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September 24, 1957
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Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720/ t.ri- / Z , -40 riz . rtz, 7, f, 4 e CURRENT ef ej INTELLIGENCE DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. )0\ I I DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TStal 0 ei ei /z f.i BULLETIN OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE DATE. 17 _els VREVIEWER: i AU1H: iHire2A* , NEXT REVIEW DATE- LI 0 rf o'l fis ef ei ey ey ejo ez "00 ej e CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY ti If /do ei ej /j roij ,y 4./ r.., if /1 ro�rjd /./ F7/ ,i 4/ fy iz 4/ ej ei rij ey ey 'id ' ej ei ei ey ejo ez ei ei ejo ez r. rif Tor SECRET il / A , 3.3(h)(2) 3.5(c) 24 September 1957 Copy No. 136 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 *4.1�0 %110 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 TOP SECRET Nige- CONTENTS 1. SYRIAN ARMY REPORTEDLY EXPECTS ATTACK :page 3). 2. SYRIAN MINISTER SEEKS $2009000,000 PRIVATE AMER- ICAN LOAN (page 4). 5Lje_ 3. JORDANIAN GOVERNMENT PLANS TO CONVENE PARLIAMENT (page 5). 4. ZHUKOV TO VISIT YUGOSLAVIA (page 6). 5. YUGOSLAVS REPORTEDLY TO RECOGNIZE EAST GERMAN REGIME (page 7). 24 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 N.0 TOP SECRET 1. SYRIAN ARMY REPORTEDLY EXPECTS ATTACK The Syrian general staff expects "trouble or attack" within the next two weeks some reservists have been recalled to active duty and others are to be recalled by 28 September, all leaves have been canceled, and troops report- edly have been moved northward toward Aleppo. Training of the popular resistance organization has been intensified Comment The activities reported would be in line with Syrian press reports of defensive measures, including the imposition of a curfew on road travel in northern Syria. 24 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 11110000NFIDENTIAL 2. SYRIAN MINISTER SEEKS $200,000,000 PRIVATE AMERICAN LOAN Syrian Minister of Public Works Kayyali approached an American bank official on 17 September for a $200,000,000 loan for various Syrian public works schemes. Kayyali said he preferred not to have the USSR finance all of Syria's development projects, even if the USSR' were will- ing to do so. When asked why he did not approach the Inter- national Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Kayyali replied that Syria needs to borrow the entire cost of several projects, rather than only the foreign exchange costs. Comment Kayyali has been in the vanguard of those promoting closer economic relations with the Soviet Union. He was the minister who pushed through the Czech refinery deal and reportedly benefited financially for his efforts. Kayyali is probably making an approach to the West "for the record" in order to support charges that the West re- fuses assistance and therefore Syria is forced to turn to the Soviet Union. It is possible, however, that Kayyali is actually trying to establish a pattern of neutrality by seeking help from both sides. 24 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDENTIALApproved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Naii0 SECRET voi 3. JORDANIAN GOVERNMENT PLANS TO CONVENE PARLIAMENT The Jordanian cabinet has decided with King Hussayn's approval to convene the existing Jordanian parliament on 1 Octo- ber rather than call new elections or con- tinue to rule exclusively by martial law The cabinet expects that six opposition members of parliament will not return from exile in Syria, and hopes to obtain court convictions against three more. This would leave 31 members of the lower house, of whom only five signed the anti-Western Nablus declaration during last spring's crisis. Comment The government apparently hopes that, with the most dangerous opposition leaders out of action, it can evade attempts to overthrow it. however, recently reported widespread discontent and disillusionment in both East and West Jordan over government policies, as well as disgruntlement in the army over its internal security role. While the convening of parliament may not signal an immediate outburst of opposition, the volume of overt criticism and subversive activity is almost certain to grow rapidly unless the government scores some more striking success than it has yet produced. 24 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Mai �SEC�RE-T vrapir 4. ZHUKOV TO VISIT YUGOSLAVIA Comment on: -Soviet Defense Minister Zhukov's sched- uled visit to Yugoslavia on 8 October probably is another Soviet effort to achieve a greater understanding between Yugoslavia and the Soviet bloc rather than an indication of the conclusion of a military assistance agreement between Bel- grade and Moscow. Zhukov is the logical exponent of the Soviet position that steps toward further liberalization in the satellites must proceed with caution for security reasons. While Belgrade understands Moscow's desire to move slowly in this area in view of the lessons learned in Hungary, the sooner some satellite re- gimes are able to manifest a further degree of independence the more secure Tito will feel in his rapprochement with the USSR. The Yugoslav press describes the visit of Zhukov and several accompanying generals and admirals as re- turning the one made last June to the USSR by Yugoslav Defense Secretary Gosnjak. There was no indication at that time that the supplying of military materiel was seriously discussed, al- though the USSR has periodicall indicated a desire to supply the Yugoslays with MIG's. 24 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 -51reIRLF-T-, - Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720 SECRET 5. YUGOSLAVS REPORTEDLY TO RECOGNIZE EAST GERMAN REGIME Belgrade has advised its representative Bonn that It will extend de jure recognition to East Germany h�itlj. The Yugoslav embassy believes that Bonn will break relations with Belgrade as a result. Comment Bel- grade would follow its tormai enaor ement on 16 September of the Oder-Neisse line with recognition of the East German regime. Such a move would eliminate an outstand- ing issue between Belgrade and Moscow in the foreign policy field. Recognition of East Germany would probably disrupt Belgrade's favorable relations with Bonn, particularly in the economic area, and significantly increase Western suspicions regarding Yugoslav protestations that Belgrade intends to pursue an independent course of action. Polish Deputy Foreign Minister Naszkowski told Ambassador Beam in Warsaw on 21 September that Yugoslav recog- nition of East Germany is not "immediately imminent," although the Poles had made distinct progress in creating a more sympa- thetic attitude toward East Germany in Yugoslavia. 24 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153720