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:proved for Release. 2020/03/13 C03160573 TOP SECRET 7.5 /79 28 September 1960 3.3(h)(2), 3.5(c) co3i6o573/// Copy No. C 73 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN IIEI LASS. 7,11 Al 4..o. JUN 7980 4-0-P-SECRET-- iApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 -1FOP-SE-C-RET- Approved for Release: 2020103113C03160573 Approved for Release: 2720/03/13 C03160573 vame Nipe 28 SEPTEMBER 1960 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. ASIA-AFRICA Algeria--General Assembly almost cer- tain to adopt resolution which goes beyond@ calling on parties to negotiate. Buganda's demands for autonomy threaten to delay independence for Uganda. Congo--Army group suggests round-table conference of political leaders. Laos�Negotiations due to begin in Luang Prabang on compromise government. �SEeRET- Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 ' titliApproved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 w. � CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 28 September 1960 DAILY BRIEF I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC II. AM-AFRICA UN-Algeria: &he Algerian issue will probably provoke "ot-az'ti-f the most emotional debate--with the exception of the Congo-- at this session of the General Assembly. The strong drive of the Algerian rebels' provisional government for a UN-con- ducted referendum, France's announced refusal to participate in the UN debates, and predominance of African and Asian members sympathetic to Algeria's cause make it almost in- evitable that this General Assembly will adopt a resolution on Algeria. The resolution may go beyond a mere call for negotiations among the parties. Meanwhile, rebel premier Ferhat Abbas is reported to be en route to Peiping on his first visit to a Sino- Soviet bloc country:I (Page 1) Uganda: thernands for autonomy by Buganda, the key prov- ince of the British East African protectorate of Uganda, threaten to embroil Uganda in a major political crisis and to set back London's plans for constitutional reform leading toward Uganda's early independence as a unified state. The Buganda provincial government has declared its secession from Uganda and an- nounced a policy of non-participation in protectorate elections and legislative affairs. British authorities have stated clear- ly that they will not permit secession, and they reportedly are prepared to take strong action, including the removal of Bu- ganda nrovincial cab.net ministers, to prevent it, (Page 3) (Map) 11 S CR , //Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 II.41111, , ' � *Republic of the Congo: Pressure from elements of the Congolese Army for the institution of civil government ap- pears to be undermining the position of army chief Joseph Mobutu. On 27 September, President Kasavubu accepted a plan advanced by an army group for a round-table conference of Congolese political leaders, including Lumumba and Ka- tanga President Moise Tshombd. Lumumba quickly endorsed the projected meeting, and announced that he had himself invited various political leaders to the conference after an army delegation had urged that the government "start function- ing again." Although Mobutu has sporadically labored to bring about a reconciliation between ICasavubu and Lumumba,, the present effort appears to have been undertaken without his ex- plicit concurrence. Lumumba's remarks suggest that he views a round-table conference as a means of reasserting his claim to the pre- miership. Although anti- Lumumba spokesman Joseph Ileo, In endorsing the conference, ruled out any re-establishment of the Lumumba government, it is likely that under present circumstances any successor to Mobutu's military govern- mcAnt would he dominated by pro-Lumumba elements. Laos: General Phoumi and Prince Boun Oum are due to arrive in Luang Prabang on 28 September to Oegin consul- tations with representatives of the Souvanna Phouma govern- ment looking to a compromise agreement. Resolution of the many points at issue between the two groups will be difficult, and further meetings may well be necessary. Meanwhile, Captain Kong Le remains in Vientiane, in a position to oppose any solution not to his liking. Vientiane's action in dropping what are believed to be token groups of paratroopers behind Phoumi's lines in southern Laos could harden the attitude of the Phourni - Boun Oum group even before the Luang Prabang talks get under way. Preliminary reports of increased fight- ing between the Pathet Lao and the Lao Army in Phong Saly and Sam Neua provinces are too sketchy to permit an assess- MOM' nf ita waluarifxr7 28 Sept 60 DAILY BRIEF ii -SEeltEr- , / A/Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3160573/ , z , Approved for Pgrase7272 0 / 0 3 / 1 3 C03160573 Nad 15th UN General Assembly Likely to Adopt Resolution On Algeria (With the exception of the Congo, the Algerian issue will probably provoke the most emotional debate at this session of the General Assembly. The 13 new African members-- although under strong French influence�are sympathetic to the Algerians' cause and some have already expressed their resentment of Paris' reported threat to break off aid if French Community states vote against France on Algeria. The strong drive of the Algerian rebel provisional govern- ment to gain support for a UN-conducted referendum, plus France's announced refusal to participate in the UN debate, may lead many UN members to support a resolution which goes beyond a mere call for negotiations among the parties concerned.:, �I Although France's allies at best hope for a mild resolu- tion, the Afro-Asian bloc�taking advantage of the unusual circumstances prevailing at this assembly�is likely to sub- mit a draft resolution which not only incorporates the rebels' aims but also condemns France. While such a strong reso- lution probably would not gain the necessary two-thirds ma- jority support, it is almost inevitable that this year's assem- bly will adopt some type of a resolution on Algeria. Last year's assembly failed by one vote to adopt a fairly mild one which called for negotiations. LTunisia, the spearhead at the UN for the Algerian issue, is reported undecided whether to accept an alleged "offer" by the Alerian rebels to form an Algerian-Tunisian federation. According to the Turkish UN delegate, Tunis asserts that it might have to accept the offer if the "Western world continues to show a lack of interest in Tunisian problems." Tunisia also reportedly believes that Algeria may soon be forced to accept Chinese Communist help against French forces. Atebel Premier Ferhat Abbas, heading a five-member delegation, is reported to be en route to Peiping on his first! SECRET 28 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 _air�expoFm.r.� _ Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 Now NS Grisit to a Sino-Soviet bloc country. The decision of Abbas, the outstanding pro-Western moderate among the rebel lead- ers, to attend the Chinese Communist national day observance on 1 October apparently is a pointed gesture designed to im- press Western governments that the rebels are determined to "accept aid whenever they can find CFrench support of the UN has been steadily deteriorating as the issues of Algeria and, more recently, French nuclear testing have subjected France to increasingly hostile interna- tional criticism. De Gaulle's slighting references to the UN in. his 5 September press conference were probably designed to condition the French public to defeat on the Algerian issue this year. Paris can be expected to refuse to take cognizance of any UN resolution, although protests will probably be forth- coming to all allies of France which fail to vote against "out- side interference" in the Algerian problem.) SECRET 28 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 Amok, N.....L.41-11...71....771 'ILL/ API S UDAN 4.N REPtiistt& OF THE Luc ICI, CONGO Albertrille Alb WAN URL (Bel ranianyi GAND,k (UK) ETHIOPIA SOMALI REPUBLIC KENYA (UK) Nairobi* Meru. TANGANYIKA FEDERATION OF RHODESIA AND NYASAL (UK) Dadorna* Garlesa* LIGAND ERTA ANGANYIKA . =be.. INDIAN OCEAN ZANZIBAR neiblia9 Dar es Salaam .Maloonbake *Njombe Lind BIQUE itwara 30741 Er VS vereeee S. OM dererereerereesee. Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 Approved faRel.e7S72020/03/13 C03160573 .4opo Political Crisis Developing in Uganda LThe renewed efforts of the traditional rulers of Buganda� the key region of Uganda protectorate�to assure their polit- ical future is creating a major colonial crisis for Britain. Lon- don's efforts to push constitutional reform in Uganda may bog down if the Buganda rulers are not persuaded to participate in the protectorate's political life and abandon efforts to establish an independent state within a weak Uganda federation. L Discussions in London between Buganda and British offi- cials deadlocked in mid-September when the Africans broke off the talks because of dissatisfaction with London's promises to safeguard their province's separate political identity. Pro- vincial leaders, who have backing from three other tribal rulers in Uganda, fear that the elections planned by Britain for next February would undermine the royal regime in Buganda.- On 21 September the provincial legislature denounced local electoral registration and also opposed increasing the power of the Uganda protectorate government to deal with intimidation of the voters in any region. On 23 September the legislature voted to terminate the Buganda agreement with Britain in effect de- claring Buganda's secession from Uganda--and appointed a com- mittee to set the date of independence. Britain is expected to react sharply to these moves. The second-ranking British official in Uganda expects a crisis and believes it is better to have it quickly before the rest of the protectorate becomes further involved. He has hinted that the government will use its reserve powers to remove Buganda ministers. On 26 September he publicly announced that Lon- don would not permit Buganda to change the basic protectorate agreements unilaterally, would not recognize any secession so long as Britain governs Uganda, and would not consider any constitutional change at this time CONFIDENTIAL 28 Sept 60 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 Approved ,for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 IAL NW�11 THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Commandant, United States Marine Corps Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573 � I ,/ 0 0 ,,/ g,/ , 1 i I 0 , ,,,,,, I/ 0 #,#, ,1 TOP SECRET ..�..e7.17/Z7jZ/77/ZiAPProved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160573,ZZ/ZZ/M/�� /