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f�1 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 6 April 1957 uopy NO. 134 DOCUMENT NO. NO C!iPN:TIE CL/S. Ci ANG,7.13 '10: i3 S NEXT RENEW DATE: T PVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY 3.5(c) ' � -ix ,,z5oxis/A Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved _for Release: 20'19/12/04 C03160440 vp, CONTENTS AIN AND FRANCE SEEN INTENT ON ISOLATING NASR THROUGH UN TACTICS (page �3). 2 NATO MEMBERS EXPRESS CONCERN OVER BRITISH DE- FENSE PROGRAM (page 4). ip 3. MOSCOW MAY PLAN TO PUBLICIZE WEAPONS TESTS (page 5). 4.. USSR TO BEGIN NEW DELIVERIES OF HEAVY ARMS TO EGYPT (page 6). . FINNS UNMOVED BY SOVIET WARNINGS (page 7). 9 11 6. AMBASSADOR MACARTHUR COMMENTS ON KLSHI GOV- ERNMENT (page 8). 0 7. DISSIDENT SOUTH SUMATRAN COMMANDER ARMS CIVILIAN SUPPORTERS (page 9). 8. PRIDI REPORTED HOPEFUL OF RETURNING TO THAI- LAND SOON (page 10). e4/09. SAUDI ARABIAN LOAN EXPECTED TO BOLSTER MOROC- CAN GOVERNMENT (page 11). 1010. RETURNOF CYPRIOT LEADERS FEARED BY GREEK GOVERNMENT (page 12). 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOF-S'ECRE71 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 CO 1AL 004. 1. BRITAIN AND FRANCE SEEN INTENT ON ISOLATING NASR THROUGH UN TACTICS Comment on: Britain and France, in seeking an alter- native to the renewed use of force to achieve their objective of getting rid of Nasr, have hit upon the idea of progres- sively isolating Egypt in order to drive it into the arms of the USSR, according to Norwegian UN delegate Engen, who is also a member of Hammarskjold's advi- sory committee on Suez. He added that the French argued there was no use in seeking any agreement on the canal with Nasr since "his days are definitely numbered" and a better agreement could be negotiated with a subsequent regime. The first step in the Anglo-French plan would be to provoke a Soviet veto in the Security Council on Egypt's behalf. The British have already privately advo- cated calling an urgent meeting of the Security Council. Pres- entation to the council of the French proposal on payments of tolls�which blocks 20 percent until Egypt agrees to a settle- ment along the lines of the six principles�would almost cer- tainly provoke a Soviet veto. An Egyptian UN delegate stated on 4 April that his government strongly desired to avoid referral of the Suez Canal issue to the UN in order to avert unwanted "help" from the USSR and others. He said that such help would only be embarrassing and designed to achieve purposes other than assistance to Egypt. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 CONFJ&FNIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 tftiv *lase 2., NATO MEMBERS EXPRESS CONCERN OVER BRITISH DEFENSE PROGRAM Reference. At the special itketing of the North Atlantic Council (NAC) on 4 April for presentation of the British white paper on defense, the West German repre- sentative expressed the deepest concern. He observed that the reduction to some 400,000 men went further than the plan which London had previously given the NAC, and represented cuts below the safety level in case of emer- gency. He stated that it was unfortunate that the reduc- tions had not been used to advantage in the disarmament negotiations with the USSR. He felt that ending conscrip- tion would have extremely dangerous psychological effects in other NATO countries. The French representative gave this personal view that the unilateral nature of the British ac- tion undermined NATO procedures, and that the psycho- logical impact of the reductions could jeopardize the over- all NATO program. Belgium and Italy commented along the same lines. The British representative pointed out that the paper represented Britain's world-wide defense effort and should not be viewed solely from the NATO as- pect. He also stated that London's action did not prejudge the special NATO strategic review proposed by Chancellor Adenauer. Pointing out that Britain has now decided to become a nuclear power, Adenauer on 5 April demanded tactical atomic weapons for West Germany. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 TOP SECRET 044 3. MOSCOW MAY PLAN TO PUBLICIZE WEAPONS TESTS The temporary closing of the Soviet Central Asian area to foreign travel in late March may be for military rea- sons, possibly in connection with atomic tests, according to the American embassy in Moscow. This impression is reinforced by a report that foreign Communist correspond- ents have all left Moscow for Central Asia within the last few days. a demonstra- tion of successful tests of missiles, possibly with atomic war- heads, would be very useful to give substance to the USSR's current campaign to frighten countries in the Western alliance system away from accepting United States atomic units on their territory. Comment The temporary travel restrictions may have been imposed because of the immi- nence of the nuclear test conducted by the USSR near Semi- palatinsk on 3 April. While preparations for further tests of this nature may be continuing, there is no evidence of the ar- rival of observers in the test area such as would be expected if a public demonstration were planned. If a Soviet ballistic missile test were to be opened to observation for publicity pur- poses, observers would probably be stationed at the Kapustin Yar rangehead. Existing impact areas have long been closed to travel. There is no present evidence of preparations for a joint nuclear warhead-guided missile test operation. Prior to previous tests of this nature, evidence of their imminence has been available. If a demonstration of military weapons is planned for publicity purposes, as suggested by the Moscow em- bassy, it would be calculated to have a strong impact on popu- lar opinion in Western Europe, where there is considerable official and popular concern about the effects of nuclear tests. Soviet broadcasts recently have insisted that the USSR is ahead of the United States in missile development. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 1U1 lLUtL1 4. USSR TO BEGIN NEW DELIVERIES OF HEAVY ARMS TO EGYPT Comment on: The first major Soviet bloc arms ship- ments to Egypt since the November hostilities are to arrive by the end of April, At least two shipments of tanks, and possibly three, all with spare parts and supplies, will be made. The tanks will be delivered under a new arms contract with the Soviet Union, which was negotiated following Egypt's defeat in Sinai. Egypt at that time submitted to the USSR preliminary requirements calling for replacement of the approximately 100 tanks lost in Sinai, replacement and reinforcement of antiaircraft and field artillery unite, estab- lishment of an air force of up to 32 squadrons, additional elec- tronic equipment, and naval vessels including submarines. Although the USSR reportedly. believed . that Egypt overesti- mated its military requirements, an Egyptian message from Moscow to Cairo on 19 January reported that the USSR had "approved all our requirements:' 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 5. FINNS UNMOVED BY SOVIET WARNINGS Comment on: The Finns generally regard the 26 March Izvestia warning against grow- ing militarism in Finland as a periodic reminder that Moscow continues to keep a close watch on their activities, according to the American embassy in Helsinki. The Russians have on sev- eral recent occasions expressed dis- ��d Finnish military leaders, and the Finnish defense minister was warned on 22 March against allowing Finland to "become a bridge against the USSR in the event of war.' The Finns do not regard themselves as singled out for a special attack, since the Scandinavian countries have re- 3ently been subjected to criticism from Moscow too. President Kekkonen has ordered a bri- ;ade of troops permanently stationed in Finnish Lapland to show Finland's determination to defend the area against aoth East and West. Finland will probably use the exchange 3f high-level delegations on the anniversary in early April A the 1948 Soviet-Finnish treaty of friendship and mutual issistance as an occasion for reaffirming its policy of strict leutrality. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release.: 2019/12/04 C03160440 *fel NO, 6. AMBASSADOR MACARTHUR COMMENTS ON KISHI GOVERNMENT Reference: Ambassador MacArthur, in assessing Japanese prime minister Kishi's actions in his first six weeks in office, has con- cluded that it is still uncertain whether his government will prove a reliable partner in achieving American policy objectives in Japan and the Far East. He believes that unless Kishi ceases behaving "like a candi- date in a domestic popularity contest" and begins to exert strong leadership, the United States faces a gradual erosion of its political and security position in the Far East. Kishi, in preparation for possible elec- tions, is promoting tax cuts, social welfare programs, and a more "independent" foreign policy. He has not opposed pop- ular sentiment on issues such as rearmament, nuclear tests and weapons, and internal security matters. MacArthur notes that his attitude on these issues has often not been helpful to American interests. MacArthur believes Kishi's chances for a lengthy tenure in office are good. His vigor, cleverness, and political competence have helped him achieve some success in pulling the factions of the Liberal-Democratic Party together and overcoming the disadvantages of a "fascist" past and his lack of popularity. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 -SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 T-OP�sEeRE-71 4001 7. DISSIDENT SOUTH SUMATRAN COMMANDER ARMS CIVILIAN SUPPORTERS Comment Col. Barlian, who leads the South Sumatran autonomy movement, pre- sumably has armed members of various political and la- bor organizations which on 31 March issued a statement of loyalty to him following an abortive countercoup by pro- Djakarta officers. Barlian may have taken this step not only to guard against any new Djakarta-inspired move to overthrow him, but also to offset any threat by Commu- nist paramilitary units in the area. Armed civilian groups would also be useful to him in the event of Communist la- bor disturbances in the oil fields of South Sumatra, which constitute the major source of the area's revenues. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 TOP SECREi Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 ticr 8. PRIDI REPORTED HOPEFUL OF RETURNING TO THAILAND SOON Comment on: Former premier Pridi hopes to be able to return to Thailand next month, ac- cording to his wife, who has just re- turned from four years in Communist China. She told the Bangkok Press on 4 April that her hus- band, now in Canton, was "disturbed" about economic con- ditions in Thailand, as well as "disunity" among the Thai people, and that he hoped Thailand would emulate the neu- tral policies of its neighbors. Madame Pridi also insisted that Communist China is engaged in "peaceful construction," rather than war preparations. Pridi has been in exile since 1949. His return at this time would be intended to further Chinese Com- munist objectives. Left-wing elements fared badly in the re- cent Thai elections, but their lack of success may have stemmed largely from the absence of an effective nationally known leader such as Pridi. There are indications that certain Thai officials may favor allowing Pridi to come home. While Pre- mier Philp= and Defense Minister Sarit are reportedly still against such a move, there is a possibility they might ac- cept Pridi's presence in the belief that he would be useful in dealing with the Chinese Communists. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 114, SECRET 9. SAUDI ARABIAN LOAN EXPECTED TO BOLSTER MOROCCAN GOVERNMENT Comment on: This loan, together with the $20,000,000 aid agreement concluded with the United States on 2 April, can be expected to bolster Rabat's position in financial nego- tiations with France. Paris has been withholding prom- ised credits to Morocco in the hope of gaining military and economic concessions from the financially hard-pressed Moroccan government. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 11 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440 4.1r.,L.A.r., 10. RETURN OF CYPRIOT LEADERS FEARED BY GREEK GOVERNMENT Comment on: The imminent arrival in Greece of Archbishop Makarios and the question of whether EOKA chief George Grivas should return to Greece are causing concern and confusion within the Greek government. Prime Minister Karaman- lis reportedly is "nervous" over the ar- rival of Makarios, who, he says, "is in a position to Overthrow the government in 12 hours." Kara- manlis apparently hopes to win Makarios approval of a moderate line on the Cyprus question. He fears, however, that the archbishop may publicly adopt an extreme position and, in co-operation with opposition leaders, arouse Greek public opinion against the government's moderate policy. v tiovernment leaders are also fearful that Grivas may accept a British safe-conduct to leave Cyprus for Greece and then join forces with rightist opposition leader Markezinis. As the military hero of the Cyprus struggle, Grivas would probably add considerable popular appeal to Markezinis' Party of Progressives. 6 Apr 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 '�"SEC�RE-T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03160440