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0,4 ,4/ 07/ e/5 93/3/0 is/0mA T o s E e R E CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN .",Approved for Release: 2�19/12/04 C03160448 c to R AVW / INTELLIGENCE 3.3(h)(2) , 3.5(c) t.4100 / .0/.�. OFFICE OF RENT : 0 0 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY "Cl OSCk_p,SSTO) .c `Kf Wita% psuTri.. 1-k?� 104. / #14/ ENtelleik. OPTe: /4 1/74 3 May 1957 Copy No. 1341 4/4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 * CONTENTS SOVIET FIGHTER ATTACK ON US RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT (page 3). THE SITUATION IN JORDAN (page 4). 011)3. NICARAGUA T BY HONDURAS (page 6). PT RECAPTURE OF TOWN SEIZED MILITARY COUP MAY BE IMMINENT IN COLOMBIA (page 8). 1,10 5 SYRIAN COMMUNIST THREATENS TO CUT PIPELINES (page 9). IRAN NOT PL OIL BOYCOTT RICT ENFORCEMENT OF ISRAELI (page 10). 7. NASR REGIME ARRESTS WAFDISTS AND RETIRED OFFICERS (page 11)0 tf)'8. THAI CULTURAL MISSION IN PEIPING (page 12). 49. PAKISTANI PRESIDENT SAYS HE MAY TAKE OVER ADMIN- ISTRATION OF EAST PAKISTAN page 13). 64 10. SYRIAN BY-ELECTIONS 11. PERVUKHIN'S APPOINTMENT ANNEX--Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelligence Advisory Committee (page 16). (page 14). 3 May 57 (page 15). Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 1. SOVIET FIGHTER ATTACK ON US RECONNAISSANCE AIRCRAFT A US reconnaissance aircraft over the Sea of Japan was attacked by Soviet air- craft while over international waters ap- proximately 115 nautical miles from the nearest Soviet territory. The attack took place ;atT 1415 GMT 2 May while the air- craft was on a mission between the Naval Air Station at Iwakuni, Japan and Chitose Air Force Base on Hokkaido. Fighter cover and air/sea res- cue aircraft were dispatched to escort the returning reconnais- sance plane, but were recalled when the attacked plane reported it was undamaged and out of immediate danger. The Navy plane broke off its planned mission and returned to base at 1845 GMT without further incident. CHINA KOREA USSR VLADIVOSTOK_ HOKKAIDO ()ATTACK INITIATED FLIGHT PLAN OF US AIRCRAFT SEA OF JAPAN IWAKUNI NAS CHITOSE AFB JAPAN TOP SECRET 1010 Nit() 300 NAUTICAL MILES 2 MAY 1957 70502 3 May 57 Comment The loca- tion given for this attack is consid- erably farther offshore than the site of any pre- vious similar incident. It follows closely the So- viet fighter reaction stimulated in the south- ern Kamchatka/northern Kuriles area by an Air Force RB-50 reconnais- sance mission over the Sea of Okhotsk on 30 April 1957. This report is based upon preliminary information and no explan- ation for the apparent in- crease in Soviet sensitivity to these long-established flights is in evidence at the present time. Current Intelligence Bulletin 717P-SE-efiE-T Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 a N.., a A.Ir a-a N.+ �i.4 A Nuse 2. THE SITUATION IN JORDAN Comment on: JordaWs Deputy Premier and Foreign Minister,, Samir Rifai, who is actual leader of the present cabinet, ex- pressed confidence on 1 May that for the moment Jordan was well under con- trol. He foresaw no difficulty in "qui- etly" following up recent arrests of opposition figures with trials and con- victions. Mai considers that it will be neces- sary to condition the public to accept the new regime prior to the next regular session of the legislature, when the cabinet must obtain a vote of confidence. If it appears that a vote of confidence cannot be obtained, Rifai stated that the legislature would be dissolved, under the pretext that it was no longer rep- resentative since the political parties had been dissolved. Rifai added that martial law would be continued as long as necessary; that new elections could be postponed indefi- nitely; and that new election laws would be promulgated to ensure the election of a congenial parliament. If the legis- lature is dissolved, Rifai expects to be appointed prime minister, and professes confidence that he could then serve during the full four-year life of the next parliament. He added that his principal objective would be to strengthen relations between Jordan and Saudi Arabia, and to overcome the obstacles to a federation of Jordan, Saudi Arabia, and Iraq. Rifai's optimism must be balanced against the fact that the majority of Jordan's population, the Palestinian Arabs, may remain more responsive to Nasr's brand of Arab nationalism than to that of�King Hussain. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP-SEGRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 1�4�1 Iraqi chief of staff Rafiq informed the American air attache on 30 April that Syria had conducted aerial reconnaissance of Iraqi troop dispositions at H-3 pumping station, 50 miles inside Iraq, on two occasions in four days. On 30 April, six MIG-type aircraft and two Meteor jet fighters from Syria had made passes over the area. Rafiq stated that he had placed all antiaircraft units at H-3 on a 24-hour alert with orders to fire on any air- craft approaching their positions 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin --TOP-SEeRE-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Page 5 Irb rirr Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Nee 3. NICARAGUA TO ATTEMPT,RECAPTURE OF TOWN SEIZED BY HONDURANS Comment on: Nicaraguan president Somoza told Ambassa- dor Whelan early on 2 May that his govern- 'ment will limit military hostilities for the present to the recapture of the town of Moco- ron from the Honduran force which seized it on 1 May. Somoza hopes for action by the Organization of American States (OAS) to bring the fighting to an end. Preparing for the possibility of wider action, however, he decreed a "general mobili- zationi! early on 2 May and ordered 1,500 troops to positions along the border, including a "sizable body" to the point where the Inter-American Highway crosses the frontier. At this point, Nicaraguan forces would be In position to move E3 Area of de facto Nicaraguan rapidly against the Bams}{ CA RIBB EA N SEA control since 1937 Honduran capital, HONDURAS Maximum boundary- Moc� SA MOOR an Salvador MAY 1957 emixs 290 2447 5 3 May 57 Boundary by the arbitral award of the King of Spain, INC NICARAGUA e toga q,,de Nicaragua EL SALV. COSTA OICA O Area in dispute ,4R0CIAS 00000 a move already El Area of new Department created by Honduras threatened by �Road President Somoza. Ambassador Whelan fears that Somoza may be forced by "internal domestic realities" to take drastic action. BRITNH ONDURA5 ONDURA., Current Intelligence Bulletin Mocoron is within the terri- tory which King Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 1_, N. 4 a -.I at wiarr' `114Pe Alfonso XIII of Spain awarded Honduras by arbitration in 1906, which the Nicaraguans claim is rightfully theirs and over which they have exercised jurisdiction for 20 years. After an emergency session on 2 May, the Council of the OAS voted unanimously, with Honduras and Nic- aragua abstaining, to send a five-man fact-finding committee to the area immediately. The disputants were asked to desist from any act which might aggravate the situation. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 -NoP1' 4. MILITARY COUP MAY BE IMMINENT IN COLOMBIA Comment on: Colombian president Rojas may be re- placed in a few days by a military junta, according to widespread reports. His re-election plans and methods of gov- erning have reportedly caused serious discontent among high officials of the armed forces, which have constituted the only effective support of the regime. A new governing body, which the American embassy believes to be under consideration at the moment, would probably be pro-US in orientation. In April, Rojas packed the National Con- stituent Assembly, which is the only legal basis of his re- gime, with his own followers as a means of perpetuating his dictatorship and ensuring his re-election. The two major political parties then united to propose a joint presidential candidate and demand free elections. Meanwhile, the power- ful Catholic Church has apparently taken a unified stand against Rojas' "re-electiong' Important business, banking, and labor elements have also openly or indirectly swelled the growing opposition. The assembly did not meet on 1 May to vote the re-election of Rojas, as scheduled, which prob- ably indicates that he is confronted by serious difficulties. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 1/2.01 5. SYRIAN COMMUNIST THREATENS TO CUT PIPELINES Syrian Communist leader Khalid Bakh- dash insisted at a recent meeting in Damascus that the oil pipelines between Iraq and the Mediterranean must be cut again if the United States continues its present actions in the Middle East Comment Last November the Syrian army blew up the Iraqi pipeline and would have cut the Tapline pipe running from Saudi Arabia if Nasr had not intervened. Leftist Colonel Sarraj has boasted that he con- trols the pipelines running through Syria. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 SECRET- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 luuriV.1 /1-//_:// N 1.e3.1-J 6, IRAN NOT PLANNING STRICT ENFORCEMENT OF ISRAELI OIL BOYCOTT Reference: Iranian foreign minister Ardalan has told the American embassy that Tehran "does not contemplate rigorous enforce- ment" of the ban on shipping Iranian oil to Israel. Ardalan said he had told Arab representa- tives that Israel is an important potential market for Iranian exports and that any boycott of Israel would entail a "sub- stantial sacrifice" for Iran. Although Tehran will continue to make gestures of solidarity with the Arab states, it is not likely to undertake any action which would reduce income from oil sources. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Name Neal 7. NASR REGIME ARRESTS WAFDISTS AND RETIRED OFFICERS Reference: The Nasr regime has again moved to counter the effectiveness of present or potential sources of opposition. Many Wafdists and recently retired army of- ficers were arrested during the few days prior to 1 May, The Wafdists are reportedly undergoing interrogation at an army barracks in Cairo. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 11114 Nfte 8. THAI CULTURAL MISSION IN PEIPING A Thai cultural troupe, under the lead- ership of a well-known pro-Communist playwright, arrived in Peiping on 30 April, according to a Chinese Communist radio an- anouncement. The group will give perform- ances in Peiping and other major Chinese cities, and is reportedly exploring the pos- sibility of going on to the USSR and Poland. The American embassy notes that despite specific official denials, there is a growing feeling in the Chi- nese community in Bangkok that the government's China policy is in the process of being revised in Peiping's favor. The troupe left Bangkok quietly in two groups last week end with passports validated for Hong Kong. The em- bassy comments that the secrecy maintained in the preparations for departure of this party of 48 indicates collusion by the Thai government. In this connection, several Thai officials, all of whom are closely identified with Thailand's ruling triumvirate, have publicly indicated that they see no harm in the mission since it is purely "cultural:' Comment Although the official Thai policy is to re- frain from recognizing Communist China until it is seated in the United Nations, Bangkok seems anxious to develop more normal relations with Peiping, Unofficial Thai contacts with Communist China have suddenly increased in the past few weeks. In addition to the cultural troupe, there are a Thai basketball team, a labor delegation and possibly two correspondents now in China. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Aker 'Ste 9. PAKISTANI PRESIDENT SAYS HE MAY TAKE OVER ADMINISTRATION OF EAST PAKISTAN Comment on: Pakistani president Mirza, informed Ambassador. Hildreth on 30 April that he was greatly disturbed by the disloyal activities of certain East Pakistani of- ficials, by the strength of pro-Communist provincial Awami League leader Bhashani, and by Indian subversive activities in the province. Mirza said he was considering taking over the administration of the province. Mirza probably is worried over the in- ability of Prime Minister Suhrawardy to oust Bhashani from his influential position in the East Pakistan. Awami League. He is unlikely to act, however, before Suhrawardy returns from his Far Eastern tour about 8 May. Suhrawardy will probably try to convince Mirza that another recourse to authoritarian rule would not be in Pakistan's best interests, especially while the Kashmir case is pending in the UN. Short of an actual breakdown of law and order, Mirza is unlikely to act without Suhrawardy's concurrence. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 13 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Nisf 10. SYRIAN BY-ELECTIONS Reference: 'As of 30 April, the Syrian parliamentary by-elections scheduled for 4 May appeared to be taking on increased significance, as a test of leftist versus rightist strength. in tnree out ox tour of the contests, the number of candidates has been reduced to a single proleftist government candidate and a prorightist opposition candidate. In the all-important Damascus contest, the rightist candidate seems to be the more popular. It has been reported that both sides are plan- ning to "import" thousands of supporters into Damascus from other Syrian cities and possibly from Lebanon. The introduction of large numbers of parti- sans could set the stage for violence. The tempers of both right- ist and leftist groups reportedly have been raised considerably by events in Jordan. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 14 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 11-41...7 .1 .1.1-...111-4.1 .11. A- -0-11-11 %we 11. PERVUICHIN'S APPOINTMENT Comment on: The appointment of Mikhail Pervukhin as USSR Minister of Medium Machine Building, the ministry currently operat- ing the Soviet atomic energy program, moves him from a top economic plan- ning position as chairman of the short-range planning com- mission to direction of a single economic ministry. Thus he will apparently not receive one of the top administrative posts in the governmental reorganization, to be formally adopted at next week's Supreme Soviet session, in which the short-range planning commission is to be abolished. Pervukhin's appointment to a single min- istry may reflect dissatisfaction with his conservative ap- praisal of the economic potentialities of the USSR, as reflected in the 1957 plan which reduced the scheduled rate of growth to a level below that required to meet the 1960 Five Year Plan goals. As a seasoned industrialist of long experi- ence he will bring very considerable technical ability to the direction of the Soviet atomic energy program. Pervukhin retains his position on the party presidium, as did Malenkov, Molotov, and Kaganovich when they were transferred to head individual ministries. He will probably continue, as they did, to exercise a role in general policy formulation. Proceedings of the Supreme Soviet meet- ing may clarify his present status in the hierarchy. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 15 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448 1 N.J.& LI .1-11_4.11L.L.1 NINO ANNEX Watch Report 352, 2 May 1957 of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intelligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against the continental US or its possessions in the imme- diate future. B. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostilities against US forces abroad, US allies or areas peripheral to the Orbit in the immediate future. C. Deliberate initiation of Arab-Israeli hostilities is unlikely in the immediate future. Unsettled issues and tensions continue to constitute possibilities for violence in the Mid- dle East. Should there be major incidents in Jordan, such as the death of the King or civil war, military intervention by neighboring Arab states probably would occur and Israeli intervention would be a possibility. 3 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 16 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160448