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May 11, 1960
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11 May 1960
Copy No. C 6S
IM 10.2
JUN 80
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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
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11 MAY 1960
USSR plans further propaganda exploita-
tion of plane incident.
Algerian rebels may intensify sabotage
and terrorism in France to spotlight
their cause during summit talks.
Burma plans to send ship blacklisted by
UAR through Suez Canal this week.
Indonesia seeks Asian moral support
against proposed New Guinea visit by
Dutch warships.
Police reservists called to quell racial
violence in Northern Rhodesia.
0 Panama--Opposition presidential can-
didate reported leading in early unoffi-
cial tally; regime blacks out official
returns until Saturday.
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
Nor Nor
11 May 1960
USSR: he USSR apparently plans a further series of
moves for propaganda purposes in connection with the 1 May
aircraft incident. Premier Khrushchev informed Ambassa-
dor Thompson privately on 9 May that the USSR still plans to
take the plane incident to the UN Security Council, but he gave
no indication of the timing of such a move. He also said that
a press conference to produce the "evidence" would be held in
Moscow, Drobablv on 11 Mavni
Algeria: The Algerian rebels, seeking to attract attention
during the summit conference, may intensify their terrorism
and sabotage in France and move toward closer relations with
the Sino-Soviet bloc_r) The rebel organization in France, which
last week attempted the assassination of a right-wing Algerian
deputy, reportedly plans to sabotage fuel depots and industrial
installations. a rebel mission in Communist Asia, meanwhile
apparently hopes to set up a diplomatic mission in Pei in as
well as to obtain Communist military aislj
(Page 1)
Burma-UAR: The Burmese Government plans to risk a dis-
pute with the United Arab Republic by sending through the Suez
D I-� Canal a ship managed by Israelis for a Burmese company. Cairo,
charging Israeli participation, has blacklisted this corporation,
which Burma claims is wholly Burmese owned. The UAR will
probably deny the ship port and bunkering facilities, but may not
prevent its use of the canal. Page 2)
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Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 CO3160546.
Indonesia: The Indonesian Government is attempting to
enlist Asian support in condemning the Dutch plan to send
naval units to West Irian (Netherlands New Guinea) in the near
future. The Indonesian ambassador to London was directed to
approach Nehru, Ayub Khan, and the representative of Ceylon.
at the Commonwealth conference.
the Dutch moves
"are going to bring both parties closer to an armed conflict."
Djakarta regards the proposed naval visit
to New Guinea with "equally grave concern" whether or not the
warships en route enter the extensive area which Djakarta claims
as Indonesian waters. Earlier Indonesian approaches on the sub-
ject have been made to African and Near Eastern governments.
(Page 3)
Federation of Rhodesia-Nyasaland: frican nationalist dis-
orders in the British protectorate of Northern Rhodesia have
taken on racial overtones and resulted in mob violence in the
copper mining area. The governor has called up police reserv-
ists. after a week end of disturbances during which white persons
V` and their property were attacked. The government should be able
to contain the disorders, but in ViPW of nrevailing tension such
incidents are likely to recuE3 (Page 4)
Panama: The government has decided to withhold official re-
turns of last Sunday's presidential election until 14 May. Opposi-
tion candidate Roberto Chiari is leading in the three-way race on
the basis of early, unofficial returns. His supporters may resort
to force in an effort to counter any regime attempts to manipulate
the final tally in favor of Ricardo Arias, the government candidate
and pre-election favorite. (Page 5)
11 May 60
'Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
" v-v
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
Algerian Rebels May Time Terrorist Moves to
Coincide With Summit
Efforts by the Algerian rebels to attract attention during
the summit conference may take the form of a terrorist cam-
paign in France End moves toward closer relations with the /
Sino-Soviet bloc:3 Although in the past the rebels have attempted
to launch military offensives in Algeria in concert with new moves
in the diplomatic field, they probably feel that their forces in Al-
geria are not capable of a major offensive effort at this time.
police believe the rebels to be reinforcing their cadres in metro-
politan France with a view to intensifying efforts at assassination
and sabotage. Attacks against selected persons, oil refineries,
fuel-storage depots, and industrial installations reportedly would
be timed to coincide with the summit meetings in Paris.
Recent rebel activity in France has been largely directed
against the rival Algerian National Movement of Messali Hadj, and
the rebels have not scored a major sabotage success since their at-
tacks on various oil refineries in August 1958. They remain capa-
ble of increased terrorist activity, however, and their attempted
assassination of the right-wing Algerian deputy Robert Abdesselam
on 4 May suggests that such a campaign may be implemented.
Meanwhile, a rebel mission to Communist Asia headed by Vice
Premier Belkacem Krim has returned to Peiping after a side trip
to Hanoi. Elecent rebel, statements suggest that the rebels, as a
result of their pique at continued Western support for De Gaulle's
Algerian policy, hope to establish a diplomatic mission in Peiping-
which has already recognized the Algerian provisional government-
as well as to obtain arms ther.tp
11 May 60 CEA-t';,'
-rprsprAovi edkf'o�r-Reie�ase:.2.020/0371.370'3.160546 Page 1
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Burma Sending Blacklisted Ship Through Suez Canal
Burma plans to risk a controversy with the United Arab
Republic by sending the Aquila, a chartered ship of the Burma
Five Star Line, through the Suez Canal on 12 May. The army-
sponsored and Burmese-owned shipping line, organized in Jan-
uary 1959, has been the subject of extended negotiations between
Rangoon and Cairo over the past six months. The UAR black-
listed the company because the Zim Israel Navigation Company,
Ltd., has provided organizational advice, management personnel
under a five-year contract, and port agents. Despite Burmese
denials, moreover, the UAR suspects that the Israeli firm re-
ceives more than an announced 2,5-percent management fee from
the Burmese company and that it is actually a part owner.
Burma expects the ship to be allowed transit but to be sub-
jected to harassment of search and to be denied port and bunker
the Burmese line's UAR agent is still prepared to handle the ship's
transit of the canal unless stopped by government orders. However, in
order to minimize any difficulties which may arise, the Burmese
Embassy is sending its third secretary to support the company rep-
resentatives at Port Said,
The UAR has long been critical of Burma's close relations with
Israel, evident since both became independent countries. Cairo might hope
through the blacklist action to persuade the Burmese to reduce their
Israeli ties. It is more likely, however, to build up Burmese re-
sentment against the Arabs and consolidate government support for
the army's shipping-line venture.
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
Indonesia Seeks Further International Support Against Dutch
The Indonesian Government has approached India, Paki-
stan, and Ceylon in an effort to enlist Commonwealth support
in condemning the Dutch plan to send naval units to Netherlands
New Guinea (West Irian) in the near future.
Indonesia views the scheduled six-month flag-
showing cruise of a Dutch aircraft carrier and two destroyers
with "equally grave concern" whether or not the ships en route
enter the extensive area which Djakarta claims as Indonesian
waters. The Indonesian ambassador in London was directed
to approach Nehru, Ayub Khan, and the representative of Cey-
lon at the Commonwealth conference with the hope of eliciting
statements from them regarding Dutch moves.
Indonesia's efforts thus far to achieve international support
against the Dutch have been relatively successful but unspectacu-
lar. Approaches to North African and Near Eastern govern-
ments have resulted in statements that the Dutch moves could
endanger peace in the area, and at least three ambassadors in
Djakarta--from the UAR, Pakistan, and Iraq--have offered the
full support of their governments. The UAR, however, has de-
murred on the Indonesian suggestion that the Dutch ships be
denied use of the Suez Canal, claiming that denial of transit
would be "difficult,"
11 May 60 CENTRAI INTFI I inFtwF R1111 FTIKI Page 3
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Approve-d-ijr.FeTa7e72620/03/13 C03160546
Security Probirm in Northern Rhodesia
ff'he recent outbreak in NoAhern Rhodesia ol African na-
tionalist disorders and racial violence shows the seriousness
of the deteriorating security situation in this British Protec-
torate, which along with self-governing Southern Rhodesia and
Nyasaland, another protectorate, forms the largely self-gov-
erning Federation of Rhodesia and Nyasalandj
african rioting began on 8 May after police broke up a
rally of the leading nationalist group, the United National Inde-
pendence party (UNIP). Several hundred Africans have been
arrested following attacks on white persons and property at
several urban centers throughout the copper mining region.
The British governor has reinforced police forces in the copper
belt, and the authorities should be able to control the situation.
The increasing political and racial tension suggests, however,
that further outbreaks can easily occuil.)
alecently there have been incidents in Northern Rhodesia
which show the growing power of African political organiza-
tion and increasing opposition to the present Federation with
its white-settler control. In March a wave of politically moti-
vated unrest in African secondary schools caused the governor
to close several of them. Later in the month when British
Colonial Secretary Macleod visited Lusaka, Northern Rho-
desia's capital, he was greeted by a .UNIP-.sponsored demon-
stration which got out of hand and became vicious and anti-
European. The incident apparently convinced Macleod of
the depth of African resentment and inclined him to talk in
terms of a faster political advance for the protectoratej
ELondon faces a particularly difficult problem in North-
ern Rhodesia, because British efforts to appease African na-
tionalists are likely to arouse opposition from the Federation's
300,000 white settlers. Few whites would agree to African con-
trol over the copper area. A sizable minority, in the Federation
would consider secession--and, with it, difficult relations with
London�rather than accept such African control.
11 may 60 CEkITD A I IkITDI I I(kIr IIIITIJ Page 4
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Approved for 2020/03/13 C03160546
Panama Delays Announcement of Election Results
Panamanian officials have described the 8 May presidential
election as one of the most peaceful in recent years, but' the
government has decided to delay until 14 May publication of
the official results. Supporters of opposition candidate Roberto
F. Chiari, who leads the three-way presidential race on the
basis of early returns, may use force in an attempt to counter
any efforts by the regime to manipulate the final tally in favor
of Ricardo Arias, the government-backed candidate and pre-
election favorite.
Figures released by officials of the national election tribu-
nal before the government blacked out official returns gave 63,-
242 votes to Chiari, 52,736 to Arias, and 41,717 to Victor
Goytia--the candidate of a second opposition group--after an
unofficial count of about 60 percent of the vote. Spokesmen
for all three contenders have repeated their earlier predic-
tions of victory for their candidates since the delay was an-
Political tension during thelatter stages of the pre-election
campaign was increased by opposition denunciations of alleged
irregularities in the voter registration program, and Chiari"
exhorted his followers to "defend in the streets," if it became
necessary, the electoral triumph of his party. Unconfirmed
reports of the existence of revolutionary plots against the re-
gime have created further uneasiness in official circles.
11 may 60 rFkITO AI IkITCI I irtEkirc DI II I CTIkl Page 5
�Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
Approved for Release: 2020/03/13 C03160546
CAMNI".11)t..01 1 11
The Vice President
Executive Offices of the White House
Special Assistant for National Security Affairs
Scientific Adviser to the President
Director of the Budget
Director, Office of Civil and Defense Mobilization
Director, National Aeronautics and Space Administration
Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination
Chairman, Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities
Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy
Executive Secretary, National Security Council
The Treasury Department
The Secretary of the Treasury
The Department of State
The Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State
The Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs
The Deputy Under Secretary of State for Administration
The Counselor
Director, International Cooperation Administration
The Director of Intelligence and Research
The Department of Defense
The Secretary of Defense
The Deputy Secretary of Defense
Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs
The Secretary of the Army
The Secretary of the Navy
The Secretary of the Air Force
The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff
The Director, The Joint Staff
Chief of Staff, United States Army
Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy
Chief of Staff, United States Air Force
Commandant, United States Marine Corps
Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations
Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff
Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of Army
Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of Navy
Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe
Commander in Chief, Pacific
The Department of Commerce
The Secretary of Commerce
Federal Bureau of Investigation
The Director
Atomic Energy Commission
The Chairman
National Security Agency
The Director
National Indications Center
The Director
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