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Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457. %AU .C.� ILI ZILE, � illi721 A /47 3.5(c) CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 21 May 1957 Copy No. 134 DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASSo . X' DECLASSIFIED - CLASS. CHANGED TC.1: TS NEXT BEVIEW DATE: AUTH. 0-9 DAT FIEVIE,hc.R OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 J1 ot_4L1�1_, I Noe CONTENTS 1. POSSIBLE SOVIET PREPARATIONS TO LAUNCH 950- NAUTICAL-MILE MISSILE (page 3). WO 2. PARIS OBSERVERS PREDICT MOLLETS FALL (page 4). 3. BULGANIN'S LETTER TO MOLLET . 4. HAITIAN ARMY CHIEF OUSTED /11 page 5). (page 6 5. RIGHT CENTER GAINS IN FRENCH BY-ELECTION (page 7). 6. GREEK CYPRIOT MOVES TO BREAK CYPRUS STALEMATE Vv" (page 8). 7. PAKISTAN APPARENTLY FAVORS DEFERRING UN k\li CONSIDERATION OF KASHMIR UNTIL OCTOBER (page 9). 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 L., L.aL.a I 11.00? *we 1. POSSIBLE SOVIET PREPARATIONS TO LAUNCH 950-NAUTICAL-MILE MISSILE Comment A practice countdown occurred on 17 May 1957 between the rangehead of the Kapustin Yar missile-test range and a station 950 nautical miles downrange, which was first noted in July 1956. this station compared in permanence and importance'with other stations located in the three ma- jor impact areas of the range. While operational traffic has been passed recently between the rangehead and the 950- nautical-mile downrange area, this is the first practice countdown, There have been no previous firings beyond the 650-nautical-mile range station. Based on past experience this practice countdown signifies that missile firings involv- ing the station 950 nautical miles downrange will probably take place in the near future�possibly before the end of May. A missile test-fired to 950 nautical miles could have a maximum range of 1200, nautical miles, sufficient to reach most European targets from launching sites within the USSR. 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin f-taP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 3L1./1L/ -*me 2. PARIS OBSERVERS PREDICT MOLLET'S FALL French Senitor Roger Duchet; leader of the right-center Independent-Peasant bloc told Adlai Stevenson on 19 May that Premier Mollet would be defeated in the 21 May vote on new taxes. In a last-min- ute rundown a spokesman for Duchet stated that two-thirds of the 88 deputies in the Independent Peasant group are now determined to vote a- gainst the government. Other observers in Paris, expect Mollet to be defeated, but points out that last-minute changes on the basis of the Algerian problem and the current UN debate on the Suez issue might upset calculations. The British expects Mollet to squeeze by. Comment Prior to the last confidence vote on general policy at the end of March, Duchet correctly predicted that he would be able to per- suade the Independent-Peasant bloc to abstain and thus assure Mollet's survival. In the past, Mollet has been successful in last-minute appeals to persuade the assembly to support his government on confidence issues. These were package votes, however, involving both domestic and foreign policy; opponents of Mollet's financial policies reluctantly agreed to such packages in order to assure firm action in Algeria. In the present instance, Mollet's opponents must weigh, in addition to Algeria and the Suez issue, President Coty's im- minent visit to the United States and the need for Socialist support to form any subsequent government. 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 �Li.5i 11 11flL1 V I 111/J Nov 3. BULGANIN'S LETTER TO MOLLET Comment on: Soviet premier Bulganin's 17 May letter to French premier Mollet, like his letter to Prime Minister Macmillan on 20 April, seeks a resumption of high-level con- tacts on a bilateral basis. Bulganin re- views the USSR's established policies on international prob- lems and says the Soviet French statement signed during Mollets visit to Moscow in May 1956 represents the correct basis for improving Soviet-French relations. Furthering Moscow's campaign to prevent the arming of the West German Bundeswehr with nuclear weapons, Bulganin attempts to ex- ploit chronic French fears of Germany. The letter repeats Moscow's warning that German participation in plans for an integrated Europe will mean German domination of Western Europe. Referring to France and the USSR as the two Continental powers that had suffered most from German militarism, Bulganin says the situation in Germany is in many ways similar to that before World War II, "when many Western European leaders turned a blind eye" to German preparations for war. In an apparent attempt to dissuade France from participating in EURATOM, Bulganin holds out the pros- pect of Soviet co-operation in developing atomic energy for- peaceful purposeS.' 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 1-4C51 A .1.15.11ii I _I .11-1JLA Nor' Nue 4. HAITIAN ARMY CHIEF OUSTED Comment on: The ouster on 20 May by the executive council of government of Haitian army chief of staff Brigadier General Leon Cantave on charges of insubordination may set off further unrest and rioting, The ouster may indicate that the execu- tive council is gaining ground in a struggle for power with opposition presidential candidates who, on 19 May, stated that they recognized the authority of the army but did not recognize the executive council. The council appeared to be losing control over the country when five of the presi- dential candidates, led by Clement Jumelle and Francois Duvalier, set up revolutionary "committees of public safety" in St. Marc and Cap Haitien, two important cities to the north of Port-au-Prince, and showed impressive sup- port throughout the north and west. Although Cantave ostensibly supported the government, rumors have persisted since last December that he was in close collaboration with Jumelle. The coun- cil blamed Cantave for the army's failure on 19 May to pre- vent Jumelle and Duvalier supporters from threatening council members when they attempted to enter St. Marc. 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04C03160457 DAVI:ALT _IL JEZIEM- \MI NM% 5. RIGHT CENTER GAINS IN FRENCH BY-ELECTION Comment on: The vote in the by-election in Lyon on 19 May to fill the National Assembly seat vacated by the death of Radical Socialist Edouard Herriot appears to be following the trend toward the right center which has been evidenced in other French by-elections during the past six months. Although the Communist candidate led with 52,204 votes, an Independent Peasant ran a close second with 47,116, winning 5 percent more of the total vote than in the 1956 general election. Communist support fell off compared with the 1956 election, but this is normal in by-elections. General Jacques Faure, who had Poujadist support, ran a poor sixth with only 15,409 votes, No candidate received a majority, and a runoff vote will be held on 2 June, at which time the cen- ter parties are likely to turn their support to the leading right center candidate to assure him the plurality needed to win a runoff. The second round may seer an increase in the votes for both extremes as they step up activity in the next two weeks. 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 ---"OZL4ILE 1 Nue 6. GREEK CYPRIOT MOVES TO BREAK CYPRUS STALEMATE it is "virtually certain' violence will not be resumed on Cyprus, since the leader- ship of the union-with-Greece movement recognizes that further violence would damage its cause. the leader of the underground organization EOKA, George Grivas, may already have left Cyprus. Arch- bishop Makarios intends to leave Athens soon on an "enlightenment" mission to northern Europe and plans to arrive in the United States before the open= ing of the UN General Assembly session next fall. Comment Athens probably hopes that these moves, and continued peace on Cyprus, will cause the British to reopen negotiations with Makarios. The Brit- ish would not be pleased if Makarios arrived in London,. it would nevertheless have to talk to him informally. 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457 JEA.411.EA J. Nan/ N4100 7. PAKISTAN APPARENTLY FAVORS DEFERRING UN CONSIDERATION OF KASHMIR UNTIL OCTOBER Comment on: Pakistani officials now are inclined toward deferring a UN Security Coun- cil session on the Kashmir dispute un- til October, Karachi may be interested in prolong= in the issue in order to exert maximum pressure on India, Top-level Pakistani officials apparently foresee no acceptable solu- tion to the problem through UN action, but hope that inter- national opinion eventually will force India to seek a com- promise settlement. Furthermore, Prime Minister Suhra- wardy probably would prefer to complete his trips to Afghan- istan and Europe, scheduled for June and July, and also have time to stabilize Pakistan's internal political situation, prior to further deliberations on Kashmir. Willingness to postpone UN consideration of the problem until fall suggests that the Pakistani govern- ment feels confident it can manage any internal agitation over the issue during the summer and restrain any attempts by tribal elements to "liberate" Kashmir. 21 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160457