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May 11, 1957
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for,M7 ion-ejr�,1 aleSe2112221�4 CO? 4 CURRENT " INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 11 May 1957 �Copy No. DOCUMENT NO, NO Ot-10,1GE OLP,SS. OEOLASSIIMEO UrIP:;�ICA":::% TO: S NEXT BE.0:-Zi4 PAPA: 1-1 r�JIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY P-SECRET 134 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 tr--1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 CONTENTS . SHOWDOWN MAY BE NEAR IN INDONESIA (page 3). 2. BOMBARDMENT OF QUEMOY ISLANDS BY CHINESE COMMUNISTS (page 4). 0?) 3, KHRUSHCHEV CALLS FOR NEW CONTROL MEASURES (page 6). 64. MILITARY JUNTA REPLACES PRESIDENT OF COLOMBIA (page 7), 0.0. FAISAL MAY DEMAND NURI SAID'S RESIGNATION (page 8). 6. NEW EGYPTIAN-INSPIRED DISSIDENCE IN PERSIAN GULF AREA (page 9). 4. HONDURAN GOVERNMENT WEAKENED BY MOVES TO SETTLE DISPUTE WITH NICARAGUA (page 10). A. RETIRED ARGENTINE MILITARY OFFICERS PLANNING REVOLT (page 11). 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRETTOP Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Page 2 Approved for Release: '2019/12/04 C03160450 Nue 1. SHOWDOWN MAY BE NEAR IN INDONESIA Comment on: Indonesia is closer to civil war than at any time since the Communist uprising at Madiun was crushed in 1948. Sumatran dissidents are in- censed over the recent arrest of their rep- resentatives in Djakarta, efforts by the army chief of staff to remove Lt. Col. Samual7-the anti-government commander in East Indonesia, and over Sukarno's emergency decree imposing "guided democracy!' as a result/the Sumatrans will demand that Sukarno resign or face the prospect of a military showdown. In this con- nection, moves are reported already under way aimed at eliminating pro-Djakarta military forces on Sumatra. The sharpening of the lines between Djakarta and the provinces is evident in the public reaction of anti-Sukarno elements to the president's decree. A Moslem leader in Sumatra has denounced Sukarno for "sowing the seeds of dictatorship," while Lt. Col. Samual claims that the country is faced with "total ruin and collapse." the ruling council of Central Sumatra "is furious" over Djakarta's efforts to meddle in East Indonesian affairs. Meanwhile, Sukarno is encountering increasing difficulty in dealing with Premier Djuanda and the non-leftist elements in the cabinet. He is also said to be "very upset, unhappy and unusually moody," and com- plaining that he is "being forced into his actions against his own will!' � 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin SEeRET Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Now' Nur 2. BOMBARDMENT OF QUEMOY ISLANDS BY CHINESE COMMUNISTS Chinese Communist artillery on 10 May fired more than 600 rounds on the Quemoy group--the heaviest shelling of these is- lands so far this year. The Chinese Na- tionalist news agency reports that the Nationalist garrisons on the islands have been alerted for a possible invasion. The number of rounds fired on 10 May is far from a record total. Some 6,000 rounds were fired on the islands on 3 September 1954, nearly 3,000 rounds on 20 Jan- uary 1956, and over 1,000 rounds on 28 April 1956. Most of the artillery exchanges in the past year were initiated by the Nationalists. No report is yet available to indicate which side initiated the latest shelling. The most favorable period for amphibious operations is now at hand, but the Chinese Communists would probably bring up more than the 89,000 troops believed to be in the Amoy area before launching a full-scale attack against the Quemoys, which are garrisoned by 84,000 Chinese Nation- alists. However, Communist strength in the area is adequate to assault one of the smaller islands in the Quemoys, such as Erhtan or Tatan. The Chinese Communist air force continues to maintain a generally defensive posture in the Taiwan Strait area. Prior to an amphibious assault on the Quemoys, the Communists would probably bring their bombers and fighters within closer range of the islands. Newly constructed airfields opposite the offshore islands are serviceable but still unoccu- pied. The shelling of the Quemoys coincides with sharp Communist propaganda reaction to the announcement that 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 kJ JEJ � 1- .4 J '44 PI Matador missiles are to be based on Taiwan. In a broad- cast on 10 May entitled "A Warning to the American Aggres- sors," the Peiping radio charged that the United States is converting Taiwan into an atomic base to carry out aggres- sion. The Communists reiterated their routine declaration of determination to "liberate" Taiwan but otherwise made no threat of early military action. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 J. -11,4�-, 3. KHRUSHCHEV CALLS FOR NEW CONTROL MEASURES Comment on: � Soviet party boss Khrushchev, in a short concluding speech to the Supreme Soviet on 10 May, sounded a call for severe legislative measures in order to ensure the success of the forthcoming economic reorganization. IChrushchev said it was necessary to draft measures calling for strict responsibility by the leaders of enterprises and members of the economic councils. He added that it may also be necessary to establish a system under which financial penalties would be imposed on those guilty of causing losses to the state. Those who undermine state discipline are to be relieved of their posts and demoted. The tone of these statements contrasts with the encouragement of criticism during the discussion of the re- organization proposals prior to and during the Supreme Soviet session. With the structural pattern of reorganization agreed upon, the regime apparently now is moving on to the next step-- the forging of tight control over the post-reorganization bureauc- racy. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Ca VI I X' _11.1512ii �I 1 1_e11.4 Noe 4. MILITARY JUNTA REPLACES PRESIDENT OF COLOMBIA Comment on: A five-man military junta replaced Pres- ident Rojas on 10 May. The new govern- ment will be pro-US and anti=Communist in orientation. The military forced Rojas' ouster after a week of demonstrations and violence provoked by his attempt to perpetuate himself in office. Opposition political leaders, business groups, and students participated in the movement against Rojas, which paralyzed the economic activity of the nation. The Catholic hierarchy also provided substantial support by condemning his regime. The situation may continue tense for sev- eral days. Leaders of the opposition parties, which earlier had proposed a joint presidential candidate to challenge Rojas' plans, told the American embassy in Bogota on 9 May that they would accept an interim junta only if it undertakes to re- store constitutional government and civil liberties and calls free elections by next spring. The embassy commented on 10 May that some groups among the throngs in Bogota cele- brating Rojas' ouster are already demanding a civilian pres- ident. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 CONFIDEN Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 KAP 911-1JULI-d 'WW1 5. FAISAL MAY DEMAND NURI SAID'S RESIGNATION King Faisal of Iraq has sent word to King Hussain of Jordan that he has de- cided to request the resignation of Prime Minister Nun i Said, Crown Prince 4bd al-Ilah is determined to secure Nun's resignation imme- diately after King Saud's visit to Baghdad which begins on 11 May. Ex-prime minister Salih Jabr is being considered as Nun's replacement. Comment The crown prince, who is the power be- hind the throne in Iraq, has been antag- onistic to Nun i Said for many years and may feel that inter- nal conditions now are stable enough to drop him. Jabr, who broke with Nun i in 1950, is considered to be favorably disposed toward the United States, and accompanied the crown prince on the latter's visit to the United States in February 1957. Jabr does not have Nun's political power, and a cabinet led by him might be unstable. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 .%1�04 A .1.0 160 111.6., � Ia.. 6. NEW EGYPTIAN-INSPIRED DISSIDENCE IN PERSIAN GULF AREA Comment on: indica- tions that Egypt is inspiring unrest in the Persian Gulf area, particularly in east cen- tral Oman, where three tribes are report-, edly engaged in dissident activity. Egypt has in recent months increased its anti- British radio broadcasts to the Persian Gulf, and has particularly intensified prop- aganda directed against the government of Muscat and Oman. Cairo was planning to train refugee Omani dissi- en s in igypt to oppose the sultan of Muscat, who with Brit- ish support had reasserted control over Oman in late 1955. While the Saudis have given limited support to Omani dissi- dents, the principal initiative now appears to come from Cairo. the sultan has requested British assistance in drop- ping leaflets in east central Oman, where 150 disaffected tribesmen have defied the sultan's representative. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin SECRET Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 7. HONDURAN GOVERNMENT WEAKENED BY MOVES TO SETTLE DISPUTE WITH NICARAGUA Comment on: The Honduran military clique led by General Rodriguez, a member of the ruling junta, and Defense Minister Lopez hopes to discredit moderate leaders for accepting a cease-fire in the dispute with Nicaragua. The junta signed a troop withdrawal agreement with the special OAS committee on 9 May only after determined opposi- tion from Lopez, and after General Rodriguez expressed his deep personal reservations. Honduran leaders basically are divided on the issue of a return to constitutional government. Mod- erates, led by Major Roberto Galvez who is also a member of the junta, have promised a speedy return to constitutional civilian government, a prospect not to the liking of the Rodriguez-Lopez clique. The OAS committee's troop withdrawal plan went into effect on 10 May with the Nicaraguan signa- ture of an agreement similar to the one signed by Honduras on 9 May. The committee's military team is to remain in the area to help implement the agreements, which call for the withdrawal of troops of both countries to areas where con- tact between them is impossible. Nicaragua has made every effort to respect its cease-fire agreement with the OAS committee. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450 1.-7411Lilla/ IL/U4 8. RETIRED ARGENTINE MILITARY OFFICERS PLANNING REVOLT A group of senior officers dismissed in November 1956 is planning to overthrow the Argentine provisional government prior to the 28 July election of a constit- uent assembly, They feel they were treated unfairly, that the government is mis- handling the affairs of the country, and that Aramburuts sup- porters are using crude tactics to keep him in power. The revolutionary group reportedly intends, if successful, to hold elections immediately, but has not yet decided on a presidential candidate. Comment Some 36 generals and other army com- manders were dismissed in November 1956 as a result of their demand that Army Minister Ossorio Arana resign. Some of these apparently belong to the revolu- tionary group. Opposition to the government centers on the apprehension that the regime may interfere with or postpone general elections, now scheduled for 23 February 1958, de- spite repeated official denials of such intentions. 11 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160450