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September 21, 1957
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pproved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719, J. V.Z r/: � CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.5(c) 21 September 1957 Copy No. 136 3.3(h)(2) DOCUMENT NO. 1,!0 IN CLASS. 1 1 liE.C1_ASSFIED CLASS. CHANaiD TO: 1,6 IC NE>fri RF.1.VIEW DATE: ;2 E) ____Ltnto- AUTH: H 70-2 DAT REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY .64 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 NoilV Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2919/1.2/10 C031537r19 NEW CONTENTS 1. TURKISH MILITARY FULLY PREPARED FOR ACTION AGAINST SYRIA (page 3). 2VORORILOV NOTE TO SHAH OF IRAN ')-Lo (page 4). 21 3' BRITAIN READY TO INVITE YEMENI CROWN PRINCE TO ,4!) LONDON FOR BORDER TALKS (page 5). 4. EXTENT OF PLANNED SOVIET OIL EXPLORATION IN NORTHERN AFGHANISTAN REVEALED (page 6). 5. BURMA READY TO MAKE OVERT,PPROACHES FOR AMERICAN MILITARY AIDE (page 7). 6. JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTER TO DISCUSS "TWO CHINAS" SOLUTION IN LONDON (page 8). 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 NIMO L TURKISH MILITARY FULLY PREPARED FOR ACTION AGAINST SYRIA Turkey has, or will have within the hext few days, enough manpower, weapons, and air strength in position in southern Turkey for any military action it may de- sire to undertake against Syria. There are now in position in the Iskenderun- Kirikhan-Gaziantep area, or on the way, one infantry division, two infantry regi- ments, two armored brigades, eight ar- tillery battalions, two signal battalions, and transport and engineer units unidentified as to size. This adds up to approximately 33,000 men with sufficient transport to move them. Air strength in the southern area of Turkey has been augmented by at least two and probably three jet fighter- bomber squadrons, with at least one other such squadron on a 45-minute alert for movement south. Napalm tanks and "mix," fragmentation bombs, and 5-inch rockets were loaded during the period 13-17 September for shipment to unknown destina- tions. When a Turkish general at an air base was queried by the American air attache as to the "maneuver area" where the local supply of 5-inch rockets would be used, the gen- eral responded "Syria." there have been minor incidents on the frontier involving Turks and Syrians. 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 TflP CreiPPT Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 �Approved for Release: ,2019/12/10 C03153719 2. VOROSHILOV NOTE TO SHAH OF IRAN Comment on: Soviet President Voroshilov's note of 17 September to the Shah of Iran prob- ably was intended to impress upon the th Soviet Union's continued con- e r s r events in Syria and to warn him against supporting any military ac- tion against that country. Voroshilov stated the USSR "cannot remain indiffer- ent toward the dangerous course of events in the vicinity of its borders," and characterized alleged West- ern intentions to bring down the Syrian government by a "single lightning blow" as "adventurous and extraordinarily dangerous." Voroshilov's note followed recent Soviet warnings to Turkey and Israel and preceded by one day the USSR's announcement of "friendship calls" to be made by a Soviet cruiser and destroyer to the Syrian port of Latakia. The Iranian reply to this note will prob- ably not be so resolute as that planned by the Turkish govern- ment to the recent Bulganin note. The note may have the ef- fect of increasing the Shah's demands for additional American military equipment and support. 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 'MP SPC.RET Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 DL LILl mo0 3. BRITAIN READY TO INVITE YEMENI CROWN PRINCE TO LONDON FOR BORDER TALKS Comment on: Britain's favorable response on 18 Sep- tember to Yemen's offer to send Crown Prince Badr to London suggests that there will probably be a quiet period on the Aden-Yemen border while preparations for the talks are made. The British For- eign Office told the Yemeni charg�hat Badr's visit would be welcome in early November if Yemen in the meantime ceased armed attacks and subversion and withdrew from the Shuqair plateau, which the British promised not to reoccupy. The Yemeni forces have withdrawn, according to an Aden government communiqu�f 19 September. London now apparently accepts Yemeni assurances of a desire to reach some settlement and evidently believes Badr's visit would be the most advantageous way at present of achieving at least a temporary peace along the bor- der and bettering Britain's propaganda position in the Arabian peninsula. Yemen probably believes the visit will enhance its prestige. 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Nei EXTENT OF PLANNED SOVIET OIL EXPLORATION IN NORTHERN AFGHANISTAN REVEALED The program for oil exploration by the USSR in northern Afghanistan, which was announced at the conclu- sion of King Zahir's visit to Moscow on 30 July, apparently is much more extensive than pre- viously indicated. The plan envisages geological and geo- physical surveys and the drilling of 16 wells during a four- veal period, A Soviet loan, presumably under the $100,0009000 Soviet credit, will cover tlie foreign exchange costs of about $890002000 for 48 drilling rigs and other equipment and about $2,500,000 for bloc technicians' salaries. The pro- gram will employ 88 technicians in the first year, the num- ber to rise to 127 by the last year. Foreign Minister Naim had told the American ambassador in Kabul that "only five" Soviet tech- nicians would come to Afghanistan. On 3 September, he had repeated an earlier request for US oil exploration assist- ance in southern Afghanistan. As reported previously, Afghanistan has also requested American assistance in uranium exploration. 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 �1-� I ,ftrov 5. BURMA READY TO MAKE OVERT APPROACHES FOR AMERICAN MILITARY AID The American ambassador in Rangoon reports that top Burmese officials, in- creasingly disturbed by the political onsequences of their failure to achieve ene s ex under independence, now are openly ask- ing for American Military assistance. The ambassador points out such approaches are a significant departure from the pre- vious Burmese methods of indicating need for arms. Comment The Burmese government's present policy is based on the assumption that economic development is dependent on the prior establish- ment of law and order. Increased emphasis on internal security, for which additional arms are required, has re- sulted in cutbacks in spending on economic development. The Burmese approaches have been made with a full realization that acceptance of American arms would invite strong Chinese Communist reaction. 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page? Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719 1 6. JAPANESE FOREIGN MINISTER TO DISCUSS "TWO CHINAS" SOLUTION IN LONDON Comment on: During his visit to London in late Sep- tember, Japanese Foreign Minister Fujiyama will discuss the "two Chinas" solution to the Far Eastern impasse, The Kishi government is fully aware that Taipei and Peiping persistently oppose the "two Chinas" solu- tion and that London has little reason to support it. Success in fostering recognition of Communist China by a majority of UN members, however, would justify Tokyo's extending the full recognition which Peiping has indicated is necessary for max- imum Sino-Japanese trade. 21 Sept 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 rr" n crinDr,r1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/10 C03153719