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Approved for Release:,2019/12/04 C03150424, f /./ ,fVfezdjiM:3A CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 22 June 1957 Copy No. DOCUMENT NO NO CHANGE iN DECL.C.J.';5:1FIT:r.) CLASS. CH,AC.7.F.D T NEXT PE-VIEW UTF-: _ AUTH: Hfl OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP CRET c /#s'L 3.5(c) / 3.3(h)(2)�� /#4 W/75ffia Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 .A�*Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 I (Jr-LUKE, I do n CONTENTS . THE SYRIAN SITUATION (page 3). ) 2. BEN-GURION'S VIEWS ON ARAB-ISRAELI PROBLEMS (page 4). . TURKISH 7107.L ELECTIONS TO BE ADVANCED TO FALL (page 5). 4. POLISH-EAST GERMAN COMMUNIQUES (page 6). lb 5. BOURGES-MAUNOURY FACING CONFIDENCE VOTE (page 7). t166. CHINESE COMMUNISTS MOVE JET BOMBERS INTO SOUTHEAST CHINA (page 8). 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 "NNW' 1. THE SYRIAN SITUATION Comment on: Rumors persist in Syria that the army might attempt to seize power. The Turkish military attache has informed the American military at- tache that the period of greatest danger will be after the departure of President Quwatli for Switzerland, sometime within the next week. The recent attempt to assassinate CoL Mustafa Hamdun, one of Col, Sarray s strongest military supporters, has increased tension. The arrest of two Com- munists on the spot as suspects indicates that the attack may have been planned by the Communists to precipitate a move against the right by the ultranationalist leftists in the army. Akram Hawrani, leader of the Baath Party, stated on 18 June that the army will avoid a direct assumption of power in the near future unless there is a breakdown of internal order or outside intervention, Hawrani added that Syria lacked any officer of sufficient stature to head the government. While these views suggest there will be no coup, they do not exclude the possibility that the leftist military group would try to install a civilian figurehead.such as Defense Minister Azm, as an army front. 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 SE Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 I Li LUKE. / 2. BEN-GURION'S VIEWS ON ARAB-ISRAELI PROBLEMS Reference: rime Minister Ben-Gurion has de- ied King Saud's charges that Israeli hips have violated Saudi waters and ired into Saudi territory. Ben-Gurion told US embassy officials he visited Eilat to investigate the charges and is convinced that they are unfounded. He added that he had ordered Israeli naval units there to desist from exercises which might give Saud a pretext for further com- plaints. Saudi messages from the Aqaba area indicate that in recent weeks Israeli naval and air forces have engaged in what the Saudis have considered provoca- tive maneuvers. Ben-Gurion said that preconditions for a settlement must be Arab realization that Israel is strong enough both militarily and economically to survive as a state, and emergence of Arab leaders more interested in human wel- fare than in their personal aggrandizement. Foreign Minister Meir has already expressed Israel's concern over the manner in which King Saud's leadership has increased Arab-Israeli tensions� Ben- Gurion said that the Arab refugee problem must be part of an over-all settlement and that Israel could not be expected to repatriate Arab refugees when it is still committed to provide refuge for the Jews in Arab coun- tries and the Soviet Satellites. He asserted that Israel would develop its share of the Jordan River waters with or without Arab consent. The water plan is regarded as essential to de- velopment of the Negev region, where the Israelis hope to settle future immigrants. 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin TOP S RE7 Page 4 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Atir./ 3. TURKISH NATIONAL ELECTIONS TO BE ADVANCED TO FALL Comment Turkish national elections will prob- ably be held this fall instead of next spring, the secretary general of the Turkish Foreign Ministry told Amer- ican officials in Ankara on 20 June. This information gives substance to persistent rumors that the Turkish elections were to be advanced. Prime Minister Menderes is concerned over the inroads the opposition parties, es- pecially the Freedom Party, have made in the provinces, the traditional stronghold of the incumbent Democratic Party. Menderes also probably believes the advantages he would enjoy this fall may be diminished by next spring, largely as the result of increased inflation and shortages of essential imports. 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 (AJ1VrI1JP hAL NNW 4. POLISH-EAST GERMAN COMMUNIQUES Comment on: Emphasis on unity and solidarity char- acterizes the bland communiqu�released following three days of talks between Po- lish and East German party and govern- ment leaders in East Berlin. The commu- niqu�try to make it appear that harmonious relations exist between the two parties which have been at odds since Gomulka came to power in Poland last October. The fact, however, that there are still un- resolved differences between the Poles and East Germans is emphatically pointed up by the omission of the usual Satellite reference to the leading role of the Soviet Union among Commu- nist states and the failure to endorse the Soviet position on the Hungarian revolution. Moreover, the communiques took spe- cial cognizance of Communist China's contribution to bloc-wide socialist development. Although affirming that the "basic principles of socialist construction are common to all countries," the par, communiqu�vidences some flexibility on the part of both the Poles and East Germans, stating that "these principles should be applied in a creative manner, taking into account the histor- ically formed conditions in each country...." This statement, while stopping somewhat short of the Polish separate roads to socialism thesis, goes further than the East Germans have been willing to go in the past. At the same time, all Communist and workers' parties were exhorted to watch over their "ideological purity" and "determinedly combat distortions, both revisionIst and dogmatic." The communiqu�contained the usual Soviet bloc position on German reunification and the threat of German militarism, and reasserted the permanency of the Oder-Neisse frontier. They also called for an understanding with all states bordering the Baltic to make it "a sea of peace," suggesting a revival of earlier Communist proposals for a conference of Baltic powers. 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin CONFID IAL Page 6 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 WA. VI' I' ILA UJE. %JIM BOURGES-MAUNOURY FACING CONFIDENCE VOTE Premier Bourges-Maunoury has been authorized by the cabinet to make his fiscal program a confidence measure in the vote expected on 24 June. The main threat to the program lies in the as yet unresolved conflict on fiscal policy between the Socialists and moderate right. Popular Republican support for the gov- ernment is anticipated since this group has been promised assembly consideration of the European integration treaties on 2 July. The American embassy in Paris estimates that the assembly's desire to pass the government's fiscal and integration programs will save the cabinet. However, the gov- ernment survived the procedural vote on the assembly agenda only by accepting Communist support, an indication that its position is "extremely precarious." 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin FOR OFFICIA SE ONLY Page 7 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 kJ ..J1�.4,...4%.1_4 I 6, CHINESE COMMUNISTS MOVE JET BOMBERS INTO SOUTHEAST CHINA Comment on: Three and possibly nine IL-28 jet light bomoers of a Chinese Commu- nist air division based at Nanking on 18 June flew from their home base to Nanchang, a jet fighter base about 300 wiles northwest of Amoy. This move possibly presages transfer of the entire division of about 60 jet light bombers to FLIGHT OF 11-28'S INTO SOUTHEAST CHINA 18 JUNE 1957 Haut. " 50 100 130 Statute Miles Miles HUNAN 26 �CHANGSHA NANCHANG 118 120 Tfi- '1 KlANGSU NANKNG 32 S. �5 SHANGHAI � � N HW El r\ r _ HANGCHOW� r NINGPO � th1IANO )t" CHI:PHSIEN � � i f � ( 4, / ( , I IIENG YANG) 1 47 i i K I 4iN G S I / , ) i 1/ FUKIEN POSSIBLp' DESTINATION ki$iN'Clita2,, /- 24 SS KWANGTUNG 6 CAN TON � CHINHUA CHEKIANG WENCHOW� � CHIENOU FOOCHOW � AMOY QUEMOY ' PENGHU � SWATOW MATSUS Hong Kong 22 (GB.)am.. (Port.) 114 116 Ill 40 3 TACHENS 28 26 *TAIPEI 21 JUNE 1957 70621 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin 28 22 12,2 Page 8 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424 11...CA.,11C I �11111�� the recently completed Hsincheng airfield, located about 225 miles north of Hong Kong and 250 miles west of Amoy, IL-28's based at Hsincheng would be in position to range over the s of the South China Sea as well as Taiwan. 22 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150424