairo Cr U A R (EGYPT) ach Italia 4, Cat or Soniumen SUDAN Lake Al, BELGIAN CONGO Pt ANDA:URUNDI SAUDI ARABIA Port Sudan A bare Senn r Ro �KISIOPIA *Addit Abab. 1.0k4, ICA A Entebb Ljk k/r/rnor UNCLASSIFIED TANGANYIKA ,m,LE3 50 24430 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Nee II. ASIA-AFRICA Sudan Concludes Cotton Barter Deal With USSR Moscow will purchase about $5,000,000 worth of Sudanese cotton over the next 12 months as part of a $6,244,000 barter trade agreement concluded on 15 March between Sudanese of- ficials and a Soviet delegation which arrived in Khartoum on 28 February. They are now discussing a Soviet offer of long- term, low-interest credits for Sudanese industrial and agri- cultural projects. In terms of the Sudanese cotton crop, the Soviet barter deal is relatively small. Khartoum now has on hand about 142,000 bales of cotton--worth some $20,000,000--left over from the 1957 and 1958 crops, and the new crop coming on the market this month is expected to reach a record 640,000 bales, worth about $95,000,000 at present prices. Earlier, small barter deals were concluded with Czechoslovakia, Bul- garia, Hungary, Poland, and Communist China. Khartoum'probably will raise the question of Soviet help in constructing the $100,000,000 Roseires Dam on the Nile River, LSydanese Foreign Minister Kheir, noting that West- ern aid for this project appeared lacking, has hinted at a request to the USSR, Western aid for this and other major Nile projects has been conditioned on a. settlement of the dispute between Egypt and the Sudan over use of the Nile waters. Despite the recent government changes, Khartoum apparently is still insisting on a substantial shar and no solution appears likely in the near future. SECRET 17 Mar 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Opposition Efforts to Defeat Communist Government in Kerala State Thwarted he vote of confidence won by the Communist government in the Kerala State assembly appears to have thwarted covert plans by conservative groups to force the Communists from office. The margin of 64 votes to 58 indicates the Communists maintained their slim majority and perhaps also succeeded in attracting sup- port from several members of the oppositioe Planning by various opposition elements aimed at subverting the government's majority apparently had been in an advanced stage prior to the vote. Developments during recent months stim- ulated active collaboration between influential Hindu and Christian leaders and Congress party politicians. The Christian business community had agreed to support antigovernment plans advanced by powerful elements of the Nair community, the most influential Hindu caste. Funds were to be supplied to the titular leader of the Nairs to assist him in subverting several Communist members of the assembly belonging to the Nair community. The plan was reliably reported to have been supported "unofficially" by the Indian Central Intelligence Bureau. Indian Home Minister Pant is said personally to have told a Kerala police official on 14 March to go ahead with the plan, which would receive his full suppoiig Qhe Communist government may have learned of the opposi- tion plot and forced a confidence vote before the antigovernment leaders were able to complete their arrangements. The Commu- nists had already been reported exerting pressure on several members of the opposition Moslem League to abstain during the crucial voting, and probably also tightened their control of Com- munist assembly members they suspected of being vulnerablq CQpposition leaders are likely to persist in their efforts to unseat the government despite their setback in the assembly. They may find it even more difficult now, however, to maintain a united opposition front and to promote a new issue with strong popular support on which to base another vote of confidence:7 � .1 SECRET 17 Mar 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03160620 Nine THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director United States Information Agency The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 003160620 ,4firniarir�'� TOP SECRET Wde 'MA WZZZA Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C 03160620 yrnd ernMW,00',A