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Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 - i %or OC�KC I 3.5(c) Nor 3.3(h)(2) 9 April 1959 Copy No. C 62 CENTRAL TELLIGENCE BULLETIN DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANO!.. IN OLAS.... DITCI CLASS. c.;HANGED TO: TS S C NEXT FEVEW DATE: DAAUTTElyolif- , EVIEWER: -Te-P-SECRET- 141/7/7 ,4Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 CO31560337 ///7/ZiOZZA Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 inni$ Auk TAMP e�rrarolrir Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 II ' I 9 APRIL 1959 I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Chinese Communists move another infantry division to Tibetan area. II. ASIA-AFRICA Arab League fails in effort to recon- cile UAR and Iraq. Iraq asks IPC to build pipeline from Kirkuk to Persian Gulf; would lessen Iraqi dependence on line through Syria. USSR continues to repatriate Kurds to Iraq. Yemen - Group of army officers and tribal leaders plotting to get rid of Crown Prince Badr; Soviet diplomat warns Badr of conspira- cies. Pakistan - Ayub drafts outline for new constitution; envisages strong central government with himself as president. 0 Cyprus - Makarios' concessions to former EOKA leaders may have dam- aged intercommunal confidence. Grivas, apparently with Greek Gov- ernment's backing, involved in or- ganizing new rightist party for Cy- prus. 0 French seize Czech ship believed carrying arms to Morocco. TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 9 April 1959 DAILY BRIEF � I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Communist China - Tibet: The recent movement of a Chinese Communist infantry division into the Tibet-Tsinghai border area suggests that although the revolt in the Lhasa region seems to have been suppressed, rebel activity else-- where in the area continues to pose a problem to the Commu- nists. This has been the first observed major deployment into the Tibetan border area since the recent uprisings in Lhasa. Communist troop strength in the Tibet Military Region is now estimated at 58,500. - (For fur- ther comments on this subject,including an analysis of Chinese troop strength in the Tibetan area see the back-up on Page 1) (Map) Watch Committee coliclusion�Berlin: No significant phnricyag hparinv on the nossibilitie6r-Etilities. II. ASIA-AFRICA Arab League: The political committee of the Arab League, in its communiqu�ssued on 7 April, has indicated that its efforts to reconcile the UAR and Iraq have failed. The meeting is reported to have been marked by considerable resentment against UAR efforts to use it merely as a sounding board for anti-Qasim propaganda. Iraq, Jordan, Tunisia, and Libya, were not represented in the five-day session. ( � � -TOP-SECRET Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 01' Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 I tafr %La %awl Nue Iraq: In a move designed to weaken Nasir's control over the 70 percent of Iraq's oil transport which moves through Syria, the strongly pro-Communist Iraqi minister of economy has told the Iraq Petroleum Company that his government wants the company to construct a pipeline from Kirkuk to the Persian Gulf. Although its position is becoming increasingly untenable, IPC probably will strongly resist this request in view of the costs involved and the government's probable intention eventually to nationalize the company. (Page 2) USSR-Kurds-Iraq: The USSR is continuing to repatriate to Iraq a number of Kurds, including some families, in a shipload of some 820 which is due to arrive at Basra about 18 April. Since the 14 July coup, Qasim has made a series of concessions to the 800,000-strong Kurdish minority and he can probably continue for the present to count on Kurdish support in the face of UAR threats to his regime. If Qasim should attempt to curb Iraqi Communists and loosen his ties with the bloc, Communist-indoctrinated ele- ments among the Kurds can be expected to join in any pressure , tactics against Qasim and would probably renew agitation for an independent Kurdish state. *Yemen: An organized group of Yemeni army officers and northern tribal leaders reportedly plans to depose or assassinate Crown Prince Badr at the earliest opportunity. The group is re- ported to be conservative and xenophobic in outlook, and it is said to be aware that a general revolution in Yemen would be neces- sary if the Imam opposed their action against Badr) Badr has been warned by the Soviet charg�n Cairo that there are plots against him. (Page 3) Watch Committee conclusion--Middle East: Situations sus- ceptible of direct exploitation by Sino-Soviet bloc hostile action which would jeopardize US interests exist in the Middle East, particularly in Iraq. The situation in the area remains precari- ous, but a deliberate initiation of large-scale hostilities is unlikely in the immediate future. Iraq: The rapid progress of the Communists toward control of Iraq is continuing. Tension along the Syrian-Iraqi border has increased and incidents are likely. 9 Apr 59 DAILY BRIEF --TOP-SECRET 11 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 CO3156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 VT I '4100' Pakistan: resident Ayub has taken the first step toward returning the Pakistani Government to civilian hands, which he promised to do as soon as the army had "cleaned up the mess" left by politicians. Ayub has drafted an "outline" of a new na- tional constitution envisaging a strong central government, a powerful presidency--which he expects to retain--and indirect elections to national offices. Although he recognizes the need for popular support, Ayub plans nevertheless to maintain firm control of t e mechanism whereby the public participates in government (Page 4) Cyprus: Archbishop Makarios apparently made substan- tial concessions to former EOKA leaders in the selection of provisional cabinet ministers. By o doing, he has probably damaged intercommunal confidence It is also apparent that former Greek Cypriot terrorist leader General rivas is directly involved with the organization and activities �/, of the new rightist Greek. Cypriot political party EDMA which was formed on 1 April by former leaders of EOKA. The Greek eForeign Ministry appears to be intimately involved in further- ing these activities. (Page 5) France-Morocco: rench seizure on 8 April of a 580-ton cargo of Czech arms believed consigned to the Moroccan Gov- ernment, but which France feared were destined for the Algerian rebels, seems certain to create new tensions in Morocco's re- lat4cins with France. These arms may have been the second lot of materiel ordered by the Balafrej government last year after France had demurred on supplying all the materiel Morocco de- sired. Moroccans, following up informal approaches to the United States, may soon present a list of materiel desired from the United States. They are likely to interpret any delay in ship- ment as American support for France.) 9 Apr 59 DAILY BRIEF lii El OP SECRET I V '0" Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 AI% JAMMU AND NAINMIN (11TAT. IM 0111,TV 904 08 SINKIANG UIGHUR AUTONOMOUS REGION LANCHOU MIL RE6I0N: TSINGHAI CHINA 82,000 , KANSUC", TIBET MIL REGION 58,500 TIBET S ZSHIPW A N Lhasa. CHENGTU MIL ':REGION INDIA AKISTA 590 30371 BURMA YUNNAN THAILAND LAOS KWEICHOW NORTH VIETNAM Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 I %L.4 NNW' NNW' I. THE COMMUNIST BLOC Communist China - Tibet The Chinese Communist 11th Independent Infantry Divi- sion has deployed from its former station in Kansu Province to the Tibet-Tsinghai border area. Because of its experi- ence in anti-guerrilla operations in southwest Kansu during 1958, the division may have been selected to reinforce the 18th Army in southeastern Tibet. Although there have been numerous reports that minor ground units have moved into dissident areas of West China, this is the first evidence that a major unit has moved. This movement suggests that although the revolt in the Lhasa area has been suppressed, rebel activity elsewhere continues to pose a serious problem to the Communists. Chinese Communist ground force strength for the Tibet Military District was estimated at 64,000 earlier this year. The figure was lowered under reappraisal. The additional division now is estimated to bring the total to 58,500. Forces in the adjoining military districts of Chengtu and Lanchou, which have large Tibetan minorities, are estimated at 59,600 and 82,000 respectively. -TOP-SEGRET 9 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 1 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Petroleum Developments in Iraq ---eGespite disclaimers that it intends to nationalize the coun- try's oil industry, Baghdad has made a number of moves con- sistent with eventual nationalization. Prime Minister Qasim recently stated that although plans for nationalizing the 23.75- percent French share in the Iraq Petroleum Company (IPC), had not been discussed, they would be in the future. a move designed to weaken Nasir's control over the 70 percent of Iraq's oil transport which moves through Syria, the strongly pro-Communist Iraqi minister of economy has told IPC that the government wants the company to construct a pipe- line from the Kirkuk oil fields in northern Iraq to the Persian Gulf. Refusal could provide the Baghdad regime with a pre- text fpr beginning the piecemeal nationalization of the oil in- dustry_. At the American-operated but government-owned Dura re- finery at Baghdad, Communist infiltration and the discharge of increasing numbers of American technicians have greatly in- creased the likelihood of fires and explosions. In any such event, mob violence against American employees appears likely. Moscow is assisting in operating the Khanaqin oil conces- sion relinquished by IPC last fall. There is no confirmation, however, of reports that Baghdad has granted Moscow an offshore concession in the Persian Gulf area also given up by IPC. 9 Apr 59 rpmrom INTFI LIGENCE BULLETIN Page 2 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 LAI %L. z - Nave Am? Possible Attempt to Overthrow Yemeni Crown Prince Badr An attempt will be made by an organized group, composed predominantly of Yemeni army officers in Sana and northern tribal leaders, to depose or assassinate Crown Prince Badr shortly after his return from the UAR, Badr repor e y left Cairo for Yemen on 6 April. The post-Ramadan festivities, starting the night of 8 April and lasting for three or four days, could afford an opportunity for such an attempt. The conspi- ratorial group is said to represent conservative, strongly na- tionalist, and patrician interests who traditionally elect each new Imam and oppose the present Imam's designation of his son as crown prince. They reportedly hope to install the present Imam's brother, Prince Hasan, as either prime minister or Imam. The leaders of the conspiracy are aware that their plan must culminate in a general revolution if the Imam, as is likely, were to take strong counteractiontotheir planned attack on Ba &creased unrest has been evident in Yemen in recent months. In December some officials and army officers sus-. pected of disloyalty were arrested or reassigned, and addi- tional security precautions were taken by the Imam and the crown princ.9 On 28 March, Badr informed the Imam that the Soviet charg�n Cairo had warned him against an alleged Anglo-American conspiracy to bring about a revolt in Yfrnen Radr warned his father to take npopqsary nr Peautions. -Tar SECRET 9 Apr 59 rCkITD A I IhITFI I InFNCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 iiall-IN...011\1-1 A 4.001 NNW Pakistani President Ayub's Ideas for New Constitution alkistani President Ayub is drafting an initial "outline" of a new constitution for Pakistan. He apparently considers his own leadership vital and intends to use his power as pres- ident of the present military regime to promulgate a constitu- tion unilaterally at some unspecified time) Arub envisions a strong central government and a powerful, De Gaulle-type presidency. He intends to be president himself and maintain firm control of the government by limiting popular participation mainly to local matters. As yet undefined concepts, such as making the constitution "Islamic," and long-standing prob- lems, such as the relationship between East and West Pakistan, will encounter divergent views wtthiq the military regime, and some compromises will be required ub may not intend to publicize his proposals until he con- siders that his martial-law regime has at least a minimum rec- ord of instituting reforms and improving governmental effici- ency. At that time, he apparently intends to wage a brief prop- aganda campaign to gain public acceptance of a constitution. He expects to be assisted in this by a constitutional commission which will elicit reactions to the proposeds constitution and which will help persuade the people to accept it.) SECRET 9 Apr 59 CFKITRAI INTRLIGENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 IL t.JL.4 A. La 1 1q11100 Greek Cypriot Extremists Gain Influence (Leaders of the former terrorist organization, EOKA, appear to be gaining a dominant role among Greek Cypriots. On 1 April they announced the establishment of a new right- ist party, the United Democratic Reform Front (EDMA), and were able to persuade Archbishop Makarios o give them strong representation in the transitional cabinet) Despite his recent public pledge to end all political ac- tivity, former EOKA leader George Grivas personally secured the approval of Makarios for the establishment of the ED1VIA. Grivas? followers put pressure on Makarios to nominate EOKA choices for the new cabinet, which will gradually assume responsibil- ity from the British. Makarios apparently revised his original list of appointees following a meeting with former EOKA mem- bers, and placed well-known EOKA leaders in three of the seven posts controlled by the Greek Cypriots. The sympathies of some of the other nominees are apparentl divided in primary allegiance between EDMA and Makarios. While Makarios continues to exert substantial influence, such broad concessions to EOKA will put a strain on the polit- ical truce prevailing among the Greek Cypriots. In contrast to EDMA's strong desire to counter strongly entrenched left- wing elements, Makarios appears anxious to retain at least surface unity among all Greek Cypriots, and reportedly has offered the Communists a fixed number of legislative seats in return for their support. He announced on 3 April that he was urging Governor Foot to end the ban on the Cyprus Communist party, AKEL. Makarios further said that he is including AKEL members in a 50-man consultative committee, which will advise the transitional cabinet. AKEL has the most experienced po- litical organization on Cyprus, but appears to be playing a wait- ing game until non-Communi t Greek Cypriots embroil them- selves in contests for power. The presence of youthful former EOKA terrorist leaders in important cabinet posts, including the Interior Ministry, can be) 9 Apr 59 CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Page 5 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Awe 6xpected to cause Turkish Cypriot apprehension over their ul- timate status. Despite xpressions of intense dis- pleasure at sitting down witn y iing "EOKA thugs;' the Turkish representatives are participating in the provisional cabinet.7 TOP SECRET 9 Apr 59 CrkITI2A1 INTFI I InENCE BULLETIN Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Page 6 II" A���� 1. VII ,1 V � IL V PfrIW I r Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 tope '4010# THE PRESIDENT The Vice President Executive Offices of the White House Special Assistant for National Security Affairs Scientific Adviser to the President Director of the Budget Office of Defense and Civilian Mobilization Special Assistant for Security Operations Coordination Board of Consultants on Foreign Intelligence Activities Special Assistant for Foreign Economic Policy Executive Secretary, National Security Council The Treasury Department The Secretary of the Treasury The Department of State The Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State The Under Secretary of State for Economic Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Political Affairs The Deputy Under Secretary for Administration The Counselor Director, International Cooperation Administration The Director of Intelligence and Research The Department of Defense The Secretary of Defense The Deputy Secretary of Defense Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs The Secretary of the Army The Secretary of the Navy The Secretary of the Air Force The Chairman, The Joint Chiefs of Staff Commandant, United States Marine Corps The Director, The Joint Staff Chief of Staff, United States Army Chief of Naval Operations, United States Navy Chief of Staff, United States Air Force Assistant to Secretary of Defense for Special Operations Director for Intelligence, The Joint Staff Assistant Chief of Staff for Intelligence, Department of the Army Director of Naval Intelligence, Department of the Navy Assistant Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Department of the Air Force Supreme Allied Commander, Europe Commander in Chief, Pacific The Department of the Interior The Secretary of the Interior The Department of Commerce The Secretary of Commerce Federal Bureau of Investigation The Director Atomic Energy Commission The Chairman National Security Agency The Director National Indications Center The Director United States Information Agency The Director r,flATL'ITIVKI"rl A 7 Approved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033 Approved for Release: 20�(02j/21 C03156033 - " �11.013�SECRE-T� � 0� e� 0/y -TOP-SECRE T- immymmym4A pproved for Release: 2020/02/21 C03156033mmf