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�Approved for Release: 2019/1-2/04 C03153708 1 'OP lt,E; 1 � r CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN tt . 00 30 June 1957 00 00 ef 00 Copy :11`T-0.;:r--/3-7-1/ lie 3.5(c) 4 ef 3.3(h)(2) 00 ef if ef DOCUMENT NO. ef NO CHANGE IN CLASS. k----- ey 111 DECLASSIFIED orl CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS S C ej NEXT REVIEW DATE: - e AUTH: 70- DAT REVIEWER: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY T /3/74 V" VA � Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 1 1....!!>3.CLIXE. %NV SIC CONTENTS HE 1957 CHINESE COMMUNIST BUDGET (page 3). 2. ISRAELI-SYRIAN BORDER TENSION (page 4). 3. SOVIET GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFT REPORTED DELIV- ERED TO YEMEN (page 5). 6 4. CARDINAL WYSZYNSKI TO PRESS FOR NEW CONCESSIONS FROM POLISH REGIME (page 6). 5, SOUTH KOREA AGAIN BLOCKS AGREEMENT WITH JAPAN (page 7). / 6. REVISED NEW ZEALAND DEFENSE POLICY 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP ECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 (page 8). Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 (411,tyt4MIN114Li 1� THE 1957 CHINESE COMMUNIST BUDGET Comment on: Finance Minister Li Hsien-nien has presented to the Chinese Communist National People's Congress an austerity budget designed to lay a "solid foundation" for the Second Five-Year Plan, to be launched in 1958. Expenditures and revenues in the 1957 budget will total $11.9 billion, slightly under last year's figures. Last year's budget resulted in a sizable deficit; and to achieve a balance this year, the regime plans to reduce defense spending by just under 10 percent, to about $2.25 billion. Administrative expenditures will also be cut. Investments in fixed assets are to be sliced by more than 20 percent, although the amount to be spent will still be larger than in any other year of the First Five-Year Plan except 1956. The priority of heavy industry remains the "guiding principle" of industrial investment, but even here, investment has been cut by 8 percent. While asserting that the people's purchas- ing power would be at least as high as it was last year, the minister implied that further increases in prices might be nec- essary during the year. He added that the salaries of certain officials, who have come under attack for high living in the cur- rent "contradictions" campaign, would be "appropriately" low- ered. Li also revealed that deliveries of equip- ment to China under the terms of loans from the Soviet Union lagged substantially behind schedule in 1956. In addition, for- eign loans China anticipates receiving in 1957 will be only one fifth of the 1956 level, while loans extended by China to other countries will increase by one quarter this year. 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin CONE TIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Page 3 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 .......11,......177-1.A.+11L.La I NW' 2. ISRAELI-SYRIAN BORDER TENSION Comment on: Tension remains high along the Syrian Israeli border. The past two weeks have been marked by a series of inci- dents including the killing of an Israeli engineer and a young Israeli woman. A UN observer has informed the American army attache in Damascus that on 25 June he saw a new Israeli military camp with an estimated two companies of troops about 10 miles west of the Syrian border north of Lake Tiberias. Such activity raises the possibility that Israel may resume the policy of making reprisal raids which it followed before the Sinai cam- paign last fall. However, the American military attache in Tel Aviv has reported that as of 28 June only routine military train- ing activities had been noted there. American observers in both Israel and Syria speculate that the border incidents may be due to a de- sire of Syrian leftists to keep their country in a state of tension to cover possible political moves as well as to trigger-ha troops operating in unpleasantly hot and dry weather. 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP CRE T Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 ;3/14C.LimEi VW, vftsie 3, SOVIET GROUND ATTACK AIRCRAFT REPORTED DELIVERED TO YEMEN Comment The IL-10, a single piston-engine air- craft, is well adapted to the kind of warfare Yemen has been engaged in against the British. While obsolete 'by both, Soviet and Western standards, it is currently employed in a ground attack role by Commu- nist China. Although no match for British jet fighters based in Aden, such an airplane, if effectively piloted, could prob- ably inflict considerable damage on British armored car pa- trols and troops of native Aden levies. 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 4, CARDINAL WYSZYNSKI TO PRESS FOR NEW CONCESSIONS FROM POLISH REGIME At a conference of Polish bishops con- vened on 25 June following his return from the Vatican, Cardinal Wyszynski announced his intention to press the re- gime for additional concessions, as well as to hold it to the spirit and letter of the December church-state agreement. the cardinal has already demanded the resumption of church control over the Catholic charitable organization, and will press for the return of church properties and the right freely to publish religious material. Wyszynski told the bishops that the Pope has approved the appointment of ten new bishops including those the cardinal had proposed for the former German territories. Comment In approving the appointment of bishops to the former German territories, the church has made its only gesture of conciliation toward the Polish gov- ernment since Wyszynski went to Rome. Vatican circles re- portedly had strong misgivings about the church-state rapproche- ment in Poland. Wyszynski apparently convinced them that his strong influence over the Polish people has successfully pre- vented public outbursts against Soviet domination and possible Soviet intervention, a fact which will be a major asset in his at- tempts to exact further concessions from the regime. The Polish United Workers' (Communist) Party is on record, however, as opposing nonreligious activities of the church, presumably in- cluding charitable and publishing activities. 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 A k."1- 'tali Noe' 5. SOUTH KOREA AGAIN BLOCKS AGREEMENT WITH JAPAN Comment on: South Korea is attempting to gain fur- ther concessions from Japan before agreeing to an exchange of detainees and a resumption of formal negotiations for an over-all settlement between the two countries the American interpretation of the Japanese peace treaty would be disregarded in settling Korea's claims against Japan. The American interpretation states in essence that since Japan has renounced all property claims against Korea, Korea's claims against Japan are reduced. Previously both sides had apparently agreed with this interpretation. Kim also said that President Rhee is willing to release all Japanese fishermen, including those who have not completed their sen- tences, if Japan would agree to the changes. President Rhee appears to have resorted to his usual technique of increasing demands when agreement appears imminent. the Japanese Justice Ministry wants to file deporta- tion orders against the Korean mission in Japan if Seoul does not accept the proposed agreement. 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP CRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708 6. REVISED NEW ZEALAND DEFENSE POLICY The American embassy in Welling- ton reports that the revised defense policy announced by the New Zealand government on 12 June represents a revolution in New Zealand's military thinking. New Zealand now plans to send a full battalion to Malaya to replace an air force squadron of 150 volunteers, and to establish there-- for the first time--an overseas headquarters. It will also maintain a small but effective mobile force at home for use in Southeast Asia. In addition, semitrained conscripts will be kept in readiness for mobilization and overseas deploy- ment in an emergency. The new defense proposals have received general approval, despite their call for increased expendi- tures. They reflect New Zealand's recognition that its role in promoting collective security must be limited to the contribu- tion of conventional forces, while relying on the United States and United Kingdom for nuclear deterrent. The embassy be- lieves the plan is the first step toward integration with Aus- tralian forces and toward close co-ordination with United States defense planning. Considerations of public sentiment have prevented a radical departure from present defense ties with the United Kingdom, Comment The defense plans indicate a departure from New Zealand's past reluctance to spend money on defense. While calling for some re-equip- ment, New Zealand has not yet adopted Australia's decision to re-equip with American materiel, although such a step in the future is probable. 30 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153708