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May 4, 1957
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Approved for Releas20 e: 19/ CO3150419 frz,�:00, 12/04ze" CURRENT INTELLIGENCE BULLETIN 3.3(h)(2) 4 May 1957 3.5(c) I 3 Copy No0 ooMMEN rlo. _ CI _. T -------------- NO cNGE. N cLp,ss. x cua.-i. ci-kolGeo 1"0-. 'TS 0 DE-.61.1\SCAD S C 1�15A1" RENIUN 0 KTE: AISTIA: R 70-2 EVIENNER: DAT OFFICE OF CURRENT INTELLIGENCE CENTRAL INTELLIGENCE AGENCY Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 OApproved for Release: 2019/12/04 C0315041-9) c1 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 IL ILI Nue CONTENTS NI I UA CLAIMS RECAPTURE OF BORDER TOWN FROM HONDURANS (page 3). 02. GREEK PRIME MINISTER AND MAICARIOS MAY REACH COMPROMISE (page 4). '�\ 3. URUGUAY SEEN SEEKING DIPLOMATIC RAPPROCHEMENT WITH COMMUNIST CHINA (page 5). JORDAN REPORTED CALIv page 6). 4 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 2 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 .....4151 I Al-FA-LL I -IL JILL-1.1.J Nine NI11111 1. NICARAGUA CLAIMS RECAPTURE OF BORDER TOWN FROM HONDURANS Patriotic fervor is running high in Nic- aragua, and President Somoza proclaimed before a cheering crowd late on 2 May that Nicaraguan troops had recaptured the bor- der town of Mocoron from the Honduran force which had seized it the day before. The American army attach�n Managua believes that both President Somoza, and his brother, chief of the armed forces General Anastasio Somoza, are determined to "settle forever" the dispute with Honduras. In case of further Honduran attacks, they plan an all-out air strike on Honduran air bases followed by a ground invasion. They are confident of victory, and 2,000 troops have already taken up positions on the border near where the Inter-American Highw y crosses into Honduras. Ambassador Whelan notes that numerous groups in Nicaragua, even some political opponents of the regime, are united, with apparent government backing, in rapidly developing public support for a major military effort. Unless further provoked by Honduras, how- ever, Nicaragua will probably confine its military action to ejecting any Honduran troops still found in that portion of the disputed area which Nicaragua claims as indisputably its own. The special fact-finding committee named by the council of the Organization of American States after an emer- gency session on 2 May is due to arrive in Honduras on 4 May. 4 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 3 -CONFIDENTIAL- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 leare 2. GREEK PRIME MINISTER AND MAKARIOS MAY REACH COMPROMISE Greek prime minister Karamanlis and foreign minister Averoff now seem to have reason to believe that Archbishop Makarios will relax his insistence on enosis at this time in favor of independence for Cyprus, af- ter a transitional period of self-government under Britain. Karamanlis presumably has abandoned his recent intention to call new elections in September if his government and Archbishop Makarios failed to agree on a moderate joint policy regarding Cyprus. In spite of its recent insistence on parti- tion of Cyprus, Turkey may eventually accept a compromise such as Karamanlis and Makarios may be concluding, pro- vided that treaty guarantees against enosis are included. How- ever, the Turks will remain suspicious of Greek intentions, and Averoff recently told the Turkish ambassador that any new crisis in Greek-Turkish relations would result in a diplomatic break. 4 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 4 -SECRET-- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 Nome Nu, 3. URUGUAY SEEN SEEKING DIPLOMATIC RAPPROCHEMENT WITH COMMUNIST CHINA The visit to Uruguay of a Chinese Commu- nist trade mission, scheduled to arrive soon, may be a step toward the establish- ment of diplomatic relations between Monte- The Chinese mission is expected to deal directly with the Uruguayan national bank and reportedly hopes to sign a payments agreement before 15 May. Comment Uruguay's most influential politician, for- mer president Luis Baffle Berres, re- sponded to Chinese Communist overtures in early 1956 by say- ing that the announced assignment of a trade representative to Peiping could be a step toward exchanging ambassadors. He said US trade policies were driving Latin American countries into closer relations with the bloc. Although Uruguay is re- strained to some extent by the unwillingness of other hem- isphere countries to recognize Communist China, intensified dissatisfaction in Montevideo with trade and financial relations with the US could prompt a revival of this attitude. Uruguay's pride in its traditional political and economic independence was demonstrated by the announce- ment on 3 May that asylum in Montevideo has been granted ex- president Arbenz of Guatemala, who has lived in Europe since his pro-Communist government was deposed in 1954. 4 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 5 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419 ioinuit.u. 4. JORDAN REPORTED CALM Reference: tmosphere has been prevail- ing in Amman because of the festivities marking the end of Ramadan. The cur- few has been relaxed. Deputy Prime Minister Rifai told Ambassador Mallory on 2 May that the government planned to round up a number of Communists in two villages in West Jordan. Rifai stated that Saudi Arabia had de- posited to Jordan's account the equivalent of $7,000,000; no payments had been received from Egypt or Syria, and Rifai said "none are expected!' The deputy prime minister has indicated serious concern over the maneuvers of Israeli naval craft in the Gulf of Aqaba. Rifai claims that Israeli vessels recently entered Jordanian and Saudi territorial waters, and warned that if they did so again he "could not foretell the result!' 4 May 57 Current Intelligence Bulletin Page 6 CRE-T- Approved for Release: 2019/12/04 C03150419