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Publication Date: 
November 26, 1953
PDF icon MOVEMENTS OF POLISH SHIPS[15687182].pdf218.09 KB
Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 aria/ 51-48 CONANTIAL SECURITY I FORMATION CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY INFORMATION REPORT COUNTRY Poland/Germany ,(Federalliepublic)ium/Netherlands/UK I_ SUBJECT Movements of Polish Ships in Hamburg !iarbor,-March- August 1953. DATE OF INFO 4/4arch-August 1953 I : DOCUMPIT CONTAINS INFORNATIOn APF4CTInO NI NATIONAL DIPANS OF TN USITSD S T SSSS . WI TAI,N TNA !MOANING OF TITLI II. 114cTions 7sS *110 714. OF TOO O.S. C0141, Al *1.5100(0. ITS TAMINISsion OA Ruts. DATION OF ITS CI:INTUITS TOI OR R&CIIPTIY An UN...00111M PcASON IS THIS IS UNEVALUATED INFORMATION REPORT NO. RESPONSIVE TO 1 I. 2 CO NO. 00/C NO. ORR NO. OAS NO. , OCI NO. DATE DISTR..26Ncv 1953 NO. OF PAGES3 NO. OF ENCLS. SUPP. TO REPORT NO. : The following Polish chips visited the port of Hamburg between March and August 1953: , I (a) s BRYGADAMAKOWSEIEGO (1,700 BET) arrived from Gdynia on 3 Apr 53 ani, tied up at the Czech wharf 41 A. Cargo consisted of 650 tons of brelfers' qC0 tons were unloaded in Hamburg. She left next morning forlAnt- werp, here the remaining cargo vas to be unloaded. She took on ne new 14 crew in HaMburgL (b) a/S.JEDNOSC ROBOTNICZA (2,000 BET) arrived in Hamburg for the first time 111 -.18 Vies- 53 from Gdynia. Cargo consisted of 2,300 tons of barley. She nloaded 1,300 ;on in Hamburg, the rest being destined for Rotterdam, and left after only eigh-ahours. No shore leave was granted the crew. (c) Is KUNO arrived ,froM Gdynia on 23 Mar. 53 carrying 2,500 tons of barley, .r which 1,000 tons, were unloaded on the Kuehwerder Wharf. On 24 March she - lent to Rotterdam to un:Ipad the rest of the barley without taking on any OW .cargo. (d) 1.(s,11/1.1111111. arrived from Gdansk on 2� 53 and unloaded her whole cargo onsisting of 217 ton a of onions (about Qne-fourthof her capacity). In iamburg she took Oa 200 tons of galvanized ware, ammonie. and piece goods. , lith thin she left for Gdynia. This was her first visit to Hamburg; after period of repdira at Newcastle. , gain, WP.RMIA arrived from Antwerp on 15 May -vrith a cargo of 700 tons of ron scrap, to Which She added 350 tons of iron pipes at Hamburg. dhe ater sailed for Poland. 'n6 June WARia/i called at Homburg again on her way from Gdynia and un- oaded her whole cargo consisting of 393 tons of eggs. � CONF TI/CL SECURITY INFORMATION Tina =pork la; fer the use within the USA of the Intelligence components of the Departments or Agencies Indicated above. It is not to be transmitted overseas without ecacurrence of the originating 'office through the Assistant Director of the Office of Collsction and Dissemination, CIA, , Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 1 1 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 : CONFIDENTIALI 1 SECURITY INFORMATION 2. (e) s/s SLASK came to Hamburg in the second week Of1March 1953 from New- castle and Rotterdam. She discharged 200 tons Of iron pipes and sheet iron, another 600 tons of same remaining on boa' d: In Hamburg the SLASK took on in addition 300 tons of machine parts and !piece goods, after which she proceeded to Gdynia. ; , On 15 May s/s MASK arrived from An werp withac)a.rgo of 700 tons of . . ! Iron scrap. She took on. at Hamburg 350 tons of Iron pipes. 1 11 Later /'ate not specified _7 SLASic arrived frOm Gdynia, unloaded 500 tons of eggs (her whole cargo) and dm 2 June ProCeeded to Rotterdam in ballast. � � .1! s/s LUBLIN (1408 BRT) arrived from Gdynia on 1 1.1ot 53 carrying 21500 � tons of onions, sweets, paper and *laX. Seven, hundred tons were un- loaded at Hamburg, and 90 tons of anchon'chains,1Capstans and shellac were taken aboard. With this cargo 'tha Ship leftHfor the port of Hull. . , � � t!, � ' ! s/s LUBLIN's next visit to1HamburgwaS on ,18 April! ., also from Gdynia. She unloaded her entire cargo 200 tons of eggs; and returned to Gdynia. � � ! � On 12 May s/s LUBLIN arrived in HaMburg with, 625 tons of eggs and piece. goods. She discharged 500 tons ofie4igs at the!rnigerator building in , - Rosshafen. Then the ship moved to , the Cech1wharf; loaded some small but apparently important cargo and Aeft for Rotterdam. , � ! 11 , � s/s LUBLIN arrived again in :Hamburg on 2'2 JUne;, tied up in the Grenzcanal and unloaded 300 tons of eggs, sugar andilpaper. The remainder of this cargo was taken to Rotterdam the next day. , , � � 1, , , � (g) as BIALYSTOK came to Homburg on 27iMay, loaded seven tons of bed feathers, and tied up at the Deutsche T,,erft foreXtensive overhaul � and repairs which would last at least a month. !She ',carried a skeleton crew, a little over half the usual Strength. ! 11 : (11)1! sic MAZURY called at Hamburg at the 1beginning of May, and unloaded her whole cargo of 260 tons of onions, enamelimare and glass. Then she left immediately in ballast for South Shields in EnglandWhere she was to be insper�ted and repaired. I On 5 June s/s MAZURY arrived from Rotterdam carrying 1 (i) mis CZECH ( 3649 BRT) came from Gdynia on16 May, leaded to only half her cap- acity with eggs, preserved meat and eome piece goods At Hamburg she un- loaded 600 tons of eggs and some piece goods. She then proceeded to Antwerp to unload the rest. 1, m/s CZECH made a second visit, to HaMbung at the end of May unloading all her cargo, 1,200 tons of eggs and some piece oOds.I lOn the evening of 27 : May the ship left for Rotterdam in ballast; nO1shore1leave had been given the crew. (a) c/s LECH arrived from Gdynia on 27 June and unloaded her cargo of 900 tons of eggs at the refrigerator building, after Which she left immediately' for Antwerp. (k) m s PIAST made her first call at Hamburg from czecn on 18 August and unloaded her whole cargo, 2,500 tons of sugar. ! On 221 August she left for an unknown destination. 564 tons of piece goods (1) ! 1, m/s MICKIEWICZ (4345 BRT) arrived from Gdynia on 11 144y, travelling in ballast, and tied up at the Deutsche Werftfon rePainato engines and refrigerator repair to last about three 'weeks. :ohe Carried only about two-thirds her usual crew. : I! � � I CONFIDMITIAL SECURITY INFORMAr.UION 1 1 I 1 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 ' CONFIDEalTIAL sgcunrey INFORMATIMI 3. ;71 in/s HUGO KOLAT.A.1 (13765 P,RT) arrived at -1.:he end of Aril with very iitl�argo. H; The 'hu1k-.3119 tons, maitily eggs. tom sugar-was unIce.ded . at Haiburg.. The ship rias moved to the Deutsche Werft for -repaiTs.1 The � crew-wasgilren 'shore leave but warned to Istay 'on the western hank Of klbe and. ,�Onll,to cress to Hamburg in groUps. At the beginning of May , the shwasready to sail again." � I ' -end.- CONFIDIINTIAL SEOORITY INFORMATION Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596 Approved for Release: 2019/07/30 C03152596