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Publication Date: 
February 12, 1963
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ZZZ/ZZA r/Z/ZZ/ZZ/r/ Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 %.,4 TOP SWICAT 12 February 1963 SC No. 00036/63 Copy No. C CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN GROUP 1 Excluded from automatic downgrading and declassification Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273777/Z/Z/ Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 vmpi The Daily Brief of the CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN is produced by the Director of Central Intelligence in consultation with representatives of departments and agencies of the United States Intelligence Board. Back-up material is produced by CIA with as much consultation with other departments and agencies as is practicable. When, because of the time factor, consultation with the department or agency of primary concern is not practicable, the brief will he nrodneed by CIA and marked with an asterisk Interpretations of intelligence information in this publication rep- resent immediate and preliminary views which are subject to modi- fication in the light of further information and more complete analysis. Certain intelligence items in this publication may be designated specifically for no further dissemination. Other intelligence items may be disseminated further, but only on a need-to-know basis. WARNING This document contains classified information affecting the national security of the United States within the meaning of the espionage laws, US Code Title 18, Sections 793, 794, and 798. The law prohibits its transmission or the revelation of its contents in any manner to any unauthorized persons, as well as its use in any manner prejudi- cial to the safety or interest of the United States or for the benefit of any foreign government to the detriment of the United States. D FT Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 "Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 %Si 12 February 1963 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN CONTENTS A (b)(3)1 NR Record 2. Iraq New regime consolidates control. (Page 2) NR Recordl TO1 ET (b)(4 /Approved for Release: 2616107/30 C03160273r A 'Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 1601 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 12 February 1963 DAILY BRIEF NR Recor 4 7 (b)(4 4Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 A rff Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 I.J.1 (b)(3), Iras: The new Iraqi regime is consolidating its control, crushing pockets of Communist resistance in the army and throughout the country. all ministries are operating normally ex- cept for the Defense Ministry, where "numerous per- sonnel changes are being made." Four of Qasim's strongest military supporters, two brigadiers and two colonels, have been executed. The Iraqi coup has fanned instability in Syria. New demonstrations calling for "Arab unity" have occurred. ome Syrian Communists have been re- ported heading for Iraq to support pro-Communist elements ther In Kuwait, demonstrations celebrating the coup took on apro-Nasir tone. The UAR is treating the new Iraqi regime cau- tiously. Cairo fears that even mention of Arab union by the UAR might push the regime toward the anti- Nasir. Arab states. Moscow's prompt recognition of the new Iraqi regime is probably the first of a number of efforts to preserve as much as possible of the highly favored position the USSR enjoyed when Qasim was in power. Moscow built up good relations with Qasim largely by providing modern military equipment and by ex- tending large industrial credits. As a demonstration of friendship toward the new regime, the Soviets may offer to grant new credits or to undertake further de- velopment oroiects (b)(1) (b)(3)/ 4 (b)(3)1 (b) (3)1 (b)(3) (b)(1) (b)(3) 4 TO T (b)(3)0 AAPPr-oved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273r A Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 pproved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 NR Record, ,Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273r A Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 N R Record Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 ZZZZ.Z eZZ ZrZZ/Z/Z/Z Approved for Reaso_?..(i/i70.06027:10, *tol ET C03160273WMM7M,Mi 'Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273 (b) Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03160273