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June 14, 1957
Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 CO3150423 '341t.E11 ',Z./7W/ 1 #1(4 14 June 1957 CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN Copy No. DOCUMENT NO. NO CHANGE IN CLASS. DEC 51-L CLASS. CHANGED TO. TS S C NEXT REVIEW DATE: AUTH: 2 DATE: OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY TOP SE�12-EP Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 LJ1 CONTENTS 1, SYRIAN PRESIDENT WEIGHS RESIGNATION (page 3). 1$) 0 2. SAUD SEEKS BAN ON ISRAELI SHIPPING IN GULF OF AQABA (page 4). iJ 3. SUDANESE ACT TO BLOCK EGYPTIAN PLOTTING (Top (page 5)n 4. six SOVIET WARSHIPS ENTER MEDITERRANEAN (page 6). v._ 5. KHRUSHCHEV CRITICIZES DISARMAMENT INSPECTION ZONE FOR ARCTIC (page 7). 6. SOVIET AMBASSADOR IN PRAGUE SHOCKED BY ANTI- SOVIET FEELING page 9). 7. PEIPING'S LETTER-WRIT1NG CAMPAIGN AIMED AT TAIWAN DEFECTIONS (page 10) FA 0, 8. GREEK-CYPRIOT LEADER EXPECTS NO VIOLENCE ON CYPRUS PRIOR TO OPENING OF UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY ge 11). ANNEX--Conclusions of the Watch Report of the Intelligence Advisory Committee (page 12). 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 1. SYRIAN PRESIDENT WEIGHS RESIGNATION Comment President Quwatli has previously threat- ened to resign. Since his position has be- come increasingly untenable, he may now actually do so un- less he receives strong backing from either Nasr or King Saud. It is likely that Nasr will do little more than urge Quwatli to make accommodations with the left. There are indications meanwhile that Quwatli has been in contact with Saud and that the king will support him and antileftist forces in Syria. Such support would forestall Quwatli's resignation, as well as induce Syrian moderates to force a showdown with the leftists. Rumors of a showdown are again appearing. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 Approved for for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 oluJIL../ L124 +eV 2. SAUD SEEKS BAN ON ISRAELI SHIPPING IN GULF OF AQABA Comment on: In audience with Ambassador Wadsworth before departing for Jordan, King Saud voiced strong opposition to the presence of Israeli shipping in the Gulf of Aqaba. Saud asserted that United States support of Israeli use of the Gulf of Aqaba weak- ened his position and defeated his effort to try to line up the Arabs behind the es, e urged that the United States assist in forc- ing Israel to return to the status quo ante, when there was no passage through the gulf except with Egypt's permission, and when Israel had no warships there. Saud indicated that he would call a confer- ence of Moslem states to consider the problem posed by the presence of Israeli vessels in the gulf, astride a historical route of pilgrims to Mecca. It would be necessary to convene such a conference soon since the arma,a1 iilgrimage season be- gins at the end of June. Saud also intimated that he would have to close Saudi Arabia to pilgrims because he could not take re- sponsibility for their safety. He claimed that they would be in jeopardy, whether traveling via the Gulf of Aqaba or by other routes, until the gulf question was settled. To draw world attention to this issue, Saud and King Hussain issued on 12 June a warning against use of the gulf route by pilgrims "because of the instability of the area." This warning has had its principal effect in Syria, where several thousand pilgrims bound for Aqaba have been forced to halt their departure. The left-wing Syrian press has attacked Saud and Hussain for causing economic loss to the pilgrims and denounced the travel ban as a hostile act. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12%04 C03150423 3. SUDANESE ACT TO BLOCK EGYPTIAN PLOTTING An Egyptian-backed attempt at a "military coup" in the Sudan has been uncovered by the Sudanese government, The government is reportedly in control of the situation and has made one arrest with a number of others expected to follow. � Comment Subversive activity aimed at extending Egyptian influence in the Sudan has been a consistent policy of the Naar regime, and the weakness of the coalition government in Khartoum may have led some ele- ments to attempt to recruit for a subversive effort. Major Salim, persona non grata in the Sudan because of his past in- volvement in affairs of a like nature, was recently reported to have been refused permission for an entry visa. Kibaida has also been reported involved in such conspiracies in the past. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 TOP SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 t_AfINF 11.1.1Ca N 4. SIX SOVIET WARSHIPS ENTER MEDITERRANEAN American naval sources report that the USSR has notified the Turkish govern- ment that six Soviet warships will leave the Black Sea via the Turkish Straits. One Sverdlov-class cruiser and two des- troyer escorts will go through the straits on 20 June, and three destroyers will follow on 21 June. The stated purpose of the movement is "navigational training:' No date of return to the Black Sea was specified. Comment Scheduling the movement on two succes- sive days complies with the Montreux Convention, which provides that a capital ship may be ac- companied by no more than two destroyers. Three Soviet submarines and one minesweeper are already en route to the eastern Mediterranean, having passed through the Straits of Gibraltar on 9 June. These naval units may rendezvous to con- duct maneuvers in the Mediterranean or possibly make good- will visits. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 -CONFIDENTIAL Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 -.mow 5.. KHRUSHCHEV CRITICIZES DISARMAMENT INSPECTION ZONE FOR ARCTIC Comment on: Khrushchev described aerial inspection in the Arctic regions as "ridiculous" in his Helsinki press conference on 13 June. One of the consistent objectives of Soviet disarmament policy over the past two years has been to dem- onstrate that the West has failed to respond to Soviet conces- sions. Khrushchev's public attack on the US position on aerial inspection is the first indication that the Soviet leaders con- sider that in view of the current status of the London talks, the time has come to abandon previous restraint and publicize for propaganda purposes the conflicting East-West positions on the critical issues of nuclear tests and a European inspec- tion zone. His statements appear to support other re- cent indications that the USSR will reject any Western proposals which do not provide for a European inspection zone. In his television interview on 2 June, Khrushchev stated that the USSR would agree to aerial inspection only "on definite reciprocal terms" such as those outlined in the Soviet proposals of 30 April. These proposals called for aerial inspection zones in Europe and in "approximately equal" areas of the United States and the USSR. The Soviet leaders appear to believe that Western European, particularly West German, opposition to a European inspection zone will enable them to renew earlier charges that the Western powers, especially the United States, have again abandoned their own proposals after the USSR has ac- cepted them. This line of attack was foreshadowed in Soviet del- egate Zorin's memorandum of 7 June to the United States delegate which noted the "negative attitude" of the United States toward Moscow's aerial inspection proposals and stated that "a solution should be sought, not in rejecting or narrowing aerial control, but rather in its expansion." On the question of stopping nuclear tests, Khrushchev said that the Soviet government would agree to the 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 7 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 establishment of inspection posts in the USSR, the United States, Britain, and "other countries" if this would facil- itate a test ban. This is the first public statement of the concession in Zorints 7 June memorandum which represents the abandonment of Moscow's previous position, that no in- spection is necessary to enforce a cessation of nuclear tests. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 8 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 � �..1 A A I r")..L1 4.1 � A-A NJ A 6. SOVIET AMBASSADOR IN PRAGUE SHOCKED BY ANTI-SOVIET FEELING According to French embassy sources, Soviet ambassador Grishin in Prague, shocked by anti-Soviet feeling he has en- countered in Czechoslovakia, has urged the leaders of the Czech regime to de- emphasize adulation of the Soviet Union. He has recommended the removal of such symbols as Soviet flags and a reduction in the frequency with which the Soviet national anthem is played at public gatherings. Grishin reportedly experienced a rude awak- ening on 1 June at the finals of the European boxing champion- ships when Soviet victories were greeted with scornful whistles. Representatives from all other countries, including the German Federal Republic, were clearly favored over their Soviet oppo- nents. Anti-Soviet sentiment has also been demonstrated recent- ly in the virtually complete boycott of the Soviet theater group in Prague. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 9 -FeR"-eFf-fel-A-L-15-SE-0NL-31- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 %L.A.,/ TA 1ILII2dil I. 1211-4 7. PEIPING'S LETTER-WRITING CAMPAIGN AIMED AT TAIWAN DEFECTIONS Peiping is attempting to induce defec- tions from Taiwan through a letter writing campaign. Most of these letters dre froth relatives on the mainland and are of a personal na- ture. In at least two cases, university graduates were urged to return home where their "special skills" are needed. The letters are usually mailed from the mainland to Hong Kong and then forwarded to Taiwan. Comment A year ago it was reported that letters to individuals on Taiwan from friends and relatives on the mainland were arriving at a rate of 500 per month. In February 1957, members of the Chinese Com- munist Youth League were exhorted to step up a campaign to send letters to officials on Taiwan and induce "discussion and acceptance of peaceful liberation." Peiping uses a similar personal approach in radio broadcasts addressed to individual Nationalist officials. Few defections have resulted from such approaches, but the Nationalists have admitted that mainland-born Chinese on Tai- wan are potentially vulnerable to these patriotic appeals. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 10 -C-ONF4DENTI24. Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 8. GREEK-CYPRIOT LEADER EXPECTS NO VIOLENCE ON CYPRUS PRIOR TO OPENING OF UN GENERAL ASSEMBLY Mayor Dervis of Nicosia, the principal lay leader of the movement for the union of Cyprus with Greece, told the American consul on 11 June that he did not believe the underground EOKA would resume violence on the island prior to the convening of the UN General Assembly next September. Der-, vis added, however, that he is pessimistic concerning the continuance of peace on Cyprus if the assembly takes no action on the issue or if the British use the "same de- laying tactics they have used since the last UN resolution." The consul remarks that Dervis2 statements confirm the belief re� cently expressed by a British official on Cyprus that the Greek Cypriots are now "hopelessly estranged" from Britain. Greek prime minister Karamanlis told Am- bassador Allen on 12 June that he "had no choice" but to bring the Cyprus issue again to the General Assembly. Comment EOKA plans soon to resume an anti-Britisn campaign oi violence. However, both Athens and the Greek-Cypriot leadership appear to believe that such a course would damage their cause at the UN; they apparently also believe that the lack of progress toward a Cyprus solution since the UN resolution of last February en- hances the prospects of a more favorable UN decision this fall. 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page :1.1 SECRET Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423 tyi incarl.r. ANNEX Watch Report 358, 12 June 1957 of the Intelligence Advisory Committee Conclusions on Indications of Hostilities On the basis of findings by its Watch Committee, the Intelligence Advisory Committee concludes that: A. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostili- ties against the continental US or its possessions in the immediate future. B. No Sino-Soviet bloc country intends to initiate hostili- ties against US forces abroad, US allies or areas periph- eral to the Orbit in the immediate future. C. Early deliberate initiation of hostilities by Israel or the Arab states is not probable. Although tensions continue between the Arab states and Israel and among certain Arab states themselves, these are not likely to lead to serious conflict in the immediate future, 14 June 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 12 '111 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150423