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June 27, 1957
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for e d .u.oz04C 003z7 oor CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 27 June 1957 "P"R)* 134 3.5(c) .#;# DOCUMENTGcHANE ,NNo. N Istc [1 DECLASSIFIED CLASS. CHANGED TO: TS NEXT REVIEW DATP: ADUATTEH.: Hd, 0-2 EVIEWE OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY CO/.7/7/ , 'ET JO/ Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 et Ind, irh lam< Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 NIS CONTENTS -LAI SPEECH TO NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS page 3). 2 GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION. POLITICAL CRISIS SEEN (j" IMMINENT IN SOUTH KOREA (page 5). INDIA_ 1.E_QIUESTS $700,000,000 LOAN FROM UNITED KING- () DOM (page 6). ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF SYRIAN COMMUNIST LEADER (page 7). 27 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 7-rarraar Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 Nue 1. CHOU EN- LA! SPEECH TO NATIONAL PEOPLE'S CONGRESS The official Chinese Communist summary of Chou En-lai's 30,000-word address to the National People's Congress on 26 June suggests that Chou's annual report did little more than reaffirm established positions on questions of foreign and domestic policy. Chou declared that during the past year the international situation has been developing along lines "bene- ficial to peace" despite constant threats posed by American "imperialist policy." As major factors in this development, he cited "reasonable" Soviet proposals for arms limitation, the growing importance of the Asian-African countries, the in- creasing Japanese demands for "independence," and the Taiwan riots. In line with Peiping's continuing emphasis on Sino-Soviet bloc unity, Chou asserted that solidarity had grown, not weakened, following the Hungarian rebellion. Facts, he said, prove that unity based on "proletarian internationalism and equal- ity" cannot be destroyed by provocations. He praised Soviet economic assistance for Communist China, declaring that Pei- ping's achievements were "inseparable" from Soviet help and "expert guidance." He expressed "heartfelt thanks" for Russian aid and promised that Communist China would continue to "learn seriously" from the Soviet Union and all other Socialist coun- tries. On the economic side,Chou revealed that overspending in 1956 and a poor agricultural showing, which he blamed on the "worst weather in several decades," had resulted in a budget deficit of $750,000,000 at the end of that year. Sur- pluses left over from previous years covered only a part of the deficit, forcing the regime to borrow and issue currency to cover the remainder. This is the first year since 1950 that the regime has admitted the need of a currency issue to cover a deficit. Chou 27 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 COMIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 Nimp, Nal said that the Chinese Communists plan to achieve a balance in the 1957 budget by increasing revenues and reducing ex- penditures, including a cut of 20 percent for investment in fixed assets. On domestic political matters, Chou ad- mitted that the Communists had executed about one in six "counterrevolutionatiest! arrestedbefore 1952. Communist statements at the time indicated a much higher ratio than this and a total greater than the 800,000 executions reported in unofficial versions of Mao's "secret" speech. Chou de- fended the "few cases" which had been mishandled by claim- ing that Communist achievements were "fundamental," while errors were "individual." Chou repeated last year's promise of a government decentralization program which would encourage local initiative "under central leadership." He warned that the regime will not tolerate any efforts to undermine the "people's democratic dictatorship," the only system, he said,which can insure the "victory of socialism." He reiterated the standard Chinese Communist exhortation against "doctrinaire" methods but asserted the necessity for refuting the views of "revision- ists" that the "universal truths of Marxism" and Soviet experi- ence should be repudiated as "mere dogma." 27 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 CONFIDE AL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 2. GOVERNMENT REORGANIZATION, POLITICAL CRISIS SEEN IMMINENT IN SOUTH KOREA Ambassador Dowling reports that South Korea's Liberal Party is ex- pected shortly to start action on a constitutional amendment which will deprive Vice President Chang Myon of the right to succeed to the presidency. He states that this could result in the most serious internal political crisis in Korea since the presidential election crisis in 1952. The Liberal Party proposes to establish a modified parliamentary system by restoring the office of prime minister and providing that the incumbent would suc- ceed to the presidency pending a new election within 90 days. The office of the vice president would be abolished at the end of the present term. Until that time, Chang would preside over an upper house to be composed of representatives se- lected by the lower house and local assemblies. The cabinet and prime minister would be responsible to the lower house. Dowling reports that President Rhee ap- parently has not yet given his final approval, but he believes this is only a temporary delay. The Liberals hope to announce the amendment in July, and secure passage in August. The opposition Democrats are expected to resist vigorously any attempt to undermine Chang's position, and may resort to violent demonstrations. They are not com- pletely united on the issue, however, since many are attracted by the prospect of a coalition government under a parliamentary system as opposed to a perhaps futile effort to defend Chang's right to succeed Rhee. The Liberals also reportedly plan to withdraw objectionable features of proposed amendments to the National Election Law if the opposition will not obstruct the con- stitutional amendment. 27 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 CO.NFID 'TIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 inn Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 viese 3. INDIA REQUESTS $700,000,000 LOAN FROM UNITED KINGDOM Comment The size of the requested loan indicates the seriousness of the developing finan- cial crisis in India. In the past the Indians have taken the position that while they would discuss offers of aid,they would not solicit such assistance. Indian foreign exchange reserves, which were scheduled to decline by $420,000,000 during the Second Five-Year Plan (1956-61), have fallen by $571,000,000 in the first 15 months of the plan, and would have declined even more if India had not borrowed $200,000,000 from the International Monetary Fund. To pay for the large amounts of industrial equipment already contracted for in foreign countries, India will be forced to reduce drastically the foreign exchange back- ing for its currency, which might cause a financial panic in India. Since neither the UK nor Canada is likely to supply the funds now being requested, India probably will approach the United States for large-scale assistance in the near future. 27 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 SK ET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 erriAri Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705 4. ATTEMPTED ASSASSINATION OF SYRIAN COMMUNIST LEADER, , Comment This is the second attempt on the life of a leftist leader in Syria to be reported in the past two weeks. Col. Mustafa Hamdun, an extreme left- wing supporter of Col. Sarraj, was attacked on 10 June. 27 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03153705